That's what we do with silver

Chapter 94 The smile on the smiling face is a bit reluctant

Chapter 94 The smile on the smiling face is a bit reluctant

8 month 25 number.

Shanghai Tiandi Hongqiao Performing Arts Center.

As the semi-finals of the LPL summer playoffs, whether it is EDG in the upper half playing RNG, or WE playing IG in the lower half, at this time, the heat is already full many days before the start of the game.

So when it comes to the day of the competition, the stadium is really crowded with people.

The official game time is [-]:[-] p.m., and the members of IG arrived at the backstage lounge of the venue more than an hour earlier to wait.

Looking at the lively scene of the crowds outside the venue, Zhao Yun immediately felt full of excitement and excitement.

Two months ago, he was just a stinky silver in the mud.

Now, my buddy is already a man who can reach the semi-finals in the LPL!

I feel a sense of accomplishment, and it’s good to say it out!
Although it is a bit embarrassing to say, Zhao Yun really thinks so in his heart.

The more I think about it, the more excited I feel, and the more excited I get, the more excited I feel, I feel like I'm going to float.

So, seeing that there was still an hour before the game started, he decisively chose to do something to calm down first.

So as a professional player, what is the best way to calm yourself down quickly?

Post it.

Brush anti-stress bar.

Just do what you say, Zhao Yun sat on the sofa in the lounge, adjusted the posture of Ge You lying down, turned on the phone and started scanning directly.

Speaking of which, during this period of time, due to the need to practice the new system and new lineup, the training games were really frequent. I often practiced against the second team at night, which greatly reduced the free training time for everyone. After the game, I was tired every day. No, I don't want to touch the computer, I just want to lie down and sleep.

Under such a rhythm, going to work and playing training games every day, eating and sleeping after get off work, Zhao Yun didn’t even play his favorite Smash Bros., and the Rank of Hanbok basically didn’t move. , Unknowingly forgetting.

Seeing that at this moment, sitting is still doing sitting anyway, Zhao Yun, who has nothing to do, decisively took out his mobile phone, clicked into the post bar, wanted to see if the old buddies of the post bar had any new work recently, let him have some fun too Happy.

With such thoughts in mind, Zhao Yun collapsed on the sofa, and excitedly clicked on the Tieba app on his phone.

Then, what he never expected was that the first popular post he saw on the homepage after he clicked on the anti-stress bar was actually related to himself.

[If the current LPL semi-final is the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the players are all generals from the Three Kingdoms, and IG's Lancer is Zhao Yun himself, who are the others? 】

Although it was somewhat embarrassing to see others discussing himself, Zhao Yun still clicked in with a hint of curiosity.

Then, the reply in the post made him feel numb.

"Not to mention anything else, if I say that Xi Huang is Liu Chan, there should be no objection, after all, IG's only shortcoming on the bright side."

"IG, as a veteran tyrant, suddenly rose as a dark horse after falling down for a period of time, and Zhao Yun's deity is here. It should be that there is nothing wrong with the Shu Han."

"Laughing to death, since he debuted without a single defeat, the ever-victorious general Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong have been stone hammered."

"How do you say that you look down on me, the Western Emperor Liu Adou? I don't know the legend that in the battle of Changbanpo, Ah Dou was half ahead of Zhao Yun in the whole process?"

"Then Uzi isn't Lu Fengxian?"

"Laughing to death, Uzi can be regarded as a badass Lu Bu, and he can be regarded as Meng Huo at best hahaha."

"If IG is Shuhan, then the final result of this wave of playoffs..."

"Don't worry, if IG is Shuhan, RNG, EDG, and WE are not as good as IG. They are at most five small countries. The real opponents of Shuhan are Wei Guo and Wu Guo. These two are in LCK, not in LPL. "

"It's awesome. Although it's a bit too much to brag about IG, but if it's really like the regular season, the three teams of EDG, WE, and RNG are obviously weaker than IG. I'm also optimistic about IG winning the championship."

"What did Faker say? Zuo Ci, the ceiling of the Three Kingdoms' combat power?"

"I feel that Lancer is not just Zhao Yun. In addition to being fierce and handsome, this B is also the idea king of IG. You can know from the previous hero microphone that IG's show routines are directed by him. IG No. [-] A military division belongs to it."

"Okay, it's stitched up again, it's both Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang, right?"

"Not to mention, I suggest Zhang Yide to Ning, because he is not only fierce, but also has a really dark face hahaha!"


It can only be said that sand sculpture netizens can really do their jobs.

Zhao Yun really didn't expect that such an inexplicable new stalk could be derived from his own name.

But to be honest, these comments seemed really funny, and he couldn't help laughing.

Then he continued to swipe and saw another post.

[Voting - The last four teams in the playoffs, who do you think can win the championship? 】

Zhao Yun was also quite surprised by the voting support ratio of the four teams in the post.

"I'm playing IG. If I can still maintain the regular season status and Lancer beats the top laners of the other three teams, these three teams are not opponents at all."

"I support WE. Although they were beaten by EDG, IG, and RNG in the regular season, I choose to believe them."

"IG, obviously, there is a clear gap between IG and the other three teams on the road."

"It must be IG. Lancer is the first top laner in the LPL in my mind."


More than 1000 replies to the comments, and finally IG's support rate reached 57%, far ahead of the other three teams.

Seeing that, Zhao Yun felt a little guilty.

What, why do you think I'm so strong in everyone's eyes?

If IG loses due to some reason, wouldn't my buddy be sprayed as a sinner through the ages?
When the time comes to play the game, the director will always focus on me, don't!

Damn, I came here to have fun, but now it's over, the pressure is even greater after reading it!

Seeing this, Zhao Yun only felt confused again.

Seeing that it will be the game time in a while, I no longer have the thought of scrolling through the post bar, simply turn off the phone, and directly collapse on the sofa weakly, and continue to lie down and count.

But at this time, seeing that there was still a while before the official game time, the live broadcast had already started in advance on the big screen of the live broadcast in the venue.

The first thing that appeared on the screen was the commentary for today's game.

As in previous years, for this crucial game, the official will invite some special guests to be guest commentators.

This time is no exception.

In this game, the two invited guests were Smile and Xiaoxiao respectively.

The smile still looks not much different from before, except for a little fat face, the whole person has not changed much, and it is still a bit introverted and shy.

Xiaoxiao is different. Although her hair is a little bald, her expression is more relaxed, and she looks particularly happy.

Both are former WE and former IG retired players.

The former old opponents appeared in the commentary at the same time, one social fear and one social bull, sitting there was full of program effects, and it was extra joyful to watch.

And the control host of the commentary seat is Changmao.

After a brief self-introduction, Changmao also asked the two guests a question.

"You two think, in today's game, which side has the greater chance of winning?"

Smiling, Sun Yalong also smiled baldly when he heard the words.

"IG, I watched every game of their games this season. I really feel that this IG is the strongest in history. I think they can not only win WE, but also win the World Championship. "

Sun Yalong's face was full of excitement. Some time ago, I saw IG's crazy winning streak, which also made him, as an IG star, look good. He was really happy.

For this question, the smiling expression is not as easy as smiling.

He was obviously in a serious mood, but he still put on a slightly forced smile and spoke slowly.

"In my opinion, the strength of IG this season is indeed terrifying, and it is indeed a strong championship contender, but WE's recent state is also not bad, especially the mid laner Xiye and the brother-in-law in the bottom lane are performing more and more outstandingly, so In my opinion, Ueno IG is small, but middle and bottom WE are stronger, so if the two teams win or lose, it will be [-]-[-]."

(End of this chapter)

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