That's what we do with silver

Chapter 64 Brother, in my eyes, you are the No. 1 Ike in the world!

Chapter 64 Brother, in my eyes, you are the number one Ike in the world! (three more)

IG is the first choice, and the barbarian king is determined.

Suddenly, there was a burst of warm cheers at the scene.

In the commentary seat, Wang Duoduo's voice also instantly became excited.

"I'm sure! Barbarian King!"

"Even if he is destined to be countered by the second hand, even if he knows that this is a trap deliberately set by the opponent, but Lacner, he still locks the barbarian king without hesitation!"

"In the last round, he used stone men to teach us how to fight the barbarian king. Then in this round, the pressure came to WE. How will they respond to this barbarian king?"

The voice of the commentary was full of excitement, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.


"Brother Blue! What a man! Handsome!"


"The roles are reversed, let me teach you how to play the barbarian king!"

"If you dare to let me go, I dare to choose!"

"Wuhu~ here we come, it's time for my first favorite to grab the barbarian king again!"

"I never dreamed that one day the LPL would have a plot to snatch the barbarian king! It's so magical!"

"Brother Blue, I'm Superman!"

"I've decided, just because he dares to grab the Barbarian King under such circumstances. No matter whether he wins or loses, I, Song Ziqiang, will be fans!"

"I, Zhao Ritian +1!"

"My WE star would like to call him the strongest!"

"The smell of gunpowder is coming, let's fight!"

"Rush rush!"


Zhao Yun's selection of the barbarian king directly made the audience very excited.

On the WE side, the coach also communicated with 957 immediately.

"He has chosen the barbarian king. What do you say, do you need the stone man in the first three hands, or they will probably ban themselves in the second round."

In this regard, 957 shook his head slightly.

"It's not necessary. If the barbarian king only cares about laning, I have many choices besides the stone man. Let's take the middle field and the bottom lane first. I'm not in a hurry."

Hearing this, coach Hongmi also nodded, and began to take heroes for other positions first.

Soon after, the first round of selection by both sides ended.

IG's first three choices: Barbarian King, Camille, Luo.

WE's top three choices: Xindra, Olaf, and Bullhead.

Seeing the first-round picks of both sides, Wang Duoduo in the commentary seat couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"WE's selection in this round feels completely different from the previous round.

Olaf and Syndra's mid-field combat power is very strong in the early and mid-term, and there are Syndra and Niutou. The skills of these two heroes are all very restrained from entering the field. IG wants to play before without Galio. That kind of strong rushing effect will undoubtedly become more difficult. "

Kris next to him also nodded.

"That's right, it seems that WE got a little angry in the last round, and this round doesn't play with you in terms of division and rhythm. It's going to be a bayonet battle with IG. Zhongfu's two-handed players are indeed comparable to the barbarian king. Targeted."

While the two commentators were speaking, the second round of bans ended quickly,

IG chose to ban the stone man, Verus.

WE chooses Ban Rock Sparrow, Clockwork Demon.

Then WE made the fourth move and directly locked on ADC Calista.

It was IG's turn to pick four or five players, and the mid laner and AD were left unselected.

West thought about it, and chose a wheel mother to come out.

The final mid laner has not yet been determined, and Rookie is also hesitating, asking for opinions from his teammates in the voice.

"Brothers, Victor or Snake, which one do you think is better?"

Hearing this, several teammates basically said casually, feeling that the two heroes were similar.

Only Zhao Yun, upon hearing Rookie's words, subconsciously replied.

"Don't worry, brother, I feel that these two heroes are not very good, they are too soft, why don't you change to a fiercer one?"

Zhao Yun really felt that, no matter what the ranking win rate is, in the big competitions since ancient times, the win rate of the two heroes, Victor and Snake Girl, is really not good.

And in Rookie style, wouldn't that limit his ability to give him the whole brush?
The clockwork monster also has a big move against the sky to change fate. Rookie's performance is also trustworthy at critical moments, but the two pure brushes, Victor and Snake, really don't fit Rookie's style.

On this point, Zhao Yun, who has been a die-hard 18c fan of IG for 3 years, said that at this point in time, if he really wants to talk about the compatibility of heroes, he definitely knows himself better than Rookie.

What the hell is Victor Snake, the training matches are all fake!
In the official competition, they are all traps, complete traps!
Ever since, when faced with Rookie's question, the others said it was casual, but Zhao Yun directly said that he didn't think so.

No way, he just wants to win!
If it was because his skills were inferior to others and he hadn't played before, then he would definitely have nothing to say, but he couldn't do this kind of thing while watching his teammates get caught in the trap of the version!
Rookie did not expect Zhao Yun's sudden remark.

"Huh? Do something fierce?"

"Brother Yunzi, which hero do you think I should use better?"

Rookie asked subconsciously.

Then, in the face of his inquiry, Zhao Yun said something decisively.

"Ike! It's Ike! Ike is Syndra's father!"

"Trust me! My good brother, in my heart, you are the most handsome when you play Ike, as long as you play Ike, then you are the number one mid laner in Zhao Yun's mind! There is no one!"

When Zhao Yun said this, his expression was serious and his tone was serious.

Rookie was shocked directly.

He really didn't expect that Zhao Yun could say such a sentence.

Immediately, although he didn't know when his Ike became so fierce, Rookie, who was originally a little casual, couldn't help feeling a little excited after hearing this.

"Okay, since you've said that, I'm going to choose Ike for this round, huh?"

Rookie still hesitated.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun immediately nodded decisively.

"Choose! Choose directly! Choose now! Listen to me! Believe in yourself! Your Ike is the number one Ike in the world!"

Rookie, who was already thin-skinned, couldn't stand being blown so bluntly, and finally decided on his choice when he got hot blooded.

"Then Ike, Baolan, help me get Ike."

Immediately, in such a slightly weird atmosphere, IG's last single was officially confirmed.

Time Assassin, Ike!
"Time is not about how much you have, but how you use it."

The familiar voice lines sounded again.

As soon as this unpopular hero was confirmed, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

"It's confirmed. IG's last pick was swinging between Snake Girl and Victor, but when it was finally confirmed, it became Ike!"

"Rookie chose to use Ike to fight against Xiye's Xindra. We are really looking forward to such a matchup."

"So now the last move, WE's last top laner, what choice will he make?"

Under the focus of everyone's attention, WE's last move was confirmed.

The Eye of Twilight, Shen.

 Update three chapters in the early morning, get up tomorrow and write ten thousand, and strive for eight updates! !
  Good night guys!Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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