That's what we do with silver

Chapter 65 Teammates Die into Dogs?it's ok, i don't care

Chapter 65 Teammates Die into Dogs?it's ok, i don't care
"Okay, with WE's last careful selection, the lineups of both sides have been determined."

"The IG on the blue side has a lineup of top laner Barbarian, jungler Qing Gangying, mid laner Ike, and bottom laners Sivir and Luo."

"The WE on the red side has a lineup of top laner Shen, jungler Olaf, mid laner Xingdra, and bottom laners Kalista and Bullhead."

At the commentary table, Wang Duoduo also briefly introduced the heroes of both sides.

Then, naturally, start analyzing the lineup.

Wang Duoduo: "If you only look at the strength of the laning, I feel that WE will be stronger. Whether it is the top lane against the barbarian, or the bottom lane Kalista bullhead against Luo and Sivir, or even the jungler Olaf against Camille, Basically, the heroes on WE's side have the upper hand."

Kris: "Yes, that's right. Although everyone knows that Lancer is a unique player who is very good at using the barbarian king, but the hero's skill mechanism is here. As a warrior hero who almost relies on level A as an output method , Facing a Shen, there is really too little room to play.

To a certain extent, I feel that Shen may be more restrained than the stone man. After all, if you play a stone man, the barbarian king may not be able to do anything to you, but it is unlikely that you want to kill the barbarian king, but Shen is different. , this hero looks like a tank, but his damage is actually not low, and he has a not weak single kill ability. "

Wang Duoduo: "That's true. In the last game, WE lost miserably because of the lineup and poor handling in the early and mid-term.

So now, given that they have the upper hand in the field and the top laner gets the backhand Counter, what will they do in this round? Let us wait and see! "

Soon, as Wang Duoduo's voice fell, the live broadcast screen also switched instantly, and officially entered the game screen.

The familiar 'thump thump thump' sounded, and ten heroes from both sides appeared in the spring at the same time.

It is worth mentioning that the barbarian king in Zhao Yun's game used skins.

Yes, that's right!

It is the most handsome one of Barbarian King!
Demon Blade - Tryndamere!

This is Zhao Yun's favorite Barbarian King skin. Every time I play it, I can faintly feel that my Barbarian King's operation needs to be improved by at least a small level, which is very comfortable.

'It's rare to use a skin that I like in a game, and my luck in this round must not be bad. '

Zhao Yun was thinking optimistically as he dragged his handsome sword up the road.

Then, before he even started laning, a bad news suddenly came from the bottom lane.

[WE, Mystic killed IG, Megan]

Uh... Sapphire Blue's Luo sent out a blood.

Maybe it was a little too relaxed after winning the last game, or maybe it was a little bad luck. When Luo was defending at the triangle grass position in the bottom lane, he really didn't pay attention. He was caught by the five WE who invaded together.

Olaf threw an ax to slow down, and then the bull's head Q flashed into the air, and Shen continued to taunt, and the five WE members melted Luo in a second.

The first blood was directly given to Calista.

Seeing this scene, to be honest, Zhao Yun didn't feel much. Anyway, Shen was not given the first blood, and the pressure was not on him, so it didn't matter.

But after such a wave of rhythm, after WE killed people, Olaf led the duo and didn't want to leave. He stayed in the red zone of IG to grab the red buff.

Then there was no way, looking at the violent combination of Olaf + Kalista + Niutou, and then looking at the weak Sivir and Luo in his own family, what could Ning do, he could only let it go.

Fortunately, Rookie chose Ike in this round. At the first level, his ability to push the line was stronger than that of Xindra, which made Ning barely qualified to change the buff to start the game.

If Rookie is some kind of Victor, then he is forced to open his own house, and to be honest, that picture is really unimaginable.

Bot lane and jungle got off to a bad start.

On the road side, Zhao Yun's barbarian king also felt uncomfortable.

The main thing is, the hero Shen is really annoying in the early stage, just let it go and slowly develop, if you want to cut him, he will turn on you with the sword formation, and he has no temper at all.

Zhao Yun himself must have played this hero before. He knew that the barbarian king had no choice but to fight him in the early stage. He had to wait for the equipment to kill him.

Fortunately, it was the barbarian king. If it was another hero, he would probably have to worry about his last hit at this time.

The barbarian king is very good at this point. His natural attack is high, and he has an E skill to assist him. After this period of special matching training, his last knife skills have improved a lot.

Eat all the first three waves of soldiers, without missing a single one, it's just nice!
It can only be said that Zhao Yun feels that he is really worthless. The dignified LPL starting professional player is nothing more than three waves of players. Such a small matter can give him a huge sense of satisfaction.

Before I knew it, I just buried my head and concentrated on making up the knife, and laughed as I made up the knife.

As the saying goes, human joy doesn't make sense.

This sentence can also be used in the canyon.

In the same game, the joy of each road is also different.

When someone on the road happily made up the knife with a smile.

Some people on other roads were crying and being beaten.

That's right, it's the bottom lane duo.

[WE, Ben killed IG, West]

[WE, Condi killed IG, Megan]

The game lasted five and a half minutes. When Kalista and Niutou had a clear advantage in blood volume, Olaf made a strong gank, directly crossing the tower with the WE duo, handed in a lot of skills, and went smoothly Killed the IG duo.

The head-to-head ratio on the field was 0:3, and all three happened in the bottom lane.

Needless to say, Mystic is really strong at this stage. Kalista, who took the first blood, beat the wheel mother. The suppression is really strong. The IG duo only took more than five minutes, and they were ordered directly. up.

But fortunately, the good news is that Kalista didn't end up with K. One of the two heads was taken by Olaf, and the other was burnt to death by the bull's head. It's a blessing in misfortune.

As for the tragic experience of their own bottom lane, the reactions of the other three teammates are also different.

The jungler Ning chose to comfort his teammates.

"Ah, brothers, you guys stay on the road, at least I can't help you until you are all at level six. Hold on, don't worry bro."

The mid laner Rookie chose to face it optimistically.

"It's okay, it's okay if the skateboard shoes don't have a head, it's just a little squishy, ​​I'll get up and beat him to death with three sticks later."

When it was Zhao Yun's turn to be the top laner, his focus was a little different.

He doesn't care about the life and death of his teammates, he only cares about a marker that West just clicked when he died.

【Berserker flashes】

【Berserker R】

Seeing this mark, Zhao Yun's eyes immediately lit up.

"What did you say? Olaf handed in both the flash and the big move in this wave?"

"Hey, that's a good relationship. Let's go, King Ning, their red buff will be applied immediately, come and fuck him with me!"

Zhao Yun, who had just returned home and made up the attack speed shoes, looked at the double call and ultimate move that he hadn't used for 6 minutes. He couldn't hold back at that time, and immediately became excited.

There is no way, after all, it is still a bit boring to make up the knife, and it is still interesting to kill!
Just do what you say, seeing that WE's red buff will be refreshed in a few seconds, Zhao Yunman Wang quickly pushed the line to leave, and walked into the wild area with Qing Gangying shoulder to shoulder.

Shen, a broken hero, is really disgusting, and it's really boring to play against him.

Lord Lu is not waiting!
Yo-yo, kill someone!
(End of this chapter)

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