Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 129 The Eve of the State Banquet

Chapter 129 The Eve of the State Banquet
Ji Zhixi mixes abalone, sea cucumber, scallop, shark's fin, snail, fish maw, fish lip, beef tendon, chicken, duck, duck gizzard, pork belly, pig's trotter, pork bone, Jinhua ham, cloud leg meat, lamb elbow, and mushroom , bamboo shoots, pigeon eggs and other materials are displayed one by one.

Everyone was shocked by the table full of ingredients, Dai Dongguan was about to cry looking at these precious ingredients.

"Girl, Grandpa doesn't even know how to thank you." Dai Dongguan took Ji Zhixi's hand and said.

"Grandpa, don't say that, let's hurry up and process the ingredients! Let this Buddha jump over the wall amaze everyone." Ji Zhixi said.

Dai Dongguan nodded excitedly and directed everyone to deal with the ingredients quickly. Others cleaned the ingredients carefully. Now these ingredients cannot be bought with money. They are very precious and must not be damaged.

"Grandpa, have you confirmed the list of banquet personnel? Do you know the number?" Ji Zhixi asked while processing the ingredients.

"It's confirmed. There are 10 people from each planet, plus people from our federal empire, a total of 100 people." Dai Dongguan said.

"Then we have to make a few more copies, just in case." Ji Zhixi said.

"Do we have enough ingredients?" Dai Dongguan asked.

"Don't worry, I specially collected a lot of ingredients this time. I've scavenged all the ingredients from the Blue Star base, and I've even prepared a secret weapon!" Ji Zhixi said with a smirk.

"What password weapon? Girl, tell grandpa quickly." Dai Dongguan asked curiously.

Ji Zhixi took out a small wine bottle from the nanospace, it was a porcelain bottle with the Blue Star logo printed on the outside, this was specially made by Ji Zhixi.

As soon as he took it out, Dai Dongguan already smelled it, "Wine? It's wine, right? This is Blue Star's wine? Are you still making wine?"

"That's right! This is our secret weapon, and there are many more!" Ji Zhixi said proudly.

"Quick! Let me taste it!" Dai Dongguan said itchy.

"Grandpa, can you drink well? Don't wait until you're drunk and can't cook, and you'll be in trouble." Ji Zhixi said.

"I'm a good drinker. I've tasted all the wines on the market. You can tell it's a good wine when you smell it. Quick, open it and let me have a taste." Dai Dongguan rubbed his hands and said.

Ji Zhixi asked someone to bring a wine glass over, uncorked the wine, and immediately a scent of wine overflowed, everyone could smell the mellow smell, just smelling it made them want to get drunk.

The poured wine is slightly yellow in color and has a strong aroma. This is a sauce-flavored liquor.

With interstellar technology, this baijiu has already reached the age of ten years. It would definitely be better if it was naturally fermented, but time is limited, so let's make do with it.

Dai Xingguan couldn't wait to take a sip, the taste was thick, the wine tasted slightly sweet, not spicy, and the cup still had a strong aroma after drinking.

"Good wine, good wine! The ingredients of this Blue Star are really good. After drinking this wine, I don't think I need to sleep tonight." Dai Xingguan laughed loudly.

"Grandpa Dai, don't get on top, we still have to prepare a state banquet! And there's not much wine, so don't drink it up." Ji Zhixi said.

"Girl, after the state banquet, I must go to Blue Star, and then you must let me drink enough!" Dai Dongguan said.

"No problem, Grandpa Dai can collect the ingredients himself and cook all kinds of delicacies." Ji Zhixi said.

"Oh, I feel like I can't wait, hurry up, let's finish the dishes, and we'll leave as soon as the state banquet is over!" Dai Dongguan said.

Ji Zhixi smiled helplessly, she also wanted to go back early, but she didn't know if things would go so smoothly.

After processing the ingredients, take out the wine jar, first spread the ginger slices on the bottom of the jar, then spread the slices of winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms, chicken, duck, sheep, elbow, pig's trotter tips, duck gizzards, and pork belly pieces, and then put Shark's fin, ham slices, scallops, and abalone slices are wrapped in gauze and placed on top.

Pour in the broth and Huadiao wine made of boiled chicken, duck, etc., seal the mouth of the jar with lotus leaves and cover it, and press a small bowl upside down. After it is installed, simmer for 2 hours and then open the lid. Put the sea cucumber, tendons, fish lips, and fish belly into the jar, cover it immediately, and simmer for another hour to take it out.

"Girl, this Huadiao wine is not bad either! Haha~" Dai Dongguan took a sip secretly, and Ji Zhixi looked at him helplessly.

Pour out all the ingredients and soup, put the boiled pigeon eggs on top, add a dish of minced radish, a dish of ham mixed with bean sprouts, a dish of fried bean sprouts with mushrooms, a dish of oily mustard and silver shredded rolls as a side Dish, this famous dish, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is ready.

Using a machine to test, the energy value is actually 80000, which is the highest energy value of food Ji Zhixi has ever made.

When the lid was opened, the fragrance was so tangy that it entered the heart and spleen, and everyone's saliva couldn't help but flow out.Pick up the spoon and take a sip of the soup. The soup is thick and brown, but thick but not greasy. The aroma of wine is mixed with various aromas, which is very delicious.

The people guarding the door and the people passing the kitchen couldn't help but lie at the door and look around. The smell is so delicious. The guards are the most painful. Listening to the people inside discussing how delicious the ingredients are, there are all kinds of With all kinds of fragrances, ten thousand horses are galloping in my heart.

Each ingredient can not only maintain the original flavor, but also complement each other.The meat is delicious, not oily or greasy, and I feel very satisfied with every bite.

Soon the stewed Buddha Tiaoqiang was divided up by everyone. There was no soup left, and the side dishes were eaten clean. In the end, some people hugged the bowl and licked it.

Everyone licked their mouths and thought about it, "It's amazing, just this one dish won, and I can't find such delicious food anywhere."

"Yes, yes! I really feel that there is no regret in dying, and it is the first time I have eaten real food."

"It's miserable, everything I eat will be tasteless in the future, what should I use to face the nutrient solution, woo woo~"

"Miss Zhixi, please hurry up and sell Blue Star's ingredients!"

"Yes, yes! No matter how expensive it is, there will definitely be people who will buy it, and those who have eaten it will definitely want to continue eating it."

Seeing that everyone was very satisfied, she was relieved.

"Grandpa Dai, what do you think?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Dai Dongguan thought about it for a while, "Of course the taste is very good. I always feel that it can be better. For example, we can improve this soup, and the weight of this wine can be reconsidered."

As expected of a professional chef, the requirements are high, "Grandpa Dai has worked so hard to improve and improve. Everyone will continue to prepare the ingredients for tomorrow. There will be a tough battle tomorrow!"

"Yes, we feel full of energy in our bodies now, and it's no problem staying up all night." Others said.

Ji Zhixi felt that these people could not be stopped anymore, they seemed to be ignited by the delicious food, it seemed that she could only sacrifice her life to accompany the gentleman.

"Girl, come and tell me, what is this?" Dai Dongguan shouted.

So Ji Zhixi began to explain these ingredients one by one, what are their effects, how they are suitable for cooking, and what to cook next. Xiao Li and the others also shared the knowledge they learned on Blue Star with others.

When like-minded people come together, there is usually a greater spark. During the communication, Ji Zhixi thought of more ideas, and everyone began to discuss how to do it and how to divide the work.

Sure enough, the power of food is strong. Everyone soon became a group with high enthusiasm. It seems that we will be able to make a perfect banquet tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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