That's what we do with silver

Chapter 262 Leopard girl's Q, if you want to hide, don't you just need to have hands?

In the picture, Jess was set on fire by the sword girl and the spider, and his blood volume suddenly became residual blood.

Moreover, because she is in the form of a hammer, she can't help but look at the bloody knife girl next to her, and she can't come out even if she wants to.

At such a critical moment, countless GenG fans couldn't help but feel elated, looking forward to this wave of GenG Nakano being able to fight back and save the day.

But in the next second, a vigorous dark green shadow pounced on the battlefield, scratched gently with sharp claws, easily took away the last blood of Daomei, and ruthlessly shattered the fans' last fantasy.

In the LCK commentary seat.

Seeing the sudden cut of Leopard Girl in the game screen in front of them, several commentators couldn't help exclaiming almost at the same time.

"Ah~ it's Nidalee!"

"Ah~ wait! Don't!"

"Irelia! Irelia is down!"

"Nidley, who suddenly entered the battlefield, ruthlessly took away Irelia's last blood volume!"

"But Elise is still there, and Jess's blood volume is not much. What can Haru say, can you change this head! If it's a one-for-one exchange, it's completely acceptable!"

"Haru! Can you change it!"

"One shot! One shot! Just one more shot!"

"But Jace! Jace knocked Elise away with an E skill backhand! Then Nidalee gave Jace a sip of milk! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Jace ran away! He didn't die!"

"But it doesn't matter! Elise still has the E skill Feitian! Feitian directly chases after her and forcibly pursues her!"

"Let's level A in one stroke! It's still a little short! One more A can take Jess's head!"

"But from the side! Why did Aoun come here! Aoun suddenly activated his big move!"

"Ahhhhh! Slowed down! Elise was slowed down by Ornn's big move! The spider form couldn't catch up with A's move! Instead, my blood volume has been beaten very dangerously by Leopard Girl!"

"Can still A! He can still A! Switching human form A made the last move!"

"But! The damage is not enough!"

"Jess is not dead! The blood recovered from taking drugs made him resist! Successfully escaped!"

"Ah~~ Then Elise is finished too!"

"Ornn's second-stage ult on the side has a knock-up effect, and Jess can even go back and make up for the damage of the first shot. Nidalee easily took Elise's head!"

"Ah~~ Zero for two, this wave of GenG's Nakano has suffered a lot, Smecta!"

"Just a little bit! Just a little bit to replace Jess! What a pity!"


In the screen, seeing Jess escape with extreme blood, and the spider was taken away by the leopard girl, the few commentators in the LCK commentary booth couldn't help but let out the iconic "ahhhhhh" exaggerated wail.

At the same time, in the domestic Deyunse live broadcast room, Sika Xiaoxiao and Kid exclaimed with excitement.

"Damn it! Lancer! The miraculous piercing Q!"

"Brother Yunzi! His leopard girl! She's really too ruthless!"

"You are Crown, right? You like to move around! You like to play sword girls! Everyone else bans leopard girls, but you are not banned by GenG! Do you understand the gold content of the number one leopard girl in Hanbok!"

"These two Qs of Leopard Girl, this E, and this wave of entry operations are all too critical. Brothers, didn't some people say that Leopard Girl didn't know how to catch people in the early stage? Lancer personally demonstrated it to everyone. Everyone Learn to use it directly for higher points."

"And Aoun's sheep! Qing Gangying is still on the top lane, and Aoun has come to help in the middle! TheShy really understands how to win this game!"

"TheShy really understands it too well. If you know that you can win by helping Lancer, if you see that the middle field may want to fight, you will come to support immediately. It doesn't matter if you give Qinggangying a few more minions. The main thing is to play a team!"

"From this wave, we can see the status of the junglers of both sides in the team. Brothers, Cuvee Qinggangying has no line rights to support, but TheShy Aoun who has no line rights supports quickly. I can only say that GenG still doesn't understand. Who is the core of the IG team?"

"Ji Jishao! It's the familiar Leopard Girl who started the game 7-3 in less than 0 minutes. I declare this round to be the end of the game."

"Come on, ten leopard girls and nine agents, this round is another agent in an agent, someone is going to enter the power leveling mode again!"


Seeing that Leopard Girl turned 3-0 after a wave, the commentators and fans on the LPL side felt that the game was stable.

Even the conservatives who suffered from advanced Korean-phobia before could not help but feel a strong sense of confidence when they saw the leopard girl who had already killed her in the picture.

All of a sudden, those domestic fans who supported LPL and IG began to feel more relaxed.

If we say that before the start of the game, because of GenG's status as the Korean team, many people naturally felt a little nervous and nervous.

So now, looking at the ID on the head of the 3-0 leopard girl in the live broadcast screen, all these tensions have completely dissipated!
In Sika's sassy words.

"OK brothers, although it's only more than six minutes now, this round has actually been won, and the outcome has been decided! Next, it's time to enjoy the game!"


It can only be said that after this year's crazy winning streak and that invincible momentum, IG has really given fans an excellent experience that they have never had before.

Things like 'poisonous milk', 'opening champagne at halftime is unlucky', 'it's better not to say it too early' were considered taboo by fans before, but now IG fans don't care at all.

Anyway, it is self-confidence!

It's arrogant!

Just crazy!
Therefore, in other team games, you may have to restrain yourself, but when it comes to IG games, the three of De Yunse decisively start to let themselves go. Even if the game has only started for a few minutes, they have already started to brag unscrupulously !
The program is full of effects!

This arrogant speech directly made the IG fans who watched the live broadcast feel very comfortable.

Outside of the game, the fans are all confident.

In the game, the next performance of the IG people also lived up to the blind trust of the fans.

At 50 minutes and [-] seconds, after killing people in the middle lane, Zhao Yun adhered to the principle of good people to the end, Leopard Girl helped Jess push another wave of lines into the tower, and then went home with confidence.

And this time back to the city to update the equipment.

The familiar Leopard Girl exclusive two-piece suit has been made on her body.

Luden + French wear shoes.

Then, just like the usual rhythm of playing, Zhao Yun controlled Leopard Girl to run straight to the lower half of GenG's blue zone when he went out.

At this time, the spider has not yet been resurrected.

As a result, Leopard Girl even had enough time to remove her own red buff first, then jumped down the Xiaolong Pit, and continued to reverse the spider's second blue buff along the way.

GenG's bot lane duo obviously took precautions against this situation, and put a ward in their own blue buff in advance, allowing jungler Haru to clearly see Leopard Girl's movements.

However, it's such a time, what's the use of seeing Leopard Girl?
The leopard girl easily ate the blue buff in a few seconds, and then continued to brush up the three wolves skillfully.

When the spider revived and walked out of the high ground, the magic marsh frog was gone.

Adding up the three groups of wild monsters, Leopard Girl ate them all up in just a dozen seconds.

Seeing this scene, Haru only felt bitter and his scalp was numb.

The wild monsters are gone, what's the point of him going down the road?
Alas, I can only go to the road to get my own red.

While making a helpless choice in his heart, Haru also reminded himself to go down the road.

"In this wave, I will go to the top road to get the red first. In the lower half of the area, Leopard Girl, you duo, pay attention to yourself, don't die."

In this regard, Ruler in the AD position also nodded.

"Okay brother, don't worry, we are going down the road very safely."

"I don't press the line or exchange blood with them. In addition, my Velus ult and double summons are still there. It is impossible for their combination to cooperate with Leopard Girl to kill us by jumping over the tower."

Ruler's voice was very calm.

As a top AD player, he has enough confidence in his operations.

With his Verus nearly full of health, and his ultimate move, double moves, and Thresh protection, it is of course impossible to have too much fear of a wild leopard girl.

Even, Ruler still had a little special expectation in his heart.

"At this time, Leopard Girl dares to come to the tower to give it away. It would be better if he really goes up to our tower. At that time, we will fight back and keep him, and help you Nakano buy time in disguise!"

Ruler said this with a smile in his voice.

Corejj also nodded and agreed.

"Indeed, our combination has full control damage, and we are not afraid of them jumping the tower at all."

Hearing the words of his duo, Haru nodded, and directly controlled the spider to go to the red zone in the upper half of his home.

As for Crown in the middle, he said something in a strange tone.

"It's true to say that, but you'd better be careful, and pay attention to the Q skill of their leopard girl, his Q skill is very strange, and the accuracy is very high. I suffered from this in the last wave. "

Hearing this, Ruler didn't take it too seriously.

He didn't see the deaths of the first two waves of sword girls in person, so his cognition of the hero Leopard Girl is still limited to those ordinary Leopard Girls he met during qualifying.

Although he replied with his mouth, "Okay brother, I will pay attention to it." '

But Ruler didn't care much about it in his heart, and what he was thinking at this moment was.

'It's just a leopard girl, how accurate is the Q skill? '

'Maybe it's not easy to dodge at close range, but the flying speed of the long-distance javelin is so slow. If you are mentally prepared, can you easily dodge it with your hands? '

That's what Ruler thought.

Before that, he had already planted an eye in the triangle grass on the left side of the first tower of his own bot lane.

As long as Leopard Girl comes over, he will be able to see it immediately.

Therefore, out of self-confidence in himself, Ruler has no worries at all in his heart at this time.

Then, at this moment, with IG Xialuo and Kai'Sa pushing the line into the tower, a dark green figure suddenly appeared on the triangle grass on the left.

Leopard Girl is here!

At this moment, Ruler was refreshed on the spot, and his attention instantly became extremely concentrated. Under the condition of extreme concentration, his mind became extremely clear, and his reaction speed was immediately full!

Then, in perfect condition, he just saw Kai'Sa in front of him cast a W skill on him.

As a result, Ruler almost subconsciously moved a small position to the right, easily dodging the void seekers passing by.

'Heh, Kai'Sa's W at such a tricky angle is still easy to dodge, Leopard Girl's Q is a bit slower than Kai'Sa's W, is it easy for me to dodge? '

Ruler thought so in his heart.

Then at this moment, just as he twisted his waist to avoid Kai'Sa's W, he clearly saw the leopard girl on the side, and at the same time threw a Q skill at Verus under the tower.

Seeing Leopard Girl's javelin shot, Ruler's first reaction was to move and hide.

But at this moment, he discovered an extremely serious problem.

That's... because of the reason why he moved to the right to hide from Kai'Sa W. At this moment, his Verus is already standing against the wall on the right. Through his experience as a leopard girl player, he suddenly I found that the angle of Leopard Girl's Q skill is very tricky!

With such a Q, no matter whether he goes forward, backward or left, he can no longer avoid this mark!
If you want to hide, you have to flash!
In a short moment, when he realized this problem, Ruler's whole brain was spinning rapidly.

Then, he hesitated.

At this time, I was still almost full of blood, and I just handed over the flash just to avoid a leopard girl's little skill, wouldn't it be a bit too frightened to make a big deal out of a molehill?

I just handed over such a crucial flash of myself, isn't that too casual?

In such a blink of an eye, several thoughts flashed through Ruler's mind one after another, wondering whether he should hand over his precious flashes in order to avoid a Q.

In the end is to flash, or not to flash?
Then... in such a state of hesitation and entanglement.

Reality helped him decide.

Hesitation is tantamount to defeat!

Verus, who was swaying from side to side under the tower, was directly hit by Leopard Girl's Q skill javelin, and his health bar was reduced by more than half on the spot.



The sound of Leopard Girl's javelin hitting and Luden's triggering sound directly brought the hesitant Ruler back to reality on the spot.

At this moment, looking at Verus, who had already lost half of his blood, Ruler felt like his guts were turning green.

'Xiba!What kind of harm is this! '

'If I had known earlier, I would have dodged it just now! '

Ruler's heart skipped a beat, almost feeling regretful.

Then, just as he was regretting his decision, the three people on IG's side had no time to continue chatting with him.

"Up, up, up! Get him!"

Under Ah Shui's excited shouts, Baolan's Luo had already activated his ultimate move, turning into a flashing golden streamer on the spot. When the GenG bot lane duo was caught off guard, he slammed into the Varus' face.

R flash W!

The speed of light starts the team first!
R skill: Surprise!

W skill: grand debut!

Luo's light-speed combo in the mid-range situation directly made GenG two people have no reaction time, and they were lifted up on the spot.

Then Luo's ignition hung on Verus' head immediately.

At the same time, Leopard Girl, who had already changed into a leopard form and walked out of the grass as early as the Q skill hit, and Kai'Sa, who was always ready to go, naturally did not have the slightest hesitation at this moment. Immediately rushed in.

Leopard Girl's W skill advances to EQ.

Kai'Sa flew into the arena to pick up AQAAA.

In an instant, the three of Shimonosuke from IG burst into flames, directly evaporating Verus's blood volume, which was less than half, on the spot.

And Verus' head was also successfully beheaded by Leopard Girl's Dark Harvest.

[IG, Lancer killed Gen, Ruler]

[IG and Lancer are close to going berserk]

After Varus died, Thresh was left alone under the tower.

Corejj subconsciously lost his skills and wanted to replace the tower-resistant Luo as much as possible.

It's a pity, relying on the acceleration effect of the R skill, coupled with the help of two shifts of the E skill, Luo easily let the flustered Thresh directly Q empty, and then the E skill returned to Kai'Sa, and walked out without any pressure outside the tower.

Then, the three of IG Xiaye pulled away smoothly one after another. After Leopard Girl's next Q skill accurately reduced Thresh's blood volume again, they continued to press up and set fire to send Thresh away.

[IG, Jackeylove killed Gen.Corejj]

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