That's what we do with silver

Chapter 37 Why Are You Killing Me?

Chapter 37 Why Are You Killing Me?

Game start.

In the EDG team voice, the factory manager also had a special talk with Mouse.

"Their top laner Barbarian seems to be a unique player, but the hero Barbarian is just like that. Our lineup can control his head. Try not to give it a chance in the lane. Our mid-to-late team battle rhythm is invincible."

Mouse also laughed when he heard the words.

"Don't worry, brother, I'm pretty sure."

It can only be said that his character is really straightforward.

As a professional player, Mouse, deep down, has always been unhappy with the team letting him play Dashu.

But once he sits on the competition bench, during the competition, he will never be neglected in the slightest.

Because he will never forget what the factory director asked him when he expressed his desire to play Dashu with the team.

'Would you rather choose Dashu and cry to win, or would you rather choose Rambo to lose with a smile? '

One problem is directly that several generations of Twisted Dryad Renzhuli have been continuously created in EDG.

Today, when the big tree is selected, the nature of EDG's road to the road has basically been determined.

Isn't it just to resist pressure, what a big deal.

Mouse, who has already turned into a great tree man, didn't take the factory manager's reminder very seriously.

After all, it has been so many years, and he has never seen any scenes of his big tree. The desert spiders, blue steel sparrows, desert huntresses... all kinds of perverted heroes are innumerable, and his muscle memory can withstand stress. These tests He can survive it, and he is still afraid of a mere barbarian king?

Just die laughing!
Therefore, when the lineup is determined, Mouse itself does not have much pressure.

After the game started and the line-up was officially started, his thoughts changed very quickly.

Hit the road, at level one.

As usual, Mouse's position at the first level of the big tree is to stand behind the pawn line. As long as he is attacked from the opposite side at this distance, it will inevitably attract the hatred of the pawns.

At first, he thought that even if the opponent chose the Man King, he would have to level up and rely on the blessing of high anger before the Man King would dare to attack him.

But what he didn't expect was.

The barbarian king in front of him attacked twice after going online, and just after he got a little angry, he turned around and slashed him.

Seeing this, Mouse was overjoyed.

'What does this barbarian king want to do? He wants to attack me even against the line of soldiers. He's not clear-headed, right? '

Immediately, Mouse controlled the big tree with a backhand shot with a Q skill. While repelling the barbarian king at close range, it triggered the shield of the colossus and pulled it back.

In his original idea, the barbarian king was taking the damage from the minions, plus the damage from his Q skill, plus he triggered the shield of the Colossus talent, this wave of blood exchange is definitely a big profit for him.

But in the next second, the comparison of the blood bars of the two sides made him widen his eyes.

The barbarian king ate one of his Q skills, plus the damage of the minions, a total of less than one-fifth of his blood volume was lost.

However, his big tree was only cut by the barbarian king, but nearly a quarter of its blood was gone in an instant.

'Holy shit, ten points of rage can also make a critical strike? '

Looking at the big tree that lost a chunk of blood in the picture, the corner of Mouse's mouth couldn't help twitching twice.

'Forget it, it's okay, this time he is lucky, now the pawn line is pushing this way, the advantage is mine, it doesn't matter if he has some blood. '

Mouse thought so.

He even thought about it, when the line of soldiers is pushed towards him, he will control the line by himself, and when the factory manager's excavator comes over, the barbarian king will catch and die.

He thought so in his heart, and said it directly.

"Brother, the barbarian king is pushing the line, I will control the line, and you will come directly to the third level later, and he will die."

The factory manager took a look when he heard the words, and his eyes were also happy.

"OK wait for me, level [-] is coming soon!"

After the communication between Ueno and Ueno, they immediately determined the direction of the next wave of rhythm.

However, what he didn't know was that when they were talking in Ueno, Zhao Yun also said something to Ning.

"Brother, you can come directly, I feel that you can surpass."

That's right, even though he is only at the first level now, Zhao Yun has already started to discuss the tower jumping with his jungler.

This is also the point where his understanding of the game has changed the most after the training games in the past few days.

Compared with focusing on working alone before, he has now started to take the initiative to call the jungler.

At this time, Ning, who was playing the red buff, did not show any surprise when he heard this. On the contrary, his reaction was very natural.

"OK, come right away, wait for me, wait for me!"

In order to catch up with time, Ning even directly handed in the punishment to hit the red, and quickly ran up the road at the second level.

You know, at the beginning of the game, the director's shots are usually given to the junglers of both sides.

Therefore, such an abnormal move by Ning immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In the commentary seat, the remembered voice became a little surprised.

"Here, we can see that Ning's Qinggang Shadow's wild strategy seems to be a bit special. When he only activated the red buff, he actually handed in the penalty directly. After hitting the red buff, he didn't continue to clear the jungle. Instead, he went straight to the top road. , like this, could it be that you want to catch it at the second level?"

Miller next to him also opened his eyes wide.

"Uh... Qinggangying's move is a little too taken for granted. Although Qinggangying's second-level gank is very powerful, it is a big tree. You know, how do you kill it? Could it be that it is just a simple fight? A flash? Is this even more unreasonable?"

"If you can't catch people and expose your position, wouldn't the bottom half of IG be eaten up by excavators?"

For a while, the two commentators were a little hard to understand Qing Gangying's choice.

But soon, what happened on the live broadcast screen answered their doubts.

Game time, 2 minutes and 15 seconds.

location, hit the road.

At this moment, the barbarian king on the line has already reached the second level, while the big tree has only the first level.

And at the moment when the barbarian king was in the second level, Qing Gangying had already arrived in the grass in the river.


Above the big tree's head, Zhao Yun marked three red attack signals in succession.

Seeing this scene, the two commentators were shocked at the time.

Miller: "No, I really want to go up, how to kill in this position, the damage is not enough."

Remember: "Well, this wave should be about to hit Flash."

Two people expressed their own analysis.

At the same time, Zhao Yun's Barbarian King took the lead the moment the signal was turned on on the game screen.

An E skill was transferred to Dashu's face, and he wanted to cut it with his hand!
"Again? Are you kidding me?"

Mouse reacted quickly. He raised his hand with a Q skill to repel the barbarian king, and then prepared to pull back, not giving the barbarian king a chance to continue chasing him. Behind him is not far from the range of the tower. In his eyes, he is still in an absolute safe range .

Even if he eats the barbarian king's chicken and slows down, the other party is no threat to him.

But what he didn't expect was that when he turned around and pulled back, the moment the barbarian king slowed down, a second-level green steel shadow suddenly popped out of the river on the right.

Grab the second level!

'What the hell is going on! '

Mouse's heart skipped a beat for an instant. Seeing Qing Gangying's second-stage E skill kicking over, he, who has rich experience in resisting pressure, subconsciously chose to flash and pull away.

However, it is still slow.

'call out'

'call out'

The big tree flashes alternately, and the green steel shadow also flashes alternately.

E flash hit, Dashu was kicked unconscious in place.

'Damn it, I'm already dodging and want to kill me, this Qing Gangying is crazy, so why do you kill me? '

Seeing that he would be able to enter the tower after two more steps, Mouse expressed his disdain for Qing Gangying's choice, and seeing his still healthy blood volume, he expressed that he was not panicking at all.

But in the next second, another special sound effect sounded in his earphones.


This is the sound of the barbarian king sprinting.

The big tree, which had been slowed down by the barbarian king's chicken, was now stunned by the Qinggang shadow. This time was enough time for the barbarian king to catch up and directly hit the big tree with a knife.


With this knife, the big tree lost half of its blood in an instant, which immediately made Mouse's heart tremble.

'It's okay, it's okay, I will enter the tower after two more steps, I will never die in this wave! '

While comforting himself, Mouse controlled the tree to go down the tower crazily.

However, at this moment, with the chicken hanging on his head, he couldn't walk at all!

Every step is extremely difficult!

And Man Wang and Qinggang Ying chased after him and output crazily.

Seeing that Qing Gangying had completed a set of skills, the tree had less than a quarter of its HP left, and finally walked into the range of the defense tower.

'Nice!survived! '

Seeing that the defense tower's attack had already started, Mouse was ecstatic.

Then the next second, the barbarian king followed him into the tower, raising his hand with a knife.

One blow.

The big tree fell to the ground.


[IG, Lancer killed EDG, Mouse]

A blood is born!

The big tree with nearly [-]% of its health was hacked to death under the tower by Man Wang and Qing Gangying under the eyes of everyone.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened.

In the commentary seat, I remember that I couldn't hold back my exclamation at that time.

"My God, it really killed it! Qing Gangying and Man Wang successfully caught and killed Mouse's top laner tree in the early 2 minutes!"

Miller was also surprised.

"Unbelievable, this is a big tree!"

And the barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling wildly at this moment.

"I knock! This can kill!"

"It's awesome!"

"Brave!! God!!"

"Here we come, it's time for my favorite barbarian king to cross the tower!"

"Handsome, Brother Lancer!"

"Wuhu! Take off!!"

"I came to Yueta in the early 2 minutes, IG Ueno played too fiercely!"

"Handsome handsome!"

"At the beginning, jump over the tower and kill! Brothers, I am on fire!"

"This game is interesting!"


All of a sudden, everyone was very excited about this kill born on the road.

On EDG's side, the moment the top laner Dashu sent out his first blood, the factory director's excavator had just finished his F6.

Seeing the sudden kill prompt, the factory manager was startled.

"I'll go. I'll be bloody wherever I go? What's going on on the road?"

He subconsciously took a look at it from all angles, and then saw Dashu's body lying under the tower, and the barbarian king and Qing Gangying were leaving gracefully.

At this time, Mouse's aggrieved voice slowly sounded in EDG's team voice.

"They ganged up on me, and they chased after me once I entered the tower. There's really no way."

Hearing this, several teammates were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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