That's what we do with silver

Chapter 55 Those who are close to him will become lucky

Chapter 55 Those who are close to him will become lucky
The lineup is confirmed.

The atmosphere in the IG team is still the same as usual, relaxed and harmonious, and even Ning's own state looks more excited than usual.

On the WE side, the expressions of several players are more serious.

Even after the selection, the coach Homme specially gave some extra advice to several players.

"You don't need to have too much pressure. We have practiced this lineup many times. Although there is a certain amount of offensive pressure, as long as it is the same as the training match, follow the tactical arrangements we have made before."

Having said that, he also specifically said to 957.

"For the top lane, the opponent's top laner is very good at the hero of Barbarian, and Malphite is also very restrained of Barbarian, so you don't need to force too much to play the advantage of 957, which is not realistic. You only need to develop normally in the early stage, and leave the rest to your teammates. "

"OK that's it, everyone!"

"come on!"


The coaches of both sides left the field at the same time.

At this time, in the final waiting stage, the director's shots were also given to the players' seats of both sides.

At first glance, it will make people feel that the painting styles of the two teams are obviously different.

Everyone on IG was talking and laughing, especially Ning, who opened his mouth wide when he smiled, and his expression was particularly exaggerated. The five members of the whole team gave people a relaxed and lively feeling.

On the WE side, the five members sat quietly and didn’t talk much. In addition, the five team members’ personalities, temperaments and hairstyles were all restrained, and none of them chatted at all. Even their smiles were just faint smiles. As a result, the overall look is relatively quiet, giving people a serious feeling.

The two teams usually don't feel much when viewed separately, but when they appear on the same screen, the comparison immediately comes out.

One is still and the other is moving, one is quiet and the other is lively, one looks serious, and the other looks relaxed and casual.

They are two completely opposite styles.

At that time, many viewers laughed at it directly, saying that they are indeed old opponents who have been competing with each other since ancient times. To the obvious inconsistency.

Obviously, the director knows what the audience likes to watch.

After comparing the overall painting styles of the two teams, the next second, a single close-up shot of both sides was suddenly cut at the same time.

WE on the left was given to AD player Mystic, and IG on the right was given to Zhao Yun.

Immediately, close-up shots of the two faces appeared in the audience's field of vision.

In the picture, Zhao Yun was chatting and laughing with Ning next to him, talking excitedly, with a bright smile all over his face.

And Mistic seemed to have heard what was said in the voice, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

In an instant, two handsome faces with different styles but equally pleasing to the eye directly attracted the attention of many audiences.

In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

"Damn it, these two B's are so handsome!"

"I'll go, besides my brother-in-law, our LPL actually has such a handsome guy?"

"Ah, ah, three seconds, I want to know all the information about the sunny boy on the right!"

"This little brother from IG looks a bit like Wu Zun!"

"I feel a bit like Yan Yikuan when he was young."

"This is obviously Hu Ge!"

"Everyone has some good points, and it looks very harmonious. Brother Lan belongs to the integration."

"Xiu, the standard Korean-style Oppa handsome guy and the Chinese-style ancient handsome guy, just work together, right?"

"Brother Lan's doing this directly and instantly raised the appearance of the entire IG team."

"This is also a close-up. The director really understands what the audience, especially the female audience, wants to see."

"If you grow up like this and don't go out to play professionally, it's really awesome."

"I'm ashamed to say Jimei, my heart was moved again when I saw the little brother IG, now I'm so confused about which one I should love~ (crying)"

"Mommy, I'm in love too~ (shy)"

"I haven't watched the game for a while, are the current players so outrageous? Forget it, brother-in-law, what a god is this newcomer from IG!"

"I'm really enlightened. This is the live broadcast room of the game. Can a group of Yangou restrain themselves!"

"The competition has started, don't just let it go!"


It can only be said that the world is so unfair. No matter what industry you are in, people can always give more tolerance and understanding to good-looking people or things.

Depend on! !

As it is now, many WE fans, especially female fans, subconsciously disliked IG. Now that they meet in the arena, they wish IG would lose as badly as possible.

However, after discovering that there is such a handsome guy who can stand shoulder to shoulder with his brother-in-law in the IG team, this disgusting mood faded a lot in an instant, and some people even hoped that WE would win, but at the same time they were faintly looking forward to it. Zhao Yun can also play wonderfully.

The flexible bottom line of e-sports fans is fully displayed at this time.

All of a sudden, the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of excitement, and the topic of whether the contestants were good or not was discussed in full swing, which also added a bit of exciting program effect to this already focused battle of rivals.

It wasn't until the game started that everyone's attention returned to the right track.

Outside spectators watched the game with great interest.

In the game, Zhao Yun's mood at this time is also a little less anxious than before, and a little more confident and calm.

The main reason is that the lineup he got here made him feel full of security.

Not to mention his top laner Stone Man, as an old LPL audience for many years, Zhao Yun, who was reborn from S12, naturally did not miss the wonderful history of TES48's Northern Expedition.

Therefore, he naturally has a lot of advanced understanding and cognition in his mind about the point of the top lane barbarian king. Although these things may not be so good for his lineup due to the lack of cooperation between his hands and brain in actual combat. Obvious help, but at least in terms of pre-match preparations, it still gave him a lot of self-confidence.

For example, in the matter of choosing a stone man to fight the barbarian king on the road, I know that the relationship between these two heroes is the relationship between the father and the son. Therefore, even if Zhao Yun knows that 957's real strength is much higher than him, he can choose such a hero. At the same time, it also gave him a rare sense of self-confidence.

Hey! !No matter how strong you king and barbarian king are, you are still just a barbarian king. No matter how weak my silver stone man is, I am still a stone man! !

The suppression from the bloodline can even make you turn against the sky! !
Zhao Yun kept cheering himself up in his heart, and his nervous mood gradually calmed down.

Even, when he saw 957 actually brought a flash teleportation summoner skill, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

So much so that the tension that was originally uncontrollable during the game has been greatly relieved at this time.

In addition, the choice of teammate lineup also gave Zhao Yun a sense of security.

Because you must know that in the period before this, besides practicing and improving himself, he also thought of many other ways to help the team win.

In other words, he actually has a lot of experience in hugging his thighs! !
Of course, things in the professional arena must not be so simple. Everyone generally calls this "good at using the advantages of teammates reasonably to win."

Like what was proposed to Mafa before, Galio's cooperation with Xia Luo to force the opening system is one of them.

The obvious improvement brought by this move to the team immediately made Zhao Yun see more hope and light in his future career.

The most important point is that it greatly broadened his mind and made him understand one thing thoroughly.

That is, if you want to win the game better, your own strength has limitations and limits after all! !

Therefore, in addition to insisting on improving yourself, it is also extremely important to urge your teammates to become stronger in various aspects for your own bright future!

And in this regard, although Zhao Yun thinks that operation is a stinky silver, even if it is silver, it will always have some unique understandings of its own!

It might be a bit difficult for me to do it myself, but if it's just talking about the country, he's really good at it! !
So, since then, Zhao Yun has been constantly thinking about how to use his strength more reasonably to help the entire team improve better.

After all, everyone is one, hello, me, hello, everyone, everyone is happy! !
Under such a premise, the lineup selected by IG for this game, or the choice specifically referring to the jungler Qian Jue, is one of the strong ones selected after many experiments by him and finally considering various factors. Tactical Choices!

It is also because of the selection of this lineup that Zhao Yun's mentality is affected, which is rare. Without the Barbarian King, his own tension has been greatly relieved!

After all, if I don't want c, then I must not be stressed.

The effect of the training match is very good, and the next step is to try it out in the official match, and see how effective the specific tactics that I have researched are!


Thoughts were racing through Zhao Yun's heart, and in the game, the game had officially begun.

As a stone man, he didn't have any fancy work in all aspects of outfitting runes, just plain and unpretentious Doran Shield's normal outfits.

Because there is no spark in other lanes, the director's shots are also given to the top lane at the beginning, hoping to show the whole program effect on Zhao Yun, a player who has always made strange moves frequently.

Unfortunately, he made a mistake this time.

On the road, the confrontation between the stone man and the barbarian king in the first few levels is doomed to be impossible to make anything happen.

After getting the stone man, Zhao Yun felt that his whole temperament had changed. He changed his previous frizzy style without changing his blood. It was an ordinary master, E, deputy W and no Q. If you slash me, I will shoot you with AE , If you push the line, I will retreat, if you scare me, I will directly eat soldiers under the tower.

Every move and every move simply implements the three main points to the end.

First, be stable.

Second, be stable.

Third, it is still so stable! !

This kind of simple alignment will not be without any pressure for anyone.

Of course Zhao Yun wouldn't have it either. From his point of view, it was a very normal stone man fighting the barbarian king's standard style of play.

Many viewers also felt the same way, so soon, they felt a little boring after watching it.

Then, just when the director felt that it was almost meaningless and started to cut the camera to other people, many people suddenly realized that there was something wrong with Qian Jue at this time.

"Wait! The game time is only 5 minutes now, why does the mark on Qian Jue already have three layers!"

Looking at the data passively displayed on Qian Jue's body in the screen, Wang Duoduo in the commentary seat opened his eyes wide, and his tone was full of disbelief.

In fact, everyone knew at the beginning that IG’s jungler Qian Jue was solo in the first half of the jungle, and Ning’s first wave of wild routes was to directly take the red buff and use F6, and then immediately went to Swipe the upper river crab refreshed in 2 minutes and 25 seconds.

And just right, Qian Jue's first imprint happened to be brushed on this river crab, directly allowing Qian Jue to get his first imprint in two and a half minutes.

At that time, the commentator even smiled and said that Qian Jue was so lucky that he got his first mark so easily.

After that, because Qian Jue had been in the wild all the time without catching anyone, the director's shots were never given, and everyone didn't pay much attention to it.

Then suddenly he disappeared for a few minutes, and when he saw Qian Jue again, the mark on his body suddenly became three layers. Wang Duoduo's exclamation immediately attracted the attention of all the audience.

Then, under everyone's gaze, he could also clearly see the number of imprint layers on Qian Jue's body in front of him.

It clearly shows: 3 floors.

Immediately, except for some spectators who didn't understand the mechanism of Qian Jue's hero, most of the people who knew about it couldn't help being stunned.

5 minutes!
There is only Qian Jue at level five.

There are already three layers of passive on the body!
What the hell is going on with Qian Jue!
Wang Duoduo, who exclaimed, frowned slightly the next second, as if he was thinking about something.

Then within a few seconds, the audience also heard his next sentence.

"Wait, I didn't notice it just now. Now that I think about it carefully, if I remember correctly, it seems that Qian Jue's three marks were all obtained from wild monsters in the upper half of the wild?"

(ps: For the needs of the plot, part of Qianjue’s passive settings will be modified, please do not insert the current version data--)

(End of this chapter)

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