Chapter 79

Say something.

Ryze is a hero. Although he has a high upper limit, it is not an exaggeration to say how difficult this hero is to operate combos and test his hand speed.

Before this, Zhao Yun really practiced this hero a lot.

Therefore, he still barely understands the basic operations and rune talents that this hero should have.

If you let him use Ryze to play in the middle of the high-end rounds, against those manipulative heroes like the enchantress and the little murloc, then he may really be a bit weak, and it is very likely that the opponent's operation will be overwhelmed.


If you put him on the road and fight an ultimate short-handed big bum like Shen, hey, it's a completely different situation.

He still has a little pressure to fight those long mages or assassin heroes.

But facing a stupid hero like Shen who can only be beaten, he really doesn't have any pressure at all!

After all, what details are needed for this kind of alignment?
Under normal circumstances, Ryze may have to pay attention to mana consumption, but in this situation, Ryze starts with a blue buff, so what else is there to say?

It's over if you don't show your face!
That's right, looking at Ryze with the blue buff in his hand, Zhao Yun instantly transformed into the ultimate torment monster, with his left hand fingers frantically scrolling on the keyboard, flicking various skills, and frantically pushing lines to consume and suppress.

Don't ask, if you ask, he doesn't know what restraint is, only what is presumptuousness!
How presumptuous?

True Magic Machine Gun!

Release skills as soon as they are good, no matter how good they are!

Does this style of play require any operational difficulty?
There is a hammer!

QEQEQEQ Push the line to roll the keyboard and you're done!
With the blue buff in his hand, Zhao Yun was really excited, and even asked him to empty the blue bar once, and the audience was stunned.

To be honest, this kind of mindless pressure and mindless skill-losing style of play, although it seems very decompressive, but the real effect... is also really awesome!
The insane mindless suppression quickly achieved its due effect.

The game time is four and a half minutes.

Even if Letme himself is already mentally prepared to resist the pressure, and is enough to be wretched and cautious, but facing Ryze's insane and brainless style of play, his continuous skills keep smashing his face, and he immediately exclaimed that he couldn't stand it. .

It didn't matter that Shen's last knife was severely suppressed, and his blood volume quickly reached the dangerous line.

At such a time, seeing the widow in the spicy pot still wandering around in the lower half of the area, while the upper half of the wild area of ​​my house is completely dark, the prince has no idea where it is!
At a time like this, the prince really wanted to rush out and give him a pass, then he would probably have to confess here.

In such a situation, Letme is not afraid.

Ever since, the strong desire to survive decisively drove him to surrender his first TP.

However, because the online life was so miserable, he didn't make up a few knives in these 2 minutes, so when Shen returned home, he was so poor that he couldn't even buy a 400 yuan red crystal. rise.

As a result, a wave of returning home TP came out, and there was an extra blood recovery orb and a bottle of compound potion on him.

Then, just as TP landed, he was caught by Ryze and did another set, and lost a quarter of his HP in an instant.

Really miserable!

Shen's more than three minutes of laning career so far can be described in one word.


Then, in such a one-sided laning situation, at five and a half minutes, Zhao Yun's Ryze really missed the blue bar, when he returned to the city for the first time.

There is already an extremely exaggerated gap between the top laners of the two sides.

Ryze, $52.

Be careful, 20 knives.


It took more than five minutes for the solo lane to fight in the lane, and they directly hit more than 30 knives to suppress the last hit. In addition to the small difference in experience, the economy they opened up was even more exaggerated than a single kill.

When Ryze returned to the city in five and a half minutes, and then immediately TPed back to the line, there were already tears of the goddess on his body.

At this time, Shen was trapped under the tower because of the pawn line, and the equipment column remained the same as before, without any change.

A comparison of top laners and equipment on both sides.

Doran Shield + Blood Recovery Orb + Compound Potion.

Crystal Vial + Tears of the Goddess.

In just over 5 minutes, just looking at the equipment, the top laners of the two sides have already begun to show an absolute gap between the rich and the poor.

At this moment, when Letme looked at the Goddess Tears on Ryze, who had landed on TP, and at the Doran Shield on his body, his heart felt as if ten thousand big Poro roared past.

Originally thinking that the blue buff was gone, he could finally take a little less torture and breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, suddenly told him that Ryze burst into tears for 5 minutes, and immediately resumed the torture service?
It's a joke!

Lane consumption exchange blood?

A pair of hammers and lines, where two people game each other to fight wits and bravely fight for details and operation, that is called a match.

What about yourself?
Purely unilaterally being consumed, suppressed, and bullied, can this be called laning?

That's called being beaten!

For a moment, Letme only felt extremely aggrieved inside.

If it were ranked, he would definitely have started putting pressure on the jungler.

It can only be said that fortunately, the previous high-intensity training match with IG made him mentally prepared. It is true that he is used to being beaten and beaten, which greatly strengthened his ability to resist pressure.

So, in this situation, he adjusted his mentality very quickly, entered the ultimate anti-stress mode, and made up all the knives that could be repaired steadily and calmly.

However, he resisted the pressure silently here, but he quickly couldn't bear it at Mala Xiangguo.

No way, if you play a jungle widow, and the opponent's top laner has been brainlessly pressing the line from the beginning of the game, which jungler can bear that kind of arrogant attitude?

I can't stand the spicy hot pot anyway.

Originally, being robbed of the blue at the beginning made him a widow's bad start, which already made him feel very uncomfortable. Now seeing the prince appearing in the middle, but Ryze dared to be so arrogant, which made him very angry.

'Like it, don't you? See if I can cure you or not, and you're done! '

With this in mind, after Mala Xiangguo went home for the first time to update his equipment, he immediately ran straight up the road.

"Junze pay attention to me, I'm going to deal with Ryze directly this time, you dodge E first so we can kill him!"

In RNG's internal voice, Mala Xiangguo said so.

When Letme heard this, seeing his teammates coming to rescue him from the sea of ​​suffering, he was so excited.

"OKOK, come quickly, I will go first later, and I will give you all the heads. This wave must kill this Ryze!"

In this way, RNG and Ueno reached a consensus, and without Zhao Yun's knowledge, the widow of Xiangguo had already quietly touched the road.

And at this moment, what is Zhao Yun doing?

He is crying the goddess tears.

That's right, he didn't choose to push the line without thinking like before. Instead, he stood in front of the line to block the pawn line, and then threw Q into the air from time to time to brush the layers of Goddess Tears.

There is no way, although the Goddess Tears is good, it is still incomparable with the blue buff after all, so it must be used sparingly, otherwise it will be gone soon.

And since there is not enough mana supply, the mindless way of pushing lanes is meaningless, so Zhao Yun decisively chose to control the line and block the line.

After more than a month, his basic skills of making up the knife have improved a lot.

Now unless it is necessary, the skills basically hit people, try not to touch the minions.

Although some details are not in place, so that he often loses control of the line after a while, but at least, now he has the awareness of actively controlling the line.


In this way, Zhao Yun also controlled the line and stuck the line, while facing the air, letting out Q stacks of goddess tears one after another.

Then, not long after he started to control the line, he was secretly distressed when the pawn line seemed to be uncontrollable and pushed past because of his lack of basic skills.

Zhao Yun suddenly saw that Shen, who had always been submissive in front of him, actually took a step towards him on his own initiative.

Zhao Yun's eyes lit up immediately, thinking that Shen was giving him a chance, he rushed forward and prepared to fuck him.

Shen in front of him immediately withdrew again, and even felt that he was not running fast enough, so he slid sideways with an E.

Immediately, Zhao Yun could only curl his lips, and walked back in frustration.

It seemed that during these few seconds, he just took two random steps.

However, what he didn't know was that the Mala Xiangguo was already exclaiming again and again.

Three seconds ago, the widow came from the river, marked Ryze crazily on the head, and was about to cooperate with Shen to launch a gank.

Then, just when the widow was invisible and was about to enter the effective range after two steps, Ryze, who seemed unaware at first, suddenly smashed a Q skill at the widow's face.

Mala Xiangguo was taken aback for a moment.

What's going on, did any real eyes see me around here?
No, looking at Ryze's appearance, he seemed to be completely unresponsive.

Suspiciously, Mala Xiangguo took two steps back, changed position and wanted to go around behind Ryze.

Then, just after he took two steps around, the blood volume on his body dropped by a small amount.

She was Q by Ryze again!

One can still be an accident, so what are these two times?
He has been exposed!

Moreover, when Ruiz knew that he was there, not only did he not run, but he took the initiative to walk towards Shen.

What does this mean?
The prince is here too!

They want to kill Shen!
In an instant, Mala Xiangguo's thoughts changed sharply, and he suddenly thought of all the stakes.

Ever since, in a hurry, he immediately yelled.

"Don't go on, Junze, Ruiz is acting, the prince is squatting, retreat quickly!"

what!The prince is lying too!

With this exit, Letme's heart sank immediately.

To be honest, I didn't see the position of the prince at this time. Usually, if my jungler suddenly said such a sentence inexplicably, it would be impossible for Letme to believe it immediately. Cowardly?
And he doesn't think that anyone who plays the top laner can really act to such a realistic level, it's not me.

However, when he thought that the opposite ID was IG and Lacner, the situation was completely different.

'Because that guy is really the kind of person who would do such a thing! '

The thought came together, the fingers shook, and the E who was about to shoot at Ryze dodges, and immediately pulled the direction, and turned the E in the opposite direction.

Such a scene was seen by the audience from the perspective of God.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

What's this?
For Riznima's, let's hang up the perspective, right?

(End of this chapter)

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