That's what we do with silver

Chapter 26 Sister Luck Goddess, He Still Loves Me!

Chapter 26 Sister Luck Goddess, He Still Loves Me!
Looking at the '+70G' that suddenly appeared on Gnar's head, Zhao Yun didn't realize what was going on for a while.

The first voice in the IG team was the jungler Ning.

"What's the matter, brother Yunzi, you actually snatched the crab on the opposite side, awesome, how did you snatch it?"

Seeing the upper half of the river channel suddenly brighten up, Ning habitually clicked on the small picture to take a look at the first time.

In an instant, I saw the vision circle formed by the river crab entity in the upper half of the river.

I am clearly in the lower half of the district, but the view of the river on the road is my home, so Ning still doesn't understand what happened.

Hearing Ning's words, Zhao Yun finally came to his senses, and hurriedly looked at the small map that he didn't usually look at very much.

Seeing this, he was immediately stunned.

'Holy shit, I actually snatched the crab from the opposite river? '

'when? '

'Where did you get it? '

'How did you grab it? '

'Why don't I know it myself? '

Ning asked in his mouth first, and Zhao Yun asked again in his heart.

Then after thinking about it carefully, the boomerang just now came to mind.

'Fuck!Could it be that boomerang? '

'This thing can fly that far? '

Zhao Yun was completely shocked.

At the same time, the commentators and the audience who were watching the live broadcast of the game were also surprised.

Guan Zeyuan: "What happened just now, why did the river crabs in the upper half become IG's!"

Looking at the picture, it is clearly the prince of the blue side Sofm who is playing crabs, but the last field of vision that appears belongs to the red side's IG. Guan Zeyuan was stunned at that time.

Rita next to her also looked blank.

"Yeah, isn't the prince fighting? What's going on here?"

Both the commentator and the audience are full of question marks at this moment.

Even Sofm himself didn't react. Seeing the river crab being robbed, he used his proficient and fluent Chinese without an accent to swear on the spot.

"What the hell is going on? Why are my crabs gone? Who stole my crabs?"

He just cut a corner and glanced at the road. In less than two seconds, why did the river crab that he worked so hard suddenly become someone else's?
This made Sofm extremely confused.

At this time, after watching the whole process of operating Holy Gun, he also said something in a muffled voice.

"Don't howl bro, Gnar snatched it, I saw it just now, he snatched it with a boomerang."

What the hell?

Gnar snatched it?

Still using a boomerang?
Although Sofm just missed it and didn't see it, but after hearing what Holy Gun said, he immediately imagined what it was like.

Just for a short while when he cut the angle of view, his remaining blood river crab was snatched by that Gnar with a two-stage boomerang by accident?
Thinking of this only possibility, a word popped out of Sofm's mind subconsciously.

'What the hell. '

If it didn't really happen to him, he felt that no one would believe what he said.

The audience and commentators who were watching the game almost had the same idea as him.

The only difference is that he learned the truth from Brother Holy Gun, while the audience and commentators learned the truth from the replay of the director.

That's right, just a few seconds after the river crab was robbed, the director directly gave a replay, answering all the audience's doubts.

In the screen, the director's sight distance was raised, and all three people on the road were included in the shot.

At this time, Gnar seemed to be in a hurry and jumped back to catch the boomerang. The next second, the boomerang was empty, and immediately spun back along a special trajectory, brushed Gnar's side, and flew straight to the wide area. of the river.

Then, just like that, it hit the river crab that was chased by the prince to the right side of the river grass, and only the last remnant of blood was left.

With a 'snap', the river crab was killed.

The prince stayed where he was.

On Gnar's head, a '+70g' prompt appeared.

Even the director slowed down the speed deliberately, and made a close-up of the boomerang so that all the audience could see it clearly.

Immediately, the audience who figured out the mystery of the disappearance of the river crab were immediately amused.

"I'll go, can I still play like this?"

"Damn it, how can this Gnar's boomerang fly so far?"

"What is this, precision lock, right? It's on?"

"Shocked me and my mom for 100 years."

"Hahahahaha, I laughed so hard for my grandpa."

"6 Brother Lancer, you played really well."

"Is it a coincidence?"

"There is no vision in that place, it must be a coincidence."

"Anyway, 6 is done."


In the live broadcast room, the audience was refreshed by this wave of replays, and they had more expectations for this game.

At the same time, in the game.

Brother Holy Gun doesn't have the God's perspective of the audience, so he thinks completely differently.

In his opinion, his Q skill can't touch Gnar at all. The reason why Gnar turned E so decisively is because he has the vision to see the prince appear.

"The river has a view, he knows that the prince is hunting crabs, so the boomerang grabbing crabs just now is not a coincidence at all, it was his intention at all!"

'Someone can control the direction of Gnar's second-stage Q so precisely, his proficiency in Gnar is unbelievable! '

'This guy is too perverted! '

Thinking of this possibility, Brother Shengqiang's fear of Zhao Yun deepened in an instant.

At this time, I heard Sofm chanting 'good luck'.

Holy Gun immediately shook his head.

"You're wrong, it's not luck."

Sofm was taken aback.

"It's not luck. Could it be that he did it on purpose?"

Brother Holy Gun nodded, his voice still serious.

"If I'm not wrong, it's probably on purpose. He saw you hitting the river crab with a view in the river. The boomerang was thrown at a very particular angle, and it was aimed at you."

What he said made Sofm startled for a while.

"Fuck, bragging, even if the angle of the boomerang can be adjusted, how can he still calculate the blood volume of the river crab so accurately?"

"Uh... this should be a coincidence, otherwise it would be too perverted."

The two talked to each other, expressing their displeasure with the small rhythm just now.

However, now that the position of the prince has been exposed, Sofm also completely gave up the idea of ​​finding a rhythm in the top lane, turned around and walked directly to the middle lane.

As for the remaining Holy Gun brother, after the rhythm just now, he who was very afraid of Zhao Yun before became more cautious now.

'Incomparably tricky skill casting, perfect use of the skill mechanism, this guy Gnar's proficiency has definitely reached the level of a unique skill brother!

In the next laning match, you must play [-] points. Originally, the hero attribute is a disadvantage, and it doesn't matter if you are under the knife. You must not give him any chance to solo kill, otherwise he may be like the barbarian king in the previous game. tidy! '

With such a heavy determination, Brother Holy Gun nodded secretly, forced himself to calm down again, and continued to match up more cautiously and steadily.

In an instant, the big bug, who had already played very conservatively, became a little more timid than before.

On the other hand, Zhao Yun's mentality became much more relaxed at this time.

The main reason is because of the river crab that was inexplicably snatched just now.

Before, he thought that without the barbarian king, his good luck would be useless, and he was destined to be smashed by his opponent in the arena.

But the wave just now made him see hope again.

Gnar, who was already ahead in experience, got the river crab and went straight to level [-]. Regardless of economic blood volume or level experience, he was much ahead of the big bug.

And because of the river crab's vision, seeing that the prince has left the upper half area, this greatly reduces the danger for him to go on the road.

All of a sudden, Zhao Yun's sense of security increased greatly!

"My favorite sister, the goddess of luck, she is still taking care of me!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun immediately felt excited.

Classically, the pressure starts to float as soon as it is small.

Simply wonderful!
Even without the Barbarian King, I didn't seem to be fighting so hard.

Hey, long hands beat short hands, as long as I suppress the killing intent and don't give a chance, it's not easy to develop steadily!

Then in this way, this game will be played again!

(End of this chapter)

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