That's what we do with silver

Chapter 43 Come, come, let me help you with the opposite jungler!

Chapter 43 Come, come, let me help you with the opposite jungler!
IG is confirmed in the fourth hand.

Mechanical Enemy-Rambo.

After Rambo was selected, Ning also confirmed the jungler.

Prince Jarvan IV of Demacia.

In an instant, all five heroes on IG's side were confirmed.

On the EDG side, there is still the last top laner who has not yet been selected.

After a brief communication, in the end, although Mouse himself wanted to play Kled, the coach of EDG and other players finally chose a big bug for him because the overall lineup was too fragile and there was no front row.

What they didn't know was that when Kled was first shown on the fifth floor of EDG, Zhao Yun's heart trembled when he saw it.

He was taken aback.

God knows, what he is most afraid of now is to choose a strong fighter on the opposite side to fight him when he does not have a barbarian king.

After all, when he was still in Baiyin, he was on the road more than once, met various young generations of God of War, and became their TOP highlight background board.

What are the top laner three sisters, what kind of weapon is the sword demon Kree, these heroes with high operational limits, in the hands of high-ranking top laners, can be played with all kinds of tricks, what one hits three ones and four ones Hitting five is simply commonplace.

In all fairness, Zhao Yun could feel that kind of powerlessness as soon as he met this kind of fish frying player who was good at laning. In those days, he still had lingering fears.

Therefore, when he saw Klein light up first on the fifth floor of EDG, Zhao Yun felt that his breathing was stagnant for a second, and his heart was raised in an instant, and he said in his heart that he was going to be ordered.

Then the next second, when he saw that the other party was replaced by a big bug, he felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

"so far so good……"

In just a few seconds, the continuous experience of great surprise and great joy made him break out in a few drops of cold sweat, and he couldn't help but slumped on the chair to wipe his sweat.

Seeing this, Ning beside him couldn't help but also said in surprise.

"Brother Yunzi is still sweating, are you hot?"

He looked at the air conditioner not far away, with some doubts on his face.

Regarding this, Zhao Yun also coughed lightly and laughed dryly.

"Haha, because of my physique, I have been sweating since I was a child, hahaha."

"OK, the game is about to start, stop chatting, brothers, come on!"

Zhao Yun pretended to yell in the voice to cover up his embarrassment by changing the subject.

As for the other members of IG, when they heard this, they also responded one after another, shouting cheers.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the team was great. Although the game hadn't started yet, the morale of IG's side had already soared.

Seeing this, the coach Mafa, who had already finished the BP and was about to leave, subconsciously turned his head and looked at Zhao Yun a few more times.

You know, in the current IG, strictly speaking, the personalities of several people are quite special.

Not to mention the bot lane duo, Xihuang and Baolan are relatively boring types, they rarely take the initiative to talk, even if they are partners together, they have relatively little communication with each other.

Rookie in the middle lane is a good-natured person, and his Chinese is not bad. Most of the time, he is easy to get along with, but after all, he is a Korean aid. He likes to listen to music quietly on weekdays, and he is not the kind of person who can drive the atmosphere.

I won’t talk about the jungler Ning. His personality is the standard Northeast violent temper, with a bit of machismo. Definitely a good team leader.

But it is a pity that at this time he is just a rookie who has just been promoted from the secondary league, and his status and prestige in the team are far from enough, so many times, even if he wants to command the line as a jungler, other teammates will not Definitely will listen to him.

As the coach of the team, he has always been well aware of the personality problems of the starting players of IG.

In the team, several people are fighting each other based on their personal strength, but they lack a key role to mobilize and activate the atmosphere.

And the command confusion caused by this is also one of the reasons why IG's performance was so poor before this and the game was played in a mess.

Before that, Mafa was troubled by this problem for a long time.

But in the past few days, after Zhao Yun played, he was pleasantly surprised to find that these problems in the IG team have been greatly alleviated!

But now, just a few days after playing, not only can Ning keep playing around the top lane, but also can drive other people to cheer together!

For a while, although for Zhao Yun, it was just a subconscious move to ease the embarrassment by changing the subject, in Mafa's view, it made his evaluation of Zhao Yun a little bit higher in his heart.

'Maybe, he is really the most critical piece of the puzzle for this IG! '

Looking at the five people on the field with an extremely harmonious atmosphere, Mafa couldn't help but think so in his heart.

Off the court, Mafa was still thinking.

On the court, the game has officially started.


To be honest, Zhao Yun really doesn't play much of the hero Rambo.

But he still has no problem casting the most basic skills.

Just like it is now, let Rambo and the big bug on the opposite side, the two of them are on the road in a friendly way to make up for the damage development, and he can still do it in a decent way.

And in order to be able to make last hits more comfortably and keep his last hits looking good, Zhao Yun used his old method again.

Push the line hard from the beginning of the line, and hard A soldiers.

Then, in order to make his lane-pushing behavior more reasonable, after Zhao Yun pushed the first wave of lanes to grab the second, he also decisively left the road, walked into the opposite red zone alone, and planted a ward in the grass of EDG's red buff.

Hey, in this way, wouldn't his line-pushing behavior instantly become extremely reasonable!

What is this called?
This is called the perfect use of Rambo's strong hero characteristics in the first two levels of pushing, and then help his own jungler to light up the opposing jungler and understand the opposing jungler's movements.

This Nima!
Who can see this kind of team spirit and praise it?

When the hero Rambo was selected, Zhao Yun wanted to understand that it was absolutely impossible for this hero to match up with the big bug.

So instead of struggling with the development of the opponent's line control on the line, to bear the gank threat that the spider may launch at any time, it is better for him to just push the line without thinking and disappear.

In this round, he won't be the top laner, he's just the second jungler Rambo who regularly comes to the lane to take pawns and push the lane, and then disappears immediately!
When he thought this way, his bad habit of not liking to look at minimaps was instantly cured.

Then, in order to implement his ideas more thoroughly, Zhao Yun saw that the opponent's spider hadn't come to the road to apply the red buff when he was at level three, so he immediately said in his voice.

"Brother, if the spider on the other side doesn't come to be famous, why don't we go over and snatch it for him, what do you think?"

Afraid that the spiders would come to mess with him later, Zhao Yun simply acted first, and directly wanted to take his jungler to go to the opponent's wave first.

And this proposal immediately got Ning's strong approval.

You must know that the jungler in this version of the game, the mainstream wind direction has always been rhythmic jungler, and the junglers are basically helping the lane to gain an advantage.

In the future, the standard system with the jungle position as the core, and then forming a powerful system with wild auxiliary linkage, middle field linkage, and even Nakano auxiliary linkage together. In this year, no one has dedicated research and use.

Therefore, things like letting the line support the wild area in the early stage are basically rare except for the mid laner who is a support hero.

It is even rarer for the top laner to run so far to support the invasion of the jungle in the first few minutes.

Because of the advantages and disadvantages of the jungler in the early stage, the impact on the overall situation is not so obvious.

Therefore, letting the online team invade together at the risk of backward development, in the eyes of many people, is not worth the candle.

Therefore, when Ning heard that Zhao Yun offered to help him invade, he was so touched that he would refuse.

"OK! Let's do it! Let's go into the wild together and grab him!"

All of a sudden, the IG Ueno hit it off, and the prince and Rambo rushed into the upper half of EDG's wild area together shoulder-to-shoulder.

 Thanks to book friends 161202100708516 for the reward!
  Cough cough, starting today, we will officially enter the rhythm of the two shifts!

  Refuse to be bad, start with me! (shock!)

(End of this chapter)

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