That's what we do with silver

Chapter 77 It's up to you, big!Light!head!

Chapter 77 It's up to you, big!Light!head!

"OK, now it's the duel between IG and RNG."

"Seeing that the regular season is coming to an end, the points of all teams are tightly clenched, which is related to the ranking in the playoffs, so every game is very important now."


"On the contrary, if IG continues their winning streak and continues to win this game, their record will become 9-4, not only surpassing RNG by a large score, but also directly surpassing WE with the same score because of the outcome. , directly to No.2."

"To sum it up, under the current circumstances, EDG No.1's position is almost unshakable, and the remaining No.2 will emerge from today's winners, and no matter who wins or loses in WE, he is No. 3."

In the commentary booth, Guan Zeyuan also smiled and analyzed the overall situation of the current playoffs with the audience.

However, while he was talking on stage, Su Xiaoyan next to him simply responded with a few sentences. Although she still had a decent smile on her face, it was obvious that she was absent-minded.

Such a state was naturally seen by many viewers in the live broadcast room.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Yan, you are absent-minded."

"When I commented on WE in the last round, I was a little afraid to speak, but now I shut up?"

"This is the first time I've seen Su Xiaoyan in this state."

"The combination of Yan and Guan is not doing well today, and Guan Zeyuan is playing alone."

"Laughing to death, what else can you do? Who can be in a good mood when he thinks that he will be slammed by 60E after going back to the commentary today."

"To be honest, although I don't read Weibo right now, I don't need to guess. Su Xiaoyan's Weibo today is going to be hacked by 60e again."

"Every time she commented on WE, WE would lose, but that group of 60e was in a hurry."

"60e, just get used to it, as long as his master loses, everyone related to him will be in bad luck (laughing)"

"Weibo commented, it's true, it's 60E's specialty, it's true."


In the commentary booth, while Guan Zeyuan was analyzing the situation of the playoffs, many audience members were discussing Su Xiaoyan's question.

Then, when the game officially started, everyone's attention switched.

"OK, hello everyone, audience friends, welcome to the scene of this game. I am Zeyuan, the commentator of this game."

"Hi everyone, I'm Su Xiaoyan."

Routine self-introduction by the two commentators.

At this time, with the official start of the game, Su Xiaoyan had already adjusted her state, and she no longer had the slight gaffe just now.

Then, BP officially started.

"In the first round, RNG took the initiative to choose the blue side, while IG played the red side."

"In the first round of bans from both sides, RNG didn't have any hesitation in the first hand. It directly banned the barbarian king. It seems that everyone has figured it out after the previous games. It is really too difficult to deal with IG's barbarian king. .

Perhaps at the beginning, everyone wanted to try using various hero restraints, but the effect was not very good every time, so for unnecessary trouble, they simply banned the matter. "

"In the face of the current IG, no matter the blue side or the red side, Ban Barbarian King seems to have become a consensus."


During the analysis of the commentary, in IG's internal voice, everyone is also discussing.

"They banned Rambo and Galio. What do we say about the last ban? Do you want to ban Luo? I see that Xiao Ming has played a lot of ranked Luo during this time. I think we should not be able to get it. Why don't we ban him directly? Alright."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun spoke directly.

"No need to ban Luo, Uzi basically doesn't play Xia Luo very much. If they play Luo first on the first floor, the lineup will be restricted. According to RNG's habit, they will not do this. I think they should let us take Xia Luo by ourselves. , we just ban the rest."

Hearing this, although several team members were a little surprised how Zhao Yun knew so clearly, they quickly agreed and finally banned a mouse.

Immediately, the first three hands of both sides were confirmed.

Rng chooses to ban: Barbarian King, Galio, Rambo.

IG chooses ban: Mouse, Calista, Morgana.

Soon after, the first round of selection by both sides ended.

RNG's first three choices: Rock Sparrow, Bron, and Shen.

IG's top three choices: Xia, Luo, and Clockwork.

Regarding the first-round selection of both sides, the two commentators in the commentary booth were also a little surprised.

Guan Zeyuan: "Barbarian King and Galio are not surprised. After all, the state of IG mid-top is indeed a bit scary recently, but RNG actually chose to ban a Rambo in the last move, released Xialuo and did not choose it himself. It really surprised me."

Su Xiaoyan: "Indeed, IG's current duo Xialuo is playing very well. Facing this undoubted T1 combination, I thought RNG would take one of Xialuo, but I didn't expect to let them all go. It was given to IG, which is really unexpected."

Guan Zeyuan: "However, it is also possible that Uzi also has something specially prepared to fight Xialuo. We still trust Uzi's hero pool very much. Let's see what they will choose next."

When the two commentators were talking, the second round of BP was over immediately.

RNG chooses ban here: Gnar, Qinggangying.

IG chooses ban here: Verus, Dazui.

Finally, IG directly banned four ADs and one support, while RNG basically banned the middle and wild heroes.

Then, IG's fourth move directly gave King Ning a prince jungler.

On the RNG side, when there were not many ADs left, in the last four or five moves, AD Han Bing and the jungler Widow were selected.

Immediately, only IG's last top laner on the fifth floor was left with no choice.

At this moment, the audience all looked forward to it.

"What will Brother Blue take in his last choice?"

"One thing to say, although Brother Lan is really awesome, but the heroes he has played for more than a month are actually not many."

"Indeed, if you think about it carefully, the barbarian king Narlanbo stone man is really used back and forth. Although he plays very fiercely every time, I still want to see him play with other heroes."

"Should we take the stone man again? This lineup seems to be quite good. The prince stone man clockwork triathlon, the revival of literature and art."

"Hahahaha, it's true that I just realized it after saying this. Although IG has been winning all the time, Brother Lan has exposed so little. This person is so mysterious!"

"The horror is the horror. This person can actually ban these heroes. It's outrageous."

"How do you say, everyone has seen Lancer's four axes, will you have some new work today?"


The audience couldn't help but look forward to it.

As for RNG, the reason why they chose this BP naturally has this consideration.

Now that the RNG playoff spot has been stabilized, it is natural to start thinking about longer-term things. IG is one of the imaginary enemies. In the eyes of everyone in RNG, Zhao Yun has only played these few heroes in the top lane. That is simply appropriate.' Tibetan clumsy'!
In order to avoid being caught off guard by IG's new things in the BO5 of the playoffs, so taking advantage of the opportunity in the regular season, RNG decisively chose to change the BP strategy. One of the purposes of releasing the Xialuo combination is to force out A little card for IG's top lane came out.

Therefore, RNG is also very curious about the choice of IG's fifth hand.

At this time, Guan Zeyuan was also very curious in the commentary seat.

"Lancer, if we observe carefully, we can find that his picking habits are very special. Except for the barbarian king, he almost rarely chooses the same type of hero as the opponent in the case of Counter, and the opponent is the output of him. Just choose meat. If the opponent is meat, he will choose output, which is often the case.”

"That's why I'm also very curious about this game. In the situation where Rambo, the barbarian king of Gnar, is banned, and the opponent is Shen, a tank hero. In this case, what kind of hero will Lancer use to deal with it?"

Everyone was extremely curious about Zhao Yun's choice.

What they don't know is that Zhao Yun is also very entangled at the moment.

There is one thing to say, originally he really wanted to choose the stone man.

But after thinking about it, I always feel that the playoffs are coming. As a professional player, it is a bit too embarrassing for these two or three heroes to be true.

Now that they have made it to the playoffs, why not try to expand the hero pool in today's round?

Zhao Yun thought so.

Ever since, in the face of Baolan's final confirmation, Zhao Yun named the hero that he had practiced for a long time in the matchmaking, but hadn't used much in the competition.

"OK, help me get Ryze!"

It's up to you!

Blue-skinned big bald head!
(End of this chapter)

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