That's what we do with silver

Chapter 57 I Can't Kill You With One Head!

Chapter 57 I Can't Kill You!
In the picture, the audience looked at Qian Jue's body with three layers of marks, and they were all surprised.

"I'll go, three layers of imprints in 5 minutes, what luck?"

"I didn't notice just now, Qian Jue is on the third floor?"

"What is he doing? Just brushed a circle in the wild area and got to the third floor?"

"Wow, I have never encountered such a wonderful opening when playing Qian Jue in my life..."

For a while, everyone was talking about it.

As for Ning himself, seeing that the first three marks were all in the upper half of the area, and they all happened to be bumped into by him, he was also very addicted to his good luck today.

"Hehe, I don't know why, as long as I play Qian Jue on the red side recently, and then open the field in the first half, the early rhythm will basically go smoothly. It seems that it is really lucky hahaha."

Ning grinned from ear to ear while brushing wild.

Then on the other side, after the peaceful laning in the first few levels, the game time has come to just over 6 minutes.

At this time, the laning situation of the two top laners has not changed much from the beginning. The top laners of both sides have not returned home yet, and they still maintain the attitude of peaceful development before.

The barbarian king couldn't chop the stone man at all, and the stone man had no intention of touching the barbarian king at all.

It seems that two words really stand out, harmony!

As for the other lanes, without the rhythm of the jungler, there is no friction, and there is not much difference in the last knife and economy of the two sides.

The overall look is extraordinarily peaceful.

In the past few minutes, Zhao Yun also felt for the first time on the field what is meant by peaceful development in the true sense.

In the previous two games, he either used the barbarian king to kill and cross the tower all the way, or he used Gnar's long hand to fight short hand, or Rambo pushed the line without thinking.

During the whole laning process, there are not many laning details that need to be paid attention to at all. Even the last knife can be pushed because the line can be pushed, so you don’t need to pay too much attention to the details. The whole process highlights a brainless and refreshing.

And now what?
Take a stone man to hit the barbarian king on the road, neither of them wants to do anything, you make up for you, and you make up for me. I don't want to kill you, and you don't want to kill me. It's a harmonious horse on the road!
A few minutes ago, relying on the heroic characteristics of the stone man and the development of the barbarian king, Zhao Yun was a little bit elated, thinking that he could be [-]-[-] with the professional players anyway.

But soon, seeing that he was gradually falling behind the barbarian king in the number of last hits due to a mistake in last hits, such a situation immediately gave Zhao Yun a sense of urgency again.

'no!It can't go on like this! '

Seeing the Barbarian King opposite him who was still making up his sword smoothly and smoothly, Zhao Yun gradually became a little restless in his heart.

He was restless again.

'Fucking, keep fighting with him like this, after a while others should find out about my last hit problem, no, I have to find some rhythm to play with during this period of time! '

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun glanced at the small map.

Then soon, when he saw the blind monk in his vision just passing the middle lane and going up, and the Qianjue passive mark lit up at the position of the toad in the opponent's upper half of the field at the same time, he immediately had a plan.

"King Ning, your passive imprint is in the opposite wild area, I think we can grab it, what do you think?"

Zhao Yun asked in his voice.

Hearing this, how could Ning refuse the fourth imprint that was so crucial to Qian Jue?

"I think so!"

"O98K! I'm going home to update my equipment now, you go straight into the jungle, fight and ward and I'll TP right away!"

"Okay! I'll go right now!"

The communication between Ueno and Ueno is always so detached and efficient.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yun saw that there were no more small soldiers on the line, so he simply didn't want them anymore, and pressed B to return to the city after getting into the grass.

On Ning's side, he also immediately controlled Qian Jue, and ran from the river towards the wild area in the upper half of the WE blue side.

Rookie, who has been listening, also said that he can give big moves at any time.

At this moment, the director's shots were also given in time.

Commentary seat.

Wang Duoduo's voice sounded.

"Here, both middle and upper field have just reached level six, and Qian Jue's actions have become very aggressive. This is the fourth passive mark that wants to enter the jungle to snatch himself."

"But the blind monk on WE's side is nearby, and Xiye's card also has a big move in hand. To be honest, there is a certain risk in this wave of invasion of the jungle."

"Here we come, the junglers on both sides ran into each other!"

"At the same time, the card is turned up and flies directly next to Qian Jue, and the blind follow up and output for a second, Qian Jue is in danger!"

"But the IG side! Galio gave a big move, and at the same time, a TP beam of light lit up next to it! It's the TP of the stone man!"

"Here we come! Galio's big move landed and controlled the two to save Qian Jue, allowing Qian Jue to use his big move in time!"

"The stone man has also TP landed! This position is perfect! What about the big move?"

As soon as Wang Duoduo spoke, the moment the stone man TP in the screen landed, there was a 'dong' sound instantly.

At the same time, Galio had just played a set of blind monk and cards. Hearing this sound, he immediately reacted quickly and pressed his flash at the same time.



WE Nakano handed in the big move to dodge the stone man at the same time, and the two flashes shot together, which seemed extremely decisive.

However, when such a picture is seen by the audience, they feel extremely happy.

Because, the stone man in the picture is not enlarged.

When TP landed, Zhao Yun was quite excited at the time. Seeing the two card blind monks standing together under his nose, he even thought about his mighty posture when he hit the ground.

Then, with excitement, the instant he landed, the fingers of his left hand pressed down on the QWER at the same time!
Then in the next second... the QR was not released at all, just released the E skill to slap the floor, and slapped it on the spot.

'Fuck, I forgot to change the big move back to smart casting! '

Looking at the ultimate move indicator displayed on the screen in front of him, Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened.

I played Rambo in the last game, and the button settings were not changed after the game was over. I didn't expect that there would be a moth at this time.

'It's a bad thing, this wave has another oolong! '

Zhao Yun didn't come out immediately, but he felt his heart beat hard and his face turned red.

Then the next second, Zhao Yun was overjoyed when he saw the card and the blind monk dodge at the same time, but they were still within the range of his ultimate move.

He never expected that when he slapped the floor, two flashes would come out of fright!

"Haha, so flashy!"

"Eat this uncle's creation!"

Without flashing blind monks and cards, facing the stone man's big move is unavoidable, it is full of them.


The two people who already had low blood volume were directly crippled, and were easily taken away by Qian Jue who was chasing after him.


WE Nakano fell to the ground one after another, and Qian Jue successfully won the double kill.

(End of this chapter)

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