Chapter 128
When Ji Zhixi followed Jiang Yuxuan to the kitchen, she found that there was a sense of tension between the two sides. It seemed that people in the palace didn't like them very much.

The people wearing the same royal kitchen uniform were standing in a row, and Xiao Li and the others were in a stalemate with them. There was an old man sitting behind him. It was estimated that this person was the head chef in charge of the kitchen.

"Miss Zhixi, this is Mr. Dai Dongguan, the chief chef." Jiang Yuxuan said.

Ji Zhixi stepped forward and bowed politely, "Hello, Mr. Dai, I'm Ji Zhixi."

The old man looked at the beautiful little girl in front of him. As the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling face with your hand, and the little girl is quite polite.

The old man said directly, "Make a dish and try it."

Ji Zhixi nodded, "Okay, please wait a moment."

She put the two little ones on the chair next to her, "Stay here obediently, Xiao Li, and help me get out the ingredients for Sujin's stir-fry."

"Yes!" Xiao Li quickly took out the ingredients.

Ji Zhixi soaked the fungus until soft, washed the snow peas, peeled and cut the yam into small pieces, and chopped the garlic.

Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pan to heat, then pour in the garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add the yam and stir-fry for 3 minutes, then add the snow peas and fungus and stir-fry until cooked, add a little salt to taste, and the simple Sujin stir-fry is ready.

Ji Zhixi brought the dish in front of the old man. The old man smelled it, and there was a fragrance in the air. Then he picked up the dish and put it in his mouth. The yam and snow peas were crisp and refreshing, and the fungus was also very springy, with a fresh taste, making it very comfortable to eat.

Others couldn't help but be full of praise after eating it. It's really delicious and feels very comfortable after eating it.

High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking, and this dish reflects this.

"The knife skills are average, and the heat is average, but the ingredients are good, so you want to be the chef?" said the old man.

The old man picked up the ingredients, raised the knife, sliced ​​the yam, each piece was the same size, and fried it again, then asked Ji Zhixi to taste it.

Ji Zhixi knew the difference as soon as she tasted it. Both the knife skills and the heat were not as good as the old man's. Although there was a slight difference, the taste was far worse. She was indeed a professional chef.

"Mr. Dai misunderstood. I didn't intend to be the chief chef. I was not a professional chef. I just came here because I was worried that everyone would not use the ingredients from Blue Star for this state banquet."

"Now that I know that Mr. Dai, an expert, is here, I feel relieved. I hope that Mr. Dai can serve as the chef of this state banquet and assist us in organizing this state banquet," Ji Zhixi said.

"Little girl, your mouth is sweet. Blue Star's ingredients are indeed interesting, so please tell me your plan!" The old man agreed.

Unexpectedly, a battle over the back kitchen would end before it even started, because of Ji Zhixi's words, the invisible smoke dissipated.

"Okay, that's my plan." So Ji Zhixi and the old man started chatting, and the more they chatted, the more they got along, and both of them were very happy, as if they had found a confidant.

"Little girl Zhixi, she is young, well-informed, not rough." The old man laughed happily.

"Where, Grandpa Dai is the one who is admirable. I didn't expect that the Chinese food culture is still passed down from generation to generation. It's all thanks to your perseverance." Ji Zhixi sighed.

"There are still a lot of people who want to pursue the realm of cooking gods, but the current ingredients limit everyone's cooking skills and make many people give up their dream of being a chef. Now that there are ingredients from Blue Star, I guess there will be more and more people. People cook food." The old man said.

"I think so too, so we are working hard to develop Blue Star, and let everyone have a taste of real food through this state banquet. This time, Grandpa Dai will work hard to show your full strength." Ji Zhixi said.

"Don't worry, I haven't worked in vain for decades. I finally have the opportunity to show my strength. It will definitely open the eyes of people from other planets." The old man said excitedly.

"Listen well, we will do our best to assist girl Zhixi to complete this state banquet. My entire body is taut, and no mistakes are allowed. Do you hear me?" the old man said seriously.

"Yes!" The other chefs answered loudly, these chefs are the disciples of the old man, and the old man is usually strict with them, this Miss Zhixi has won the favor of the old man as soon as she came, she is really amazing.

"Okay, then let's prepare quickly! There are a lot of ingredients that need to be prepared in advance, let me explain to you." "Okay." The two quickly got into work.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuxuan was relieved, and after explaining to Xiao Li, he took Xiao Jin and Xiao Shen and left. Ji Zhixi certainly didn't have time to take care of them now, so it would be more reassuring to bring them by her side.

"By the way, Grandpa Dai, how much do you know about the diet of the people from the Hara star? I heard that there are also people from the Hara star who participated in this meeting, and their cuisine is quite special." Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes, they like to add energy stones to their food. I have also tried grinding energy stones into powder and adding them to dishes, but it is very unpalatable like adding lime, so I don't know how they taste. How is it?" The old man said inexplicably.

"I guess it's not about eating energy stones directly, but the energy in energy stones, but I also figured it out. This state banquet is mainly to showcase our delicacies, so there is no need to think too much about the customs of other planets. As the saying goes, Do as the Romans do, and come to our state banquet, you must come according to our arrangement and taste our delicacies."

"And I am also very confident in our food, everyone will definitely like it." Ji Zhixi said.

"That's right, girl, your idea and my cooking skills will definitely be fine." The old man said confidently.

"Grandpa Dai, how is your skill in making dim sum? Can you carve flowers?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Dai Dongguan directly took a radish and carved it, and many beautiful flowers bloomed in his hands.

"That's amazing! Grandpa Dai, in fact, there are all kinds of dim sum at banquets, but I'm clumsy, and I planned to give up. Now that Grandpa Dai is here, we can make all kinds of dim sum." Ji Zhixi said happily.

"All of my disciples know these skills. Although they are not as perfect as mine, there is no problem in making finished products." Dai Dongguan said.

"Everyone is so good, Xiao Li, it seems that we should learn more from them." Ji Zhixi said with a smile, before she boasted that she wanted to teach others, it was really a slap in the face.

"Yes, we will do our best too," Xiao Li said.

"Young man, I think your cooking skills are also good, but you haven't learned systematic cooking skills. If you learn more, you will definitely be an excellent cook." Dai Dongguan said.

"Thank you Mr. Dai for your praise, I will definitely continue to work hard." Xiao Li scratched his head and said.

"Grandpa Dai, have you heard of Buddha Jumping over the Wall? I'm going to make Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, so we have to cook this dish first because it's time-consuming." Ji Zhixi said.

"Of course I've heard of it, but I can't find the ingredients at all, so I never thought I could make this dish. I have all the ingredients? Come on, show me." Dai Dongguan said anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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