That's what we do with silver

Chapter 266 What's the situation?IG has 1 single seedling left?

Chapter 266 What's the situation?There is only one seed left in IG?
Yes, DWG.

18 years of DWG.

Of course, the big tortoise at this time is not the invincible full body of S10, Ghost has not yet joined the team, and the other players are still relatively young, just a player who has just completed the relegation match of the LCK secondary league and has just been promoted to the LCK Just a new team.

If it is normal, it is impossible for IG to play a training match with a team that just came up from the secondary league.

But in special times and special circumstances, there is no other way.

If you can't get an appointment with other teams, you can only play against DWG.

Then, the thing that surprised everyone on IG is.

Several members of the DWG team, although the overall strength seems to be relatively average at present, compared with the AFS team and KT team who are playing in the world championship, there are obvious shortcomings.

but!Their mentality is really good!

No matter how much they were hanged and beaten, no matter how hard they lost, they were able to withstand it!
A few people from DWG directly accompanied IG to play a full four days of training matches!

There is one thing to say, I saw that DWG on the opposite side can continue to play training games with IG every day even though they have been losing wildly.

When other teams are unwilling to play against IG, DWG can still do this.

To be really moved everyone in IG.

Ever since, out of gratitude to them, everyone in IG took it very seriously even in the training match, without any intention of releasing water, and played every game with extra effort.

In this way, he abused DWG for four whole days.

Finally, the quarterfinals started.

First up is the first game.

October NO.20, starting at [-]:[-] noon.

The game between EDG and KT.

Before the game, everyone didn't have too much expectation for EDG. They felt that they were definitely not KT's opponents, and they were lucky if they could win at most.

Then words.

It can only be said that in terms of disappointing people, EDG will never let everyone down.

Not even [-]-[-], they were directly defeated by KT Lightspeed [-]-[-].

There were not even too many accidents in the whole process, it was just that she couldn't beat it with pure hard power, and KT caught the slightest flaw and quickly expanded it, and then happily sent it away.

As for the result of EDG, although domestic audiences were unavoidably disappointed, they didn't pay too much attention after all.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that EDG really tried their best and didn't make any big mistakes. They simply couldn't beat it.

Ever since, under such circumstances, although EDG's World Championship this year stopped at the top eight again, compared with previous years, all kinds of ridicule and trolling remarks have decreased a lot.

Then, as the key BO5 of the second round of the day started, countless spectators quickly focused more on the next game.

16:00 in the afternoon.

RNG played against G2.

Because the match between EDG and KT was finished in three rounds, and the end time was unexpectedly fast, so after the end of the match, there was still nearly an hour before the match between RNG and RNG.

At this point in time, the official live broadcast room displayed a countdown.

At this time, countless viewers took this opportunity to start frantic discussions about the next game in various forums and live broadcast rooms.

"Hey, what's so interesting about this game, RNG has never lost the Omega since ancient times, I'll just go to sleep, it's an undoubted victory when I wake up!"

"Although RNG was beaten by IG in the LPL, it has always been stable against European and American teams. Well, with all due respect, this game is worthless."

"G2? If you can win a small game against RNG, you will be considered a victory!"

"Hey, EDG lost too badly. Fortunately, RNG is still here today. Hurry up and watch RNG abuse food to soothe your mood."

"But to be honest, wouldn't the semifinals be about watching IG play RNG? Thinking of the civil war so early, I really feel a little uncomfortable."

"It's good to send one to the final."

"Actually, there is one thing to say. So far, I have seen the state of RNG World Championships is quite fierce. It may not be true that the civil war has a chance to overthrow IG!"

"I also think that RNG really has a chance to +1 this time!"

"This is the closest I've ever been to winning the championship in the all-Chinese class!!"

"Go RNG!"

"Although I also feel that RNG will definitely win, is it too early for us to open champagne now? What if there is poisonous milk?"

"What are you afraid of! In the face of absolute strength, everything is fearless!"

"That's right, IG fans have been crazy for so long, and I have never seen IG overturned. If they can be crazy, we RNG fans can also be crazy!"


Before the start of the RNG game, netizens from all walks of life on the Internet talked a lot, and their tone was full of relaxed and happy.

Then, under such an atmosphere.

The RNG game has officially started.

It's a pity that the situation of this BO5 was beyond everyone's expectations, especially the fans of RNG.

There is no such thing as the imaginary third-line crushing and explosion, and there is no UZI killing the Quartet as everyone expected.

In this duel between RNG and G2, the whole process was extremely difficult.

Then, after being dragged into the most critical fifth round by G2, RNG's poor performance in this round made countless RNG fans look stupid on the spot.

RNG, lost.

It seems like the reincarnation of history.

In the most critical fifth game, the five players of RNG directly fell ill collectively.

The top laner Letme, after experiencing the double-stretching of Kenannar in the previous two rounds, his self-confidence was directly exhausted. Once again, he flinched and took out Sion in the key round, and peacefully developed with the opposite Wunder's sword demon for more than 20 minutes , and then became a transparent person without any waves, except for raising a handsome sword demon daddy, the whole game is like a large sandbag with no sense of existence.

Playing wild spicy hot pot, choosing a nightmare with no rhythm in the early and mid-term, playing hard and hard, and did not fly a good big move in the whole round.

The mid laner Xiaohu took out his good mid laner Ryze, but he was controlled by the opposite Perkz enchantress, so he was not solo killed, but because of the loss of the wild area, it also caused his mid laner to be suppressed out of breath .

And if it is said that the three middle and wild brothers on RNG are just suppressed and look very messy.

Then RNG's bot lane duo is an iron war criminal.

Brainless line pressing, brainless greedy soldiers, failure to light lanterns, and sudden death in flash...

All kinds of outrageous low-level mistakes, but in this round, they were all made by the RNG duo.

Then of course, RNG's bot lane became a breakthrough.

Frequent arrests during the laning phase directly led to the four guarantees and one system specially selected by RNG, which fell into a huge disadvantage in the early and mid-term.

After that, even if the RNG people tried their best to make up for it, it was still in vain.

Under the huge economic gap, G2 triumphantly advanced, directly destroying all hopes of RNG, and flattened RNG's base in 32 minutes.

After nearly five hours of fierce fighting, this B05 finally came to an end.

21: 00.
G2 defeated RNG three to two and successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

Looking at this result, countless LPL viewers, especially RNG fans, could hardly believe their eyes.

And Zhao Yun, who was sitting in the hotel room watching the game, couldn't help but click his tongue.

I can only say, maybe, this is the fate that RNG should have?

(End of this chapter)

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