That's what we do with silver

Chapter 93 Everyone, listen to me, I'm announcing something!

Chapter 93 Everyone, listen to me, I'm announcing something!

Same as last time, Zhao Yun still tried to use concise and easy-to-understand terms, and told Mafa in detail the routine systems he could think of.

Mafa, on the other hand, listened and discussed with Zhao Yun while not forgetting to record these things on the computer at the same time.

It was another wave of classic crooked bibabu. Zhao Yun was sitting in Mafa's office. After the two communicated and discussed, more than an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, Zhao Yun went back to sleep soon after finishing what he wanted to say.

And Mafa himself stayed in the office after Zhao Yun left.

Looking at the new things he memorized, just like the previous time, he couldn't hold back, subconsciously began to pay attention to the practicability of these tactical systems, and even thought about it further, if these things are really used in the future What will it be like in the playoffs or even the World Championship?

The more he thought about it, the more excited he felt, wishing he could play two games right away to enjoy himself.

Then he opened it.

Yes, that's right!

Although his position is a coach, Mafa himself has a diamond rank in Hanbok anyway. When he was excited, he opened the game client directly, wanting to test the waters in the ranking.

This trial took more than an hour.

Soon, the three games were over. Looking at his impressive record of three consecutive losses, he felt that his excitement had cooled down.

"Yes, the routine system is fully usable. I lost the game only because my teammates were too good. Let the children practice immediately tomorrow!"

"That's it, sleep!"


With the depression of just losing the game and the expectation of the IG team in the future, Mafa finally fell asleep with a smile in a rather complicated mood.


At noon the next day, in the IG club training room.

The IG players who just got up and sat down for a long time saw the coach Mafa walk in suddenly, shouting loudly while walking.

"Everyone stop what you're doing, come here, listen to me, I've got something to announce!"

I don't know who he learned Chinese from, but these days he has started to learn to speak Erhuayin.

Every time Mafa speaks longer Chinese, everyone will feel very happy, and this time is no exception. As soon as he spoke, several team members sat there and couldn't help laughing.

However, soon after hearing what Mafa said, everyone couldn't help showing surprise.

because he said.

"Today's scheduled training match with other LPL teams has been cancelled. During the period until the playoffs, our main training opponent will become the second team next door."

Hearing this sentence, the team members immediately thought they heard it wrong.

The scheduled training match with the LPL team was cancelled, and instead the second team was used as the main training opponent?

Are you right?

What is the reason for this?
For this question, Ning was the first to raise his hand to ask.

"Coach, can I ask why?"

To this, Mafa also pushed his glasses and replied slowly.

"Last night, Ayun came to me and shared some new ideas. I think it's very good, and it will be of great help to our next game.

And most of these tactical exercises require absolute secrecy, so I will let the second team come over to help train together. "

As Mafa said, he also printed out the relevant arrangements and handed them to the team members present.

A group of team members got the information in their hands, first glanced at the general information on it, and then heard what Mafa said, several of them couldn't help but exclaimed at that time.

Xihuang: "Fuck, what new tactics did Brother Yun come up with?"

Rookie: "Wow, Brother Yunzi has another idea, awesome, Brother Yunzi!"

Ning: "Since Brother Yunzi came up with it, it's okay, I agree with it [-]%, it would be better if the new wild nuclear system is better."

Baolan: "No, Brother Yunzi, how did your brain grow? We haven't finished practicing all the systems you mentioned last month. Now there are new ones. It's so easy to use."

Ning: "Indeed, originally the score of 2000 points in the Korean server is outrageous enough, and the MVP of this game is so frequent, and you can still think of new tactical systems every day after playing so well. Sometimes I really I wonder if brother Yunzi really has a system in his head, it’s really awesome.”

Zhao Yun: "Cough cough cough, brothers are almost there, don't blow it up, don't blow it up, although what everyone said is true, but if you keep saying it in front of me, it's a bit strange that you have a thin skin, you will be embarrassed .”

Facing Zhao Yun's answer, all the team members also laughed and cursed.

"Fuck off, it's still heaven to praise you a few words."

"Awesome, in terms of thick skin, I only obey your IG Zhao Zilong."

"It is suggested that for this year's anniversary celebration, let Riot officials invite Brother Yunzi to cosplay Tamm. After all, he is born with Tamm's E passive skill, which is a perfect fit."

"Thick skin, really messed up hahahaha."


All of a sudden, the entire training room was full of laughter.

Then soon, the younger brothers of the second team had already built a room and waited, and all the members of IG also entered the room one after another.

Zhao Yun took a quick look and was taken aback when he saw the IDs of the people from the second team.

The others didn't care. His attention was subconsciously focused on the ID in the AD position from the moment he entered.

[IG·Y, Jackeylove]

Zhao Yun really didn't expect that the first time he saw Jackeylove's ID would be in such a situation after staying in IG for more than a month.

In fact, the dormitory of the second team is not far from the first team, and the training room is just next door, but because of the different game time, and Zhao Yun’s newcomer before, he was really outrageous, except for the dormitory and the training game. , Not to mention walking out of the club, even other places inside the base rarely move around.

That's why, although everyone is in the same club base, apart from the IG first team teammates, Zhao Yun has only the usual coaching staff and manager Su Xiaoluo who are barely familiar.

As for the younger brothers of the second team, they hadn't even met face to face.

So naturally, if he hadn't seen this familiar ID now, he would have almost forgotten that Jackeylove in this period has actually been staying in the second team of IG.

'It should be a few months later. When he reaches his age, he will almost be promoted to the first team. '

Zhao Yun couldn't help thinking this way.

Then soon, as the training match started, he was also focused and devoted himself to the game.

"OK, in today's first game, the first lineup we have to practice first, this tactic is in these systems, I put its priority first, and it will be called the No. 1 system in the future, and the core I believe you have read the words of the hero just now, it is the gem and the sword master..."

In this way, under the arrangement of Mafa, with the accompanying training of the second team members, the lives of everyone in IG have once again entered the intensive training rhythm of the new system of fierce training.

From the end of the last regular season game to the start of the playoffs, during the whole half a month, the whole team did not relax at all, and they all spent their time in a substantial training schedule.

Then the effect, to be honest, I don’t know if I don’t hit it, and I’m shocked when I hit it.

Although it was only their own second team that was training together, the quality of the matchups was really not low, and every round still made the players of the first team feel full of intensity.

Especially the bot lane duo, for most of the past half month, the bot lane has basically been at a disadvantage to resist the pressure, the two brothers Xihuang and Baolan are almost going to be numb.

Of course, under such intensity training, the effect is also obvious.

In addition to everyone's initial familiarity with most of the tactical system, the ability of the bot lane duo to develop anti-pressure in the lane has really won unanimous praise and recognition from everyone.

Daily weight-bearing anti-stress training, directly let the bottom lane duo fully maximize the anti-stress ability.

After each training session, everyone can clearly feel that the team's strength and background have been significantly enhanced.

In such a state, everyone has accumulated more self-confidence.

Even though being the gatekeeper of the last round of the playoffs resulted in missing two BO5 warm-up matches, the IG players still maintained a pretty good state.

Then in such a state, finally on August 8th, he ushered in his first game in the playoffs!
The opponent is the WE team that just won the BO5 with OMG and successfully advanced.

 So far, I still owe everyone three more!
  Try to pay back these two days!

(End of this chapter)

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