That's what we do with silver

Chapter 58 Will his Barbarian King A hurt?

Chapter 58 Will his Barbarian King A hurt?

The effect of a head-on slam is outstanding, and the stone man likes to mention two assists.

In IG's team voice, Ning and Rookie couldn't hold back at that time, and yelled Naiss twice in a row, very excited.

Then while shouting, Ning did not forget the ultimate purpose of this wave of invasion, and hurried over to take away the passive mark on Toad's body happily.

In the first wave of encounters, IG directly changed 0 to 2, and the morale of the teammates was greatly boosted. Although the bottom lane duo did nothing, they did not forget the language support, and even shouted three times, "Brothers are awesome."

Everyone is very excited.

Uh...Only Zhao Yun himself didn't speak.

Because after the team battle, the first thing he did was to press ESC to open the setting options, and quickly changed the smart casting button setting of his ultimate move back.

Then, Zhao Yun's heart relaxed, and he wiped away the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"Squeezing, it's a good thing this year has not started to use the first view of the players to watch the game, otherwise just with the wave just now, the buddy will be on the verge of death. '

After a while of emotion, Zhao Yun's attention returned to the game again.

In the team battle just now, his stone man didn't do much, so he hit a big move, slapped the floor twice, and then lost a wheel.

He was beating people the whole time, and no one touched him at all.

What was the amount of blood when he entered the field, and what amount of blood was there after the fight, and he didn't even rub off the skin on the outside.

So as soon as the front foot was finished, it didn't affect him at all, and he swaggered back to the line and continued to match the line.

Even when he was walking back to the line, he happened to successfully meet up with Manzi, who had failed to support him and ran back halfway through the line.

As a courtesy, Zhao Yun also controlled the stone man very enthusiastically, and showed a "grinning smile" expression to the barbarian king from the air to show his friendship.

But it's a pity that the other party doesn't seem to appreciate it very much.

Seeing the bright expression on the stone man, the barbarian king not only did not respond, but even swung his knife and slashed at him on the spot.

At this moment, the barbarian king only has a Dolan sword on his body.

And the stone man at this point in time is the watchman's armor.

Then, when he saw the barbarian king turning around with the knife in his hand, Zhao Yun's first reaction was.

Well done!

Hurry up, hurry up and hurt each other!
Whoever runs away is the grandson!

The stone man did not hide or retreat, and directly scuffled with the barbarian king.

But after a few struggles, Zhao Yun suddenly realized that he had no big moves. Immediately, he fought with the barbarian king while shouting in the team's voice at the same time.

"Brothers ask for support, come quickly, hurry up, this barbarian king is sending it!"

Hearing this, Ning immediately responded first.

"Received, received! Brother Yunzi, wait for me!"

He resolutely abandoned the three wolves who had been beaten halfway, and hurriedly ran up the road.

While Zhao Yun was shouting, he also consciously walked towards the river, trying to lure the barbarian king here as much as possible.

In order to meet up with teammates at that time.

His original idea was to use his body as bait to lure the barbarian king, giving him the illusion that he could kill himself, and then let Qian Jue who came behind him take the lead, further accelerating Qian Jue's developmental pace.

But what he didn't expect was that his idea had just started, and it died immediately.

Because, he didn't fight with the barbarian king just now, and each of them has more than half of their blood volume. He still didn't make a big move.

That's right, hitting and hitting, the barbarian king suddenly turned his head and slipped away with a whirlwind.

It simply made Zhao Yun feel puzzled.

However, he couldn't figure it out here. The audience who watched the whole process from the perspective of God, as well as 957 himself, felt that there was nothing wrong with the barbarian king's move.

Because just now... the barbarian king and the stone man just stood there for a while, and the barbarian king lost half of his blood, while the stone man only lost a third. Can you believe it?
At the commentary seat, Wang Duoduo couldn't help laughing.

"This... This wave of slashing against the barbarian king for a total of seven times, but there is no critical hit at all, it feels a bit outrageous."

Kris next to him also nodded.

"After fighting here for a long time, the barbarian king's output is not as high as that of the stone man, and he doesn't do a single blow. Brother Leg's face is really a bit dark."

"As we all know, a barbarian king who can't hit a critical strike must be invincible to anyone."

"I feel that if the stone man has a big move in this wave, the barbarian king may even be killed alone."

The result of such a duel also made the audience happy.

The bullet screen was rattling.

"How do you feel, his Barbarian King A won't hurt?"

"I'm going to put it here to remove the dead skin of the stone man."

"Laughing to death, slashing seven big knives aggressively, and in the end, the damage is not as high as that of stone men with big mouths."

"Why do I feel that the hero in 957's hands is completely different from Lancer's before?"

"If you get a critical hit, you are called the king of the barbarians, and if you don't get a critical hit, you can only call it the time-honored barbarian king of scraping."

"It's really funny to me. I thought that this wave of stone men didn't make a big move to the barbarian king and they would be arranged by Qian Jue. I didn't expect that they couldn't beat them in a duel. I laughed so hard hahaha."


The audience couldn't help laughing happily.

But 957 himself is full of depression at the moment.

During the last wave of fights in the wild, he originally wanted to support him, but he didn't expect the battle to end too quickly. His barbarian king was only halfway through, and he was done, causing him to run for nothing but did nothing.

This has made him very depressed.

Then, just now, I managed to catch the gap where the stone man didn't have a big move, and wanted to gain some advantage, but he didn't expect that the barbarian king who was full of anger didn't do any violence, but was knocked out half of his blood by a stone man. Being forced to run away in despair directly depressed him.

'Forget it, the chance of a critical strike without equipment is not high now, and it's normal to be lucky to be almost not violent. After developing it, it will be much better when equipped later. '

He can only comfort himself in this way, adjust his mentality and prepare to continue to develop steadily, equip it and then exert strength slowly.

However, soon, to his surprise, the rapid changes in the situation caught him off guard.

After the last wave of jungle games, the card's first big move was wasted, and WE's midfielders were all hit with flash skills, which directly caused WE's early rhythm to be suppressed by IG's midfielder before it started.

In this case, Ning, who had two heads in hand and had a huge advantage, did not disappoint everyone, and displayed his powerful snowballing ability very well.

In addition to frequently invading the wild area, he also controlled the first earth dragon at 9 minutes.

The overall situation was once dominated by IG.

Then, after falling into a passive WE, after a few minutes of silence, seeing Qian Jue growing better and better, Xi Ye was the first to be unable to hold back, and chose to use cards to forcefully start the rhythm.

And the target he chose was IG's bot lane.

After a wave of card ults, combined with Verus' flash ult to keep people in, the side blind man also came together. The four of WE were directly under the bottom lane, and forcibly captured IG's support Luo, and beat the disabled AD Xia.

However, Galio's support was also very timely. After Galio's ult given by the backhand landed, he also successfully retained Verus, who had not flashed, so that the two sides finally made a one-for-one exchange.

The bottom lane was extremely exciting, and naturally, seeing that the middle and field on the opposite side showed their heads, it is naturally impossible for the Golem and Qian Jue to do nothing here.

Ever since, the game time was 10 minutes, the moment he saw the card flying down the road, Zhao Yun immediately asked Ning an extremely concise question.

"How to say, do you want to do it?"

While speaking, he put three question marks on the barbarian king's head.

Then, Ning's answer was yes.

"Come on, do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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