That's what we do with silver

Chapter 263 Don't be spicy!Ball ball, you are holding back in the shark!

GenG goes down the road tower.

Varus and Thresh were killed in action.

Moreover, the entire process of jumping over the tower and forcing the kill was extremely straightforward and neat.

Verus didn't even press the flash, and before Luo's control time ended, the blood volume had been evaporated on the spot.

Such a result directly made the originally confident GenG bot lane duo feel unexpected.

Looking at the black and white screen in front of him, Ruler gasped and hissed, then fell silent with Corejj at the same time.

While the two brothers didn't speak, the other teammates had something to say.

Seeing that the duo was all killed, Leopard Girl and Kai'Sa each took a head, and the jungler Haru's voice sounded first.

"Ah? Why are they both dead all of a sudden?"

Regarding this, Ruler scratched his head, and his tone was quite helpless.

"I can't help it, brother, Leopard Girl's damage is so high, it really hurts when that spear flies over, it's really too painful."

The assistant Corejj also sighed a little, and then added a sentence.

"Yeah, I felt that Verus' blood bar was gone when Biu hit it, and I was shocked. Their Leopard Girl's damage was too terrifying."

"Uh...then, their Luo did not flash."

While talking, he didn't forget to record Luo's flash CD on the chat box.

After all, this is the only contribution he can make to his teammates who is still soaking in the hot spring at this moment.

On GenG's side, the bot lane duo was reflecting in the spring water, not knowing what to say at all.

As for the Nakano two, watching the opposite Leopard girl become 4-0, it feels that the already great pressure has increased sharply again, and they are thinking rapidly about how to deal with the Leopard girl, so He didn't speak either.

Then there is Cuvee, the top laner. Seeing that the score has become 5:0 on the field, he already understands in his heart that his home and bottom field are already bad, but this time is too early, even if he wants to call the jungler to come. It is not realistic to go beyond one of Ornn's towers.

So after thinking about it, Cuvee decisively chose to remain silent.

Forget it... let's develop it for a while, and then look at the situation.

Ever since, at this point in time, GenG's voice in the team became extremely quiet, and none of the five players spoke.

However, when GenG began to fall into a passive situation and wanted to take a break for a while, the rhythm on IG's side began to accelerate further.

In the early 8 minutes, after jumping down the tower for a strong kill, the leopard girl took Kai'Sa and quickly took down the first fire dragon.

Then, Zhao Yun did not deliberately target Gank to arrest people, but continued to enter his own standard development rhythm.

In the case that the equipment levels are all significantly ahead of the spiders, coupled with the absolute line power of Jess in the middle, the leopard girl at this time no longer has the previous worries, and she just runs wherever there are wild monsters on the map, and the four wild areas The range is running around, and occasionally he will Q casually when passing by the middle. From Zhao Yun's own point of view, his overall rhythm is called playing casually.

However, from the perspective of everyone in GenG, it is completely different from the first feeling.

Especially Crown in the middle lane, it was really uncomfortable playing these few minutes!
No way, after his sword girl died twice, her equipment and level were at an absolute disadvantage. It was already very painful to be exhausted by Jess pushing the line when laning.

and then?
The Leopard girl on the opposite side has been wandering around in the middle lane. Although it doesn't look like she is trying to force him to attack him, but I just watched the 4-0 jungler on the opposite side keep going up and down in the middle lane. Please. , it's really scary to do this and make him feel a lot of pressure, okay?
Originally, when Leopard Girl was not around, he had already been crushed by Jess very hard. Now Leopard Girl is always nearby, throwing a Q at his sword girl from time to time, and every time the Q hits, the damage explodes. All outrageously tricky!

It would be fine if he dodged, but if he accidentally did not dodge, he would disappear with half blood immediately after eating Q!

In addition, Jess's damage is getting higher and higher. A reinforced cannon hits the body, and the damage is also frighteningly high.

All of a sudden, IG Nakano put tremendous pressure on Crown.

And this huge sense of oppression also made him not only dare not make up the knife for a few minutes in the middle, but even had difficulty eating experience.

He ate the Leopard Girl's three Q's in 3 minutes and was forced to go back to the city three times in a row!
You have to go back to the city once every minute, and you have to lose a lot of minions in each wave!
In the blink of an eye, 1 minutes later, Jess and Leopard Girl on the opposite side were both level nine for a while, but his sword girl was still only level seven.

Reduced to the same level as the bottom lane ADC!
What is this called?

This middle road is too difficult to play!
When the sword girl in the middle lane continued to go to jail, Crown's first reaction was to ask for help from the jungler.

But as soon as he had this idea, he immediately saw that the level of his wild spider was exactly the same as his seventh level!

And he is still being chased up and down by Leopard Girl in the wild area, and his blood volume is even worse than him. If Haru hadn't played cautiously and was willing enough to calm down in the face of Leopard Girl's invasion, then in these 3 minutes , let alone the spider will die twice more!

The current situation of the spider is even worse than that of the sword girl!
Immediately, seeing the level difference between the two sides, Crown went silent on the spot, and he couldn't say what he had planned.

He could only continue to bear the tremendous pressure, silently comfort himself in his heart to stabilize his mentality, control Daomei, and continue to linger under the oppression of Jess.

However, in this situation, if you want to rely purely on hard development and wait for the opponent to give you a chance, is it really possible to survive?
Soon, the cruel reality made Crown realize deeply.

He can't hold on!

There was a time of 11 minutes and 15 seconds. Seeing that the pawn line was pushed into the tower by Jess, Daomei subconsciously used a Q skill to make up for this residual blood cannon.

At this time, at the moment when Daomei's Q skill was just released, just in the left F6 wall in the blind spot of his vision, a strange black javelin suddenly shot through the air.

During the flight, there was a wall blocking it, so even though Crown was focused enough, he still couldn't find it in the first place.

It wasn't until the moment when he took control of Daomei that he had just Q'ed the blood cannon car, that he could barely see the tip of the javelin was close in front of his eyes.

With only such a slight distance, Daomei is about to bump into her head-on!
To be honest, in such an extreme distance situation, if you want to evade skills with pure reaction speed, even for professional players, it is really very difficult.

In the huge LOL professional circle, there are not many people who can truly achieve this kind of reaction speed purely through reaction blind vision. They have played in the professional league for so long.

Among them, the famous scenes that have made the audience remember a little bit, and are still talked about so far, are only the Faker blind monk who flashes the hidden leopard girl Q at the speed of light for 0.1 seconds in the lower triangle grass blind vision, and Iboy Weilu On the top route, Si flashed the big move of avoiding the pig girl with blind vision in the grass, and finally Uzi's wheel mother turned on the blind vision partition wall to avoid the robot hook.

These three famous scenes were once regarded as the ceiling of the reaction speed of professional players.

As for Crown, in fact, when he first debuted, he was also called a genius boy.

If he was at his peak, facing such an unexpected situation, he might be able to save the day simply by relying on his reaction speed.

After all, although his sword girl didn't flash at this time, her Q skill can also move. You only need to casually Q to the soldier next to her, and she can easily avoid the Q of Leopard Girl.

But unfortunately, the Crown at this time is already the Crown in 2018.

Born in 95, he is now a 23-year-old player. Coupled with the repeated frustrations in the field in the past two years, he is no longer the high-spirited and talented boy he was in the past, whether it is personal skills or self-confidence.

Therefore, in the face of the sudden situation in this situation, he was very upright, and made the reaction he should have as an older player.

Seeing Leopard Girl Q who was close at hand, Daomei was stunned for a moment.

Then, before he had time to react, he ate Q firmly and was taken away by Yibiao.


Luden's beating voice seemed extremely clear and sweet at this moment.

At the same time, Rookie Jess from the side seized the gap, and hit Daomei with precision again with a reinforced cannon, directly hitting Daomei's meager HP on the spot to less than a quarter!

Jess cut the hammer form in seconds, and smashed away with a leap of the sky.

It wasn't until this moment that Crown reacted as if he had just woken up. In desperation, he hurriedly pulled a turtle with double blades to stun Jess, and at the same time activated the W skill distance breaking dance on the spot.

Then, in front of thousands of spectators, Daomei's double-edged sword fell to nothing.

Not only is it empty, it's also crooked!

The two E skills fainted on the spot and didn't even touch Jess.

So far, after Daomei operated it, she didn't avoid any of the key skills, and the W skill that was turned on for damage reduction didn't help much.

After the W was over, Jess, who was hung up and lit, chased after him and killed him twice under the tower.

[IG, Rookie killed Gen, Crown]

Jess took his first head of the game.

The head-to-head ratio on the field became 6:0.

And looking at this scene in the middle lane, in the LCK commentary booth, several Korean commentators couldn't help but howl.

"Ah~ what is this! Irelia was killed so simply?"

"Ah~ Nidalee didn't even come over, just a Q from the wall!"

"But the damage of this Q skill is really too scary, Smecta!" "Ah~ Crown's Irelia is now 0-3, and her level has been suppressed by two levels, so she collapsed , this middle road has really collapsed!"

"Just casually ate a Q, then casually emptied the key E skills, and was finally beaten to death by Jess under the tower? This is a bit too casual, right? Smecta! IG Nakano The damage has already overflowed!" "Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, Lancer, Nidalee, I feel a lot of pressure every time I see him play Q, Luden triggers a 'boom', I really I feel like my heart is beating hard!"

"This Nidalee's injury is really terrifying, Smecta."

"Now not only Nidalee, but Jess has also slowly grown into a prototype of a boss!" "6:0, the middle and wild collapsed, GenG is under too much pressure! Gen~~~~G!" "Originally dedicated In order to target the Leopard Girl, the middle and upper field combination has not even played a single match, is it going to be defeated first? This kind of thing, I really don’t want it, Smecta!!!” “Ruler! Ruler's Varus and Cuvee Camille, so far the development is barely acceptable, is this the only hope after GenG's Nakano collapse?"

"It's just over eleven minutes, come on, GenG! You must still have a chance!"


All of a sudden, in the LCK commentary booth, several commentators maintained the exaggerated style of the past, wailing and screaming one after another.

At this time, in the game, after Zhao Yun got the assist with a Q on the partition wall, he immediately turned around and went straight to the Canyon Pioneer.

There was no accident, and with Daomei dead, Spider didn't dare to have any other ideas. He could only let Leopard Girl take down the canyon vanguard solo easily in twelve minutes.

Then, Leopard girl returned to the city at the speed of light with the super buff of Canyon Pioneer, and ran directly to the lower half of the area after updating her equipment.

After brushing the Golem and F6 along the way, we headed straight for the GenG blue zone.

As in the previous rhythm, first take down the magic marsh frog, blue buff, and all three wolves in the lower half of GenG, and then when Kai'Sa and Luo push the line into the tower, Leopard first inserts the magic marsh frog through the wall He glanced at the line, and then swaggered into the triangle grass behind GenG's bot lane.

After scanning, in front of the GenG duo, he easily cleared Cao Li's ward positions under their noses.

At this time, the GenG duo, who were still in good condition, decisively chose to retreat the first time they saw Leopard Girl appearing with pioneer eyes.

However, IG didn't want them to withdraw so smoothly.

Just like before, the audience also saw the Leopard Girl in the picture, who directly aimed at Verus and Thresh who were retreating.

In the LCK commentary seat, when Zibao girl came to the bottom lane, several commentators were already excited.

"Oh~ Nidalee is at it again! Going first is a bid!"

"Thresh and Varus don't have this vision! Nidalee's Q angle is quite tricky, can you avoid it?"

"Ahhhhh~ Thresh turned around and hit the javelin! Why, Smecta! Can Corejj's turn around be perfectly predicted by Lancer?"

"Then Luo in the back! Luo has already activated his ultimate move and caught up!"

"Ruler, run! If you get caught in this wave, you will die, Smecta!"

"But behind! Someone TP outflanks! It's Aoun's TP on the top lane! This ward is the ward that Leopard Girl inserted in advance!"

"At the same time, Jess from the middle lane also came, and this wave of bottom lane IG dispatched five people! The GenG duo is very dangerous!" "But GenG is also TP! It's still Irelia and Camille Double TP!"

"Then the side spiders are also there! This wave! Ten people!"

"Ruler! Luo is rushing up! Can Ruler dodge the control! Ness dodged! Verus dodged Luo's entry directly, and then made a backhand move to stop Baolan's Luo!" "At the same time hammer Shigouzi followed, and the two of them backhanded and began to output Luo! Luo's blood volume dropped very quickly! How can I say it! Can you kill this Luo in seconds!"

"But Ornn landed at this time! Verus' position is very awkward, there is no place for this sheep to hide!" The big move followed, Verus is in danger!"

"But Irelia and Camille are here!"

"Ruler! Can you hold on! Don't die, Ruler! Survive, Ruler!"

"Stunned! Camille stunned Kai'Sa with an E flash! Verus doesn't seem to be dead!" "But wait! Verus is dead!"

"It's Nidalee! A Q skill in the crowd! Go straight through the crowd and take away the last of Verus' blood."

"Ruler! Rluer he fell!"

"Then there is Irelia, a very beautiful big move! But Ornn flew headfirst, and the damage from Jeskasha and Ornn on IG's side fell to Irelia who entered the field in seconds! Vaporized in a second! "

"Two people were killed in an instant! The spiders on the side didn't even dare to enter the field! It's over! GenG can't fight this wave of teamfights!"

"Thresh couldn't stand it anymore, and was directly beaten to death by Jess!" "And then came Camille! Facing the concentrated fire of several people, he was as brittle as a piece of paper! Half of his health bar was directly killed by Leopard The girl jumps up and bites to death!" "It's over, it's over!" "The last spider left wants to run away, but Jess flashes Q and slows down to keep people away. IG and the others chase after the second tower and continue to kill!"

"Ah ~ no, Haru! You must survive!" "The spider flew into the sky and landed directly in the flash...but Nidalee's mark! My god hit it! Can this also be hit?" "Ned Li immediately flashes to kill!"

"Ahhh~ Don't, don't, Lancer! Do you have to chase so far and kill someone! Don't kill him, okay?"

"Hiss~ ah, Nidalee pounced and directly took away the spider's last HP, ACE! Zero for five! It's unacceptable, it's too cruel, Smecta."

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