Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 16 Start of Base Construction

Chapter 16 Start of Base Construction
After eating and drinking enough, everyone started to work quickly, their bodies were full of energy, and they wanted to vent it immediately, while Ji Zhixi was making furniture with Xiaobai and Xiaohei.

Ji Zhixi used supernatural powers to change the shape of the wood in her hand, and wooden shelves, pallets, slides, and square huts came out one by one, and then the shelves were spliced ​​together, and then covered with a net made of vines, a luxurious version of the cat climbing frame That's it.

Ji Zhixi looked at her handmade cat climbing frame with satisfaction, and said to Xiaobai: "Look, Xiaobai, do you like it? I'll see if there are platypus or phoenix birds when I go to the forest next time, collect more feathers, Make you some cushions and pillows."

The feathers of platypus and phoenix are soft, fluffy and warm, which are most suitable for making down jackets.

Artis looked at Ji Zhixi speechlessly, please, he is not a cat, why does she think he likes this?
Then I made many beds, tea tables, stools, cabinets, dressing tables, cabinets, wardrobes and other furniture.Xiao Hei saw that his wood was consumed so quickly, so he immediately went to the forest to harvest wood again.

"Xiao Hei, remember to find more and better wood!" Ji Zhixi waved to Xiao Hei.

Finally, Ji Zhixi made a rattan rocking chair for herself, weaving the softest part of the vines, and then assembling it with the armrests, rocking boat parts, rocking boat discs, and rocking boat support rods.

What Xiao Hei brought back was camphor wood, which has a strong aroma and can repel insects, prevent moths, prevent mildew, and sterilize bacteria. It is the raw material of camphor balls, and the patterns are more beautiful!
Ji Zhixi was lying on the rocking chair with Xiaobai in her arms, rocking it, so comfortable that she wanted to fall asleep.

[Soldier Assault: May I ask how it feels for the anchor to become the lord overnight? 】

[Conspiracy theory author: People who were crying poor one second can buy the ancient earth in the next second? 】

[Huobaohu: I thought I followed a good-looking anchor, but I didn't expect to follow a big guy! 】

[Ice Cream: Wow!Miss Sister, this ability is too practical! 】

[Meow: I almost can't control my paws and want to climb up the cat climbing frame! 】

[Businessman Gu Qing: This furniture seller probably wouldn’t be able to sell even one piece of furniture if he arrived on the ancient earth. 】

[Passerby A: The construction team is probably about to lose their jobs, look at the speed at which the Jagged Legion is building houses! 】


The Jagged Legion is building the house at an astonishing speed. The speed is fast and the quality is very good. It is really more professional than a professional team. This is really an all-round elite!The interstellar equipment is also very advanced and intelligent, and the house was built in one go.

In the middle is Ji Zhixi's house, which is surrounded from all sides, a bit like an ancient courtyard house.First of all, they built the outer perimeter and installed the highest level of defense measures. Now protecting Ji Zhixi is the top priority. In addition, this is the base camp, and it is even more important to arrange it comprehensively and optimally.

The front of Ji Zhixi's house is a courtyard, and when you enter, you will find a three-storey, duplex house with multiple balconies and multiple terraces, and the top floor room has a fully transparent viewing platform.

There are more than a dozen rooms in the house, bedroom, dining room, study room, audio-visual room, music room, game room, laboratory, control room, servant room, baby room? ? ?

and many more!There is also a huge swimming pool and playground in the back, and the basement has several floors, which is a three-foot dig!

Ji Zhixi looked at the house gradually taking shape, and the equipment that kept moving in, her mouth almost couldn't close.

Her design drawings simply drew a yard, an open space and a house. What is the configuration of the deluxe version?

Moreover, the material is still equipped with functions such as sound insulation, bulletproof, explosion-proof, and attack, plus a layer of defensive cover.

"This!" Ji Zhixi quickly called Jiang Yuxuan over, "You guys are exaggerating! Also, why are you building so many rooms? Only Xiaobai and I live here."

"Maybe it will be used in the future. In the future, Miss Zhixi will have more family members and friends. If you don't dislike it, I also want to be Miss Zhixi's friend. To entertain friends, there must be a lot of rooms, right?"

"What's more, you have to understand how important you are. You are still the lord of the ancient earth. Naturally, your level cannot be lower than others. And you may face danger at any time, so we must guarantee everything." Jiang Yuxuan said.

In fact, I was thinking from the bottom of my heart, whether the marshal can recover depends entirely on you, and you must be protected no matter what.

And looking at the marshal like this, I guess he will sink in soon. Don’t say anything to this beautiful woman every day, he is still such an excellent and kind person. Maybe there will be little white tiger cubs in the future. What about the Marshal's Mansion!

Although the marshal hasn't discovered his intentions until now, he is planning ahead!Jiang Yuxuan couldn't help thinking proudly.

This military device will automatically block some sensitive information, and it will also automatically track the IP addresses of the viewers watching the live broadcast of Xingwang, so that they can always pay attention to whether there is any abnormality, so Jiang Yuxuan is not afraid that their conversation will be broadcast live

Jiang Yuxuan's words moved Ji Zhixi, even though she was alone for so long, she actually longed for family and friends.

In the last days, she lost her relatives and friends, so she always dare not think about it, and whenever she thinks about it, she will remember the pain of loss.But now here, maybe she can muster up the courage to have everything again.

"Okay! It's up to you! Then I'll plant the herbs first, you hurry up and finish the laboratory first, so that I can prepare the medicine for you." Ji Zhixi put Xiaobai down and said.

"Okay, Ms. Zhixi, don't worry. By the way, my brother is a student of the Department of Pharmacy of the Federal University. His name is Jiang Chen. He also wants to come here to study. I don't know if it is possible." Jiang Yuxuan said, and Artis looked at it. He glanced.

"Of course! But doesn't he have to go to class?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"As you said, sitting in the classroom and listening to lectures, it is better to come out and practice, to gain true knowledge through practice, and to be able to learn by your side, what a rare opportunity! No one else can ask for it, and it happens to be a coolie for Miss Zhixi. , let him do anything." Jiang Yuxuan stared at Artis and said solemnly.

"That's no problem, you can arrange it." Ji Zhixi waved her hand and said.

"Okay, then I'll go to work first, and don't bother Miss Zhixi." Jiang Yuxuan left happily after speaking.

"It seems that our place is going to be lively! What's the matter with a little bit of anticipation? Xiaobai!" Ji Zhixi patted Xiaobai's head and said, Artis looked at her and didn't respond.

When Ji Zhixi came to the yard, she planted a row of bamboos on the outside, covered with misty vines and bloodthirsty vines, and planted jujube trees, peach trees, pomegranate trees, sweet-scented osmanthus trees, plum trees, etc., fruit trees, landscape trees, etc. .

"It's a pity that I didn't see any other beautiful flowers in the Hopeless Forest. I will bring them back and plant them when I find them later." Ji Zhixi muttered to herself while planting, and Xiao Bai who followed her kept looking at her.

Then a swing frame was built under the big banyan tree, and wooden tables and chairs were placed next to it, so that you can enjoy the coolness and drink tea here in the future.

Then plant vines and ivy on the promenade leading to the house, climbing and growing, and small-leaved privet shrubs are planted on both sides, a piece of green, which looks very beautiful.

Then came to the open space, planted herbs little by little, and surrounded by bloodthirsty vines to prevent others from destroying the herbs.A vegetable field was reclaimed next to it, and there is a pool next to it. In the future, fish can be raised, lotus roots can be grown, and there is a water well. It is really antique!

Wen Yan walked all the way, and saw that the empty surroundings were suddenly full of greenery, and felt very comfortable, as if full of a kind of vitality.

"Zhixi, your place is so beautiful and comfortable, if only our house was like this." Wen Yan said enviously.

"Okay! After your house is built, I'll plant some plants for you to make sure it's beautiful and useful." Ji Zhixi said without turning her head.

"Really? Thank you so much." Wen Yan said happily.

"By the way, I didn't mean to send invitations to the Pharmacists' Guild and the Purifiers' Guild. It happened that someone from the Pharmacists' Guild contacted me and said that he wanted to cooperate. His name is Bai Genghuai, and Jiang Yuxuan said that his younger brother would also come to study. The specific exchange I'll contact you! Anyway, we are short of people now." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, I'll get in touch right away." After speaking softly, she walked away easily.

[Ice Cream: Wow!Miss sister is also very good at decorating!so beautiful! 】

[Landscaper: The first time you see an original ecological garden! 】

[Jumping Candy: I ​​really want to live there! 】

[Sober in the world: go upstairs to wash and sleep!There is everything in the dream! 】

[Master of Herbal Medicine: Are these plants also mutated plants? 】

[One day for a pharmacist: Is the anchor recruiting a lot?Can I recommend myself? 】

[Su Yue: Can I apply to join the Ancient Earth? 】


"Okay, I've been live streaming for so long, and it's time to take a break. If you want to know the latest news about the ancient earth and continue to explore the hopeless zone, please continue to pay attention to my live broadcast! See you next time!" Ji Zhixi ignored everyone and went straight off It was broadcast, and only the wailing sound of Xingwang was left.

Ji Zhixi planted Phnom Penh holly euonymus on both sides of the door of the house, and trimmed it into different shapes, which is very interesting to watch.

Let the robot move the newly made furniture into the house, and first look at your own room.

On the snow-white walls and the sky-blue ceiling, there is a super beautiful hanging lamp, light blue curtains, the floor-to-ceiling windows are pushed open, and you come to the balcony, facing the garden in the yard, and you can see the hopeless zone in the distance.

After placing the bed, dressing table, and wardrobe, and looking at the empty room, I realized that I didn't seem to have any luggage, and it seemed that I needed to add something.

When I came out and looked around, I found that everything had been thoughtfully placed in every place, except for personal items, everything else was readily available.

Next to her room is Xiaobai's room. The cat climbing frame has been put in, and other configurations are similar to her room.

"Come on, Xiaobai, let's take a look at your room, do you like it?" Ji Zhixi took Xiaobai in, Xiaobai squatted gracefully on the ground, and flicked her tail to express that she had no objection.

Ji Zhixi kept staring at him, which made him a little flustered. Could it be that he discovered something?Should he act like a cub a little bit?He's a cub now, after all.

So he lay down stiffly, twisted his body, and rubbed Ji Zhixi's feet with his paws.

"Pfft!" Ji Zhixi couldn't help laughing, knelt down and patted Xiaobai's head, "Xiaobai is still a cub! It's not good to let you live in a room by yourself, you'd better be with me Let's sleep together!"

Artis froze, no, that's not what I meant!Is there still time if I don't pretend to be a cub?But looking at Ji Zhixi's expression, he knew that all rebuttals were invalid.

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(End of this chapter)

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