That's what we do with silver

Chapter 66 You are ordering food on the bottom road, I am slaughtering pigs on the top road, everyon

Chapter 66 You are ordering food on the bottom road, I am slaughtering pigs on the top road, everyone has a bright future

At 6 minutes and 55 seconds of game time, Zhao Yun's barbarian king disappeared on the top lane after pushing the line.

957 gave the mark immediately, and at the same time said Barbarian Miss in the voice.

Both the middle and the wild on WE's side expressed that they had received such a key message.

However, Condi is not too worried.

Just kidding, he has the best 1-0-2 record in the game, and he is also the best Olaf in the game!

If a person dares to provoke him, whether it is the Man Wang or Qing Gangying, what is the difference between sending him off?
Besides, even if something really happened, so what if two people came across to catch him, didn't he still have his top laner Shen in his pocket? , the two physical heroes on the opposite side can't stop directly?
Taking another [-] steps back, this is my own wild area, Xiye's Syndra is still nearby, and the support speed must be faster than Ike.

In this situation, whether it is 2v2 or 3v3, they are not afraid, okay?

To put it bluntly, he couldn't even find any reason to lose.

With such a mentality, Condi confidently walked into his wild area, ready to take down the newly refreshed red buff.

Then in the next second, I immediately met love around the corner.

Barbarian King, Qinggang Ying, and Olaf collided head-on in front of the red buff at the same time.

Immediately, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and there was nothing more to say, just copy the guy and it's over.

From IG Ueno Masayoshi's two-on-one, the three directly scuffled together.

The barbarian king struck down with a critical strike, and with Qinggang Ying's flying kick, Olaf lost two-fifths of his blood in seconds.

This terrifying burst of damage directly caused Condi to panic when he saw it.

At this time, the speed at which he shouted for help was simply faster than the speed at which he could fight for help.

"Brother Legs, save me!"

This shout was full of sincerity.

From self-confidence to panic, he was quite as energetic as when An Lan forced the king back then.

And this shout also called out a rescuer from heaven.

Mysterious Meaning: Compassion saves the soul!

Seeing the shield of Shen's ultimate move light up, Olaf had the confidence at that time, picked up the ax and started to fight back.

"Dare to fight against me, kill them, kill them both!"

Condi stared at Shen's big move, it was so confident that Olaf swung the ax flying in his hand.

In his heart, this battle was won from the moment Shen gave the ultimate move.

"In this wave, I not only have more than 200 shield blessings from Shen's big move, but also Shen's invincible sword formation for two seconds, and Shen's taunt is nearly two seconds. The less Raff's blood is, the more powerful he is in combat.

I'm dying of laughter, I don't even know, you two idiots who rely on flat A output, what can you use to kill me? '

Condi was full of confidence, and even a beautiful image of his own double killing automatically appeared in his mind. The corner of his mouth was crooked, and he couldn't help showing a smug smile at that time.

Then, a few seconds later, looking at the black and white screen in front of his eyes, his smile instantly froze on his face.

he died.

was hacked to death.

There weren't too many bells and whistles, and he was really invincible by the barbarian king's big move, and he was chased and hacked to death by him one after another.

Shen's taunt did hit the target, and the sword formation did indeed open. From the beginning to the end, it really helped him buy at least four seconds, and the two of them beat the barbarian king to death.

Up to this point, the plot doesn't seem to have any problems.

However, as soon as the barbarian king opened his big move, something went wrong.

One sword, two swords, three swords.

Even if it was just three strikes and two blows, the explosion damage was still completely unbearable. Olaf's proud blood-sucking ability was nothing compared to the barbarian king's blow!
blood sucking?

Laughing dead, can't suck at all.

It's almost like taking a breath of air!
So what about the half-blood Raff, he will go down three times and send him away directly.

Even during this process, his Olaf was forced to punish the red buff to restore blood. In the chaos, he was snatched away by the barbarian king with a whirlwind!

[IG, Lancer killed WE, Condi]

Once Olaf fell, what IG Ueno and IG brought was not only a generous 300 yuan, but also two crucial fatal replies.

'Death Game'

This crucial quick reply directly allowed the barbarian king, who had just finished his ultimate move, to continue his life.

At this moment, Shen, with all his skills on CD, his combat power suddenly dropped, and the remaining half of his blood crossed the wall and wanted to run away.

I laughed so hard, how could it be possible to run in front of these two human-headed dogs on IG Ueno!



Shen flashed across the wall one by one, Man Wang and Qing Gangying flashed at the same time, chasing after him was a brutal beating, and he was beaten to death!

[IG, Lancer killed WE, 957]


The barbarian king won a double kill!

A wave of face-to-face brawls that seemed extremely passionate finally came to an end with this double kill.

Commentary seat.

Wang Duoduo also looked excited.

"The Barbarian King! A wave of thrilling 2v2, IG Ueno played 0 for 2, and Lancer's Barbarian King successfully won a double kill!"

"Originally, Shen gave the big move, and the landing was taunting and the sword array dragged on for so long. Everyone thought that WE would win, but at this time, the barbarian king stood up again!"

"Even if he was under control all the way, flat A was blocked, and faced with a bunch of skills that restrained himself, the barbarian king still relied on his invincibility for five seconds to hit explosive output, directly hacking Condi's Olaf to death at his feet. !
Alas, no matter how fast the berserker's ax swings, it is still no match for the barbarian king's machete! "

Wang Duoduo spoke passionately, while another female commentator Kris added with a smile.

"We also noticed during the passionate 2V2 in Ueno just now. Syndra, who wanted to come to support in the middle, was stunned by Ike in the middle of the field, and played a set, which directly forced Xiye's flash .”

"In this wave of confrontation between the two sides, IG's side is ultimately superior."

The battle in the wild area in the first half officially ended with the double kill of the barbarian king.

Then, when everyone was still immersed in the passionate moment of the four fighters fighting face to face, a system message appeared on the live broadcast screen again.

[WE, Mistic killed IG, West]

Going down the road, Calista and Niutou took the lead to reach 6, and they were forced to pass directly by the wheel mother.

In less than a few tens of seconds, there were three consecutive waves of kills on the field, and the audience was shocked to see them.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also flying.

"Wuhu, the upper and lower roads are blooming together."

"Here we come, it's everyone's favorite barbarian slaying session!"

"No matter how fast the ax is, you are afraid of the big knife!"

"You say you, catch it and it's over, why bother with him?"

"Uh, it seems that the barbarian king came to the door on his own initiative."

"Barbarian King: If I can't cure your top laner, can I still not cure you stinky jungler?"

"Anyway, there is always someone to kill in the upper half, why can't this person be a jungler?"

"Am I the only one who noticed Ike in the lower left corner! Syndra wanted to support her and was immediately wiped out by the flash!"

"Greek Nest."

"IG's bottom lane is still not disappointing as always, it will be killed."

"Brother Blue! I'm Superman!"

"You kill on the top lane, I kill on the bottom lane, let's kill faster than anyone else, right?"

"The barbarian king! The barbarian king!!! The barbarian king!!!"


In just a few tens of seconds, there were kills from the upper and lower lanes at the same time.

After this wave was over, the situation on the field suddenly changed dramatically.

After Condi suffered a big loss in the first half of the jungle, he resolutely stopped making troubles on the top lane and focused on running down the lane.

Under such a situation, Kalista took off completely in the bottom lane, and the IG bottom lane duo was close to collapse, and now they were beaten completely out of line.

Soon, at 1 minutes, Kalista was directly pushed off the next tower.

Subsequently, the first wind dragon was also easily taken down.

 Fifth watch glass! !

(End of this chapter)

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