That's what we do with silver

Chapter 62 Where is AD, where am I, AD is not flash, I am not R

Chapter 62 Where is AD and where am I
Another roundabout kick!
And this kick of Pirate Show not only kicked Xia back, but also sent Galio and Qian Jue flying with three strikes.


A few people in WE couldn't help shouting Nice at that time.

Mystic, who had been prepared a long time ago, subconsciously wanted to do the same thing as last time, go up to make up an R and give Xia a second.

Then this time, things went wrong.

Verus' R skill was shot, and it also hit Xia, but in the end Xia was not dropped in seconds.

Because at the moment when Verus made a big move, Zhao Yun, who had been staring at him, also made a move.


At the moment of Verus Dazhongxia, the stone men attacked at the same time!


With a big move by the stone man, Verus and Karma who were standing together were instantly knocked into the air.

Both ADs are activated at the same time.

But the final outcome was quite different.

Although Xia was kicked back and took Verus's big move, but at this time, the blind man was behind, Verus and Karma were knocked into the air, and only the barbarian and the card were left to deal damage. The two of them had no instant second Xia Xia, who was immediately slowed down, activated her big move.

On the other hand, Verus, with the impact of the stone man, Galio behind him immediately caught up with the big move, followed by Luo flying into the arena, all kinds of controls were directly full, and even his position was just right. It's within the feather coverage of Xia's ultimate move.

'Flying feathers all over the sky! '

In the blink of an eye, as soon as Xia's voice lines were finished, Verus was instantly killed by this series of concentrated fires!

Karma also died in love with her.

Once the duo dies, WE is defeated directly.

Several people from IG led the canyon vanguard, and they pushed down the second tower in the middle road with great momentum, and then knocked down the high ground together, leaving a crystal in the middle road before walking away.

This handsome kick by the blind monk actually kicked away the high ground tower on the road in his home.

Although the ending was very touching, the consequences of this made everyone in WE feel a lot of pressure.

At this point in time when the lineups of the two sides fought, several WE players also knew in their hearts that team battles were already impossible, and this one was probably lost.

But when people are on the field, no one will give up voluntarily. Even if they are at a great disadvantage, several people are still tenaciously continuing to persist, trying their best to find opportunities.

After all, IG, everyone knows this team very well, maybe when they will get sick and give Bo a chance, who can say for sure?

With such a fluke mentality, everyone in WE continued to persevere.

Then soon, the opportunity really came.

Game time, nineteen and a half minutes.

This time there are two people who give a chance.

Zhao Yun's stone man gave the opportunity first, and was caught by WE Zhong Ueno when he was leading the line from the side. He did not hesitate to hand in himself and flashed away.

After a while, Luo of Baolan also gave him a chance.

When IG pushed up in a group, Baolan's Luo went deep and made himself a little out of touch. He was caught by the blind man in the wild and kicked back. Then he was beaten by the blind man and the barbarian king. This not only forced Luo to The big move is used to escape, and Galio can only use the big move to save him.

Suddenly, IG's two key big moves were forced out.

WE immediately seized this rare opportunity, followed by the yellow card to keep Galio, and started a strong team!
The team battle started again.

Zhao Yun's stone man decided to TP over to join the group.

However, just when WE fans thought they saw hope, the next second, the direction of this wave of team battles left everyone dumbfounded.

Because it was a team battle in the wild, not only the IG's middle and assistant were out of touch for the first time, but the WE duo was also out of touch.

This has also led to the fact that when the real people on both sides are present, people come from any direction.

In this case, Mystic, who had learned the lessons from the previous few times, was also resolutely focused, full of state, and always ready to use flash to avoid the stone man's big move.

The moment he saw the stone man appear, he became extremely vigilant at that time, and most of his attention was put on the stone man, ready to flash at any time.

Just wait a moment, after avoiding the stone man's big move, he will have a huge room to play with the auxiliary protection in this wave!

Mysitic thinks so.

However, what he didn't expect was that after the stone man appeared, he didn't intend to magnify his moves at all!
That's right, even if you have already entered the scope of the stone man's big move, several people scuffle together on the frontal battlefield, and your head is almost broken, but this stone man just doesn't zoom in!

Don't you hit the chance of hitting three over there?
Do you know how to play stone man?
Immediately, Mystic just felt uncomfortable all over!
The stone man stood there, holding his big move in his hands and holding back, which really brought tremendous psychological pressure to him, AD Verus.

A will retreat once, and A will retreat every time. Every time A is worried, whether the stone man will hit him in the next second.

As a result, during this period of time, the time it took him to move was twice as long as the time he spent outputting.

While he hesitated and dragged on his side, Zhao Yun on the other side was also very puzzled.

His attention was always on Verus, because he didn't dodge, and he was afraid of being dodged by Verus, so Zhao Yun thought about waiting for Verus to dodge him so that he could be taken care of.

He has always had a serious obsession with the matter of the stone man Kongda!
The second law of the Golem team fight, I am where the AD is, and I will not R if the AD does not flash.

This habit has long been engraved in Zhao Yun's bones.

So in the first two times, he was so decisive when he was flashing or the opponent was not flashing.

He wants to ensure the hit rate of his ultimate move as much as possible!
Otherwise, how embarrassing it would be to miss it!
Ever since, he kept staring at Verus' position, thinking that he would bump into him when he got closer or when he flashed himself.

As for why not hit other people to save teammates?
I'm sorry, the first law of the Golem team, AD is still hitting AD, AD is not hitting AP.

He can't make him hit other people when the opposite AD is still alive.

Of course, if you have Yasuo on your side, the situation will be different!
Zhao Yun thought so.

But what he didn't expect was that Verus stepped back as soon as he came over, and the way he looked at guarding against him directly made Zhao Yun realize that this guy was clearly guarding him!
'hateful!Honest people also guard? '

'Originally, I, the hero of the stone man, has a halo of bastard. If so many people see it in this situation, if I go up and be hidden, wouldn't it be more like a bastard? '

'What a Mystic, he is so defensive! '

'If you are capable, don't come close to me and don't give in, I really don't believe it, let's see who can bear it! '

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun kept holding on to his big move, waiting for that Verus to show his flaws.

As the saying goes, the situation on the battlefield changes rapidly.

The dominant side has fault tolerance and the capital to procrastinate, but the disadvantaged side does not.

It's about team battles in LOL.

On IG's side, the output points have always been Xia and Qianjue, so it doesn't matter if the stone man pulls it around.

But WE, which was already at a big disadvantage, managed to catch a good opportunity. Originally, if Verus had played enough output in the first place, then they might still have a chance.

But was delayed by such a hesitation, Verus was pulling himself here, but the IG double shooter on the other side had no scruples. A burst of crazy A output exploded, and all three of WE's upper, middle and wild players were evaporated in a few seconds.

Once the teammates fell, there would be no suspense in this wave of team battles.

Qian Jue, who had finished killing someone, jumped over and easily killed Verus with a few clicks, so that Zhao Yun didn't even have time to give the ultimate move.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone suddenly realized that Verus's flash was still there until the end of the group fight, and the stone man's ultimate move was also still holding on.

Although the team was destroyed, it was still early, and the pawn line did not allow a wave. IG turned directly to the dragon.

On Zhao Yun's side, looking at the corpse of Verus under his feet, he thought that he hadn't bumped into him after the team battle, and his inexplicable persistence was meaningless, which made him a little upset at the time.

In the case of an advantage, being able to torture the opponent's AD is the greatest joy!

But you can't blame your teammates for killing him too fast, can you?

How can this be?

After thinking about it, Zhao Yun just felt that he was not relieved at all.

'No, if I don't hit this big move, I can't think through it! '

Thinking of this, he pressed the R button with a trembling finger, and suddenly hit Verus' body with a big move, and slapped the floor by the way, then turned around in satisfaction, shook his head and his teammates to fight the dragon.

 Push a good brother's new book, the weird "Cultivating Immortal Game", everyone who likes this type can go to Kangkang, good Kang!
  Alas, it's on the shelves, and I can't think of any other way to increase subscriptions, so I have to sacrifice my good brother's new book to celebrate.

  Believe me, it's really beautiful! !

  Go and see!Go and see!Go and see!
(End of this chapter)

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