That's what we do with silver

Chapter 22 4 of them are surrounded by me!

Chapter 22 The four of them are surrounded by me!
In the game.

One minute before, the four of Snake were still aggressively trying to attack the high ground in the middle of IG.

After less than a minute, Snake went down to the high ground and the first tower in the middle, but they were broken one after another.

At this point in the early 10 minutes of the game time, the overall rhythm of the two sides is full of twists and turns, ups and downs.

The rhythm of this series directly caused the audience to exclaim in surprise, their mood fluctuated, and the effect of the program was instantly full.

And at this moment, as the person involved in the big rhythm just now, Zhao Yun is also in a very happy mood.

Because after returning home this time, he finally bought the barbarian king's soul equipment.

Infinity Blade!

There is a famous quote from League of Legends designers.

Hold the electric knife endlessly in your hand, two knives make a child!

In Zhao Yun's heart, only the barbarian who has truly created endless barbarians is qualified to be called the "Three Barbarians"!
As soon as the three-piece set of electric knife endless attack speed shoes came out, and compared with Gnar's rags on the opposite side, Zhao Yun suddenly felt that the whole person became extremely confident, and even his tense body instantly became very tense. Relax.

If the referee allowed him to stand up and take two steps at this time, Zhao Yun had no doubt that he would be windy when he walked.

Even, in such a state, when he walked out of the spring, for the first time, he remembered to buy a real eye to put on his body.

That's right, it may be a bit outrageous to say it, but from the beginning to now, this is indeed the first real eye that Zhao Yun bought in this game.

There is no way, I have been playing too focused and nervous before, so I just forgot about this.

But now, as soon as he relaxed his mind, Zhao Yun immediately felt that his thoughts became clearer.

Relaxed, sober, the long-lost game consciousness finally regained the high ground again.

It seemed as if he had returned to the days when he used the barbarian king to guide the country in Baiyin.

Pressing Tab casually to open the matchup information, Zhao Yun's self-confidence swelled when he saw the level and equipment of himself, the Barbarian King, leading the audience.

"Brothers, I am invincible."

"I'll take it down, you guys hit the middle, we'll win if we split up, okay?"

Although Zhao Yun opened his mouth to ask questions, when he spoke, he was already controlling the barbarian king and continued to run down the road.

I don’t need to take it on the road, that place is too close to Dalong, and if I get caught, there will be big troubles. Anyway, it’s all about containment. Even Zhao Yun knows that there is no need to take this risk at this time.

And several teammates, seeing this scene, naturally could only send out the same response.


In this way, the king of barbarians went down to lead the line, and the other four pushed forward in the middle to put pressure on them. The five people on IG's side once again started to lead four by one.

Immediately, the two lines of soldiers in the middle and bottom pushed together. IG's side seized the view of the Dalong River, and Snake's field of vision was quickly compressed. Facing a large black small map outside, the five Snakes felt a lot of pressure.

Among them, the one with the greatest pressure is none other than Saint Gun.

His current Gnar development was not very good at first, and he was afraid of being hacked by the barbarian king before, but now when he went out, he saw that the barbarian king at level [-] had an electric knife with endless attack speed shoes.

He also looked at his twelfth-level Gnar, who only had cloth armor shoes and two small cloth armors on him. Such a huge equipment gap made him swallow a mouthful of saliva.

'Fortunately, you don't have to go out to guard the high ground, otherwise you don't know how to live. '

With the last trace of rejoicing, at this moment, Brother Holy Gun was very grateful to his front teeth twin towers, and the meager sense of security brought to him by his four teammates.

But soon, this sense of security began to waver.

Because he found that the barbarian king on the opposite side seemed to be taking the line too much.

When other people play four-one single belt, at most they bring it to the front of the high ground and leave, but the barbarian king in front of him actually brought his troops to the high ground and didn't leave?
For a moment, everyone in Sanke looked at the barbarian king swaying on their own high ground, and then glanced at other IG members. When they found that there were three IG members pushing the tower in the field of vision, Snake and the others immediately became angry.

"What's the matter with this barbarian?"

"Go to the high ground alone, don't treat your brothers as human beings, right?"

"This B is too arrogant!"

"Does he still want to hit five?"


For a moment, Snake and the others couldn't help frowning, feeling a little irritated in their hearts.

And at this moment, Brother Saint Gun, who was closest to the barbarian king, saw that the barbarian king in front was standing next to the crystal wreckage in the bottom lane, and actually made an unexpected move towards his Gnar.

There was an expression on his head!
Mumu Cry · jpg (picture)
You know, at this stage of the LPL, the overall atmosphere is still relatively conservative, because they are afraid of being sprayed, so almost 90.00% of the players are afraid to show their expressions and make moves in the game.

Therefore, it is rare to see a contestant with such a bright expression in the game, the effect of the program and the strength of the ridicule brought by it are directly full of effect.

After being tortured and endured for a whole round, Brother Saint Gun, who thought he could still resist the pressure, became angry the moment he saw this expression.

How can he bear this?
"Brothers, he is delivering, get him!"

At the same time, Holy Gun took the lead, and the half-angry Gnar rushed forward and started to keep people.

And upon hearing this, Snake and the others who were not far away, except for the clockwork clearing the line in the second tower, the other four immediately approached.

On the front is Gnar, on the left are Ashe and Pig Girl, and Bron is coming around from outside the highland wall.

All of a sudden, from the perspective of God, the barbarian king was surrounded by four people.

Seeing this scene, backstage in the ig lounge, coach MAFA was in a hurry and couldn't help but speak.

"Ah, the barbarian king is the fattest point in the whole game. Slowly lead the line to contain him and win. How can he be brought to such a position? It's too dangerous. If he loses it, he may be overturned!!"

"Ah Yun, you brat!! Why does he want to kill people all the time? What is he doing, Smecta!!"

He was so anxious that he was not very fluent in Chinese, and even added the suffix modal particles of his mother tongue.

Su Xiaoluo next to her was also nervous, staring at the live broadcast screen.

As for the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan's voice became even more excited when he saw this scene.

"Here we come! On the Snake Heights, the barbarian king's line is a bit aggressive and out of touch. The four of Snake directly surrounded him. There are people in all directions. This wave of barbarian kings feels dangerous!"

"However, he has a flash sprint. If he runs directly now, the possibility of escape is very high."

"Here, the barbarian king has moved!"

"But his direction is wrong, he doesn't seem to want to retreat!"

"He sprinted and ran directly towards Ashe! This barbarian king doesn't want to run, he wants to kill!"

"The speed is so fast! It's called a chicken! It's slowed down! Ashe is going to be caught up!"

"Pig girl kicked out to protect Ashe! The barbarian king was slowed down a bit, so he stopped chasing Ashe and chopped pig girl back!"

"One slash, two slashes! Oh my god, what kind of damage is it? The two slashes of pig sister are directly half blooded. She can't stand the damage at all, and she is forced to hand over her ultimate move!"

"Aixi's output is crazy, but the damage is very average after being reduced in attack power. Instead, the barbarian king has another knife, and the pig girl is directly disabled!"

"Ash also made a big move! But the short-range control time is limited, it doesn't seem to be very useful!"

"It's over, sister pig seems to be dying!"

"The barbarian king made another stab, he forced Ashe to output output and hacked to death Pig girl! Then half-blood directly activated the ultimate move, wanting to kill Ashe together!"

"At this time, Big Gnar enters the field from the side!"

"Flash and shoot!"

"It's over, the shot is empty! The barbarian king dodged Gnar's flash shot with a flash! At the same time, he flashed a knife! My God, Ashe's health bar, Ashe's health bar disappeared! With a knife, Ashe was directly chopped out Blink and escape to the Highland Tower!"

"But it doesn't seem to be of any use! The barbarian king's E skill turned around and took another knife, taking Ashe's head!"

"It's over, it's over, the barbarian king hit his wife too hard, who can withstand the harm!"

"One of the four bags was not covered, but two were hacked to death first! Snake has a big problem this time!"

"Bron went around in a circle on the side and finally arrived. He slowed down the barbarian king, and the clockwork has arrived. The barbarian king's big move will end soon, and he should not be able to run!"

"But in the last two seconds of the big move, the barbarian king turned his head and wanted to cut the mainspring, forcing the mainspring to be pulled back!"

"Morgana is here!"

"Morgana flashed a Q to stabilize the Clockwork Demon, and Rookie's set of skills exploded in damage, and the clockwork was bloodied instantly, and was taken away by Verus with an arrow!"

"At the same time, the barbarian king finally reached his limit, and the anti-tower died under the highland tower!"

"But on the front, there are only two people left in Snake, this wave might be a wave!"

"Here it comes! The enchantress flashes W and connects the chain to Gnar, and the excavator keeps up with the output, it's a second!"

"One for four! Snake only has one support left! We need a wave!"


In the screen, the IG people who came to support afterward directly announced to take over the battlefield, chased Gnar and Bron to death continuously, and directly beat Snake out of the group.

Then, he directly crossed the high ground tower in the middle of Snake, and with the help of the super pawn line in the bottom lane, he pushed off the front teeth and the main crystal in a wave, and ended the game.


The crystal explosion sounded.

"Win! It's a wave!"

"Let us congratulate IG for winning the game and successfully pulling back a game!"

On the game screen, the game time is fixed at 23 minutes and 33 seconds.

This wave of team battles happened too quickly and ended too quickly, caught off guard, many viewers were not even able to react for a while.

After a moment of recovery, there was an instant burst of enthusiastic cheers in the stadium.

And Guan Zeyuan, the commentator on the commentary stage, said excitedly with a blushing face.

"It turns out that we all misunderstood just now. How could it be that four people surrounded the barbarian king?"

"It's him alone, surrounded by four people on the opposite side!"

"This barbarian king, bull!"

(End of this chapter)

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