That's what we do with silver

Chapter 44 Your mid-ranking order is all mine, how can you fight me?

Chapter 44 Your mid-ranking order is all mine, how can you fight me?

On the live broadcast screen, Rambo and the prince walked shoulder to shoulder and walked into the jungle area in the upper half of EDG together.

However, hooking shoulders and back is just an adjective. The real situation is that Rambo passed by the triangle grass, while the prince passed by the river mouth.

Uh... nothing wrong with it. Void hooking shoulders is also considered shoulder hooking, as long as it makes sense.

Then, by coincidence, the prince bumped into the spider at F6.

The factory manager's spider was pulling and brushing, and it was about to gnaw off the big bird of its own F6.

As we all know, most junglers save as much punishment as they can when they are clearing the jungle, but when they go against the jungle, they punish faster than anyone else!
So, seeing this scene, how can the prince bear it?

German flag!

Dragon Clash!

The prince's super fast EQ hit the spider's face hard.

And on the way of flight displacement, he even "snapped" and snatched the big bird that the factory manager had hit half.

Being robbed of his favorite F6 face to face, the factory manager caught off guard suddenly opened his eyes wide and even changed his tone of voice.

"Nest ↓ Rough ↑"

A poor prince, actually came to fight against my spider?
How many small ones do you want to eat after the big ones are finished?
Tired of life, right?
As the saying goes, when the factory manager gets angry, blood splatters seven steps.

The factory manager who was robbed of F6, his anger was instantly maxed, and the spider turned around and rushed towards the prince.

Steal my wild monster, and pay back with your life!

As we all know, no matter what time period of encounter in the wild, the jungler prince can only be a younger brother in front of the spider.

Therefore, at the moment when he saw the prince hand in EQ first and came to grab the big bird in front of him, in the eyes of the factory director, he had already been sentenced to death.

The two sides wrestled together.

Although the spider was picked up first, but the follow-up combat capabilities, the two are not at the same level.

So soon, with the completion of the spider's set of skills, the prince's blood volume dropped by half, and it seemed that after a while, he would be bitten to death by the spider form.

However, at this moment, the factory manager was behind him, and suddenly saw a fire-breathing dwarf with a mech coming out.


Why is he here!

The factory manager's heart tightened, and he immediately realized that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and he had to leave immediately!
The prince doesn't have EQ, and Rambo doesn't keep anyone under his control. In addition, Rambo is still some distance away from him, so as long as he sticks to the wall in the past, he will be able to live by flashing over the wall!

With such thoughts in mind, the factory manager resolutely gave up on the prince who seemed to have only one-third of his health left, turned his head and prepared to run away.

But at this time, the move made by Rambo in front of him was unexpected by the factory manager.


The first moment Rambo saw the spider again, he actually handed over the flash!
Flashed to the face and fired a harpoon to slow down, and then the red temperature spewed fire, and the spider was scalded crazily.

'warn!warn!warn! '

At this moment, Rambo caught off guard and flashed to the fire, coupled with the red temperature's level A enhanced damage, how can a small crispy spider withstand it?
In an instant, the spider's originally unhealthy blood line was directly scalded to residual blood on the spot.

The factory manager panicked at the time.

Seeing that he only needed to walk two more steps to delete it by sticking to the wall, but the sudden drop in blood volume forced him to hang himself on the spot with a trace of blood.

Seeing this scene, Ning's prince took the initiative to come over. He also knew the hero spider very well, and he did not stick to the wall in detail, making it clear that he would never give the spider any chance to land and flash through the wall.

Seeing this, some viewers nodded secretly.

When chasing the spider, just gather together and wait for her to land. Otherwise, if the people are too scattered, it will give the spider a chance to escape. This basic small detail is understood by most gold and silver players.

Of course Zhao Yun also understands this.

If he is usually watching the game, or even playing matchmaking by himself, he must be able to notice this basic operation.

But it's a pity, he was fine when he thought about it, but when he actually met him, he pulled his crotch again at a critical moment.

Originally, when the spider was roasted in red and warm, Rambo's explosion damage was barely enough to take the spider's head. Seeing that the spider hanged himself with blood and the head was gone, Zhao Yun was so anxious at this time.

In this rush, I forgot all the details, and something happened right away.

He doesn't have the habit of pressing the S button to stay still. Originally, the right mouse button was always clicking on the spider. When the smile disappeared, the mouse clicked on the ground. He directly controlled Rambo to take two extra steps by mistake. It was just right. He walked to the next wall.

Immediately, seeing Rambo's position, everyone couldn't help blurting out a sentence.

"It's broken! It's going to happen!"

It is indeed broken.

Because, the moment Rambo walked over, the factory director who was about to hang himself and wait for death immediately seized on this only way to survive.

The mouse selects Rambo, the spider's E skill lands, and then flashes across the wall immediately!

The factory manager's escape operation can be described as smooth and smooth.

Then the Rock Sparrow, who was supporting the wall, also hit Rambo with a set of skills, not only caught Rambo's half blood, but also pried him away from the spot for a short distance.

And the audience and fans cheered instantly when they saw this scene.


"The factory manager is handsome!"


"Stupid Rambo haha!"

"Can this survive?"


All of a sudden, countless tense EDG fans couldn't help but feel relieved.

Even the factory manager secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, a system announcement suddenly sounded.


[IG, Lancer killed EDG, Clearlove]

The factory manager was taken aback for a moment, only to see that the screen in front of him had turned black and white.

Looking intently, he saw a Rambo who was still breathing fire on the spider's body.

what's the situation?
How did Rambo come here?

He obviously didn't show up!

The factory manager's eyes widened, his face full of bewilderment.

But the audience who watched the game from God's perspective could see it clearly.

Under the gaze of everyone, the spider flew to the ground and fled across the wall to escape. There was no problem with this series of operations.

Even the location where the flashing over the wall was selected was very good. This is the corner between the two walls of the F6 pothole. IG has no vision at all, so it is impossible to know which side the spider is flashing.

In addition, Rambo's two harpoons and the prince's Q skill have been used in the battle just now, and now there is no CD at all, and the two of them have no means of output through the wall.

So no matter how you look at it, this wave of spiders has successfully escaped.

But at this time, the rock sparrow appeared.

Yes, that's right, a rock sparrow.

Originally, in the middle, it was the chaffinch pushing Galio's line, so when the spider was hit in the wild, Scout's chalice was a little slower to support.

When he came over, the spiders had already hanged themselves.

At the moment when the spider flashed across the wall and the vision disappeared, Rambo and the prince were both stunned for a moment and did not respond.

But at this moment, Rock Sparrow's skill support arrived.

A beautiful outburst skill shot directly hit Rambo in the F6 pothole through the partition wall.


A strong force pried away the small displacement and pried Rambo up.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Rambo, who was standing against the wall, was actually pried across the wall to the right by this rock sparrow!
Yes, that's right!

Pry over the wall!

Rambo, who didn't have any movement skills, was directly pried over the wall by a rock sparrow!
It just fell from the sky and landed in front of the spider.

Use the flamethrower in your hand to lightly roast the spider to death.

Seeing this scene, the EDG fans who were still rejoicing a second ago fell silent in an instant.

In the commentary seat, watching this dramatic scene, Rao, who has always been eloquent, couldn't help but pause for two seconds.

Then, he said something in a hesitant voice.

"Uh... this wave, this wave is, the rock sparrow helped Rambo and successfully killed the spider."

"So in a sense, the real murderer is actually my most trusted teammate?"

The two commentators couldn't laugh or cry, but the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly went crazy from laughter.

"There's a ghost inside!"

"I'm dying of laughter hahahahahaha!"

"God wants you to die, you have to die!"

"Lambo is dumbfounded, is he really feeding the human head into his mouth?"

"The real ghost has been found!"

"As expected of Brother Lancer, others can only rely on the help of his teammates, he can mobilize his opponents to come together hahaha."

"Rambo: My people are everywhere, how do you fight me?"

"I can't do it. My stomach hurts from laughing hahahahaha."


(End of this chapter)

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