Chapter 15
[What happened to the interrogation? ] Artis typed.

"As expected, they can't ask anything. They just paid a high price to capture Miss Zhixi." Jiang Yuxuan said. "The central military command has been fully taken over by August Simon."

The Gelaohui is one of the founding members of the country. It is mainly led by the Simon family. It forms a three-legged situation with the royal Herman family and the Tang family to which Artis belongs.

August Simon is the current Pavilion Master of the Pavilion. He acts viciously and uses all means to achieve his goals. With the increasing disagreement with the royal family and the Tang family, the Simon family began to strengthen their power and intend to plot rebellion.

Only by being suppressed by the Tang family all the time can they live in peace.Now that Artis is missing, it is time to break the deadlock, and the Simon family will definitely take action.

"We have moved to the ancient earth in such a large scale, the elders will definitely seize this, and maybe they will give us a conviction for desertion." Jiang Yuxuan said with a frown.

[Weir and I have thought about this a long time ago, so we have discussed it in advance, and the military transfer order has also been issued in advance, but it has not been made public, so they can't do anything to us for the time being.My only concern is the safety of the royal side, what about Palia's side? 】

"We have been in touch, and there are no other abnormalities for the time being." Jiang Yuxuan said.

Palia is the dark army leader of the Iron Blood Legion and the only female leader of the Iron Blood Legion. She has amazing fighting power and is a sharpshooter. No one in the Legion is dissatisfied.

Basically no one knows Anbu, and she will only be dispatched for hidden missions, so she was sent to protect the royal family.

[Then let's continue to observe, and the laboratory needs to continue to track, we must find out the location, otherwise I really don't know what monster the Simon family will research.Maybe we can consider cooperating with Leng Zongmen. They have many wild ways and have more contact with the black market. Maybe they can know more ways, and sending those people out is less likely to scare the snake. 】

"Understood, I will discuss with Leng Ran immediately." Jiang Yuxuan said. "Do you need to deal with the bad remarks about the Jagged Legion on Xingwang?"

[Don't worry about it, they will naturally shut up when the ancient earth develops in the future.Now is the development stage of the ancient earth, which requires a lot of manpower, material resources and funds, you must arrange it in time!Cooperate fully with Zhixi and follow her request.Strictly screen the personnel, don't just let anyone in, and ensure Zhixi's safety. 】

Artis didn't realize that his name for Ji Zhixi had changed. Although he didn't get along for a long time, he believed in her from the bottom of his heart and wanted to get close to her. No woman had ever made him feel like this.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuxuan paid a military salute, and once again being emphasized the importance of Ji Zhixi, he thought to himself that they might soon want several marshal wives.

After arranging the work with Jiang Yuxuan, Artis slowly came to Ji Zhixi's side, and saw that she had already moved the chair and lay down on it, drinking tea comfortably and directing everyone to work.

"Xiaobai, you're back! Are you hungry? Dinner will be served soon." Ji Zhixi picked up Xiaobai and said, Xiaobai shook his head to indicate that he was not hungry.

[Food Xiaomi: When can I eat it? My saliva has already flowed down three thousand feet! 】

[Marshmallow: Seeing that you can't eat it is really a torture! 】

[Ice cream: Oh my god!This little white tiger is too pretty!The eyes are still blue! 】

[Passerby A: Is this white tiger also a strange beast?Is it the streamer's new pet? 】

[Mecha fan: There are so many strange beasts in the hopeless zone, will there be a chance to tame them in the future? 】


"Xiaobai and Xiaohe are both my family members, not pets." Ji Zhixi stroked the fur on Xiaobai's back, and Xiaobai looked at her intently.

[Soldier Assault: Is the anchor preparing for infrastructure construction? 】

[Join the battle: Is this going to occupy the land as king? 】

[Politician: What kind of conspiracy is this person who broke the pattern! 】

[Pharmacist Xiaobai: I am hopeless, please reply to the anchor! 】


"I'm not suitable for conspiracy theories, and I'm not going to engage in infrastructure construction. Anyway, there are a lot of people doing it. I just want to explore and explore hopeless areas every day, hunt, farm, and live a leisurely life with enough food and drink." Ji Zhixi supported Said with a straight face.

Looking at Ji Zhixi's beautiful face, Artis secretly made up his mind to try not to let her get involved in this vortex, as long as he was around, he would protect her for a day.If possible in the future, he also wants to spend such a leisurely life with her.

The soldiers from the cooking class came over and said, "Miss Zhixi, the meal is ready." Fortunately, the place is big and open enough to accommodate thousands of tables without any problem.

Ji Zhixi directed the live broadcast sharing to other soldiers, and she said to the others: "Everyone is welcome, eat and drink enough, if there is not enough, we will go to the forest to get it!"

The others were not polite when they heard it. They were already greedy by the aroma of the delicious food. The sound of wolfing down immediately sounded, and no one spoke, because everyone’s mouths were busy eating, and there was also a sound of wolfing down the star network. Tongues are swallowed.

She sat at a table with Xiaobai, Leng Ran, Wen Yan, Jiang Yuxuan, and Liu Jianwei, "Come on, since I haven't prepared any drinks, I'll replace wine with tea today. I'll brew some good wine for you when I'm free." !" Ji Zhixi said while holding a teacup.

"Zhixi can also make wine, so I must try it." Wen Yan said with a smile.

"From now on, we will be a family. We have the same blessings and share the same hardships. My ugly words will be up front. I will not accept any betrayal." Ji Zhixi looked at everyone with sharp eyes!

The others looked at her firmly without saying a word, and raised their teacups, "Boom!" The teacups made a crisp clashing sound, expressing everyone's determination.

Finally, the long-awaited delicacy can be eaten, and everyone can't wait to eat it.

Ji Zhixi had a mouthful of pork offal porridge first, the dense and delicate porridge paired with tender and crispy pork offal, it was amazing!

Xiaobai has a special liking for barbecued meat. The outer layer is crispy and the inner layer is tender and juicy. After dipping in seasoning powder, the aroma of meat fills the whole mouth.

Leng Ran couldn't put it down when he ate the spicy bunny, his cheeks flushed slightly, but he still couldn't stop, and his tongue was a little numb from the heat, but it didn't affect his eating speed at all.

Although there is a preference, basically every dish is very delicious. In an instant, the whole table was eaten up, and I was full. After all, there is a lot of food.

At this time, the sour plum soup comes in handy. Everyone can't help but sigh after drinking a cup, it's cool!Not only is the body satisfied, but the spirit is also very comfortable.

"Zhixi, let's not talk about how much money the ancient earth will make in the future. Even if we can eat and drink with you every day, I would rather work for you for free. It's so delicious!" Wen Yan rubbed his stomach and said, the others I also nodded in agreement, this place is simply paradise on earth.

"Don't worry, follow me in the future, and I promise to take you to eat and drink!" Ji Zhixi said happily.

"By the way, Miss Ji Zhi, your student status at the Federal Imperial University has been restored, do you plan to go back and continue your studies?" Jiang Yuxuan asked.

"Forget about going to school and dozing off in the classroom every day, it's better to go to the hopeless zone, it's fun and exercise." Ji Zhixi said.

[Ice Cream: Young lady, let's bring us delicious and spicy food! 】

[Chef Xiaonaibao: Are you still recruiting?All you need is room and board! 】

[Hard-working office workers: +1, the resignation letter is coded~]

[Student Party Tutu: I am envious of not having to go to school +1]

【Meow: Really fragrant~】


The star network was also very lively, and a hot search directly sent Ji Zhixi to the top of the list!
#古地球ownership has been owned by Ji Zhixi! #
#Ji Zhixi and Jagged Legion Cooperation#
#Iron Blood Legion Garrison Ancient Earth#
#Ancient Earth Cuisine#
Starnet was in an uproar, who is this Ji Zhixi?To have acquired the ownership of the ancient earth so quickly, and with such a large piece of fat, the royal family and the Ge Laohui unexpectedly remained silent.

They were all too simple, how could there be no movement, the royal family had planned it early in the morning, and there was only a win-win situation for cooperating with Ji Zhixi, as for the Ge Laohui, they could only beat their chests with hatred.

On the other side, on an inconspicuous planet near the Federation Empire—the Planet of Hemla, the people of Hemla live here, all of whom are gentle and kind-hearted people without fighting power.

This planet is rich in flowers, mainly because of the special environment of the planet Hemla and a liquid secreted by the people of Hemla, which can supplement the nutrition and vitality of the flowers.

But who would have thought that under such a peaceful and beautiful planet, there is a cruel, ugly and evil research institute hidden.

That's right, the secret research institute of the Ge Laohui is hidden here. The research institute is led by Yao Jianchen and specializes in the study of genetic mutations. For this reason, they arrested innocent interstellar citizens from all over the world to study.

These interstellar citizens experience inhumane torture here every day, and also suffer from the pain and loss of control caused by genetic mutations. The mutations make them unrecognizable, and there are countless corpses buried underground.

Yao Jianchen is a member of the Yao family. Since his wife died of a genetic disease, he began to study genes crazily, hoping to find a way to immunize against all diseases through mutation.

No matter how many innocent interstellar citizens and species have been killed by the research, he is always obsessed with the research like a madman every day, and he will not stop until the research results are obtained.

The Ge Laohui took advantage of his madness and reached an agreement with him, guaranteeing to provide him with all the things he needs for research, but he also needs to research a way to improve his abilities.

August was so angry that he smashed the cup in his hand to the ground. The cup was shattered into pieces, and the splashed glass shards even scratched the subordinates standing aside. However, the subordinates did not dare to hide or take a breath .

No one thought that the abandoned ancient earth would still be of such great value. When Artistang bought the ancient earth, they still ridiculed him in private, thinking that he was a fool and spent a lot of money to buy such an abandoned earth, all of which belonged to the empire. Contributing, I didn't expect to get a big deal!
Why is Artis Tang always so lucky, he doesn't push him everywhere, even the person he likes only likes Artis, he wishes Artis could disappear immediately!

"How's the progress on Dr. Yao's side?" Augustus asked his subordinates.

"There is still no progress for the time being. Although the latest researched genetic reagents can enhance abilities, they may lose control or explode at any time, and the supply of researched drugs is also insufficient."

"He still refuses to use the virus source provided before?" Augustus asked.

"Yes, he said he wouldn't use it until the last moment."

"It seems that if we want to study further, we must take her down." Augustus looked at the computer in front of him, which was still on the screen of Ji Zhixi's live broadcast.

Looking at the little white tiger on the screen, Augustus couldn't help clenching his fists, Artistang, it's fate that you can't kill you like this.

But with your current state, you can be sent to the west with just one move. I see what else you want to fight with me. If you want to protect this woman, I want you to taste a crushing defeat.

"Hurry up and arrange our people in each stronghold. The guards of the palace should also keep an eye on it. Ji Zhixi arranges people to go in and get the medicinal herbs as soon as possible. Soon, the era of our Simon family will come." Gus laughed.

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(End of this chapter)

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