2: 3.

The game between RNG and G2 is over.

RNG, who was given high hopes by everyone, fell into the hands of "European Lobby", which he had never lost.

Stopping in the quarterfinals, shattering Busan's dream.

That night, all major domestic LOL forums were completely wiped out by this incident.

At a glance, there are not only the heartbroken cries of countless all-China soft fans, but also the carnival of RNG black fans and fans of other teams.

Anyway, sum it up in one sentence.

The hot search exploded.

Weibo is hotly searched, Tieba is hotly searched, and station B is hotly searched.

Even some places that usually seem to have nothing to do with e-sports games, such as the book review area of ​​major novel platforms, the comment area of ​​a certain pink comic app, and even the message area of ​​major online shopping e-commerce platforms, can be seen and RNG related speeches.

"To be honest, we don't have any pressure at all, and everyone has even started to study in advance what lineup to use for KT in the finals."

Rookie in the middle lane played equally well, with Galio in one round, Lissandra in one round, and LeBlanc, who was born to kill, in the last round.


I hope that the IG players will play well, don't have psychological pressure, and just play to their strengths.

In the third game, KT on the blue side made a relentless decision to go straight to the jungler with a three-ban. After grabbing Xia, IG successfully won the top lane sword demon, assisted Luo AD Kaisha, and finally paired with the mid laner girl. The last counter position, Zhao Yunxuan In the end, relying on the strong suppression of the dead song wild area, IG's quad-core lineup developed perfectly, and the output exploded in the mid-term, defeating KT head-on.

"His name is... L—A—N—C—E—R"

Now that EDG has just lost 2-[-] to KT, and RNG immediately lost to G[-], it is really hard not to worry.

[Come on! IG! 】


Then, in front of tens of thousands of spectators, announce the Fmvp winner this time.

On KT's side, fans have the most high hopes, and it is also the most worrying point. There is no doubt that it is the jungler's Score.

KT defeated G2 three to one.

And in the same way, while feeling heartbroken or ecstatic about RNG's failure, countless LPL fans also unanimously pinned their last hopes on IG.

All of a sudden, because of RNG's disastrous defeat, all the LPL fans who had full confidence in IG couldn't help feeling uneasy.

In an instant, the crowd rejoiced.

Facing the camera, Zhao Yun also had the same relaxed and confident smile as usual.

Even if S7 succeeds in winning the championship, everyone's fear of the Korean team, especially SKT, is still hard to get rid of.


[Think it's for RNG, use Wu low profile! 】

"Fmvp belongs to IG's jungler!"

At that time, in the live broadcast room on the LCK side, all kinds of bullet screens were frenzied, and they all said that IG's arrogant soldiers must lose, and that LPL's journey to the S8 World Championship this time should stop here.

In this way, IG Naka Ueno made a strong effort and directly smashed AFS Naka Ueno, leading the team to crush and win.

Before the start of the game, the video of the pre-match interview was also released.

All of a sudden, EU fans rejoiced, and NA fans were heartbroken.


He read the six letters aloud one by one, and finally, in an extremely passionate tone, he read the ID aloud.

After that, there will be more intense semi-finals.

【This time, the pressure came to them again. 】

[Stop bragging, I'm so tired, I don't believe anyone now, I just want to see my number one favorite Yunzi take out the leopard girl Qian Jue and slaughter wildly, and then continue to win two consecutive championships in a series of three strong 】

Over the past year, the comments he saw every day were basically flattering him. This kind of environment would only make him feel happy. How could it affect his self-confidence and mentality?
Same goes for the rest of IG.

[The picture of deja vu reminds me of the legendary S7]

For example, Zhao Yun himself, when he saw RNG lose to G2, at most he could only sigh with emotion, and feel sorry for UZI's trip to the World Championship.

"The undefeated golden body is still unbreakable, the legend of invincibility continues, and the dynasty belonging to IG has come!"

But at this time, after more than a year of successive victories, ordinary speech has long been unable to have any influence on him.


No way, when facing IG, whether KT is on the blue side or the red side, BP is too difficult to do!
In addition to the three wild core heroes in the jungle position to be targeted, Xialuo and Kai'Sa in the bottom lane also need to be banned, Rookie's Lefrangalio in the middle lane also needs to be targeted, and TheShy's sword demon in the top lane also wants to guard against it.

Amidst the cheers of mountains and tsunami, the host smiled and looked at Zhao Yun next to him, and said the same thing.

Many times, even when he saw these words, although he smiled on his lips, he still couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

On the road, TheShy was very steady and chose a round of Sion, a round of Ornn, and a round of Sword Demon, and played steadily to suppress Kiin.

As everyone predicted, IG and KT successfully met in the finals.

"We are champions! We are champions again!"

"Then, what I'm really curious about is why your own style of play is always so different no matter whether you are in the upper unit or the jungle position?"

"First of all, I would like to congratulate Lancer for winning his own two consecutive championships and two consecutive Fmvp."

Three to zero, game over.

Just right, after an hour's rest, the IG game was perfectly connected at four o'clock.



South Korea, Incheon.

And this match, the duel between IG and AFS, really touched the hearts of thousands of LCK and LPL fans.

The match between C9 and FNC started at 12:[-] noon, and ended at the speed of light in less than three hours.


I am worried that he will not be able to stand up against Lancer, and I am afraid that he will become a breakthrough for the KT team.

"Win! Win!"

In the first game, IG got the most familiar Qianjue Galio Nakano system, Zhao Yun Qianjue directly surpassed the gods, 25 minutes of [-]-layer imprint four-piece set plus a stopwatch, perfectly developed, directly took over the game, and a wave of big dragons ended the game strongly .

In an instant, the voice of the commentary was extremely excited.

【Fuck!Is there only one single seedling left in IG? 】

In the second game, Qianjue Rock Sparrow was banned, Zhao Yun successfully got Leopard Girl, cooperated with Aoun of TheShy on the road, Ueno's conjoined military training was incomparable, directly caught Smeb's Jess to Super Ghost 0-9, and controlled the upper half. Relying on the canyon pioneer all the way to clear the level, in 23 minutes the leopard girl's four-piece suit, one mark kills AD with full blood, and a wave of team battles ends the game.

In the case of winning streak all the way, it is naturally impossible to have any mentality problems.

European and American civil wars, the gimmicks and discussions before the game are directly full.

"Is there any pressure to face AFS?"

C9 and FNC won three to zero.

Of course, even if they really saw it, everyone in IG would not be affected too much.

Under such a premise, he still has to act as a jungler to face the recognized IG's strongest carry core. Such a situation really worries LCK fans.

Ever since, even though the two brother teams, EDG and RNG, were defeated one after another, the atmosphere in IG's team was still the same as usual, and it was still the same relaxed and happy.

After all, he hasn't lost at all in more than a year. There are few comments related to him on the Internet, let alone scolding him. There are even few impartial and objective neutral comments, and most of them are basically bragging.


And the average age of the IG team he faced was not even 19 years old.

In 92, he is already 26 years old this year.

From the first game, IG used Zhao Yun as the starting jungler. When the rock sparrow was always banned, the three games used Leopard Girl, Qian Jue, and Qian Jue respectively, and they all matched up and exploded AFS's fight. Wild Spirit.

Such a result not only made the LCK fans helplessly silent, but also made the LPL fans who were still a little worried regain hope once again.

When the Incheon Gymnasium arrived at the scene, there was a burst of extremely enthusiastic cheers, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

The S8 Global Finals, which countless people are looking forward to, finally started.

Three to zero.

During the game, the club basically does not allow the players to use Weibo, post or other posts.

Throughout the huge stadium, everyone couldn't help chanting the same name together.

The golden rain fell, and everyone on IG also gathered together excitedly, cheering heartily.

If it was him a year ago, he might still be affected by online comments.

All of a sudden, many LPL fans ran to the IG official blog to leave comments frantically.

[Lancer: It's okay, I'll make a move]

There are too many things that I want to ban, but there are only a few ban positions.


Then, when the game started, the more the fans of LCK watched, the colder they felt.

IG crushed FNC three to zero.

In such an atmosphere, everyone also watched the follow-up games together.

[The most terrifying thing, everyone, IG should also fall in the top eight, AFS seems to be quite strong! 】


And soon, the official host, as well as the founder of Riot Games, Tryndamere, also appeared in person to present championship rings and medals to everyone on IG.

For Zhao Yun's extremely arrogant words, LCK fans heard it and felt extremely angry.

Under such circumstances, Ueno's personal strength in IG was stronger than that of KT. After Zhao Yun's jungle habitually dominated, the snowball quickly rolled through the canyon vanguard.


On October 10, the match between C21 and FNC.

Under such a huge pressure, no matter how KT BPs, IG can get a very comfortable lineup.

On the major LOL forums, similar posts appeared like crazy.


"Congratulations to IG! Successfully defeated KT 8-[-] and won the S[-] global championship! Successfully defended the title!"

Because, what they were most worried about still happened.

In the e-sports industry, players already belonged to the elderly.

[Maybe, looking at it in the past two years, it's not that the LPL has really become stronger, but simply because the IG team is too invincible? 】

At this moment, all the commentators in the commentary booth couldn't help shouting excitedly, their faces flushed.

The final result is also full of drama.

[That year was 2017. RNG and EDG fell one after another. The only remaining IG withstood the huge pressure. Finally, with absolute hard power, a series of three, a strong nine-game winning streak cleared three BO5s, and stepped on three South Koreans. The corpses of the team won the championship unanimously. 】

Then, when the game officially started, the final result of this BO5 round was to silence all of them at the same time.

There is no way, the main reason is the various encounters in the past 17 years ago, which caused everyone's Korean-phobia to always exist.

【You can always trust Lancer... Rookie, Ning, Baolan, TheShy and Ah Shui! 】


Similarly, the results of the semi-finals did not surprise too many people.

Score's wild area was blown up.

Of course, the IG team members will definitely not be able to see these contents.

There were not too many accidents, and the victory was directly crushed from beginning to end.

[Fuck!Why is the fucking RNG so useless!I am really angry! G2 can lose! 】

In addition, although Su Xiaoluo himself is not very good at management, he is quite good at creating atmosphere, and he is good at maintaining a relaxed atmosphere in the team.

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

Take care of one thing and lose another, the gain outweighs the gain.

Upon hearing this question, Zhao Yun laughed, and expressed his true inner thoughts in front of countless audiences.

"Is it different, I don't think so."

"Because, in our Baiyin, everyone plays like this."


【End of the book】

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