That's what we do with silver

Chapter 73 Letme: Damn, why is this person coming to my live broadcast room?

Chapter 73 Letme: Damn, why is this person coming to my live broadcast room?
It can only be said that for e-sports fans, seeing their favorite team lose the game is indeed a rather uncomfortable thing.

In particular, when he lost to his old opponent, whom he had been crushing hard for a long time, and almost everyone acquiesced that he was inferior to him, this feeling was even more unacceptable.

And the current WE fans are in such a situation.

In the past two years, since WE confirmed the new lineup, its performance has been remarkable every year. Although it failed to go to the S game, its performance in the LPL has always remained at the top.

In terms of performance, almost all WE fans basically didn't pay attention to IG at all.

Although there is still an old stalker who is an old enemy and old opponent, but in the past six months, seeing that WE is getting better and better, IG is dying, and all WE fans have long been full of superiority.

Even if you compare with other teams, you will basically only compare with upstream EDG and RNG.

As for IG?

In their eyes, IG has long been unable to compare with WE in any aspect, regardless of popularity or achievements. Except when they come out to step on their feet when they are happy, they don't even bother to mention it at other times.

Yes, in the eyes of WE fans, especially female fans, IG is so worthless.

Then, in such a big environment, after watching today's game, he directly broke the defense for the blockbuster WE fans.

WE, the strongest in their eyes, was beaten 2:0 by IG! ! !

Can not accept!

Absolutely unacceptable!

With WE's current strength, how could it be possible to lose to such a spicy IG?

This is impossible!

There must be something wrong with this one!
With this in mind, a group of WE fans used Weibo Chaochao as their base camp, and quickly found the first outlet for their emotions.

Originally, it was just a fan who posted on Weibo, 'I am the only one who thinks, is there a problem with this barbarian king's critical strike chance? '

That said, it directly resonated with many people.

Then, there was the incident of LPL's official Weibo being flushed.

Many people commented together, asking for a satisfactory response from the LPL official.

All of a sudden, the rhythm fermented like this.

I don’t know what the LPL official’s reaction is, but the effect of the show brought about by this incident is that countless melon-eaters watched it with great joy. A group of people left this crazy sharp comment and discussion.

As a result, the popularity of Tieba has risen again and again, and everyone's enthusiasm for discussions has continued to rise, which is simply too much fun.

However, at such a lively time, Zhao Yun, who was the person involved, decided not to pay attention after he glanced at it twice.

After all, this kind of thing really doesn't look good to him.

Weibo e-sports fans in this era are all like this.

It doesn't matter if the team you like loses, it doesn't matter, most people are fans of the players anyway, as long as the players you like perform well, then it's fine to throw it to other teammates when the time comes, as long as it doesn't stick to the pot, then it's fine It's not a big deal.

You can even turn it around and boast that the winning team is too strong, and you don’t feel ashamed if you lose. In the end, as long as the conclusion becomes that the opponent is too strong and the teammates are not good, then it will be fine.

However, if the team you like loses to the team you hate, then the situation is different.

Internally, it is one thing to share the pot with each other.

Externally, the mouth must be hard.

It is absolutely impossible to admit that the opponent is very strong!
So what are the reasons for this failure?
There is no other way, I can only find other off-court factors to comfort myself and vent my emotions.

Explanation problems, weather problems, food problems, equipment problems, network problems, Feng Shui problems...

Wait, wait, any problem can be used, everything can be used!

After watching more than nine years of competitions and eating melons in the e-sports circle for so many years, although Zhao Yun's understanding of the game is the same, he has long been aware of the various phenomena in this circle and the outrageous things that fans of each family can do. It's no surprise.

Now it's just that I'm just angry and upset, and I just find any reason to vent my emotions during the team building, it's not a big deal.

In the future, those who poisoned, sent razor blades, sent dead mice, those who lowered their heads by using Weibo, those who stabbed people with curses, those who depressed knife skills, and those who cursed crashes... etc., these are the real ones. heavyweight.

Zhao Yun, who has seen these strange people and strange things, will naturally not cause too many disturbances when he looks at this kind of trivial matter.

Laughing to death, what a big deal, it's just sprinkling water!
Besides, my buddy didn't even open Weibo, so he couldn't get on my head with anyone, it's just ridiculous.

After a casual glance, Zhao Yun swiped away.

Turn off the phone and turn on the computer.

Start the live broadcast, let's start the big fight!

As soon as Zhao Yun started broadcasting, he subconsciously took a look at his subscriber count.

13579 people.

Heh, I even listed the whole number, awesome.

Zhao Yun took a casual look and didn't pay attention anymore. He habitually turned off the camera and started fighting!
As soon as he entered the game, when he saw his random hero, Zhao Yun was immediately amused.

Good guy, Xerath, one of the Five Sis of Chaos Fighting!

The teammates also got the other two Severus and Ryan Giggs.

This one is so comfortable!
Zhao Yun was refreshed, and quickly devoted himself to the game.

Then, while he was playing the game without knowing it, he didn't even notice that the number of people online in his live broadcast room began to increase wildly.

Thirteen thousand.

Fourteen thousand.

Fifteen thousand.


At a speed visible to the naked eye, the number of subscribers in the live broadcast room increased rapidly. After just one round of the game, it went straight to [-]!

Under Zhao Yun's frantic bombardment, the opponent had no ability to resist. After 13 minutes, the game was tied, and the game ended immediately.

Zhao Yunzheng felt that he still had something to say, but he had no choice but to back out.

Just as I was about to do it again, I saw something strange in my live broadcast room.

Fuck, when I started the game, there were not many people there, why is the barrage almost exploding now!
On the barrage prompter, the barrage in the live broadcast room was being refreshed at an unbelievable speed.

However, the content of these bullet screens left Zhao Yun speechless for a while.

"Who is Brother Blue from WE's super chat?"

"Are you the IG top laner who is playing rocks and keeps bumping into our Mystic?"

"Playing a barbarian king and still cheating, isn't it disgusting?"

"Brother Blue, I am Superman! As long as you kill 60e, then I will be an IG fan for ten years."

"Open a live broadcast without talking or showing your face, just let this big fight go, who is this?"

"The anchor talks nonsense! Don't pretend to be dumb!"

"Hehe, I like to play disgusting heroes like the barbarian king and stone man in a game. Are you cheap!"

"I don't dare to take manipulative heroes, I only dare to play some brainless heroes, real food!"

"The anchor doesn't dare to turn on the camera, he must look scary, right?"

"I'm dying of laughter, you rush to troll people without even knowing what the anchor looks like, you trolls are too in a hurry."

"Brother Blue, come and kill the Barbarian King!"

"It's a ball, can the anchor come and beat the barbarian king, my roommate is like watching a barbarian king before he dies, okay?"

"Laughing to death, so what if you are number one in the Korean server? If you don't train every day, don't fight in rank and fight, your professional attitude is rotten. Sooner or later, you will be abolished."

"In? Smash Bros. host?"

"I heard that the anchor is the first two thousand points in Hanbok? Do you dare to show your hands and fight? Could it be a power leveling?"

"Brother Blue! I want to fencing with you!"

"Wuhu, I'm so happy to see so many 60E groups here in a state of desperation!"

"60e Outrageous Behavior Award!"


It can only be said that the barrage in the live broadcast room in front of me is indeed a group of demons dancing wildly.

Looking at these bullet screens, Zhao Yun also laughed, and didn't even bother to answer them directly, turned off the bullet screen prompter, and continued to have another round of chaos.

Soon, in an hour.

Zhao Yun looked at the time and saw that there was still half an hour to complete today's live broadcast task. He didn't continue to fight immediately, but clicked on the League of Legends channel of the live broadcast platform in front of countless viewers, wanting to continue watching 957's live broadcast, by the way, learn some new top lane poses.

And unfortunately, none of the five members of the we team seemed to start the broadcast.

Zhao Yun frowned slightly, glanced at this page casually, and finally clicked into the live broadcast room of a player who was also a top laner.

Live broadcast room of Rng and Letme.

Although Rangdi's Gnar played so-so, he was beaten by the barbarian king several times in the training match.

But in Zhao Yun's heart, he is quite recognized. As RNG's first top laner, although he is not top 957, he also stands out for his stability.

Since 957 is not here, let's take a look at his first-person perspective and learn the details and gameplay of other heroes.

Zhao Yun thought so.

However, on Letme's side, when he saw that familiar special ID enter the live broadcast room, he was instantly stunned.

[IG, Lancer entered the live broadcast room]

(End of this chapter)

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