That's what we do with silver

Chapter 54 Martial Soul Fusion, Lava Twins, join!

Chapter 54 Martial Soul Fusion, Lava Twins, join!

WE's move to select the barbarian king first-hand on the blue side really shocked a lot of people.

Among them is Zhao Yun himself.

'What the hell is going on! '

'In the blue side, the barbarian king was locked in seconds. Since when has this B hero been treated like this? '

'The guys from WE deliberately put this mentality aside, right? '

'Steal my hero, I'm so mad at you! '

From the surprise when he saw the barbarian king was released at the beginning, to the annoyance when he saw the barbarian king being robbed now, Zhao Yun couldn't hold it back at that time, gritted his teeth and was out of temper for three seconds.

Only then did he calm down slowly.

Then the next second, the corners of his mouth curled up and his eyes narrowed.

He directly showed a smile that made him feel a little mean.

"Oh, the other side robbed me of the barbarian king brother."

Zhao Yun's voice rang out in the IG team.

However, compared to his usual tone, his voice at this time was obviously full of excitement and anticipation.

As for why this happened, everyone is well aware of it.

Because of the current situation, before this, Zhao Yun had already proposed this idea.

Then, according to this situation, he and his teammates have already prepared corresponding countermeasures.

Ever since, Zhao Yun had just opened his mouth when he saw that the barbarian king was being chosen on the opposite side, and Ning also asked excitedly at the same time.

"Hey, the barbarian king was robbed by the other side, so what do you say about it? The thing we specially prepared, just go straight away?"

There was a lot of anticipation in his tone.

And Zhao Yun nodded decisively when he heard the words.

"Does it need to be said? Go ahead, let's do it!"

This wave of communication between Ueno and Ueno sounded like a riddle to the referee next to him.

But for other teammates and coach Mafa, they all understand what it means.

So, without too much fuss, after Zhao Yun, Ning Wang and the coach made a simple confirmation after the opponent's barbarian king confirmed, they also quickly confirmed their first two choices.

First choice, Colossus of Justice, Galio.

The second choice, Huan Ling, Luo.

It seems that there is no difference from the selection of the previous game, and it is still the first to grab the two core start points.

On the second and third floors of WE, blind monks and cards were selected.

Next, in the first round of selection, it was IG's turn to pick someone on the third floor.

Without too much hesitation, seeing that the opponent did not dismantle Xialuo, IG directly locked the choice.

Ni Yu, Xia.

Immediately, the first round of BP between the two sides ended.

WE has determined the upper middle field, the blind monk, the barbarian king and the card.

On the IG side, the bottom lane and mid laner, Galio and Xialuo are locked.

Seeing the choices of the first three hands of both sides, Wang Duoduo also routinely analyzed in the commentary seat.

"We can see that after WE grabbed the barbarian king, they continued to lock in the blind monk and the middle field of the card. Looking at this lineup, it should be to reproduce the play system that IG used in the last game against EDG.

The Barbarian is responsible for the sideline single belt, the blind monk relies on his strong combat power in the early and mid-term to lead the rhythm, and the card master is more proactive than Galio in support, and it is more convenient to help the Barbarian on the side to expand his advantage. "

"The top three moves on IG's side are still the same. The combination of Galio and Xia Luo will continue to push through to the end. There is no intention to change their play style because of WE's selection."

"Then, what kind of response will the two sides make in the last two hands?"

"Without the Lancer of the Barbarian King, in a lineup like IG, what kind of surprises will it give everyone? This is really very curious!"

Wang Duoduo's voice was obviously excited.

And many viewers are also looking forward to what kind of hero Zhao Yun will bring out to fight the barbarian king in this situation.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of countless players, the two sides quickly ended the second round of bans.

WE chose to continue to ban the jungler: Spider, Excavator.

IG banned two supports: Thresh and Morgana.

Next, it's IG's turn to select people on the fourth floor.

Everyone speculated.

"According to IG's habit, the fifth floor should be reserved for Lancer."

"Indeed, although WE has produced the top laner Barbarian, it is useless to give the jungler counter position, it should be reserved for Lancer."

"The fourth floor should be a jungler."

"What is Ning's better game in this game? I think it should be a team-starting hero. He plays very well with this type of hero."

"Does it need to be said? So far, the heroes that Ning has played well on IG's side are all the early-to-mid-term rhythm and team-starting types. This time, both Galio and Luo have been selected, and the team-starting must be carried out to the end."

"What kind of hero will Brother Blue bring out to fight the barbarian king! I'm looking forward to it!"

"I always feel that he is going to make a show again, looking forward to ing!"


Almost most people, at this time, subconsciously think that IG will play the jungler in the fourth move, and then reserve the last counter position on the fifth floor for the outstanding top laner Lancer.

Even WE thinks so.

However, when everyone defaulted to the jungler, the next second, IG's fourth choice directly shocked everyone.

They chose a hero who was extremely familiar to everyone but also extremely unexpected.

"Sturdy as a rock~~~"

Accompanied by dull voice lines resounded through the audience.

IG's fourth-hand choice, locked.

Lava behemoth, Malphite!

In an instant, everyone was stunned when they saw the familiar head of the stone man, and the audience was even more shocked on the spot.

"Damn it! The head silver!"

"Am I dreaming? IG chose the stone man!"

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee silver head?"

"God, what did I see, I actually saw a stone man in the LPL arena!"

"I really didn't expect that besides the sleepwalking stone man of the old godfather in the S5 World Championship, I would still see this hero on the field in my lifetime."

"Awesome! You're so awesome, brother blue! How dare you choose a stone man. No matter if you win or lose this game, I will be your fan!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ."

"6666 is simply turned over!"

"I just shocked my mother for 100 years!"

"On the road, the barbarian king is facing the stone man, woo woo woo, my youth is back."


All of a sudden, looking at the stone man directly selected by IG in the fourth hand, and seeing this hero, all the audience couldn't help but boil.

As for WE, I was also very surprised that IG would make such a choice, but after all, it is a professional player, so naturally it is impossible to be as excited as the audience at this time, and the last two heroes were still quickly selected.

Fourth floor, Karma.

Fifth floor, Verus.

A very common bot lane choice.

Next, IG's last choice is also something everyone looks forward to.

"Wow, all the top laners have stone men. Wouldn't it be great if the jungler had another strong team start?"

"Although it sounds cool, but I have to say one thing, so that IG's lineup is somewhat output, four guarantees and one Xia? This is not IG at all!"

"One more team-starting hero, five heroes and four strong team-ups, just thinking about it makes me feel like I'm on fire!"

"What kind of hero does Ning have? It seems that his hero pool has been almost banned. How about taking a mantis to supplement the output?"

"The stone man is already pleasantly surprised. It doesn't matter what the jungler does. I just want to start the fight quickly. I want to see the stone man beat the barbarian king!"


All of a sudden, whether it was the live broadcast room or the scene, the atmosphere was completely heated up by IG's choice of stone man, and everyone had high expectations for this game.

Then, under the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, IG's fifth jungler was finally determined.

Twins of Eternal Hunting, Qian Jue!
"The soul of the son."

"To live with the child."

Gentleness and cruelty are intertwined, the soul of sheep and the soul of wolf are accompanied, and Qian Jue's very charming and characteristic voice lines resounded through the audience in an instant.

And IG's last choice made everyone's eyes widen.

"I'm going, it's actually Qian Jue?"

No one would have thought that Ning, who has always been good at rhythm and team-building junglers, would actually take out a standard wild-core hero, Qian Jue, in this last move.

Of course, except for the people on IG.

Several team members were not surprised at all, and even smiled confidently together.

"Brothers Ness, be careful, go!"

(End of this chapter)

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