Chapter 11 Attacked
While the star network was making a fuss, on the other side, Ji Zhixi had just woken up.

Stretched, touched his bosom, huh?Why is it a pillow? When I got up and looked, there was a ball of white hair huddled in the corner of the bed.

"Xiaobai, why did you come here to sleep." He hugged Xiaobai and watched Xiaobai open those blue eyes.

It's so beautiful, it's as crystal clear as a blue crystal, and Ji Zhixi's appearance can be clearly seen through her eyes.Ji Zhixi couldn't help hugging Xiaobai and kissing her. The soft touch was a little sweet, and Artis froze.

Marshal has been solo for 30 years, and has never been kissed by any other woman except his mother.Seeing Ji Zhixi's approaching face, he put his hands and feet on it, desperately trying to escape.But Ji Zhixi hugged him tightly, rubbing her face back and forth on him, sucking while rubbing.

It's really cool to suck cats for a while, and it's always cool to suck.After sucking Xiaobai until his hair was all messy, and he looked like he had been spoiled before, he let him go.

"Okay, let's get up and wash up! We still have a lot of things to do later!" Ji Zhixi picked up Xiaobai and went to the bathroom, and asked the robot to go outside and bring in the courier.

After Ji Zhixi finished washing, she put Xiaobai in the living room, rubbed his head and said, "Wait here for me, I'm going to exercise!" Then she was about to go out, but Xiaobai followed her all the time.

"Xiaobai, I'm just exercising outside the house, not going out. Your injury is just right, so don't do strenuous exercise first!" Ji Zhixi said to Xiaobai.But no matter what Ji Zhixi said, Xiaobai still refused to leave her for half a step. She had no choice but to slow down and start jogging, and the exercise time was cut in half compared to usual.

Seeing that Xiaobai seemed to have nothing wrong with him, Ji Zhixi thought: After all, he is a strange beast!Recovery is strong!It seems that there is no need to worry about the later exercise.

After exercising and preparing to make breakfast, I turned on Xingwang to prepare for the live broadcast. I saw my backstage private messages full of people, and then looked at the hot searches on Xingwang to understand what was going on.

"Jiang Yuxuan is too reliable! It was done in one night! I like it!" Ji Zhixi looked at the news with satisfaction and said.

Artis couldn't help frowning, it was all thanks to me that it was done so quickly!But he can only be a person who cannot have a name, so he flicked his tail in dissatisfaction!

Ji Zhixi curled Xiaobai's tail, and said happily: "Great, I'm most afraid of these troubles, now we can do our own thing, let's have breakfast first! By the way, the ginseng whiskers I got yesterday are just right Stew it and eat it, I will give you a good supplement!" Said and turned on the live broadcast.

"Good morning everyone! I'm Ji Zhixi." Ji Zhixi greeted the audience with a smile.

[Ice Cream: Ah!Miss sister, good morning!I feel sorry for Miss Sister! 】

[Su Yue: Distressed host +1]

[Huabaohu: The anchor has resumed his student status, so is he going back to school? What about the live broadcast? 】

[Soldier Assault: What is the relationship between the anchor and the Jagged Legion?Is the anchor going to join the Jagged Legion? 】


Everyone chattered and discussed in the live broadcast room, Ji Zhixi looked at their news, student status?what!Yuanshen is a third-year student at Federal University. If Yao Lingling hadn't been there, Yuanshen would still be in school now.

But for Ji Zhixi, who is actually in her 30s, going to school is not fun at all, she still enjoys exploring, hunting, farming, and pampering her cubs every day here.

So Ji Zhixi completely ignored the message from the Federal Imperial University, and those who fought to get into the Federal Imperial University would faint in the toilet.

"Don't worry! I won't leave here. This will be my home from now on. As for going to school! In the future, there will be more schools on the ancient earth, everyone is welcome to come to school!"

[Sober in the world: go to school?Just kidding!Although the Hopeless Zone is famous now, the ancient earth is still a waste planet! 】

[Passerby A: Could it be that the ancient earth is going to be transformed! 】

[Ice Cream: Wow!If the transformation of the ancient earth is really successful, I will be the first to come to Miss Sister! 】

[Jumping Candy: The anchor should stop daydreaming, hurry back to school and find a job after that is the real business. 】


"Ah! By the way, I have to tell everyone that the live broadcast will be suspended for the next two days, because I have to renovate the house, so I don't have time to go to the hopeless zone for the time being!"

[Ice Cream: Renovate the house?Miss Sister really plans to settle here. 】

[Crowds who eat melons: The anchor can continue to broadcast live even after remodeling the house!We also want to see what the ancient Earth looked like now! 】

[Hard-pressing office worker: As long as you watch Miss Sister's live broadcast, you can do anything. 】

[Architect Diandian: Does the anchor need help? 】


Seeing everyone's strong opposition to the suspension of the broadcast, Ji Zhixi continued the live broadcast.

"Well then, I'll let Xiao Hei take you to the hopeless area! I just need to let him find some wood to come back." So Ji Zhixi released Xiao Hei, and let the live broadcast equipment follow Xiao Hei.Xiao Hei got the order and immediately set off happily to the hopeless area.

[Soldier Assault: Watch the live broadcast of Bloodthirsty Vine!Stimulate!It is estimated that there will be no second live broadcast like this! 】

[Bao's mother: What's the matter with suddenly feeling that the bloodthirsty vine is a little cute? 】

[Girl Heart: Cute +1]


After the bloodthirsty vines left, Ji Zhixi continued to make breakfast, chopped the chicken into pieces and blanched them, put them in a stew pot together with ginseng, wolfberry, ginger, and red dates, and added some salt to taste after a while.

Open the stew pot, the sweet smell of ginseng fills the whole house, even a few kilometers outside the house can smell the fragrance, it is indeed ten thousand years of ginseng!Quickly scoop up the soup, she and Xiaobai each have a bowl.

After drinking the ginseng and chicken soup, Artis felt that the injuries on his body had completely healed, and the energy in the meridians seemed to be mobilized. There was a warm current rushing towards the shattered supernatural core, and his whole body was full of strength.

Artis looked at Ji Zhixi with complicated eyes. She passed him to eat such a precious thing as ten thousand-year ginseng without hesitation, and now he is just an ordinary beast.

Ji Zhixi seemed to be able to feel the flow of energy in Xiaobai's body, "Sure enough, it's a baby! I need to go to the forest more often in the future to build a good relationship with the little ginseng, so that I won't be afraid that there will be no delicious food!" Ji Zhixi licked her lips and said.

Seeing Ji Zhixi's innocence, Artis was really worried that she would be sold to pay back the counting money in the future.It seems that he can only keep an eye on her and don't let her do stupid things.

"Let's go to work when you're full! Let's go out and see if the courier has arrived!" Ji Zhixi hugged Xiaobai happily and walked towards the door. head, let him go.

As a result, as soon as he left the door, a sharp blade came oncoming.Ji Zhixi dodged swiftly, and another energy gun shell attacked, blowing up half of the cabin.

Seeing the destruction of her small wooden house, Ji Zhixi immediately burned with anger, her eyes immediately became cold and heartless, "Looking for death!" She said and quickly hit the attacker.

It was the people from the Ge Laohui who came to attack. They sent three supernatural beings, namely fire-type, gold-type and spiritual-type people. They wanted to capture Ji Zhixi away while the bloodthirsty vine was not there.

Ji Zhixi quickly came behind the gold-type power user, the blade pierced the skin, and bounced away with a sound of "Zula".The whole body of the gold-type supernatural person is alienated into metal skin, invulnerable to swords and guns.

At this time, fireballs came like Ji Zhixi. Ji Zhixi sent out a wooden dagger, and split the fireballs. At this moment, a metal circle flew towards her. She just wanted to avoid it, but her brain suddenly hurt. When she was distracted, the steel ring was about to trap her, but Xiaobai knocked the metal ring off with one paw.

"Little Bai, go!" Ji Zhixi shouted, but Artis didn't leave, he stood in front of Ji Zhixi, even though he was just an ordinary beast now, he still wanted to protect her.

The psychic powers attacked Artis, immobilizing him, and another energy gun blasted him, and Artis was instantly blown away.

"Xiaobai!" Ji Zhixi looked at Xiaobai who was flying far away distressedly, grabbed the ground with both hands, and began to absorb the power of wood crazily, controlling the surrounding plants to block fire and gold supernatural beings.

Then it erupted in an instant, teleporting to the person with spiritual abilities. The strong mental coercion made him unable to use his mental power. Ji Zhixi kicked the energy gun into the air, and he was dealt with with a backhand.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the fire-type and gold-type supernatural beings immediately launched a violent attack together after burning the surrounding plants. The fireballs instantly formed an encircling circle to block and restrict Ji Zhixi's movement.

The metal blade knocked off the knife in Ji Zhixi's hand and cut her arm. Seeing that the metal ring was about to trap her, an ice pick knocked off the metal ring, and then the surrounding fireballs were instantly frozen, and countless wind blades Crush the ice cubes.

It turned out to be Leng Ran them!They happened to come over today to discuss the transformation plan of the ancient earth with Ji Zhixi, but they didn't expect to see Ji Zhixi being besieged, so they acted immediately.Leng Ran has an SS-level ice ability, and Wen Yan has an A-level wind ability.

Seeing someone coming to support them, the fire and metal elements didn't dare to fight, so they withdrew quickly.Leng Ran couldn't let them go, they were frozen for thousands of miles in an instant, and an ice wall rose to surround them.

Countless spikes of ice cones grew from the ice wall and moved, and the fireball hit the ice wall but there was no response at all. The mental power of the two people was basically exhausted, and gradually large and small wounds began to appear on their bodies, and finally they were cold Then it froze and couldn't move.

Ji Zhixi quickly ran to Xiaobai's side, and used the remaining abilities to heal Xiaobai's wounds. Seeing the wound pierced by the energy gun, Ji Zhixi felt extremely distressed.

It would be great if I could be stronger, so that I can protect the people around me. After all, people can't be alone, only with companions can they have strength, even if they face betrayal.

Artis looked at Ji Zhixi's red eyes, weakly raised his paw, and touched her face, Ji Zhixi almost burst into tears.

She suppressed her tears and said: "Stupid Xiaobai, you are just an ordinary beast now. Do you know how to be so strong that you will die? I want you to stay by my side, so you can't die without my permission." , you are not allowed to die!"

Wen Yan was surprised to see Xiaobai's wound recovering little by little. He didn't expect that Ji Zhixi still had the ability to heal. How much strength did she still hide.After tidying up the two supernatural beings coldly, she came over and looked at Ji Zhixi without making a sound.

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(End of this chapter)

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