That's what we do with silver

Chapter 69 Who Said That Without ~ Punishment ~ Punishment, You Can't Grab the Dragon?

Chapter 69 Who Said That Without ~ Punishment ~ Punishment, You Can't Grab the Dragon? (3k5)

On the high ground, Xiye had just controlled Syndra to clear out a wave of soldiers, and was about to go down the route and encircle the barbarian king with his teammates.

Then, before he had stepped out of the high ground, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of him.

Holding a terrifying machete and wearing half-body ferocious demon armor.

It was the murderous demon barbarian king full of evil spirit.

The first thought in Xiye's mind when he saw the barbarian king was.

"Good guy, 3-0 barbarian king, if you give me the final money, I can't take off right away?"

Then, as soon as he had this thought, he suddenly heard a familiar skill special effect in the earphones.


This is the sound of sprinting on.

The barbarian king sprinted away.

Under Xiye's slightly surprised gaze, he rushed towards Syndra with a blue afterimage.

At this time, Xiye also suddenly noticed that the barbarian king's level was two levels higher than him!
Suddenly, the thoughts in his mind changed instantly.

A second ago, he was imagining how to get the end money of the barbarian king.

A second later, looking at the knife-wielding man running towards him in front of him, there was only one thought left in his mind.

"Bad! This B wants to kill me, run away!"

Syndra turned around, subconsciously wanting to run towards the front tooth tower.

Then when I turned around, I immediately heard a "giggle" sound of joy in my ears.

It was the sound of a chicken crowing.

Just turning around like this, the familiar cartoon chicken head appeared on his head.

Facing the barbarian king with his back, he slowed down to the point of panic!


The moment he was linked to slow down, Xiye didn't panic, instead he calmly played the best maneuver he could do on the barbarian king.

QE hits, stun triggers.

W hits, slow triggers.

The big move is given, and the damage explodes.

OK, Syndra was very calm and played all the skills she possessed smoothly and silkily.

The whole operation process is perfect, can't find any faults.

And what about the barbarian king?

He rushed up with a sprint, forced to eat all of Syndra's skills, and then turned around with his big move.

One knife, two knives, three knives.

Um?what is this?
Shen's ultimate shield appeared on Syndra's head?

No matter, keep chopping!

Four knives, five knives.

Syndra flashes to move the grave.

The battle is over.

[IG, Lancer killed WE, Xiye]

The extremely simple wave of kills directly attracted the attention of all the audience.

In the picture, the three members of WE's lower field are hurriedly running from the lower road to their heightened ground.

When they arrived, they happened to see Syndra hand in a flash of death, and was hacked to death by the barbarian king in front of the tooth tower.

And the barbarian king, after killing people, turned around and ran towards the high ground on the road. Finally, under the eyes of everyone, he passed through the high ground wall with an E skill, entered the wild area and escaped successfully.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he directly silenced several WE players.

The two commentators were very excited to watch.

Wang Duoduo: "This, this actually ran away for him? He rushed to the opposite high ground with four packs and one, killed someone against the front tooth tower, and then ran away without dying? My God, this is really crazy gone."

Kris: "Lancer, he chose a path that no one thought of, and he's invincible."

In the live broadcast room of the game, the barrage exploded instantly.


"Hahahaha didn't expect that, this is my Lancer's escape route!"

"The whole process was unbelievably easy."

"Shen's big move was interrupted by Ike."

"Today's anti-gank small class is starting! In the case of encountering the opponent's four packs and one, what should you do to survive?"

"The correct answer is announced: Of course it is to rush to the opponent's high ground, then kill their mid lane mage, and then leave in style!"

"Hahahaha, I was so dizzy from laughing. When this person was arrested, why was his first reaction to run to other high grounds?"

"Several people in WE fainted directly."

"As expected of you, Lancer, you will never take the usual path."


The barbarian king's escape from the heights caused a wave of enthusiastic cheers in the venue.

During the period when several people from WE were running around behind the barbarian king, Ike of Rookie, who was on the road, successfully demolished the first tower of WE on the road with the assistance of Qing Gangying.

The wheel mom and Luo in the middle road worked together and also demolished the first tower in the middle road of WE.

What's worth mentioning is that during this wave of battles just now, Shen used his big move to support him on the road, but Rookie's Ike used W control to faint under the tower, directly interrupting Shen's big move.

I was going to catch the barbarian king, but in the end my family was killed alone on the high ground, and the middle and upper roads and one tower were all free, and there was another wave of big rhythm, and the rhythm of WE completely exploded.

Single belt and can't take it out, Syndra can't beat Ike or the barbarian king, and even the tower can't defend the barbarian king.

Shen's side can defend the tower, but has been trapped under the tower to eat soldiers. On IG's side, Ike and Qinggangying frantically invaded the wild area, and Olaf directly led the two.

All of a sudden, the huge pressure of WE's upper and lower wing lines, and even the wild area were invaded together. The field of vision couldn't be improved at all, and Kalista's good equipment was completely useless, which was useless. , was involved in the two single points of IG and was as big as a fight.

Gradually, at the time point of 21 minutes, WE's economy was directly surpassed by [-] in the case of a sharply reduced development space.

The five members of the team are all behind by a large margin except ADC Kalista who is ahead of Wheel Mom.

If you want to start a group, you can't start it, you can't take it out alone, and you can't keep people if you want to arrest them.

In such a situation, seeing that the development of several positions on IG is getting better and better, the gap is getting more and more obvious. Even in the early 10s and [-] minutes, Ike went back and forth to steal the crystal two or three times. It fell, which made WE extremely uncomfortable.

I have to say that the WE team is still quite strong.

In such a depressing situation, they still created an opportunity to open up the situation.

Game time is 25 minutes.

After a wave of pawns was pushed out, WE asked Shen to go down to guard the line, and the other four took real eyes and scans to forcibly clean up the area near the dragon pit in the upper half of the area, laying a big dragon in an ambush for IG.

To be honest, in this case, Shen is not on the front line, and Syndra's speed in fighting dragons is not fast. If we only rely on Calista and Olaf, WE's speed in fighting dragons is actually just average.

On the IG side, there is no need to worry too much at all. It is the best choice to be on the safe side and slowly advance the field of vision and test slowly.

But it's a pity that in terms of patience and carefulness, the IG team is still a little bit uninteresting after all.

Ning, who has stabilized the whole game since the beginning, suffered a serious illness at this time. Before his teammates arrived, he took the risk to walk over by himself, wanting to see what WE was doing.


Didn't this just fall into WE's trick?

Seeing Qinggang Ying take the bait, the bull head who has been holding in for so long can be considered broken. A flash in the card's field of vision makes two consecutive shots at the speed of light. Cooperating with Syndra's control and other people's output, finally Syndra's big move ends, instantly Ning's green steel shadow melted on the spot.

Originally, WE was just pretending to fight the dragon and really ambush.

Now it's all right, once Qing Gangying dies, the fake will immediately become real.

The four of WE are strong and open the dragon!
"No, you can't give them this big dragon, or something really big will happen."

Rookie, who was originally leading the line in the bottom lane, said while directly using his TP, directly Ting from the bottom lane to Dalong.

Zhao Yun's barbarian king was originally leading the way, but now he had to come over.

Seeing the appearance of both Barbarian King and Ike, 957's Shen suddenly didn't think too much, and directly handed in the ultimate move to fight the dragon with his teammates.

All of a sudden, nine people gathered outside the Great Dragon Pit.

In the Dragon Pit, the five WE members frantically fight the dragon, and the four IG members outside the Dragon Pit are eager to try.

Seeing that the dragon's blood volume dropped rapidly, and thinking that the opponent had a hero like Calista, Rookie broke his mouth.

"I can't wait any longer, I'm done waiting, just hit me!"

Hearing his words, the other three didn't want to procrastinate immediately, and simply started fighting!
The moment the sound rang, the team battle started at the same time.

It was very normal to start a group. The wheel mom gave a big roar, and then Luo RW rushed in, cooperated with Ike W and threw it directly to a crowded place, and the wheel mom sent out the nearest person. Zhao Yun's barbarian stared at Carly. Star, when it comes to big knives, cut it.

In an instant, the entire Dragon Pit was in chaos.

IG has better equipment here, but WE has the advantage in numbers.

During the entire team battle, Zhao Yun originally focused his eyes on Calista from the beginning, but he couldn't help it. On the opposite side were bull heads, Syndra, and Shen's taunts and sword formations. Calista There are also flash and treatment, and there are too many protection controls.

Even with the control of Luo and Ike, coupled with the fire support of the wheel mother, he only managed to slash Kalista twice in a flash at the end of the fight, but he still failed to kill him in the end.

Then cut back and forth, and it becomes whoever gets close.

Then, in the chaos, I hacked for a long time inexplicably, I remembered that I hacked a Sindla to death, and then Olaf on the opposite side also died, and then I was pushed by the bull's head from which angle, and I went straight to the dragon pit to the top.

At this time, the three teammates were below, Luo and Lu Zima died first, and Ike also escaped in a flash of blood after handing in the golden body and the ultimate move.

In a wave of melee, IG's mother and Luo died first, Aix escaped with blood, and the barbarian king had a quarter of blood, and was in a hurry on the dragon pit with a red buff.

On the WE side, Syndra was killed, Olaf was killed, and Tau was killed, leaving Kalista with half health and Shen with one third health.

At this critical moment, the dragon pit is full of eyes, so the two people on WE didn't bother to remove the eyes, and they just focused on taking down the big dragon.

And the blood volume of the big dragon has reached 1450 points at this time.

Seeing this situation, countless WE fans couldn't hold back at that time, and let out a cry of surprise.

In the commentary booth, the commentators also had almost the same opinion.

"Now the top jungler is dead, the barbarian king has no ultimate move, Kalista is still drawing the spear, and the burst damage is close to [-] in an instant. From this point of view, I feel that this dragon should be firmly held by WE down."

"Although Lancer has no vision standing here, I don't think he should linger here. Even if he is punished, he may not be able to grab the spear. What's more, he hasn't been punished yet. How could it be..."

Wang Duoduo stopped abruptly halfway through his words.

Because, in the game screen in front of him, the barbarian king suddenly made a move that made everyone unbelievable.

He went directly from above the dragon pit, and turned down with an E skill.

"This! What does Lancer want!"

Obviously, Zhao Yun wanted to grab the dragon.

Yes, that's right!

As one of the commendable glorious traditions of unyielding silver ranks, when encountering the opponent's dragon, no matter any hero in any position, even if the chance is very small, even if you are just a support nurse with extremely low damage, everyone will try to fight the dragon. Grab it!
Even if you risk your own life, it doesn't matter!
What pulling spears, what beheading, we Baiyin people never believe in this evil!
As long as it is not a punishment of fixed damage, then in any case, there are only two possibilities of success and failure in grabbing the dragon!
In other words, this success rate, he is 50.00%!

'Fuck, if you die, you will die, go down and try to chop it with a knife! '

'If you're really lucky, I'm not afraid of anyone! '

With such thoughts in mind, Zhao Yun resolutely turned into the dragon pit, and then slashed at Dalong under the gazes of countless people in disbelief.

At the same time, Mystic, who was already a little nervous, was inexplicably nervous when he saw the barbarian king rushing in. Calista chose to pull out the spear at the same time.


A second ago, Dalong still had more than a thousand blood.

In the next second, the dragon had disappeared in place.

The voice of the commentary seat sounded.

"As we've said, Kalista's got it... wait! The Barbarian got the Baron!"

(End of this chapter)

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