That's what we do with silver

Chapter 80 It's a cool development!

Chapter 80 It's a cool development!
On RNG's Ueno side, this wave of gank was officially canceled as Shen directly turned back to E to go, and the widow immediately left the top road without looking back.

Without Zhao Yun noticing, he avoided this critical gank in an extremely strange way.

However, he didn't respond, but his teammates called out first.

Originally, Ning was actually clearing the jungle. When he just cut the angle of view to look at other lanes, he happened to see the scene of Zhao Yun using Ryze's Q skill to hit an invisible unit from the air.

There must be a significant difference in the effect of the skill when it is hit on an empty unit and when it is hit on an invisible unit.

As a standard professional player, Zhao Yun didn't notice such details, but he understood what was going on at a glance.

Suddenly, he was startled.

"Awesome Brother Yunzi, this spiritual Q predicts the widow's position, and the anti-gank awareness is too good. How do you know where the widow is?"

Ning's voice was full of surprise.

But when he heard Ning's voice, Zhao Yun was immediately stunned.

What spirituality-Q?

Where is the widow?

What did I predict?

After linking this sentence with his actions just now, Zhao Yun was suddenly shocked.

Damn, just now I put this messy Q, and it actually landed on the widow?

So Shen's strange operation just now was also because of this?

If Shen just flashed me directly, wouldn't I be dead now?
Zhao Yun's scalp tingled when he thought that he had somehow brushed shoulders with death just now without noticing it.

Then, facing Ning's doubts, Zhao Yun couldn't help laughing twice.

"It's just a fluke, guessing haha."


In the team voice, when the teammates heard Ning's words, they couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother Yunzi stay here".

Then, Ning quickly seized an opportunity for RNG to press down the lane and attacked decisively. With Luo's big move to the sixth, he took the lead and killed RNG's bottom lane duo.

Outside the arena, the commentators and the audience who witnessed the whole process were even more stunned.

Guan Zeyuan: "This... I have to talk about it. To be honest, I was really surprised by Ryze's operation. Lancer's acting skills in this wave are too good."

Guan Zeyuan's face was full of disbelief.

"We can see that Ryze's first Q skill should be released casually at the beginning, and then just hit the widow in the invisible state, because the effect of the skill hitting the air and hitting the invisible unit is obviously different, directly It made Lancer aware of the widow's existence, and then the main event came, audience friends!"

Just at this time, the replay of that wave was being played on the big screen of the live broadcast, and Guan Zeyuan's voice suddenly increased by a notch.

"Pay attention, the moment the Q skill hits the widow, it is obvious that he already knows that the widow is there.

In this case, change to a normal top laner, see the jungler come to catch you, and then your jungler is no longer, then you must retreat, right? But Lancer is different, hey, he just started acting Woke up!
Not only did he not make any movements, he pretended not to know the widow's location at all, and even took two steps forward, giving the widow the illusion that he could continue to try. Mala Xiangguo was fooled, right, thinking that Ryze really didn't notice He immediately changed his position and prepared to continue.

Then, I ate another Q skill.

Note that this Q skill is not luck. This is definitely a real prediction. He hit the widow's position again, and the moment he hit the widow, he also took the initiative to move towards Shen's position.

One hit two and take the initiative to lean forward, such a move, what would you think RNG Ueno, you can only think that there is someone behind you, and it directly gave RNG the illusion that the two princes are in the grass.

Here we can see that RNG decisively signaled to retreat, Shen of letme really thought that the prince was there, so he directly reversed E and pulled back, giving up this wave of gank directly. "

The more Guan Zeyuan talked, the more excited he became.

"I have to say, Lancer is really courageous, using his acting skills to create the illusion that there is someone behind him, but RNG really believes it.

This led to not only wasting the widow's time in the jungle in vain, but also gave his teammates a wrong message that the prince was on the road, causing uzi to be caught and killed when he pressed the line in the bottom road.

This wave of bottom lane rhythm, although Ryze on the top lane has no assists, but I really think it is not too much for these two heads to share at least one-third of his credit. "

Guan Zeyuan said so humorously.

Then, it also directly caused a lot of cheerful laughter at the scene.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also a crazy discussion about everything that happened just now.

"Ryze opened?"

"See through, right? It's too awesome to be able to hit a widow without vision."

"Come out and teach me, Dio, how do you play Lancer in this wave so that it looks more natural?"

"Not to mention anything else, just over five minutes and [-] knives. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make up the knives?"

"The concept of being single-killed 1.557 times."

"Why is there a decimal point?"

"Because I made it up, shit, no one really believes it."

"But to be honest, Brother Lan, the blue-skinned man, can really see that he has a high level of proficiency, and he can cast skills smoothly."

"Squeeze Ma Madi, the first Q is good luck no matter what, but the second Q is the real cowhide, okay, can this be predicted?"

"Life is like a play, it all depends on acting."

"Ryze: There is someone behind me, whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believe it first."

"Your lancer will definitely have a place in the Oscars this year."

"Laughing and carrying me hahaha, the widow was really scared."

"Good job, Brother Blue."

"Uzi was fooled. I really thought that the prince was in charge. As soon as I pressed the line, I would give it away for nothing hahaha."

"Someone told me before that Lancer likes to use his brain when playing games, likes to play tactics and scheming, and likes to study opponents. I didn't believe it at the time."

"No, he has really thoroughly studied the psychology of RNG Ueno and Ueno hahaha."

"Playing with psychology, right? Are you the e-sports actor?"

"Play tactics, the heart is dirty!"


Off the field, the audience and commentators were still immersed in the effect of the show just now.

In the game, the situation has already begun to undergo major changes.

The widow lost her rhythm in the top lane, but the prince's gank in the bottom lane was effective. It directly helped IG's Xialuo combination in the bottom lane to completely open up the situation.

In the early stage, IG gained a relatively obvious advantage.

However, after all, the mid laner Clockwork and the top lane Ryze were chosen. It was really difficult to start the rhythm in the early and mid-term, so after that, under RNG's careful precautions, Ning did not find any good opportunities. Continue to expand the advantage.

On the contrary, the rock sparrow in the mid laner Xiaohu took the initiative to find two waves of opportunities, and cooperated with Ashe's ultimate move to catch and kill Luo in a wave of bot lane.

A wave was in the wild, flying together with Shen's big move, and captured the jungler prince to death.

At the same time, in the process, the IG bot lane duo also took advantage of Xialuo's combination advantages, caught a wave of Uzi Ashe's flaws, and a wave of forceful opening and retention killed Ashe once.

Then, in the second Xiaolong team in 4 minutes, the two sides played a tragic three-for-three, and finally Mala Xiangguo got the second wind dragon.

To sum it up in one sentence.

In the lower half, the two sides fought back and forth in the past ten minutes, which was extremely fierce.

Then, what about Ryze on the road?
can only say.

Not only no one came to interfere with him pushing the line to make up the knife, Shen also used his big moves to fly elsewhere from time to time.

He directly transformed into a ground binding spirit, 15 knives in 147 minutes, and directly ate a blood tower.

It's really cool to develop!

 The third is later, everyone, don't stay up late, it's really a ball.

  Looking at your work and rest, my buddies are scared when they look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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