That's what we do with silver

Chapter 78 Chapter 77 Ning Wang listened to me, I suddenly had a good idea

Chapter 78 No.70 King Qi Ning Listen to me, I suddenly have a good idea
"Disaster always slows me down."

Under the focus of the anticipation of countless audiences, IG's fifth-hand hero was finally selected.

Rune Mage-Ryze!

Seeing this choice, everyone felt their eyes brighten.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also instantly became active.

"Wuhu, come here, brother blue's fifth axe!"

"Wow, it's so rare, brother blue actually came up with a new hero!"

"Ryze? It's really the first time I've seen him play this hero."

"Brother Blue playing with a Blue Man (dog head)"

"The old driver is about to start!"

"Live broadcast the big fight, and download the rankings. This month, the game is full of Narlan Bo barbarian stone man. It is difficult to watch him play a new hero (crying)"


It can only be said that although the Barbarian King Narlanbo Stone Man also looks very effective in the show, but seeing Zhao Yun choose a new hero really makes many viewers look forward to it.

On Zhao Yun's side, he also felt excited and excited.

The Barbarian King Narlanbo Stone Man, who has been playing over and over for a month, now suddenly comes up with a new hero to play in the game. This feeling is almost like the feeling that he learned a new hero back then and immediately used it to play ranked.

However, he used it once or twice in training matches.

Therefore, it was just excitement and excitement, and it was far from being dizzy and flustered like the first two days of playing.

'OK, believe in yourself Zhao Yun!you can!come on! Come on! '

Habitually pumping myself up, the game officially started.


It can only be said that when a person is playing a game, the brain is really active, so it is easy to think about it.

Just like Zhao Yun, in fact, the idea of ​​choosing Ryze in this game, although he had plans in this regard before, but after the selection, how to play and what system to play with his teammates, he is actually very concerned about it. Dazed.

Until the start of the laning match, he still hadn't figured out what his position was in this game, and how he should play against this kind of lineup to perform better.

However, when he just went online, when he really went online with Shen, and the first E skill was thrown on Xiaobing, Zhao Yun suddenly had a flash of light in his mind.

He remembered a memory fragment.

This memory fragment is a Vlog recording video of IG's 18 spring playoffs.

In the picture, Baolan let go of the tears because the team lost the game, and then Ning smiled and comforted Baolan, saying that he was so good, there is no reason to cry when he lost a game, the games he lost back then were much uglier than this up.

The reason why I was so impressed by this scene is because the IG team in 2018 lost to RNG in the semi-finals immediately after experiencing a magnificent [-]-game winning streak in the spring split, and then lost to RW in the third place. , Straight out of the stalk of a ten-game winning streak.

And the reason why Zhao Yun thought of this at this point in time was mainly because he suddenly remembered that the B05 match between IG and RW was a very crucial match between top laner Shen and Ryze.

Then, it happened to be a bit like his current situation.

He remembers very clearly that at that time, Mouse used Ryze to make a wave of spiritual operations in the early stage, which has left a deep impression on him until now.

But now, he suddenly discovered that he seemed to be able to copy a wave of answers as well!
Immediately, Zhao Yun suddenly felt that his originally confused mind suddenly became sober.

When the heart moves, the mouth moves.

Zhao Yun decisively said to Ning in the voice.

"Ning Wang Ning Wang, listen to me, I suddenly have a good idea..."

Three seconds later, after Zhao Yun's obscenity, the Ueno and Ueno quickly finished their communication and started to make trouble.

Then, from the viewing angle of God's perspective, the audience also saw such a scene.

"Hey, the director directly gave the camera to the top lane, and here we can see that Lancer's Ryze was cautious in the early laning, and directly chose the blue crystal to go out, and then this laning... eh, that's not right, Ryze's operation is a little bit Strange, why did he start using skills to push the line directly at level one?"

In the screen, Ryze started throwing the E skill and pushing the line directly when he went online, which directly aroused Guan Zeyuan's surprise.

Then, just when everyone was wondering what Ruiz wanted to do by doing this, the next second, his next move surprised everyone even more.

Because, Ryze, who started to use the E skill to push the line violently when he went online at the first level, directly rose to the second level at the fastest speed in the game except for the jungler.

Then, he carried his big scroll on his back, left the upper road at a trot, and ran towards the river.

And at this time, the prince who had already finished the red buff also happened to come to the river together.

The next second, the two of them met together. When everyone else was still level [-], two level [-] old hooligans walked shoulder to shoulder from the river and walked into the upper half of RNG's blue zone.

Why do you enter the RNG wild area?

Of course it's to grab things, so it's possible that you can still go shopping.

That's right, at such an early point in time, Zhao Yun took Ning's prince directly and rushed into RNG's blue zone to grab the blue buff.

Then, it was snatched very smoothly.

The widow of Mala Xiangguo is in the lower half of the field, and she is thousands of miles away at the moment. The rock sparrow in the middle road and Shendu in the top road are still at the first level, and it is useless to come here.

Letme's Shen poked his eyes through the wall, just in time to see the prince and Ruiz frantically outputting their own blue buffs.

Then after the fight, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the prince actually pressed S to stop, and just gave the newly acquired blue buff to Ryze.

Suddenly, watching this scene, many people were dumbfounded.

Especially Letem himself stretched his neck in an instant, staring at the screen with wide eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"What the hell! 2 minutes into the game, the jungler gave way to the top laner? What the hell is going on!"

As we all know, Shen is a short-handed player. Originally, Shen was not easy to fight against Ryze in the early stage, and he could barely fight against it only by exchanging blood for mana.

Now that the laning has just started, Ryze on the opposite side suddenly has a blue buff. What does this mean?
Does it just mean Ryze Infinity Blue?

This is so obvious that it means endless torture!

There is one thing to say, when Letme saw this scene, his mentality almost collapsed.

And this kind of thing happened, not only Letme, Malaxiangguo is also uncomfortable.

There is a saying that a pure passerby, 2 minutes into the game, and two people from the opposite field enter the jungle together to grab buffs. Doesn't it feel uncomfortable to switch?

What's more, he is still a widow, and his life is too young, how will he survive the early stage without the blue buff.

For a while, Mala Xiangguo felt depressed, and his first reaction was to go to IG to change the blue buff.

However, when the others had just reached the river, halfway to their destination, they saw Rookie's clockwork suddenly leave the middle lane, and just walked to the wild area so simply, an eye was inserted into the wall. The location of the blue buff.

Immediately, Mala Xiangguo controlled the widow's walking pace, and subconsciously stopped.

'Eh...even if he gets the ward, but our single rock sparrow's early combat power is stronger than that of the clockwork, and if we help out on the road, this blue should be fine. '

With that in mind, he subconsciously looked down the road.

Then, Ashe, who happened to see Uzi, ate a W from Luo head-on, and Xia Luo broke out and knocked out half of his blood at that time. The Xialuo combination pushes the line easily.

Seeing this scene, Xiangguo, who originally wanted to turn against the blue, silently dismissed this idea at that time, and returned to his wild area decisively to farm stone men.

So far, the game time is more than two minutes, a wave of linked wild area invasion from IG Ueno seems to just snatch a blue buff, but from this moment on, the game rhythm of RNG and Ueno directly plunged into a huge crisis. mess.

(End of this chapter)

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