That's what we do with silver

Chapter 61 It doesn't matter if teammates die or not, the opposite AD1 must die

Chapter 61 It doesn't matter if teammates die or not, the opposing AD must die

At 4 minutes into the game, the second earth dragon will refresh immediately.

Ning called the IG bot duo to come over, ready to continue to control the dragon.

On the WE side, after Verus had already made the first sheep knife, he decisively chose to take over this wave of dragons.

Condi's blind and WE bot lane duo also approached Longkeng directly from the bot lane.

On both sides, the mid laners and Galio are both in the middle, and they can support them at any time with their ultimate moves.

Seeing that Xiaolong has been refreshed, the eight people in the middle and lower fields on both sides confront each other, and the Xiaolong team battle is imminent.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Yun, who didn't want to stay on the top road and stare blankly at the barbarian king, saw that there was a fight going on, so he walked down the top road in high spirits.

Then, when the little dragon just spawned, the stone man was about to rush to the frontal battlefield.

It can only be said that in such a tense situation, team battles are often caught off guard.

No, Baolan had an idea and really found him a good opportunity to start a group.

While everyone else was still wandering, Luo flashed W with a beautiful R, lifted up Karma and Kaka with a single swipe, and forcibly started this wave of team battles.

IG was ready to press, and when Luo started the group, Galio immediately followed the big move and entered the field, and Qian Jue and Xia also decisively entered the field to output.

On WE's side, although they were driven very suddenly, their response was also very timely. The barbarian king on the road instantly TP.

The most eye-catching thing is Condi's blind man, who unexpectedly hit Xia with a precise Q in such a chaotic situation.

Then he quickly performed a wave of QQ Moyan R flash round kicks, in front of everyone, kicked Xia who hadn't reacted at the first time back.

Then, Mystic's Verus also used a precise big move to control the procedure, and imprisoned Xia who was kicked back.

Such a scene directly made the audience exclaimed again and again.

In the commentary seat, Wang Duoduo's voice also sounded at the right time.

"Here! Luo Yibo made a beautiful team drive to two, and Galio immediately entered the field!"

"But the blind man! Oh my god! A wave of handsome roundhouse kicks, unexpectedly kicked back a bright and shining Xia!"

"Galio descended from the sky and knocked the two of them into the air, but Verus' ultimate move also stunned Xia, and the card exchanged a yellow card and continued to control, Xia was immediately instantly knocked out!"

"Karma fell to the ground at the same time!"


At the first moment of the war, the two sides were one against each other.

It seemed that the battle was extremely fierce.

And at this time, Zhao Yun's stone man finally rushed to the frontal battlefield.

Looking at the chaotic group of people in front of him, Zhao Yun felt a little anxious at this moment, but his thoughts were extremely clear.

Dominant behemoth Malphite, the enemy tracking system is automatically activated!
Zhao Yun's gaze was fixed, and he automatically passed the chaotic crowd in front of him, and locked on the strongest output point of the enemy.

Target locked!

Arrow of Retribution - Varus!
Tyrant Behemoth!attack!
Without the slightest hesitation, without any hesitation.

Seeing Verus for the first time, Zhao Yun's left index finger was ready on the R key.

It doesn't matter if your teammate is dead or not, the opponent's AD must die!
Flash big move!

Create for me!
In an instant, the stone man seemed to turn into an unstoppable giant dump truck, passed through the crowd, and slammed into Verus' face hard.


A loud bang.

The collision of the stone man immediately focused everyone's attention on this.

Commentary seat.

Wang Duoduo's voice suddenly became agitated.

"Here we come! The stone man has entered the arena! He hit it! He flashed his big move decisively at close range. Verus was caught off guard and couldn't react at all, and was hit in the face by the stone man!"

"At the same time, the barbarian king TP landed, brandishing a big knife and going straight to Qian Jue!"

"The battlefield is divided into two parts, and the top laners on both sides are cutting the opponent's C position alone!"

"Here Verus flashed his back hand and pulled away, and continued to use A to output the stone man, but the stone man is a big ice heart, my God, the attack speed reduction is too horrible, Verus can't lift his hand at all, one pass The output is enough to scrape off the shield of the Golem, but I have already been beaten to death by the Golem alone!"

"The stone man at this moment is simply like an unbeatable god of war!"

"The movement speed was stolen and he couldn't move, and the attack speed was reduced and he couldn't move. Verus has nothing to do with this God of War stone man. It's really desperate!
One click, another click!It's over, it's over, Verus was directly chased by the stone man, and he was hammered to death at his feet! "

"On the other side, the card was flashed to death by Qian Jue. The barbarian king and the blind man wanted to kill Qian Jue, but Luo and Galio were nearby to protect him. Instead, I was forced to make a big move first!"

"I can't run away, the barbarian king wants to forcefully replace Luo's head!"

"But Qian Jue's big move came, and the voice of the sheep spirit kept Luo's last blood volume!"

"Five people from both sides are crowded together, and the blood volume is not much. Is there any chance for this wave of barbarian kings and blind men?"

"It's broken, the stone man next to him has rushed over!"

"Skill E hits the floor!"

"The barbarian king made the last stab, and wanted to forcibly replace the residual blood of Luo! One stab, only the last stab, can A come out?"

"Ah~ What a pity, A can't come out at all!"

"Big Bingxin and the attack speed reduction of the stone man's E skill directly made the barbarian king raise his last knife for a long time, but in the end he couldn't cut it down, but was easily killed by Qian Jue's backhand.

Brother with this leg is really too uncomfortable, this reduction in attack speed makes people's mentality almost collapse. "

"ACE! In a one-for-five team battle, WE was directly wiped out by IG in 15 minutes!"


At the commentary booth, with Wang Duoduo's passionate commentary, this wave of team battles ended with the death of the blind man king.

Looking at the corpses in Xiaolong Pit, and the stone man's blood volume that seemed to be close to full, the barrage in the live broadcast room was refreshed crazily.

"God of War Malphite! (Take off)"

"A wave of team battles is full of blood, do you understand the gold content of my lava monster! (Sunglasses)"


"Ahahahahahahahaha, I just want to laugh when I see this stone man."

"Verus is so desperate, I feel sorry for Uzi"

"Who dares to say that my stone man is a bastard? As soon as a team battle occurs, the eyes of nine people will be on him. Have you ever seen such a bastard with an explosive presence?"

"Should I say it or not, Xihuang's wave is also quite outrageous. If there is a flash or an R, you can be kicked back and dropped in seconds?"

"AD genetic disease in the past generations of IG, just get used to it (dog head)"

"It's okay, there are two ADs on IG's side in this round, one is second and the other is hahaha."

"All in all, handsome, handsome!"

"I want to know if my brother-in-law was taken aback when I was hit just now."


It can only be said that as long as there are team battles involving stone men, there will always be no lack of program effects.

After a wave of team battles, the audience was hooked.

In the game, this wave of small dragons played 1 for 5, plus winning the second earth dragon, which directly allowed the IG side to formally take the initiative.

With the advantage in hand, it is naturally impossible to continue to drag WE.

In 6 and [-] minutes, the five members of IG directly pushed in a group.

As soon as the canyon pioneer played, it directly forced WE to shake people to defend together.

As for the timing of this kind of group fight, Zhao Yun's thinking is also very clear. Regardless of whether this wave of team battles can be fought or not, his attention has always been locked on Verus anyway.


The first tower in the middle of WE was knocked down by the Canyon Pioneer, and everyone in IG continued to press forward, trying to hit the second tower again.

Then, a bit outrageously, at this critical rhythm point, IG made another mistake, which has always been criticized.

Vision problem.

To be reasonable, when this kind of five-person group push hits, no matter how you say it, at least two eyes should be inserted to ensure the field of vision near the F6 on both sides of the partition wall and the bushes in the wild area.

But, hey, IG just doesn't have it.

Without a single eye shot, the five of them rushed to the second tower of WE with a line of troops excitedly.

Then, the blind man took another chance.

Condi hid in the F6 pit, and at the moment when several people from IG walked over, a Q flew to Luo's body, and kicked Xia's head precisely with Moyan.

(End of this chapter)

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