That's what we do with silver

Chapter 63 I'm coming to Barbarian King, are you coming to counter?

Chapter 63 I'm coming to Barbarian King, are you coming to counter? (two more)

After a wave of team battles, WE was completely defeated.

And the audience who watched the whole process also talked about Verus' performance in the team battle.

"Ten seconds to move, one second to output 2.0?"

"He seems really afraid of stone men."

"I'm dying of laughter. The stone man leads the villain with iron. It's just that you don't need to throw a big move at that stop, and the deterrent force will be fully utilized, right?"

"As expected of Daji UZI, this wave of team battles has the same smell as a puppy."


"It's gone, it's gone, WE is completely gone, it's completely useless for this barbarian king to be elected."

"Is there a possibility that the hero, the barbarian king, looks at the ID."

"The stone man is really doing it, and he really insists on not exaggerating it. It frightens my brother-in-law."

"Malphite is called Little Moteng, I will not let go of the big move, it is a deterrent!"

"Laughing to death, this round of WE is completely smashed, G!"

"It's garbage time now, it's boring."


It can only be said that the disadvantage of WE in this round has really been so great that the audience can't see the point.

Of course, with IG advancing with the big dragon buff, this round will end soon.

Intermission time.

IG's backstage lounge.

After watching the whole game, seeing that WE was beaten so badly in this round, the manager Su Xiaoluo laughed throughout the whole round and didn't stop laughing.

And the coach Mafa sitting next to him also nodded from time to time, his eyes full of approval.

Therefore, during the half-time communication, the team atmosphere is naturally very harmonious and relaxed.

Then the MVP of this game was given to Qian Jue, who had a perfect record of 8-0-7 in Ning.

Seeing this, Ning was overjoyed at the time.

You know, IG has only won his first MVP until now in this summer split!

And more importantly, in this S7 season, wild core heroes are rarely seen, and they are generally rhythmic junglers. A wild core hero like him who uses his own carry like Kindred is still facing strong teams. He is the only one who has achieved the effect so far in LPL!
One word, cool!

And Zhao Yun himself is also in good condition.

In the last round when the stone man fought the barbarian king, he really played the whole round with ease and without any pressure, which made him feel very comfortable.

Although he knew very well in his heart that it was because his lineup was better and the stone man restrained the barbarian king that he won the game so easily, but this did not affect him in the slightest.

'Hee hee, it seems that there is still something about the stone man of my buddy. Although there are some minor flaws in the patch, but overall, there should be nothing wrong with saying that it is remarkable. '

After the barbarian king, there was another hero who could force him to affirm himself, which made Zhao Yun very excited.

After all, brother 69 next door couldn't practice Gnar and Tonkatsu well after practicing for a whole season, so he is still a first-line laner in LPL.

And what about Zhao Yun?
He has only played the profession for a few days, and he has already trained two usable heroes. Although his ability values ​​in all aspects still need to be improved, it at least shows that he still has such a little talent after all!

What's more, although there was a bit of luck in the operation of the real-eye fishing operation in the last round, no one who watched it had to say something spiritual?

That's it, if you want talent, you need talent, if you want spirituality, except for a little flaw in basic skills, if you put it outside, isn't it a standard youth training club seed player?

Thinking about it this way, the future is promising!

Good guy, the more I think about Zhao Yun, the more confident I feel, and I feel that if I continue to work hard, I will definitely become a real professional player!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sit on the sofa and giggle, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

He is happy here, and his teammates are also in a good mood.

"OK, everyone played well in this round, let's continue to work hard in the next round!"

In IG's training room, after all, the first game was won very well. Coach Mafa didn't say much, but just cheered everyone up as usual.

Then, let everyone take a good rest and prepare for the second match.

As for the manager, Su Xiaoluo, as usual, he was talking expansive words carelessly.

"In the next game, try to continue beating WE in the next game. Brothers, if we win [-]-[-] today, then I will definitely treat everyone to a delicious meal! Come on, come on!"

In the lounge of IG, the atmosphere is full of relaxation.


In the WE lounge, the expressions of all the WE players are rather serious.

"Don't be depressed, the loss in this game is not because you guys didn't play well, it's because I didn't do a good job in BP."

Coach Hongmi took the initiative to take a bite of the pot for himself, and then continued to speak seriously.

"The barbarian king, as a hero, it seems that as long as you can't get an advantage in the lane, the influence in the early and mid-term is really not very good.

So in the next game, I don't feel the need to focus on this. "

"On the contrary, it's their mid laner Galio. I think we need to pay attention to it. The choice of this point is too important to improve the fault tolerance rate of their entire lineup, so in the next game, this hero cannot continue to be played for them."

"As for Qian Jue, it's obvious that Galio was the one to choose it, so I won't think about it for now."

"After that……"

In this way, after a long time of misbehaving by the Redmi coach, WE also summed up the reasons for the loss of the previous round, and finally decided the tactics of the next round quickly and efficiently.

The 10 minute break passed quickly.

The second game will start soon.

In this round, IG took the initiative to choose the blue side.

In the commentary seat, Wang Duoduo also routinely starts the pre-match analysis.

"In the last game, to be honest, I felt that WE's BP was completely overwhelmed. The first attack to grab the barbarian king had no effect at all. Not only did it have no advantage in laning, but it also had no sense of presence in mid-term team battles.

On the contrary, it was the stone man selected by IG. Not only did he face the Tianke Barbarian King, but he also performed very well in several rounds of team battles. He directly killed WE's Verus by himself. In a sense, The existence of the stone man directly abolished the two core C positions of WE in the upper and lower lanes.

Just looking at the performance of this round, the comparison between the top laners of the two sides, the leg brother feels that he has been blown out. "

"At the same time, after watching this round, I couldn't help but think of a sentence. Know yourself and know your enemy, and win every battle. Lancer, as the first player to bring the barbarian king to the field this year, not only played the barbarian king superbly, but also faced the weakness of the barbarian king. He also has a very thorough understanding of his shortcomings, and I feel that from now on, no one will want to use the method of grabbing the ban to target his barbarian king."

Kris next to him also nodded and smiled.

"Then in this game, let's continue to look at it. In the last game, when the effect of replacing ban with grabbing was not good, facing the barbarian king, WE will choose this way to deal with it again."

"BP has already started, let us look forward to it together."

As the commentary said, the second round of BP has begun.

Then everyone also saw that WE's first round of bans seemed to have undergone tremendous changes from the previous round.

IG's top three bans: Kassadin, LeBlanc, Blind.

The top three bans in WE: Galio, Xia, Prince.

As soon as this BP came out, Wang Duoduo became excited at that time.

"The BP of the IG side is still very regular. Kassadin LeBlanc's last move against the mid-laner Xiye hero pool is obviously because he doesn't want to grab it, but he doesn't want to play for Condi, so he directly bans it."

"Then there were the top three bans of the red side's WE. They didn't have the barbarian king. Instead, they chose to ban Galio, who Rookie had been playing in the last few rounds, and the Xia Luo combination, which dismantled the IG bottom lane duo. Ban the prince who forced the team to start, it is clear, it is to dismantle the strong team system that IG likes to play in the recent games."

"So what should I say now, IG will choose first, and what choice will it make? After Lancer personally showed everyone how to fight the barbarian king in the last game, does he still have the courage before? In this situation Who is the next barbarian king?"

All of a sudden, countless people looked straight at the first floor of IG, as Wang Duoduo said, looking forward to whether Zhao Yun would withstand the pressure and choose to show his iconic hero again.

Then in the next second, Zhao Yun used practical actions to let everyone feel his confidence.

"Our big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

The powerful and domineering voice lines resounded through the audience.

Barbarian King - Tryndamere, directly locked!
(End of this chapter)

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