Chapter 12 The Base
Ji Zhixi used up the rest of her mental power to heal Xiaobai. Fortunately, she didn't hit the fatal point. Otherwise, no matter how strong Ji Zhixi's healing ability is, it would be difficult to bring her back to life.

Ji Zhixi sat on the ground with some exhaustion, hugged Xiaobai, and hugged her tightly. Artis was in her arms, and hearing her rapid heartbeat, she felt an unprecedented sense of security and warmth.

At this time, the ground shook, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, and a burst of dust rolled up. Leng Ran and Wen Yan immediately looked ahead vigilantly and surrounded Ji Zhixi.

Slowly seeing that familiar figure, it turned out to be Xiao Hei!Xiao Hei came back dragging a lot of wood. Looking carefully, besides the wood, there were actually several spear pigs!Looking at the piles of wood and spear pigs, everyone gasped!

Xiao Hei felt that Ji Zhixi was in danger in the forest, so he ran back immediately, not forgetting to bring back his things, and the live broadcast equipment also ran all the way, and the audience was about to faint.

[Passerby A: I've never watched Sa's live broadcast here, I can't hold it anymore! 】

[Marshmallow: Wait a minute, I'll spit it out first! 】

[Ice Cream: God knows what we've been through!Miss, please comfort me! 】

[Su Yue: Thousands of blood books, I beg the young lady to broadcast it live! 】

[Bao Mama: The bloodthirsty vine is cute?I'm still so naive! 】


In the early stage, the bloodthirsty vines were jumping around, pushing the trees wildly, and the vines were flying around. The equipment could not be located centrally, and it followed around, making the audience dizzy. The live broadcast room was banned, and in the end he ran all the way back at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

The audience couldn't hold it anymore, and the live broadcast equipment couldn't hold it anymore. After stopping, it fell to the ground with a bang and was scrapped, and the live broadcast was also cut off.

Xiao Hei dropped all his things, and immediately ran to Ji Zhixi's side to rub against her.Witty took out a bunch of crystal nuclei that were just caught in the forest and gave it to Ji Zhixi, this is really a timely gift!This bloodthirsty vine is well-raised!
So Ji Zhixi quickly absorbed the crystal nucleus, and her mental strength slowly recovered. She touched Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei twisted happily like a child who had received a reward.

Ji Zhixi looked at Leng Ran and Wen Yan, "Thank you!"

"Zhixi, it's good that you are fine. If Leng Ran and I hadn't just arrived, you would have been in trouble. I didn't expect the people from the Ge Laohui to attack so soon. It seems that you are no longer safe here. Or you should go back with us!" Wen Yan said.

Ji Zhixi didn't want to leave here, after all, she had just gotten acquainted with this place and was planning to build her own home here.However, with her current strength, if she meets more and stronger people, she might not even be able to protect herself.

Just when she was struggling, a voice came from the sky, a strong wind blew, and warships appeared in the air. The logo of the Jagged Legion was printed on the warships. It turned out that the Jagged Legion had arrived.After talking to Artis yesterday, Jiang Yuxuan immediately mobilized his troops and moved the main force of the Jagged Legion to the ancient earth.

They looked at Jiang Yuxuan who came down from the warship in surprise.

"Miss Ji, what happened? Are you injured?" Jiang Yuxuan nervously looked at the little white tiger in her arms.

"It's okay. Fortunately, Leng Ran and Wen Yan arrived in time, otherwise we would be in real danger." Ji Zhixi said.

Wen Yan told Jiang Yuxuan about the situation, and brought the two supernatural beings he had caught to him.

It took only one night for the killer to come over. It seems that the Marshal's prediction was right. Damn it, he should have sent someone over to protect them first. Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise he would be the one to blame for death.

"Take people down, greet them well, I want to know everything about it." Jiang Yuxuan asked the two supernatural beings to be suppressed seriously.

"Lieutenant General Jiang, what is your battle?" Ji Zhixi looked at the warship still parked in the sky.

"Miss Ji, since we have already negotiated cooperation before, the ownership of the ancient earth has been transferred to your name, and the Jagged Legion will serve as the garrison army of the ancient earth in the future, responsible for protecting your safety! If Miss Ji agrees, From now on, the security defense of the ancient earth will be handed over to our iron-blooded army, and we will swear to protect the safety of the ancient earth." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Lieutenant General Jiang, have you really decided to do this? You don't need the consent of your marshal? Well, I express my condolences for your marshal's matter! The royal family also agreed? After all, it is not a simple matter to change the garrison at will. What's more, the current situation of the ancient earth, even if it is to be restored, it still has nothing to say!" Ji Zhixi questioned.

Of course, with the consent of the marshal, it was the marshal's intention, otherwise he wouldn't dare to do it if he had eight hundred guts!Jiang Yuxuan thought to himself.

"Miss Ji, don't worry, we made this decision after careful consideration, and with the consent of His Royal Highness the Third Prince, and we believe in Miss Ji, and also believe in the ancient earth, our former home, will become our home in the future. "Jiang Yuxuan said in a reassuring tone.

Ji Zhixi looked at him with some emotion, "Thank you. But, there are so many of you here at once, and the place is so desolate, with nothing, how do you plan to settle down?"

"Miss Ji, don't worry, we are temporarily living on the warship. We will immediately build a military stronghold. We will build the base within 5 days, and then move the troops here one after another. At the same time, we will also build Miss Ji's house and establish a Defense network, so that we can better protect you." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Since this is the case, let's build a stronghold here together." Wen Yan said, "This will make it easier for us to work together in the future and strengthen our defense."

Leng Ran looked at Wen Yan with a helpless expression, failed to pry people, and even moved his own nest, but there was no way, whoever told him to only listen to Wen Yan, he could do whatever he wanted.

Ji Zhixi looked at them, "Well, it's up to you, you can decide, as long as I don't have to leave here. That's great, Xiaobai, we can continue to stay here."

Ji Zhixi happily lifted Xiaobai to her face, and rubbed her face against Xiaobai's face. The fluffy feel was so comfortable, Artis pressed her paw against Ji Zhixi's face helplessly.

"Hey, there's one more thing I want to ask Miss Ji for help." Jiang Yuxuan looked at Ji Zhixi who was close to the little white tiger and said.

"Tell me, I will help as much as I can." Ji Zhixi put Xiaobai down and said.

"In the previous alien war, many of our soldiers were injured. The pharmacist's guild has limited potions, and their effects are relatively slow. I know that there are many herbs in the hopeless area, so I hope Miss Ji can help and provide us with some herbs first. We will send it to the Pharmacist Guild to make it, and the price will be purchased according to your price." Jiang Yuxuan said.

Ji Zhixi grabbed Jiang Yuxuan's hand and felt it with her mental strength, "Your abilities are also damaged! But it's nothing serious, when the time comes, let Xiao Hei go to the forest to find some crystal cores, and then eat some herbs to supplement it." gone."

"How does Miss Ji know? There are crystal nuclei?" Jiang Yuxuan asked in surprise.

"In addition to purification ability, Zhixi also has healing ability. But I think it's more than that." Wen Yan said.

"That's right, since we'll be a family in the future, I won't hide any more. Don't call me Miss, call me Zhixi! I have the ability to heal. Purified crystal nuclei can also restore mental power, and advanced crystal nuclei can also enhance abilities."

Jiang Yuxuan and the others couldn't believe what they heard, they improved their abilities!Jiang Yuxuan looked at Artis, no wonder the marshal had sworn before that he believed in Ji Zhixi, what a heaven-defying ability!At least for now, the Federal Empire can't find a second one.

"Zhixi, your ability cannot be disclosed to the public for the time being." Wen Yan said seriously.

"Of course, I told you because I believed you." Ji Zhixi nodded and said.

You are too easy to trust others!Jiang Yuxuan and the others thought helplessly.

"As for medicinal herbs, it's no problem. There are many hopeless areas, but how long does it take to go back and forth, and there are many medicinal herbs that the Pharmacist Guild will not use, and the effect may not be good. In fact, I also I know how to make medicine, but there are no equipment around here." Ji Zhixi tilted her head and said.

"Ji, Miss Zhixi, do you know how to make medicine?" Jiang Yuxuan asked in surprise, "Then, if Miss Zhixi is willing to make medicine, I will immediately build a medical research institute here, equipped with the most advanced medical equipment, specially for you, Zhixi. For pharmaceutical use, as long as Miss Zhixi is willing to use it."

"Of course I am willing. Anyway, making medicine is not difficult, and the ancient earth will definitely need medical resources in the future. Normal people need to see a doctor and take medicine. We should make preparations in advance. It's just that my ability is limited. You guys There are so many people, and if I am the only one making medicine, I will die of exhaustion." Ji Zhixi said with a frown.

"Zhixi, we can send invitations to the Pharmacist Guild and the Purifier Guild. They were very interested in your live broadcast on Starnet before. There are many things here that they have never been exposed to. If you are willing to give them a chance to learn and Share, they will definitely pack their bags and come here immediately, are you afraid that there will be no free labor?" Wen Yan said.

"That's right! It's still warm to say that you are amazing! You are worthy of being a military advisor!" Ji Zhixi praised.Looking at Wen Yan coldly, there was a hint of a smile in his eyes, as if he was praising himself.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, but what! You have to strictly screen people, don't let cats and dogs in, disturb my leisure life. And so many people come in, then you have to build a lot of houses! Since we are going to do it, we must make it bigger and better! Our base must not be worse than the ones outside, you must design it well!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Don't worry, leave it to us! It will be built until you are satisfied." Jiang Yuxuan and Wen Yan assured each other by looking at each other.

"Okay, since this is the case, let's celebrate first. It just so happened that Xiao Hei caught a few spear pigs, so let's cook a big meal today!" Ji Zhixi said happily.

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(End of this chapter)

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