That's what we do with silver

Chapter 264 IG is not strong in LPL, they can't learn their style of play at all!

A wave of down road melee.

The GenG side fought until the last five were all killed, and was directly wiped out by an ACE group.

In the LCK live broadcast room, seeing the last spider being forcibly bitten to death by the leopard woman jumping over the tower, several Korean commentators couldn't help but feel heartbroken immediately, and uttered exaggerated wailing sounds again and again.

At the same time, when the majority of LCK commentators and fans are feeling sad for GenG's defeat.

In the domestic live broadcast room, the three brothers Sika and Kid smiled, but one laughed more happily than the other, and the other roared more excitedly.

Smiling: "Kill, kill, kill! Kill all, kill all!"

Xika: "Lancer! I'm Superman! Do you understand the gold content of the first leopard girl! Just kill me all!"

KID: "Turtle! Lancer's leopard girl! The world is invincible!"

Smiling: "Hahaha, your kid is called Emperor Chi, right? It's because you want to save flash, so that you are full of blood and don't flash. Do you understand what is the injury of a leopard girl! Get rid of it with a mark from a thousand miles away !Cool!"

Sika: "The game is over, the game is over, guys, it should be fine for me to declare the game over after this wave."


The three people who watched De Yunse's live broadcast were extremely excited, and the atmosphere was high.

At the same time, in the live broadcast rooms of the major platforms, whether it is the official [-]st channel or other [-]nd channel live broadcast rooms, all the bullet screens at this moment are flying.

"Take it!"

"Wuhu~4:11 at 0 minutes, I'll just declare the game over!"

"Zilong!! I am Dizilong!"

"Zero for five, direct invincibility! Take off and take off!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, is GenG gone after this wave?"

"Don't kill, don't kill! If you kill a child, you will be beaten stupid!"

"Hahahaha Crown, this knife girl, really made me laugh to death. The aggressive TP landed and entered the field forcefully, and then was directly evaporated in a second. The blood bar disappeared instantly, and the program effect was directly full."

"Everyone in GenG is as brittle as a dog."

"Take all the heads from the army! This moment! Nidalee is directly possessed by Xin Zhao!"

"That standard style!"

"I laughed to death, so many people are in front, Verus still ate this Q by mistake, it's like a magnet is hanging on his body."

"Don't ban Leopard Girl, do you! Want to try the water yourself!"

"Wuhu ~ take off ~"


All of a sudden, watching the IG side that already had a huge advantage in the game screen, countless LPL fans felt hooked.

At the same time, everyone felt that there was not much suspense about the result of this game.

GenG chose such a lineup, but was given such a big advantage by IG in the early and mid-term, it is already doomed to have no hope of any comeback.

And the fact is that.

A wave of melee in the bottom lane played zero for five, and IG directly pushed forward without hesitation.

On the next road, a few people focused on the first tower and easily pushed it away, and then continued to advance the second middle tower without stopping. Once the pioneer of the Leopard Girl Canyon was released, it was easily smashed without any pressure.

Then, continue to rush to the high ground.

Fourteen and a half minutes into the game, under the charge of the canyon pioneer, GenG's bottom road highland defense tower was broken.

Seeing that everyone in GenG was resurrecting one after another, IG didn't intend to continue pushing the crystal, and immediately chose to retreat gracefully.

While others were demolishing the tower, Zhao Yun's Leopard Girl soloed Xiaolong again by herself, and easily took down the second fire dragon.

After that, the whole game almost officially entered garbage time.

Facing the crushing situation of IG, none of GenG's upper, middle and lower fields could stand up, and all of them were forced to enter the stage of being beaten and waiting to die.

At 6 and [-] minutes, the first tower in GenG and the first tower on the top road were destroyed successively, the field of vision was completely occupied, and the map was completely black.

At sixteen and a half minutes, Verus, standing under the second middle tower and guarding the tower, was full of blood, and the leopard woman first pierced half of the blood on the left, and Jess immediately shot a healing spell on the right. In an instant, Ruler himself was dizzy, and when he was in a hurry and wanted to retreat, he happened to bump into Kai'Sa's W skill to find the enemy in the void.

Verus fell to the ground on the spot!

[IG, Jackeylove killed Gen, Ruler]

Verus, the only one with the ability to clear troops, was seconded, and GenG was unable to defend the second tower, so he was forced to give up the second tower's defense.

Then soon, the moment the second tower in the middle lane was won, everyone in IG immediately moved to the second tower without stopping. It was almost like a classic re-enactment.

GenG killed two people in a row, and the second tower on the road was naturally unable to defend.

Seventeen and a half minutes into the game, as GenG's second tower on the road was pushed, all the outer towers on the field were destroyed.

From the perspective of God, the economic gap between the two sides has reached an exaggerated [-].

After that, the rhythm of the whole game accelerated again.

At 8 minutes, IG did not continue to procrastinate, and Baotuan directly forcibly pushed the GenG bottom lane crystal.

Then it was very random, Leopard Girl made a simple card with the limit of vision distance Q, and one Q instantly killed Verus with [-]% of his health.

Then, Aoun directly TPed to GenG's bottom lane highland, cooperated with the other four IG players, and forced a wave to overwhelm the remaining four GenG players, and drove straight to the end of the game.

At 19 minutes and 04 seconds of game time, the big crystal in the GenG base exploded, and the game ended.

"OK, we also congratulate IG, who defeated GenG cleanly and smoothly to win this game, and successfully won this S8 good start!"

In the official commentary booth of the LPL, Guan Zeyuan said these words with a smile on his face, although he was in a very complicated mood, watching the GenG team that ended with zero seals.

Then at the same time, regarding the result of this game, several Korean commentators in the LCK commentary booth couldn't help expressing their emotions.

"Ah~ Although I had prepared a little bit before this, but seeing GenG lose so badly, it still makes me feel very uncomfortable."

"Ah~ Indeed, even though I guessed that this IG team would be an extremely terrifying big boss, I really didn't expect that GenG would lose so thoroughly, Smecta."

"Ah~ zero seals! It's such a helpless and sad word. GenG didn't get a head, a tower or a dragon in the whole game. Such a result is really unacceptable."

"Is this the complete IG Demon King? I can't see any flaws and weaknesses from the beginning to the end. This sense of oppression is really a bit suffocating. It's too strong to be too exaggerated!"

"If you only look at BP, GenG even has a big advantage, but in the end it ended up like this... Sigh."

"The gap is too big! Really completely crushed, Smecta!"

"Lancer! Lancer! Lancer! This Nidalee really makes my scalp tingle just thinking about it!"

"It really gave me the illusion that the jungler Lancer is more incomprehensible than the top laner Lancer!"

"Ah~ Anyway, after this round, Haru was really blown out."

"Crown is similar, alas, it is not IG's opponent at all."

"The only normal top laner, Cuvee, has no room to play at all."

"Hey, I can only hope that the GenG players can adjust their state after this and meet the next game. After all, the other opponents in this group are not easy. If they are still in today's state, it will be really dangerous. .”

"The difficulty of being first in the group seems really too great now. Concentrate on preparing for other opponents, and try to stabilize the group first!"


In the LCK commentary booth after the game, several Korean commentators sighed again and again, their voices full of worries about GenG.

On the scene, after this game, it was also the routine post-match interview session.

Then the team member who was in charge of being interviewed by the LCK host was Zhao Yun.

At the same time, the translator of the IG team, who had been offline most of the time before this, finally had another chance to appear in the public eye.

The person in charge of the interview is a newly promoted beautiful host from LCK.

And because the schedule of the group stage is very tight, so the post-match interview did not ask too many questions.

"IG's first match was a strong one against GenG, and the game only lasted 9 minutes. Did Lancer think it would be so easy before this?"

Zhao Yun: "I thought it would be easy, but I didn't expect it to be this easy."

"In the current version of the World Championship, it seems that you are the only Lancer player who likes to use Leopard Girl so far, and you have played extremely well. Can you tell everyone, what is your secret to playing Nidalee so well? ?”

Zhao Yun: "Huh? There's no special trick, I'm just lucky."

"What do you think of the qualifying situation in Group B? Do you think IG can get the first place in the group?"

Zhao Yun: "In Group B, we IG should be the first to qualify without any pressure, and the second in the group is hard to say for the time being, but if GenG is still in its current state, I think C9 has a better chance."

"What do you want to say to the fans who support IG?"

Zhao Yun: "Thank you for your continuous support. For the next entire S8, we will not lose a game until we win the championship!"


In the simple post-match interview, although most of the Korean audience was silent and did not respond, there were still some international student fans and some T1 fans, who still gave good cheers.

Then, after the first game of IG's group stage.

This beautiful record also aroused heated discussions in many domestic and foreign LPL forums for the first time.

Especially the audience outside the competition area who didn't pay much attention to the game before the World Championship. After watching the game, many people were directly attracted by the super strength displayed by IG.

On some popular foreign forums, there have been many discussion topics about IG.

"If you don't understand, just ask, is this year's LCK team so stretched? They got zero seals?"

"Hey, is there a possibility that it's not that GenG is too hot, but that IG is really too scary?"

"Oh my god, I just started watching games this year, and I never knew about teams from other divisions before this. I just checked and found out that this IG team has been playing for a whole year from last year's World Championship to this year's World Championship. Never lost?"

"Even though it's the World Championship, they play GenG like they're playing against a machine. This is really crazy!"

"Lancer's leopard girl reminds me of the painful memory of encountering a power leveling leopard girl on the opposite side during the promotion match!"

"Lancer! He is a god!"

"The great Lancer has switched from top lane to jungle, but he is still able to control the outcome of the entire game at will."

"I've never seen a Nidalee who can kill so much at Worlds."

"Before this, although the Lancer on the road was also very powerful, it still seemed to have a little bit of humanity left, as well as small human flaws."

"But Lancer, the jungler, makes me feel that he has completely surpassed the scope of human beings. He has become a perfect god!"

"Who can stand in the way of IG's title defense?"


On various forums, the discussion on IG has always been hot.

In Busan, as the schedule progressed day by day, the qualifying situation of each group began to become complicated.

After IG easily crushed GenG, and then continued to beat Vit and C9 in the same group, many audiences in other divisions couldn't help but feel the fear of "LPL is so strong this year".

But a few days after the first round of the group stage, the final result made many fans of teams from outside the division breathe a sigh of relief.

Because they found that, unlike IG, the other two teams in LPL are not as scary as imagined.

The first is RNG, who lost directly to LCK's No. [-] seed KT in the first game, and the loss was rather ugly.

On KT's side, it is almost a replica of IG's bans against RNG in the LPL. The first three moves directly banned Uzi's Kai'Sa and Xia, and then even letme's Aoun was banned together.

Then, under such circumstances, Letme in the top lane was suppressed by Smeb all the way, Xiaohu in the middle lane had never played Ucal, which directly caused Kara's jungle rhythm to be restricted, and Uzi in the bottom lane had no obvious advantage in the early and mid-term against Deft.

In the end, in the face of KT Ueno's strong force and Deft's stable output, RNG couldn't stand it at all, and was defeated by KT with a big advantage in 27 minutes.

Then in the post-match interview, when Smeb was asked how it felt to win RNG, his answer was yes.

"For RNG, I don't think it's particularly strong. I've seen their previous games and know that Letme players are not good at carrying heroes, so I don't have any pressure on him at all. I just need to limit the performance of Uzi players in their bottom lane. , we can win easily."

Smeb's words even gave more inspiration to the other two teams in the same group.

After that, in Group C games, TL and MAD directly copied the homework strongly, and continuously reproduced KT's BP design, which directly prevented RNG from winning any games of Kai'Sa and Xialuo, and neither did Aoun.

Such a result directly caused RNG to play extremely difficult subsequent games. Although they still won TL and MAD, the whole game felt extremely reluctant, almost relying on Uzi's late three-piece suit to save the world.

However, at any rate, they also played 2-1 in the first round.

On the EDG side, the situation is a little more serious.

In the first game against FNC, he never fought, and then he barely won against GRX. In the third game, he faced the European and American Lobby 100t in the eyes of countless audiences, and unexpectedly overturned again!
In the first round of the three games, the score was 1-2!
Ever since, at the end of the first round of the group stage, the records of the three LPL teams were .

IG: 3-0
RNG: 2-1
EDG: 1-2
Such a data also breaks the inherent cognition of many people that "this LPL is very strong".

At the same time, some rumors began to spread on the Internet.

[Why is IG so strong that it exceeds the standard, but the performance of other LPL teams seems to be so unsatisfactory? 】

[Is there a possibility that IG's style of play is so special that other teams can't learn it even if they want to? 】

[The core reason for all this is because of the existence of that man—Lancer! 】

[No one can achieve 100% match-up lead in every game, except for the jungler Lancer]


Then, just when the audience was very interested in IG's incomparably unique style of play, on the largest LOL forum on the Internet, the post with the highest expectations was .

[After banning Qianjue Leopard Girl and Rock Sparrow, what hero will Lancer bring out? 】

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