That's what we do with silver

Chapter 68 Alas, greed is guilty

Chapter 68 Alas, greed is committed (one more 4k5)

On the road, Calista pushed down IG and went to the first tower.

Down the road, IG Zhong Ueno immediately pushed down the next tower of WE.

All of a sudden, both sides advanced at the same time, and the pace of the game suddenly accelerated.

As for WE's downfield side, seeing their middle laner Syndra and top laner Shen die one after another, the botlane duo, which had a huge advantage and was in a strong period, pushed a tower, but ended up losing money.

Just like that, how could they bear this grievance?
As a result, seeing that the bottom line has been broken, and at the same time, the three Ueno members in IG are all in poor condition, and even Ike and Camille have already returned to the city in sight, Mysitic also made a decisive decision immediately.

"Don't go, just trick them into going back to the city, and then we will continue to push."

Support Ben and jungler Condi's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

That's right, Ueno on the opposite IG just handed over all his tower jumping skills, and the AD wheel mother is a stunted second-level disabled.

At this time, if IG keeps people in the bottom lane to restrain them, then they may still be a little scrupulous, but if the opponent seeks to return to the city steadily, even if five people really come, the Ike Barbarian who has no ultimate move will lose 80.00% of his combat power. In contrast, IG has absolutely nothing to do with the three of them who are in full condition.

Besides, both Syndra and Shen have TP, and they can support them immediately after resurrection.

Thinking of this, the three of WE Xiaye stood motionless on the line where IG had no vision, and after seeing Qinggang Ying and Ike on the next route all returned to the city, they immediately walked out again and continued to go on the road to IG. The tower continued to advance.

Such a special move naturally attracted the attention of the audience and commentators.

"Here, we also saw that the WE trio on the road suddenly stood still. What does this mean?"

Wang Duoduo's tone was obviously puzzled.

Then in the next second, when everyone saw Ike and Qinggang Ying returning to the city, the three of WE Xiaye immediately moved, and continued to advance to the second tower on the IG top road, and they immediately understood what was going on.

"Hey... WE, these three people are clearly deliberately disturbing IG's judgment, standing in a place of blind vision to give IG the illusion that they have left, and then after Ike and Qinggangying return to the city, they immediately walk out and continue. advance.

You know, IG had Canyon Pioneer on it just now. The reason why I didn’t choose to continue to push it was because the three people in the middle and upper field were not in good condition, and then I didn’t know the movements of the three in WE and the field. I was afraid that they would be caught by WE Those who came back were kept, and Shen and Syndra both had TPs, so they didn't dare to continue to bring them. "

At this point, Wang Duoduo also paused, and then continued.

"And WE's situation is similar. At this point in time, Olaf and Calista are absolutely strong, but the wheel mother is useless. If we really want to fight head-on, WE must have the advantage.

So even if everyone on IG comes back to defend, WE is not afraid at all. They even want IG to fight them head-on. At this time, the only thing they worry about is that the Canyon Pioneer on IG's side is actually on the side. contain.

But now, after confirming that both Ueno and Ueno have returned to the city in IG, the three of WE no longer have any scruples, and are directly preparing to attack the second tower of IG! "

Seeing that on the route, the three of WE immediately walked to the second tower on IG aggressively, Wang Duoduo couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"WE's decision-making and operation is really wonderful, so the suspicion was spread across the sea, and the falsehood directly deceived IG, so now facing the strong advancement of WE, how should IG respond? "

After such a wave of explanation and analysis by Wang Duoduo, the audience who hadn't figured out the truth at first suddenly understood it all.

All of a sudden, the barrage frantically swiped.

"It's ok, WE, this wave of decision-making spirituality was directly deceived by IG."

"They're all starting to play tricks, right?"

"How deceiving!"

"Ask if you don't understand, is this the legendary psychological game?"

"Haha, this wave of IG was calculated, and now I have to defend on the road. The second tower is probably useless."

"Naka ​​Ueno has no skills at all, a Sivir is useless, IG will die if they dare to defend the tower in this wave."

"Wuhu, I'll see how IG avoids the battle in this wave, so come and fight!"


Many people feel that this wave of WE's strong advance, IG can't stop it no matter how they look at it, and this second tower is probably going to be let go.

Even WE's own people think so.

But in the next second, when the three of WE came over with a line of troops to demolish the tower, the live broadcast in front of them was suddenly cut to the bottom lane by the director.

The audience was a little confused at first.

off the road?

What can be seen on the next road?

Thinking this way in their hearts, when they saw it with their eyes, everyone couldn't help being taken aback.

On the screen, on the down route, a barbarian king with one-third of the health suddenly turned out from the position of the magic marsh frog in the WE wild area.

Everyone froze for a moment.

What's the situation, when I watched it before, didn't the three people in IG return to the city with their remaining blood?
Now that Ike Qinggangying has gone back, why is the barbarian king still there?
However, for Zhao Yun himself, the reason for this surprising situation was very simple.

He is addicted.

In fact, after going down the road and crossing the tower just now, he wanted to go back to the city with Ike Qinggangying at first, but when he entered the grass and returned to the city, by coincidence, he happened to see the magic marsh frog spawn.

As we all know, the greed of silver players is endless.

Don't care if the money on me is enough for the equipment, and don't care if I have residual health. Anyway, when I bring it back to the city alone, as long as there are minions and wild monsters in sight, I'm sorry, I won't give him all It's clean, I just feel uncomfortable in my heart!
It's hard greed!

It was such a simple reason that Zhao Yun habitually canceled the return to the city, and resolutely went over to spawn an extra Demon Swamp Frog.

Then, when the magic marsh frog had just eaten it, and was about to go back to the city with peace of mind, the line of soldiers next to it came again...

What else to say, it's a pity that no one eats this wave of soldiers, let's go after eating.

This is Zhao Yun's unremarkable mental journey.

Because of this, the barbarian king with residual blood, relying on runes and the blood-sucking that comes with Dolan's sword, coupled with the recovery of Q skills, directly increased his blood volume to one-third of his blood in just a short while.

Then, he was still thinking about the line of soldiers on the line, and saw that his second tower on the road was being attacked.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun was immediately amused.

Good guy, the three old Yinbis of WE haven't left at all, and they still want to push our second tower?
Well done!

The three of them are all on the top road, so the bottom road is completely left alone?

Dude is a pioneer, so you really don't have to be afraid at all, right?
Immediately, Zhao Yun's eyes lit up, and he controlled the barbarian king to run straight towards the second tower of WE.

"Wuhu~ Brothers, don't die on the road, try not to let them go back, let me take them off the road and pass the customs!"

With a dragon cry, Zhao Yun directly took the line of soldiers and released the vanguard in the second tower of WE.


The roar of the canyon pioneer resounded through the canyon.

To be honest, although I have played several games, it was the first time that I played the vanguard myself. When Zhao Yun played this thing, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

Because in S7, the canyon pioneer did not just press and release like in the next two years, but needed to read the text for a second or two. During this reading time, the hero would automatically stand still and raise his hand. Just shaking there, it seemed extraordinarily joyful.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yun couldn't help but think of the famous scene where the factory director once set the vanguard in a big tree, and then was directly blown over by the wine barrel's big move.

Just thinking about it makes me want to laugh, and I feel so happy.

"Puff Ki hehehe~"

Just like that, while Zhao Yun was laughing, he was also controlling the barbarian king. He turned to face WE and went down to the second tower, which was a crazy output.

And just when he couldn't help being amused by himself, the three members of WE on the road went to the field, and they panicked when they saw the barbarian king release the canyon vanguard.

You know, the canyon vanguard of this period is an unnerved version. If no one cares, it can really lead the way!

"Don't push, don't push, come back, come back!"

Seeing that Syndra and Shendu still had more than ten seconds to come back to life, the three of WE Xiaye immediately panicked. How dare they continue to push the tower, they turned around and withdrew, looking for any place and wanting to return to the city.

At this time, West, who has been bullied since the beginning of the game, saw this situation and heard Zhao Yun's words, and he decisively used his actions to show his presence in front of everyone for the first time.


Seeing that the three of WE wanted to go back, his mother directly used her big move to chase after them. When she saw the person, she just threw her round and successfully interrupted Calista and Niutou's return to the city.

Touch it and retreat, touch it and run away.

Although the damage is not bad, but at this time, it really annoyed the three of WE enough.

In this effort, the second tower of WE's bottom lane fell.

Seeing that the three of WE took two steps, and the mother of the wheel followed two steps, it was an attitude that insisted on harassing you, and directly annoyed Mystic.

"Don't go back now, kill him!"

Kalista stopped running, turned around instantly, took two steps with the little soldier, and directly pulled the bull's head over, and threw it at Sivir.

It can only be said that the hero of Wheel Mother is really a bit difficult to deal with when facing the bull head.

Facing Niutou's WQ Erlian, it's really hard to hide. As long as Niutou's thinking is clearer, he can't dodge a few books.

Therefore, there were not too many accidents. Like ordinary wheel mothers, the shield that West opened first was directly knocked off by the bull's head W, and was smashed by the follow-up Q skill on the spot.

Even if Luo Kaida from behind came to save a wave, the mother of the wheel who didn't flash, escaped the bad luck of not being killed.

[WE, Myitic killed IG, West]

【WE and Mystic are making big kills】

Two voice announcements sounded in time.

The mother of the wheel is dead, Luo is not dead, and Baolan's escape speed is also top-notch.

So far, Kalista is killing ruthlessly on the road, adding another touch to her magnificent record.

However, Mystic is not happy at all.

Because, just as he was making a big kill, WE's bot lane highland tower was also pushed down at the same time.

At fifteen and a half minutes, the barbarian king led the canyon vanguard and took down WE's bottom lane highland tower!

After pushing the Highland Tower, Shen and Xingdra had also been revived. Zhao Yun turned his sword decisively and ran away.

Then, I found a geomantic treasure and returned to the city decisively.

At this time, I also heard West laughing in the voice.

"Okay, anyway, I'm not worth much. In this wave, I will exchange two defensive towers one at a time. The ultimate blood earning."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun also smiled.

"Yes, it is convincing with reason and evidence. Although Xihuang, you looked very embarrassed when you were jumped over the tower before, but the back view of you chasing three dozen just now is really handsome. I, Zhao Yun, would like to call it the most handsome .”

All of a sudden, because of the exchange of blood-earned resources just now, the bot lane duo, who had been talking a lot because of the previous crash, became more optimistic.

After a wave of rhythm was played, the barrage in the live broadcast room was refreshed crazily in an instant.

"Wow, the high ground in the lower lane is gone, and WE is at a loss."

"Brother Blue! It's him again, and he stood up again!"

"It's awesome, Brother Lan, this consciousness is absolutely gone. WE is playing tricks, and he is also careful here, fighting wits and courage."

"WE Nakashimo: You thought I was going home, but I actually didn't."

"Barbarian King: Do you think I'm home too? Hahahaha I lied to you, but I didn't return! And not only did I not return, I also have the Canyon Pioneer!"

"Hahaha, this Western Emperor's 0-3 is like a 3-0, it's too brave."

"Kalista's 3-0 big kill is full of decline, and Sivir's 0-3 sacrifice is full of style."

"Xi Huang is a real man!"

"It has appeared, the true soul secret of the hero, the barbarian king! Steal the tower!"

"No way, blue brother, can this also be counted as WE deliberately cheating back to the city?"

"Then why doesn't the barbarian king go back? Is it just to kill two more wild monsters and make up two knives?"

"One thing to say, just looking at this wave is enough to highlight how terrifying Lancer's game understanding is, it's simply terrifying!"


All of a sudden, the barrage discussion in the live broadcast room was in full swing.

At the commentary table, Wang Duoduo couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"This...when all of us are surprised by WE's spiritual decision-making, Lancer's secretive move is the real skill. One head replaced two defensive towers, and WE has lost a lot."

Kris nodded too.

"I really feel that all the calculations of WE in this wave were predicted by Lancer from the very beginning. Ike and Qing Gangying both returned to the city, but he stayed with the vanguard, just to prevent WE from playing this game. In this battle of wits and courage, the three of WE still haven't played him in the end."

"Originally WE had an absolute advantage in the front, but after this wave, WE dropped off the high ground so early, the next game is really hard to say."

As the commentator said, starting from this moment, the rhythm of this game gradually became strange.

When the highland tower in the bottom lane was pushed, WE's advancement rhythm was greatly affected. With the lessons learned from the previous wave, WE specially made a few more visions in the second half of the wild area this time, lighting up the lower half area to ensure Shindra's safety, then let Shen take the lead.

Shen's big move improved, and the three of WE joined a group and chose to get the second fire dragon.

In the eyes of WE, this fire dragon must be in their pocket.

Then, what they didn't expect was that the accident happened again.

Syndra pushed the lane from the bottom lane, and when she came to join her teammates in the wild, she bumped into the barbarian who was stealing the marsh frog in the wild.

In this way, Syndra was caught again.

The E skill shortens the distance, W calls the chicken to slow down, and Syndra is forced to use the E skill to push away the barbarian king at the first time.

However, behind the barbarian king, another green steel shadow sprang out.

"I'm here to catch you!"

Qing Gangying's voice lines sounded, and the E skill hook locked the big move. Syndra was locked instantly, and the barbarian king followed up with a few knives, and sent him away directly.

[IG, Lancer killed WE, Xiye]

Syndra died too fast. When the other three came over, Man Wang and Qing Gangying slipped away. The three of WE couldn't catch up at all, and Mystic was so angry at that time.

But fortunately, IG did nothing else after killing Syndra. The barbarian king continued to push a wave of lines in the bottom lane and disappeared. Xiaolong was easily taken down by WE.

At this time, Ike was leading the line on the top road alone, and Wheel Mom was in charge of clearing the soldiers and guarding the tower in the middle road.

The branching of IG directly puts WE in a dilemma.

I want to push in the middle. Although the equipment of Wheel Mom is not very good, A can still take down a wave of soldiers with two Qs.

I can't push in the middle lane, maybe I want to grab the top lane, Ike is as slippery as a loach, with blue buffs and two Q waves, Shen can't keep people at all, and WE has no chance at all.

The few people who were hesitating suddenly saw the thread hole inserted earlier, and saw that the barbarian king was about to take the thread to the second tower of the lower road.

Who can bear this?
Immediately, the WE duo decisively decided to go to the bottom lane to catch the barbarian king.

In this wave, Syndra came from the lane, and the other three came from the wild area.

Although the barbarian king only showed his face online, WE had ample vision in the jungle, so they knew very well that the barbarian king hadn't left the jungle area, and the three decisively surrounded them.

Looking down from the perspective of God, you can see Zhao Yun's barbarian king, who is surrounded by four people from WE at this moment, and there is no way to escape.

Commentary seat.

Wang Duoduo: "Oh, I feel like Lancer is a bit aggressive in this wave. People are everywhere in this wave, and they can't escape."

Kris: "It should be dead, there is nowhere to run."

In the game, WE online was invisible except for Shen. With such an obvious four-catch-one, IG naturally noticed it immediately.

"Brother Yunzi, they should all go to catch you. It feels like four, not five. You can use Shenyou's big move at any time. If it breaks, you feel like you are going to die this time."

Ning frantically signaled Zhao Yun while brushing the field, and the red exclamation mark marked the blue area in the dark lower half of WE all over.

Rookie followed suit.

" should be surrounded, Brother Yunzi, try your best to die slowly, let's push more towers in the front, come on!"

Almost everyone felt that Zhao Yun's barbarian king was doomed this time.

Even he himself felt so.

So, the decision he made was.

'Anyway, if you are going to die, you must pull a back! '

Thinking this way in his heart, Zhao Yun subconsciously looked at the small map, and in his vision, he could only see Syndra clearing the pawns at the high ground in the WE bot lane.

'You are the one!Little crispy skin! '

Without thinking too much, Zhao Yun directly controlled the barbarian king, and with a tragic mood, he ran straight towards Syndra on the WE high ground.

(End of this chapter)

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