That's what we do with silver

Chapter 25 Let the darts fly for a while

Chapter 25 Let the darts fly a little longer
For a moment, thoughts flashed through Brother Holy Gun's mind.

These days, everyone who can reach the high-scoring leader of the Rank, regardless of their personality, must have a more flexible mind.

At least in terms of game ideas, people who are slow to respond will definitely not get a big score.

Because in the high-end game, everyone's operations are not much different. At this time, the mutual restraint of the hero pool, as well as various psychological games and intrigues in the line, are the things that can best reflect the gap in strength.

Therefore, in this environment, every professional player who can stand out on the field, regardless of the field performance, they must first have experienced all kinds of demons and ghosts in Rank.

In the competition, the level of these abilities is an important criterion for judging the strength of a player.

And Brother Holy Gun is one of the typical ones with a more active mind among the top laners.

Even because he always made some unexpected moves, he was once given the title of "top laner".

But now, the disastrous defeat in the last round was attributed to his underestimation of the opponent and his thinking of the opponent too simply.

Therefore, in this round, with such a cautious attitude, seeing Zhao Yun's Gnar behaving abnormally, his first reaction was to be vigilant.

"When you go online, you push the line without thinking. Knowing that our prince is in the upper half, you dare to press the line. Even with real eyes on your body, you deliberately don't insert it. You push the line with all your strength, and even miss it in a hurry. "

"What is he trying to do in such a hurry to push the line and grab the line right?"

Brother Holy Gun frowned slightly, thinking of two possibilities.

"Either I called the jungler to prepare for the third level to forcibly jump my tower, or I pushed the line and prepared to invade our jungle with the jungler."

Thinking of this, Saint Gun's heart shuddered.

The third level directly comes to the tower of a big bug!

It may be impossible for others to take such a risky thing, but after going through the last round, the holy gun brother at this moment is very convinced that if it is really the two Uenos of IG, then they are real Can do such a thing!

After all, in the last round, his Gnar was single-killed by the barbarian king at the first level, and then immediately killed by the barbarian king's excavator brainlessly jumping over the tower at the second level, he still vividly remembers it until now.

"The two guys from IG Ueno, it's really a bit inappropriate to play games!"

Thinking of this, Saint Gun suddenly panicked.

"No, this round must not repeat the same mistakes."

As soon as he thought of this, Brother Saint Gun immediately called his jungler Sofm in the team voice.

"Brothers, there is something wrong with Gnar, you have to help me take a look at me."

Sofm was taken aback when he heard that.

"Ah? What do you mean, what's wrong with Gnar?"

San Gun's tone became serious.

"This Gnar has been pushing the line without thinking. He gathered a large wave of soldiers and immediately entered the tower. I suspect that their junglers will come to the tower to kill me."

Sofm switched angles to look at the pawn line on the road, and immediately saw Gnar's abnormal behavior.

"It seems very possible. If he presses the line at this position, then I will go directly from the river to help you catch a wave?"

Brother Saint Gun heard this, but immediately replied loudly.

"Don't! Don't, don't! Brother, don't!"

Brother Holy Gun quickly put a danger mark on the grass in the river.

"You can't come here in this wave. I'm under the tower. I can still struggle and wait for you to support them when they jump over the tower. But if they are junglers squatting on you on the road, Gnar can go and I can't go at all. If you die, it will really blow up." gone."

Brother Holy Gun's answer immediately made Sofm a little confused.

"I can't catch it, and I can't not catch it, so how do you want me to help you, brother?"

Hearing this, Brother Holy Gun pondered for a second, took a quick look at the situation on the field, and then immediately spoke.

"You don't need to catch this wave, just give me an eye here."

He marked the location of the triangle grass on the top road.

Sofm nodded.

"Okay, I'll help you ward first, and then kill the river crabs, so the upper half of the area should be safe."

While talking, Sofm also walked through his own blue zone and put a hole in the wall of the Dalong Pit to hit the triangle grass on the road.

Then, he immediately turned his head to hunt river crabs.

Immediately, the triangular grass and the river were lit up, and Brother Holy Gun thought for a while, and then he inserted another eye on the grass.

In an instant, all the theoretical gank routes of Qinggangying were all lit up by the vision.

As long as he shows up on the road, Brother Holy Gun will be able to detect it immediately.

In this way, the crisis was temporarily lifted, and Brother Holy Gun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

His big worm finally dared to take two steps forward, and began to make up the lane normally.

The big bug took two steps forward, and while the E skill was making up for a small soldier, the penetrating damage hit Gnar's body.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun panicked instantly.

bad thing!

Why is this big bug not afraid of me anymore!
He shouldn't have seen through my cover-up!
Damn it, I really don't have a barbarian king, so if I want to line up with the strongest king, is it still too reluctant after all?

That's right, with my rotten ups and stiff positioning, even if you're not the strongest, you can tell it by just looking at it.

Zhao Yun's heart skipped a beat, and his heart was in a mess again.

At this time, the big insect opposite happened to be at level two. He stepped on it and threw a Q-skill stab next to Gnar. Suddenly, there was a 'boom', and Zhao Yun, who was already sensitive, was taken aback.

Seeing the opponent throw skills at him, Zhao Yun's Gnar also threw a Q skill backhand. At the same time, his hand shook, and the E skill jumped back almost as a conditioned reflex.

The hand was faster than the brain when operating, but after the operation was executed, Zhao Yun couldn't help but let out a groan in his heart.

'Fuck!I'm playing with a hammer! '

'No, it's just a Q skill, it's okay to eat it, I'll give it a fucking E skill! '

'It's over now, this sudden operation must be embarrassing. '

At this moment, Zhao Yun, who became angry from embarrassment, really wanted to chop off his crippled hands with one knife.

And Brother Holy Gun on the other side was also taken aback by his sudden jump back.

'what's the situation? '

'I just made up a knife, why did he suddenly hand over E? '

'Could it be that you have inserted eyes in the river before, so you saw the prince? '

Brother Shengqiang was puzzled, and glanced at the small map in the lower right corner out of the corner of his eye. When he saw the prince next to the river grass, he said directly in the team voice.

"They have eyes in the river grass."

Sofm nodded when he heard the words, and at the same time, he, who was originally concentrating on hunting crabs, subconsciously glanced at him and went on the road.

At this moment, in the short second that his vision had just left his hero, he just missed seeing a spinning boomerang.


The front foot was scared by the Q skill of the big insect, and the E skill was displaced. Zhao Yun was still ashamed in his heart, and the next second, he was stunned by his reaction again.

In the screen, his Gnar threw a Q skill and immediately used E to jump away.

Because he threw the boomerang to the left, but the E skill jumped to the right, which directly caused him to drag the mouse to a great extent at this moment.

The final result was that not only was the first Q skill thrown out empty, but he didn't even receive the second Q skill boomerang when it flew back.

He watched helplessly as the boomerang drew a dotted line in the air, flew past him with a swipe, and flew into the dark river.

'Zhuo! '

'I'm playing with snakes! '

Looking at the boomerang flying away, Zhao Yun was so sad and indignant that he wanted to cry without tears.

'It's over, the previous ones were just small mistakes, and now this wave can't even catch a boomerang, isn't it more obvious? '

At this moment, Zhao Yun felt that his teeth were about to be gritted, and he even wanted to slap the right hand holding the mouse with his left hand that controls the keyboard.

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw a striking reminder popping up above Gnar's head.


what's the situation?
Where did the 70 come from?
Zhao Yun was taken aback on the spot, unable to understand what happened.

At this time, not only himself, but also the top laner Saint Gun and the jungler Sofm were stunned at the same time.

Because right in front of their eyes, they clearly saw that the middle of the upper half of the river, which originally belonged to the birth point of the river crab, suddenly lit up the red circle of vision.

River crab, was robbed?
(End of this chapter)

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