Chapter 13 Trust Me

"However, such a small amount of ingredients is definitely not enough. You can send someone to follow me into the Hopeless Forest to collect ingredients! In addition, you need to prepare cooking equipment, and my small pot will definitely not work."

"Okay, Liu Jianwei, your team is responsible for following Miss Zhixi, you must ensure her safety and complete the task." Jiang Yuxuan sent out his elite team, and if he didn't need to arrange military work, he would also like to go.

"Of course, let's go and have a look too! I've wanted to see what's inside for a long time." Wen Yan looked at Leng Ran with bright eyes, and nodded to him with the rare pampering in Leng Ran's eyes .

Ji Zhixi looked at them and smiled, "Okay, after entering the forest, follow my instructions, don't run around and touch other things, those who don't obey orders will be at their own risk. Then let's go! Get the tools and go ! Xiao Hei, you lead the way!" Ji Zhixi touched Xiao Hei and said.

Xiao Hei stretched out the vines and instantly turned into a chair shape, beckoning Ji Zhixi to sit on it. It was worried that Ji Zhixi who had just fought was too tired and wanted to take her there. What a warm baby!Who said bloodthirsty vines can't be cute!
Ji Zhixi happily took Xiaobai to sit on it, then completely ignored the others, and went straight to the hopeless zone.The others stared blankly. As expected, the cuteness of the bloodthirsty vine is completely different from person to person!Then everyone followed Xiao Hei's footsteps into the hopeless zone.

Everyone looked at the dense jungle in front of them, and there were strange voices and roars from time to time. Compared with the silence of the forest, their footsteps seemed abrupt. They moved forward cautiously, not daring to touch other things casually.

"You need to pick more fruits, there are so many people. Wow! Today's apples are good, red and big!" Ji Zhixi took them off, wiped them, and took a bite.

With a click, the juice immediately filled the entire mouth, and it also exuded a strong apple fragrance. Others couldn't help swallowing when they saw it.She fed Xiaobai a few mouthfuls, then picked several and threw them to them, "Taste it."

Others caught it in a hurry, and couldn't help but take a bite, oh my god!It's too sweet and delicious!Usually, the apples we eat have no moisture, are not sweet, and the taste is not so crisp. The difference is too big.

Wen Yan took a few bites, fell in love with the taste instantly, and immediately handed the apple to Leng Ran's mouth, "Well, try it quickly, this apple is really delicious!"

Leng Ran took a bite of the apple near his mouth, raised his eyebrows, and said that it was indeed delicious, and he, who doesn't like fruits very much, couldn't help but eat the whole apple.

After passing through the forest all the way, Ji Zhixi's hands didn't stop, she picked it up and threw it back, the people behind hurriedly put them into the basket carefully, these are all treasures!

"Although this one has thorns, it is a passion fruit, rich in various vitamins, which can help digestion, relieve fatigue, and lower blood pressure."

"There are pepper seeds inside this stone-like thing, and you can't see it from the outside."

"This one that looks like a rattan is a chili pepper. It's so long that different parts have different spiciness."

Like a treasure hunt, Ji Zhixi found all kinds of ingredients, and purified them while collecting them.

"This looks like a flower, but it is actually a Cordyceps flower. It is rich in protein, amino acids, and cordycepin. It can enhance and regulate the immune function of the human body, benefit the liver and kidney, replenish the essence, treat vertigo, tinnitus, chronic cough and shortness of breath, etc."

"You need to pick more herbs to make medicines for you. Most of you have been injured. You need to pick more angelica, Chuanxiong, Astragalus, rehmannia glutinosa, red peony root, and notopterygium."

Ji Zhixi introduced these ingredients and herbs while picking them. Everyone listened with great interest, and Artis was also attracted by Ji Zhixi's smiles.

There are many things here that they have never heard of. It is like exploring here, and they can discover many interesting things, and everything is very valuable.

Under Ji Zhixi's leadership in the originally sinister and hopeless area, everyone avoided deadly poisonous fruits and poisons, and gained a lot. It was really exciting and fun.

"Ah! There are saw-toothed rabbits there! There is also Gugu chicken! Hurry up and grab it! We can have extra meals!" Ji Zhixi said excitedly.

So the poor Sawtooth Rabbit and Cuckoo Chicken became the ghosts of the knife. They didn't expect that the food chain in the forest began to change, and they couldn't live a carefree life in the future.

As they were walking, they suddenly smelled a smell that made people vomit. After smelling too much, it made people dizzy, and even Xiaobai frowned.Everyone covered their noses, Liu Jianwei immediately ran in front of Ji Zhixi, "Miss, step back quickly, there is poisonous gas here."

Ji Zhixi smelled this familiar smell, could it be!So she took out mint grass to stimulate the birth, and the smell in the air was quickly covered by the fragrance of mint. She is not afraid of this smell, on the contrary, it can be said that she loves this smell, but for the sake of others, let's cover it up!

Then she asked Xiao Hei to move forward, and what caught her eyes was indeed a huge thorny tree covered with golden thorny fruits.

"It's really a durian! I found a treasure!" Ji Zhixi said happily.People who like to eat durian will never put it down after eating it once, and those who don't like it are simply nightmares!
"Come here quickly, remember to put on your gloves! Otherwise, I will heal you if you get stabbed!" Ji Zhixi said while picking them off.

"Zhixi, is this really edible? This taste!" Wen Yan said while covering his nose, even Wen Yan, who is not picky about food, couldn't accept the taste, let alone Leng Ran, who looked like he had eaten shit It looked like he couldn't accept it at all.

"Try it and you'll know!" Ji Zhixi said as she opened one of the durians, the golden flesh was very plump and soft.

"Trust me, just take a bite! If you miss the opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life!" As he said, he stuffed a piece into everyone's hands, "Xiaobai, do you want to try it? You grew up in the forest here, you should know this Bar!"

Ji Zhixi always thought that Xiao Bai was a strange beast in the forest, so Xiao Bai held his breath and shook his head.

"Then do you want to try?" Ji Zhixi asked.Xiaobai looked at Ji Zhixi's expectant eyes, closed his eyes, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Seeing that other people are still hesitating, "No way! You are men with supernatural powers, you are afraid of such a small thing, how can you continue to explore the forest with me in the future!" Ji Zhixi said.

When other people heard it, yes!How can this little food stump them, at most they will stink to death, and they are not afraid of fighting on the battlefield.Then they squeezed their noses and stuffed them into their mouths.

What is this sweet and soft feeling?Chewing lightly, the pulp melts in your mouth, just like ice cream, so delicious!After eating, I found that the pulp was eaten all at once!And after eating, I feel warm in my body, and the old wounds don't feel so painful.

Ji Zhixi looked at them with a sly smile, "It's delicious! I can't lie to you! Durian is the king of fruits! It can strengthen the body, invigorate the spleen, invigorate qi, invigorate the kidney and strengthen yang, it is a great tonic!"

The others could only nod silently, and they would believe whatever Ji Zhixi said in the future!

The ingredients were almost picked, so everyone rushed back to the hut. Jiang Yuxuan and the others moved all the cooking machines from the warship, and the cooking team was waiting for Ji Zhixi's order.

"Some of you go and deal with the spear pig, the cuckoo chicken, and the sawtooth rabbit first. The spear of the spear pig and the sawtooth of the sawtooth rabbit can be used to make weapons, and the blood should be reserved for Xiao Hei! Xiao Hei then You should be rewarded for your hard work.”

"Some people are going to prepare the fire, put the barbecue grill and the big iron pot in place, and some people are going to process other ingredients." Hearing what Ji Zhixi said, Xiao Hei immediately followed the soldiers in the cooking squad, ready to have a big meal.

"Ah! It's a pity that this big meal will not be broadcast live, but my live broadcast equipment is broken." Ji Zhixi looked at these ingredients and said regretfully.

"Miss Zhixi, we have equipment here for live broadcasting, you can use it." Jiang Yuxuan handed the equipment to Jiang Zhixi.

Wen Yan glanced at the side, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching. Using the most advanced M578 communicator dedicated to military secrets as a live broadcast device, the Jagged Legion is also hard enough.

"In addition, we are going to build Miss Zhixi's house first. I wonder what kind of house you want to build?" Jiang Yuxuan asked.

"I drew the design before, ah! My design is in the house, and my robot! Oh my god! I don't know if it's scrapped or not, the house has collapsed." Ji Zhixi said looking at the half-destroyed house.

"We have cleaned out the contents. The robot is slightly damaged but can be repaired. The design drawings are not damaged here, but the furniture and kitchen utensils are no longer usable, and your luggage has also been burned." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Hey, it doesn't matter, if you don't buy the old ones and don't get the new ones, just buy other things again. If you have drawings to handle things, you can just build according to the drawings, and build according to the opinions of professional masters."

"I don't have too many requirements, as long as the house is comfortable. By the way, I need to spare some land to grow medicinal herbs, ah! There is also a playground for Xiaobai and Xiaohei to be built." Ji Zhixi said.

Xiao Hei twisted happily when he heard that, Xiao Bai kept a cold face and didn't express anything.Jiang Yuxuan looked at Xiaobai's face, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Miss Zhixi really loves the house! Don't worry, we will definitely make the house beautiful and comfortable. If you don't like it, we will change it." After finishing speaking, he went to arrange the work.

At this time, Xiaobai also jumped out of Ji Zhixi's arms, "Xiaobai, you are going to play, well, don't go far, you can eat soon." Xiaobai flicked his tail to Ji Zhixi to express his understanding, and left opened.

"Zhixi, we can't help with the cooking. Leng Ran and I will go to see the design of the base first. We need to occupy a good position, and by the way, we can also ask people to come over to help." Wen Yan said.

"No problem, you go and do your work! I'll call you after dinner!" Ji Zhixi rolled up her sleeves and prepared to start working.

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(End of this chapter)

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