That's what we do with silver

Chapter 36 Come on, cut down a big tree with a big knife!

Chapter 36 Come on, cut down a big tree with a big knife!

Soon, seeing that the game time was coming soon, the players from both sides were notified to go on stage.

As usual, proceed with device debugging.

Originally, for the arrangement of this game, Coach Mafa wanted to let Duke or TheShy go up to play the same as before playing Snake, and decide whether to change players according to the specific situation.

After all, in his previous cognition, he always felt that Duke was more stable, while TheShy's offensive ability was sharper.

Such an arrangement is fairer and more reasonable for everyone.

However, the results of the training match these days made him decisively change his mind.

Let Zhao Yun go first.

Because, in all the training matches during this period, Zhao Yun won all the rounds he played.


As for Duke and TheShy, although they performed well, they still lost and won in the end.

Under this premise, it is really all nonsense to talk about stability and offensiveness.

After all, what other aspect of stability can compare to the stability of a complete victory?

So ever!
Zhao Yun started.

At this moment, when he sat on the player's bench again, he still had uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

after all.

In the second official game of my life, the freshness is still full.

Excited hearts, trembling hands, and a bunch of funny opponents and teammates.

Before the game started, both sides were already waiting in the custom room.

At this time, the already familiar players from both sides chatted in the custom room.

EDG, Meiko: "Listen to them, your team's recent training match has been off the charts, and you beat everyone like crazy?"

IG, Rookie: "Don't talk nonsense, nothing happens."

IG, Ning: "When I think about the match with Qijiang, my hands tremble."

EDG, Clearlove7: "Hahaha, let's grow wild peacefully, you swear not to eat my F6?"

IG, Ning: "People don't need to be arrested, F6 must be arranged."

EDG and Mouse: "Your top laner Lancer is very fierce. Fuck the first place in Korean server is really scary. Can you stop pressing me today?"

IG, Lancer: "...I'm afraid this won't work."


While the two players were chatting in the custom room, in the commentary booth, the two commentators also started a routine pre-match analysis.

Today's commentary is Remember and Miller.

Remember: "IG vs. EDG, I feel that the match between these two teams will be very interesting."

Miller: "That's right. EDG still has a record of 6-0 without losing a game, and their dominance is amazing. And IG's condition has recovered, especially their rookie top laner Lacner. In the last game against Snake, he lost a game. Gnar in the game of Barbarian King is really impressive."

Remember: "At the moment, it seems that IG is a team with outstanding personal strength, and at the same time, it is more inclined to fight and team battles, while EDG is a team with strong operational capabilities. It is almost unique in the current LPL. Two teams with different styles It must be a sight to see.”

Miller: "And recently I have a gossip saying that not only did Lancer directly rush to the first place in the Korean server two days ago, but all members of IG were in a very brave training game. Maybe there is a chance to break EDG's undefeated Golden body."

Remember: "Hahaha, if you say this, it really arouses my curiosity. I really can't wait to see the confrontation between the two sides haha."


Under the warm-up of the two commentators, soon, it was time for the game.

The screen on the big screen switched, the game officially started, and the commentary sound that I remembered sounded in real time.

"OK, blue side EDG, red side IG."

"EDG's top three ban players chose to ban Snake Girl, Zac, and Blind. The intention is obvious, that is, to limit the performance of mid laner Rookie and jungler Ning."

"On IG's side, Mantis, Prince, and Rock Sparrow were banned, also targeting the middle field."

"Then EDG chose the excavator directly..."

On the BP interface, the two sides started the first round of selection.

At this time, coach Mafa also asked directly.

"Ayun, what do you want to play in this round?"

When Zhao Yun heard this, he answered decisively without thinking.

"Barbarian King!"

As his only somewhat confident hero, the Barbarian will always be his first choice.

Mafa nodded and continued.

"For the barbarian king, then you may play in the first three moves, or you may be banned in the second round. Is it okay to go first?"

Zhao Yun nodded decisively.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you come first, just choose the barbarian king."

After a simple communication between the two, Zhao Yun on the first floor simply didn't need to take the hero first, and directly locked the barbarian king on the first floor.

"My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

At this moment, when the head of the barbarian king was locked, the familiar voice lines resounded through the audience.

In an instant, the two commentators on the commentary platform also let out an exclamation.

Remember: "Here, we also saw that IG did not hesitate, and directly locked on the barbarian king on the first floor!"

Miller: "Come on, come on, haha, I still remember the last game against Snake. I didn't expect Lancer to be the top laner on the first floor in this game."

Remember: "I feel that Lacner player is really confident. He locked the top laner so early, and he is not afraid of EDG's target at all."

Miller: "One thing to say, the hero Barbarian King really has this kind of charm. Just seeing him makes me feel lit up haha."

At the commentary table, the two commentators became excited when they saw the reappearance of the barbarian king.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room also flew up.

"Barbarian King! OHOHOHOHOHOH"

"It's coming, it's my first favorite top lane Barbarian King session again!"

"Wuhu! My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!!"


"It's interesting!"

"I bet a dime that EDG will still choose Dashu when they hit the road."

"MD, I just like IG's violent temper! If you don't accept it, just do it!"

"Handsome, Brother Lancer! Choose the barbarian king!"

"This is clearly telling EDG, come and target me, don't be afraid!"


If it is said that in the previous game against Snake, because the fans of the two teams are not many, the repercussions caused are very limited.

So in today's round, when the opponent became EDG, one of the current LPL popularity ceilings, the appearance of this barbarian directly caused the barrage in the live broadcast room of each platform game to more than double in an instant.

And at this time, the director also looked very understanding, and once again took a close-up shot of Zhao Yun's side, clearly presenting his face in the live broadcast again.

In an instant, the already lively match scene directly aroused a wave of very enthusiastic female cheers.

Among them, most of them are female fans of EDG.

And in the live broadcast room where the popularity of the game increased dramatically due to the appearance of the barbarian king, the barrage skyrocketed the moment Zhao Yun showed his face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! What a handsome little brother!"


"Who is this, who is this?"

"Three seconds, I want to know all the news about this little brother."

"My God, IG still has such a treasure boy?"

"Mom, I was bent, woo woo woo."

"I, Is it too late for me to become an IG fan?"


In Zhao Yun's own opinion, his appearance, which is useless to improve his strength, has earned him a lot of attention at this time.

Of course, the face-showing shot is only a few seconds long, and most of the fans' attention is still on the game.

In the BP stage, the follow-up selections of both sides were not too special, so the lineup was quickly determined.

The blue side EDG, the top laner Dashu, the jungle excavator, the mid laner plane, and the bottom lane Ashe and Bron.

Red Fang IG, top laner Barbarian King, jungler Qing Gangying, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Lu Xia and Luo.

And at the moment when the final lineup was determined, all the IG players couldn't help but smile confidently when they saw the complete lineup on their side.

"Come on guys, get ready to kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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