That's what we do with silver

Chapter 23 Last time I saw you Gnar played well, just Gnar

Chapter 23 Last time I saw you Gnar played well, just Gnar
game over!

Seeing the moment when the opponent's base crystal exploded on the screen, Zhao Yun immediately took off his earphones and stood up excitedly.


At this moment, coupled with the warm cheers from the audience in the arena, Zhao Yun suddenly felt a heart-piercing sourness, from the tailbone straight to the sky.

Is this what it feels like to win a game!

How cool!

All of a sudden, not only him, but also the other four people from IG also smiled and stood up excitedly.

"Wuhu, win!"

"23 minutes haha, it's great to win this game!"

"Comfortable and comfortable."

"One to one, brothers! Bring back the game!"


Several people stood up one after another, and walked towards the backstage lounge with their shoulders crossed while talking.

While walking, Ning also directly reached out and hooked Zhao Yun's shoulder, laughing.

"Damn it, the last wave was really handsome, brother Yunzi, he hacked two of them to death in one hit, awesome!"

Zhao Yun also habitually smiled modestly when he heard this.

"Haha, it's okay, everyone is very good."

Everyone laughed and walked back to the lounge.

At this time, the MVP of this game was also released on the large live screen of the stadium.

【MVP of this game】

[ID: IG, Lancer]

[Using Hero: Barbarian King]

[KDA: 5-4-8]

[Counterpoint economic difference: 5439]

On the big screen, in addition to the MVP data, Zhao Yun's makeup photo of Zhao Yun wearing the IG black team uniform was also released together.

The gentle temperament, sunny smile, and that handsome face immediately made countless female fans feel bright.

"Wow, the camera was too fast to see clearly just now, and now I look at the photo, this little brother is really handsome!"

"Look carefully, it looks like Yan Yikuan!"

"It's broken, no wonder it's called Lancer, it's a bit like the gunman in the anime."

"If you grow up like this, don't you want to make a career?"

"Buddha, a group of Yangou, can you pay attention to other people's record and performance!"

"The barbarian king only killed five in this round? Why do I feel like he's killing people the whole time?"

"Although only five people were killed, three were single kills, and the last two were 1v4 force kills. Each head is full of gold!"

"MVP deserves its name!"

"It's reasonable."

"The barbarian king! He guarded this house!"

"This round of the barbarian king is really cool for me. Brothers, I will start a round right now. Is there anyone to join me?"


At this moment, almost everyone is not at all surprised by the ownership of this MVP.

In the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan and Rita are also accustomed to summing up the last game in the middle of the game.

Guan Zeyuan: "One thing to say, one thing to say, this round really has nothing to say to be honest, it can be summed up in one sentence, the barbarian king carried the whole game strongly!
From the initial online solo kill, to the three-on-four perfect team battle on the top lane, and then to the bottom lane solo leading the way to the high ground, until the final passionate 1v4 hacked two people to start the team battle, and successfully waited until the teammate entered the field The harvesting group killed five people from Snake.

The key rhythm of each wave of IG is almost all related to the barbarian king. This MVP is really well-deserved. "

Rita nodded too.

"Indeed, and the most important thing is that Lancer is still a rookie. He played so well in the first game of the LPL for the first time. The top lane Barbarian, not only played many solo kills, but also led the team to carry the game completely, which is really a very rare thing."

"Now the score is tied one to one. I don't know what kind of surprise Lancer will bring us in the next game. To be honest, I'm already looking forward to it."

The two commentators talked to each other, and the tone directly directed at Zhao Yun's performance was a burst of bragging.


At the same time, in the backstage lounge on IG's side.

"Very good, everyone played very well in the last game, and we will continue to work hard in the next game. Let's fight for today and directly end our four-game losing streak!"

Su Xiaoluo laughed, and patted the shoulders of several team members twice, apparently in a good mood.

Then, especially when patting Zhao Yun's shoulder, he used extra force.

"Good boy, I'll just say you can do it. The barbarian king is so good at playing. It's really cool to watch you chop people in the background, haha."

Zhao Yun chuckled, and replied modestly, 'It's okay'.

Beside him, the coach Mafa, who has always been calm and rigorous, also had a smile on his face at this time.

"OK, time is limited now, let's directly start the tactical layout of the next game."

Holding a notebook in his hand, he looked around at the players around him, and the first sentence he spoke made Zhao Yun stunned.

"If there is no accident, they will probably directly ban our Barbarian King who played very well in the next round, so the next round..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhao Yun's heart skipped a beat.

It is possible to ban the barbarian king?

No way, I only have a little confidence in this hero, what am I going to play if I am banned by the barbarian king?
For a moment, Zhao Yun suddenly panicked.

He knew very well in his heart that the reason why he was able to win or even kill Letme and Saint Gun with the Barbarian King was because he liked to play this hero himself and knew how to win the game with this hero. The reason is that his 'strong luck' can greatly increase the strength of the hero, the barbarian king.

But without the barbarian king, what should I do?
If you really want to be purely laning, he is a silver boy, how can he rely on to fight the holy gun brother who has long been the peak king!

Ranking can be based on luck, teammate explosion and opponent's illness. How could such a thing happen in this game?

It's over, it's over, it's over, maybe it will really show its true colors on the field.

"No, no, think about it, think about it, think about it, think about it, besides the barbarian king, what kind of heroes do I have that I'm a little better at..."

For a moment, Zhao Yun's mind was in a state of confusion, and his mind wandered away.

The little bit of self-confidence and swell that had been gained after winning the game in the last game, all dissipated at this moment, his mind was full of random thoughts, and he didn't even listen to what the coach and teammates were saying next to him. , I knew that Fang Na followed the other teammates to "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" to frantically agree.

Before you know it, the rest time is over and the next game will start immediately.

Zhao Yun was also in a daze, distracted, and followed his teammates back to the competition seats on the stage.

After sitting on the chair, he suddenly came back to his senses.

After a long time of distraction and pondering, he screened his hero pool for a long time, and finally, he thought that besides the barbarian king, the hero he is best at should be...

Laughing dead, not at all, can't think of one.

Zhao Yun just felt like crying but no tears.

The strongest thought in his mind at this moment is.

"Brother on the other side, please save face, don't ban the barbarian king, don't ban the barbarian king, don't ban the barbarian king, don't ban the barbarian king..."

Zhao Yun prayed frantically in his heart.

However, when the BP started, the first-hand ban of the opposing Snake team instantly stunned him.

The barbarian king has been banned.

Seeing the familiar head portrait of the barbarian king and being directly banned by the opposite side, Zhao Yun felt a deep sense of despair in his heart.



Zhao Yun was shocked on the spot, his face turned pale, his hands trembled and he even tapped on the empty ban when he was banning someone, he hurriedly recovered when he heard the reminder from his teammates, and banned people again.

Confused, the BP on both sides ended soon.

In the last round, Snake took the initiative to choose the blue side. In this round, IG has the right to choose the side and continue to choose the red side.

"Brother Yunzi, it's time for you to choose, what top order do you want to play?"

Baolan's voice in his ear brought Zhao Yun, who was distracted, back to reality.

Only then did he realize that everyone's heroes were almost selected.

The blue Fang Snake, Luxia and Niutou in the bottom, the prince in the jungle, Victor in the middle, and Big Chongzi in the top lane.

The red Fang IG, Dazuihe Luo in the bottom lane, Qinggangying in the wild, and Galio in the mid laner, only his last move on the road has not yet been determined.

At this time, Baolan on the fifth floor was in charge of the final selection and was questioning Zhao Yun.

In this regard, Zhao Yun continued to ask as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Huh? What hero do I play?"

Hearing this, Coach Mafa gave him a strange look and continued.

"That's right, as we said before, since you are good at solo heroes in the top lane, you should continue to take such heroes in this top lane. Now there are Gnar, Jax, Kennen, and Kled outside. , the big bug is on the opposite side, you just choose a hero you feel confident in playing."

"How do you say, which one do you think is more confident and better at fighting big bugs?"

Hearing the names of these heroes, Zhao Yun was stunned, not knowing which one to choose.

Which is more confident?
I have no confidence in any of them!

Zhao Yun felt guilty for a while, but when he said the words, he became.

"Uh... I feel that they are almost the same, there is no difference."

Hearing this sentence, Ning immediately laughed.

"Haha, brother Yunzi is a sea of ​​heroes. It means that it doesn't matter which one you choose, and you can all be C. Brothers have to lie down again in this round."

When Ning said this, his teammates laughed, only Zhao Yun himself did not laugh.

Not only could he not laugh, he even wanted to cry a little.

However, others don't know his true feelings, everyone just thinks that he is confident and full of confidence.

So coach Mafa also nodded after hearing this sentence.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's play Gnar. I saw you playing very well in the training room last time, so just choose this."

Zhao Yun nodded subconsciously.

"Well, then Gnar."

At least this hero's skills are simple, no matter how you say it, it is impossible to be killed by the big bug alone.

With such thoughts in mind, Zhao Yun bit the bullet and agreed with Mafa's decision.

After Baolan was confirmed, he also directly confirmed the hero on the fifth floor.

Lost Tooth, Gnar.

"Gnar! Quack!"

Gnar's voice lines resounded through the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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