That's what we do with silver

Chapter 265 The top 8 groups, full of grievances!


The group stage was in full swing.

Soon, after the first round.

The knockout round of the second round also made the audience more excited to watch.

First up is Group A.

FW Lightning Wolves performed well in the first round, but in the second round, they quickly stretched the gap. They lost to G2 and AFS in a row, directly ruining their own promotion hopes. In the end, the first day of Group A's knockout result was .

First in the group, G2.

Second in the group, AFS.

Then there is Group B.

As the group where IG is located, it has always attracted the attention of the audience, and even countless people have been looking forward to when IG will come up with a fourth hero besides the wild core three axes.

It's a pity that they didn't see what they wanted to see until the end of the three-round elimination round.

From the audience's point of view, everyone really wants to see IG's opponent three-ban the jungler, or ban two and grab one, so as to force out IG's other hidden moves.

But from the perspective of the other three teams in Group B, it was impossible for them to do such a thing.

Because...whether it is GenG, Vit or C9, they are not only invincible in the wild, they are invincible in every lane!
Under such huge laning pressure, the first round ban position of these three teams when facing IG, at least one ban position must be assigned to Kai'Sa and LeBlanc, and even in the blue team, I also need to disassemble a Xialuo and go out.

Therefore, the remaining ban slots for the jungler are naturally not enough.

In addition to this, there is another more important reason.

They have no such opportunity.

Yes, that's right!

In the second knockout round, Zhao Yun won!
In addition to playing C9, Zhao Yun played a game of Qianjue in the jungle, and in the last two games against GenG and Vit, he chose to play King Ning.

As far as the effect is concerned... Although there is no such thing as Zhao Yun's wild hero who has no solutions to end the game in 10 minutes, but the strength displayed by King Ning is still obviously stronger than the junglers of these two teams.

One round of Camille and one round of Blind Sin, the team battle was also full of rhythm and brilliant, allowing IG to still defeat GenG and vit with a big advantage, and successfully maintained a complete victory to win the knockout round.

In this way, 3-0, helped IG successfully win the first place in Group B 6-0.

Then, GenG also lost to C9 in a key game without accident, becoming the first LCK team that missed the top eight in this S8.

The second group in Group B fell to the C9 team in the North American Division.

That night, countless T1 fans ran wildly in various forums to share their congratulations. They were so happy, it seemed like it was Chinese New Year.

I didn't know, I thought they were all IG's iron-blooded Korean diehard fans.


But no matter what, as the first team in the LCK that has failed to make it out of the group stage in recent years, the performance of the GenG team in the group stage has also successfully caused them to arouse the biggest heated discussion in the Korean LOL forum. The hot search list in Korea.

Then there is Group C.

There were not too many surprises in this group. KT won the first place in the group with no pressure. RNG lost two games in a row to KT. With 4-2, it became the second qualifying group in Group C.

Finally, Group D.

In FNC, Ueno carried wildly and won the first place in the group with a record of 5-1.

EDG played dangerously, and finally won two rounds in the second round and scored 3-3. In the final overtime game, 100t, who had a thrilling comeback with equal points, finally won the second place in the group.

So far, the qualifying list of the last four groups is.

Group A: G2, AFS.

Group B: IG, C9.

Group C: KT, RNG.

Group D: FNC, EDG.

Then, on the night the group stage ended, the draw took place as scheduled.

On the stage of the venue, the person in charge of the lottery is Watch, a former LCK handsome player.

Then, under the expectant eyes of countless audiences, the top eight groups appeared one by one on the final big screen.

June 10, 20:12 noon.

EDG played against KT.

August 10, 20:16 pm.

RNG played against G2.

June 10, 21:12 noon.

C9 played against FNC.

October 10, 21:16 pm
AFS vs. IG.

Such a grouping of the quarter-finals immediately filled up the anticipation of this quarter-finals!
In the live broadcast rooms of each competition area, the audience immediately entered into a heated discussion.

"Fortunately, there was no civil war, and I breathed a sigh of relief."

"Fuck! This group is full of grievances!"

"EDG is playing KT, and Meiko is playing Deft. It's not only a battle between China and South Korea, but also love and killing each other. The effect of the show is full."

"I feel sorry for Meiko in advance, and I will be beaten and cried."

"C9 and FNC also have a narrow road to each other. Is this the war between Europe and America? It's time to decide whether NA>EU or EU>NA."

"The game between RNG and G2 should be the least suspenseful. It seems that UZI has never lost to the European and American Lobby in this life."

"Indeed, Uzi's hoisting of Europe and the United States is more accurate than a dozen!"

"Then there is AFS and IG at the end. Let me say something in advance. IG has already started to study the opponents of the semi-finals, is it okay?"

"Laughing, I sent off GenG first in the group stage, and then met AFS again in the quarterfinals. IG is really the nemesis of the LCK team, right?"

"IG's teams are extremely heavy-handed every time they play LCK."

"I haven't heard the wonderful story of IG winning three in a row and beating three South Korean teams 3:0 in a row in the World Championship for a whole year. I hope to see it again this year!"

"Four-final opponents? Final opponents!"

"If RNG wins G2, the top four will face IG immediately, die of laughter!"

"Congratulations in advance for the top four joining IG and RNG?"

"Hey, as a Royal Family fan, I really feel a lot of pressure when I think of meeting IG again in the top four."

"It's okay, RNG has been beaten by IG for a whole year, and there are not more than one or two rounds."

"Although the current IG seems to be invincible, yes, but what if! I mean what if! If RNG suddenly awakens and overturns IG, and then continues to kill KT, wouldn't it be the most perfect script?"

"The all-Chinese class won the World Championship held in South Korea! Just thinking about it makes me excited!"

"I have to say, it's pretty beautiful to imagine."


In any case, with such a high probability, there is no civil war in the LPL quarterfinals. LPL fans are quite satisfied with the draw of the quarterfinals this time.

Even that night, many RNG fans had already started serious discussions about how the top four would deal with IG.

Immediately, a group of RNG fans were talking enthusiastically.

Between the lines, it was obvious that G2, the opponent of the quarter-finals, was completely ignored.

After all, it's just a mere game in Europe and America, isn't it just a casual game to win?

Not only the fans of RNG, even the RNG players couldn't help but smile happily when they saw this grouping.

A few people from RNG were in the hotel room, and there was a burst of ecstasy at that time, they slapped their thighs fiercely, and laughed out loud.


On the Internet, countless netizens are still talking about the top eight groups this time.

As for the IG team, the players didn't pay much attention to the next grouping.

Because in the eyes of all the IG players, it is true that everyone is the same, and everyone will not have too much pressure because of who the opponent is.

After all, you still have the self-confidence you should have, and it's your opponent who should be anxious. Everyone can fight normally and it's over.

And another very important point is that in the past few days, the mood of IG people has become much better than before.
Because... After playing Rank free training for several days in a row, in the past two days, everyone finally has a training match!
Speaking of which, it was because of the relationship with coach Mafa that he finally found a suitable training opponent.

As for the name of this team, other IG players may not have much feeling for it, but when Zhao Yun heard it for the first time, he was really surprised.

Because the name of the team that was finally found to play a training match with them was .


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