That's what we do with silver

Chapter 72 The barbarian king opened again, and the LPL official blog was rushed again

Chapter 72 The barbarian king opened again, and the LPL official blog was rushed again
When Zhao Yun spoke, the situation at that time also appeared in his mind, and now thinking about it, he still feels a little funny, so he couldn't hold back in an instant, and laughed out loud while speaking.

Not only he laughed, Rookie laughed too, and the audience laughed too.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room also couldn't hold back and laughed together.

"Good guy, Lancer is going to use this to hypnotize his teammates?"

"Rookie: I didn't want to choose Ike, but he said I'm the number one Ike in the world!"

"I don't know why, but suddenly the atmosphere became gay."

"Gays don't think so, they just think Brother Blue is coaxing the kids hahaha."

"After RNGay, IG will also fix this?"

"I'm dying of laughter hahahaha, is Rookie being coaxed like a child?"

"Shocked, the top laner of a certain team actually coaxed his teammates with words during the game!"


All of a sudden, the auditorium in the entire venue was filled with cheerful atmosphere.

Then, Ren Dong also continued to ask.

"Next, the last question for today."

"I want to ask Lancer, in the most critical game of the big dragon team, you used the Barbarian King to snatch the big dragon from Calista's hands. I believe everyone is very curious, what did you think at that time? , why would you want to make such a move that seems almost impossible to succeed?"

Regarding this question, Zhao Yun was really stunned for a moment.

Why did he want to grab the dragon?

What else could be the reason, the opponents are already fighting big dragons, of course, if you can grab it, try to grab it, isn't this a matter of course?

In our Baiyin, everyone plays like this.

Zhao Yun thought so in his heart, but how could he really say that at a time like this?

Ever since, facing the expectant eyes of Ren Dong and the audience, he scratched his head, and finally told the truth.

"Uh... I didn't think about anything at the time, I just thought that it would be difficult for us to get the Baron for WE. I just wanted to try to grab it, and then I went."


Amidst the laughter, the post-match interview was successfully concluded.

And after the game, Su Xiaoluo really did what he said before, fulfilling his promise very readily, and invited all the IG players to settle down.

Since the end of the game with WE, he has been smiling all day long, and every time he thinks of the WE manager's displeased but incapable face, it just makes him so happy.

As for Zhao Yun, he was also happy to improve the food, so he was full of joy.

Then in the evening, a group of people strolled back to the club.

Then, just as Zhao Yun was slumped on the chair and was about to turn on the computer to start the daily after-dinner meal fight, he casually glanced at the post bar on his mobile phone. When he saw the most popular post on the anti-stress bar homepage, he opened his eyes wide on the spot. eyes.

[How do you comment on how WE fans went to the LPL official Weibo to leave a message after losing the game 2:0, and reported that the opponent's top laner Barbarian cheated? 】

Seeing the title of this post, Zhao Yun's eyes widened, and the first thought in his mind was.

"Fuck, I've time-traveled again? How do you feel about this post? I just saw one that looks exactly the same a few days ago?"

Shocked, Zhao Yun was not paralyzed at the time, but instead sat upright, opened the search interface in the bar, and then entered the exact same keyword 'Barbarian King Kaihang', and clicked on the search topic.

This search doesn't matter.

After searching, Zhao Yun couldn't help but twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Because, he directly found two posts.

One post was dated June 6, which happened to be the day they played against EDG.

A post was just now, and it hasn't been an hour yet.

The titles of the two posts are almost the same except that EDG and WE have been changed.

The most important thing is that the poster is all one person!

The ID is called [60E Pig Miscellaneous Dog Silin All Explodes]

The moment he saw this ID, Zhao Yun immediately fell silent.

Good guy, this ingredient is too complicated, it's almost impossible to figure it out.

Forget it, it’s all about the calabash baby’s stress resistance in the bar. You can’t dig deep into things like ID. There are many people who have obtained various IDs, but they are even more outrageous. It’s better to focus on the content of the post. benevolent.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun didn't think about anything else, and directly clicked into this post.

Then he clicked on the first picture he saw, which made him fall into silence again.





In front of my eyes, among the pictures posted by the landlord, there are screenshots of Weibo in the comment area.

And the protagonist in the picture is the official Weibo of LPL.

The content of this Weibo was originally just the result of today’s battle between IG and WE. This Weibo account has to post every game, and the content is the same. It is just a simple description of the BP content and the final result.

The usual comments are at most dozens or more than 100, and occasionally two or three hundred are considered high, and that is only the case on the match days of those popular teams.

But now on this picture, this Weibo has only been posted for a few hours, but the number of messages shows that there are more than 700 messages, which is still the situation in the previous screenshot.

Then, the most popular comment in the picture is very reasonable and not related to any game, but an angry questioning sentence just by looking at it.

"Albafika: A player actually cheated in an official game. What do you guys do for official food? It doesn't matter?" '

Zhao Yun glanced at it and immediately recognized his profile picture. It was a picture of Xiye when he first entered the LPL when he was still young, but there was a small patch of pink on his cheeks and a pair of rabbit ears on his head. P went up.

Then, looking down, most of the other comments are similar.

"Ziye Song of the Soul: Today's game really pissed me off. When a barbarian slashes people with such bad equipment, the chance of critical strike is so high, and every key match is a critical strike. Isn't this outrageous?" ? '

This is an avatar using a Mystic photo.

Fuso Niannian: Heh, laughing to death, I can only say that it is your LPL, the competitive environment is really disgusting. '

This person is the Q-version profile photo of Deft and Meiko, and his ID makes Zhao Yun feel familiar.


When he was reported by the EDG fan group before, Zhao Yun was still a little uncomfortable, and it was inexplicably annoying.

But this time, after looking at a few pictures, he didn't feel any wavering in his heart.

As a professional, as long as there is winning or losing, there will definitely be likes and dislikes and grievances, just get used to it.

Last time he couldn't help but glanced at Weibo, this time, he didn't even bother to go directly, and just swiped down to read the comments on the post bar.

Zhang Aiyu's Seventh Uncle: Laughing to death, 60e has put this as a monster, and still wants to report it, can't afford to lose, right? '

'Anti-pressure bar Wu 9527: I suggest that the designer delete the passive of the barbarian king and deprive this hero of the power to crit. '

'Want to be Brother Luo Xiang's dog: Have I time-traveled?Why do I feel like I saw the same post some time ago, but the protagonist is an EDG fan? '

"Lying person such as C: Really convinced, Snake was also chopped down by the barbarian king, why didn't you see their fans come out and jump around?" '

"Pure Emperor teddy: Don't be embarrassed, Snake fans are honest people watching the game, who in the cloud will follow Snake? '

'He's too simple: I thought 60e would be a sex change this season, but I didn't expect it to be too late. As soon as he lost the game, he couldn't help but come out to work. '

'The third generation of fetuses: The landlord is really a villain, and the stool smells stinky when you look at it yourself, so you have to move here and let everyone smell it with you, right? '

(End of this chapter)

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