Chapter 17 Lottery
Looking at such a big house, Ji Zhixi couldn't help but want to buy, buy, buy, buy, so she ordered a bunch of things on Xingwang, and the account balance soon became single digits.

Artis looked at his eyebrows and couldn't help but twitched. It seemed that he was a prodigal, and he needed to make more money in the future. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his idea of ​​raising Ji Zhixi.

Ji Zhixi saw that Xiao Hei hadn't come back for so long, so she planned to go to the forest to look for it, and by the way, find some materials to make mattresses, quilts, pillows and so on.

Jiang Yuxuan would never let Ji Zhixi act alone now, so Liu Jianwei's team accompanied her into the forest, and the others could only watch them leave with envious and jealous eyes.

As for Liu Jianwei's team, everyone's footsteps were windy, and they raised their heads and chests, and they were very proud. Miss Zhixi's exclusive guard team could not be given to others no matter what.

Ji Zhixi didn't notice their intrigue, turned on the live broadcast and walked towards the hopeless zone.

[Bao Mama: Started the live broadcast unexpectedly?As soon as the baby was put down, the anchor started the live broadcast! 】

[Passerby A: Can the anchor please fix the live broadcast time, I don't want to miss any live broadcast! 】

[Hug the tiger: Upstairs +1]

[Ice Cream: Ah!I am a 24-hour squatting lady! 】


Ji Zhixi saw that the live broadcast room now has tens of millions of fans, and many people have stayed in the live broadcast room without quitting, and many people are crying.

Ji Zhixi thought about it and said: "It is impossible to be fixed! It is impossible in this life! The live broadcast is purely based on the mood and the location! But, seeing that you are so active, I will do a lottery! Chicken, spicy rabbit meat and sour plum juice!"

[Ice Cream: Ah!what!what!God of the universe bless me to win the lottery! 】

[Food Xiaomi: Marshal bless me to win the lottery! 】

[Soldier Assault: The strongest marshal bless me to win the lottery! 】

[Bao Mama: What should I do if I am not a chieftain?The baby lends some luck to the mother! 】


"Also, those who made bad comments about black anchors before cannot participate in the lottery!" As soon as Ji Zhixi said that, all those black people vomited blood, wishing they could chop off their hands!Why do you want to be cheap!

[Meow: The anchor is a big contest! 】

[I just love nonsense: Is it too late to log out of the account now and register for a smaller account? 】

[Soberness in the world: The host, I was wrong, I will never dare again, please forgive me! 】

[Politician: The anchor is so vengeful, as a lord, shouldn't he be more generous? 】

System prompt: The politician has been kicked out of the live broadcast room and listed as a blacklisted user!
The picture freezes for a moment, and everyone is stunned, so let's do it directly!

[Marshmallow: I'm horrified when I think about it! 】

[Ice Cream: Serve it right, support Miss Sister! 】

[Chef's milk bag: support the anchor +1]

[Love to eat: support the anchor +10086]


There are pia~pia~pia~ constant slaps on Starnet, and Starnet account registration is a real-name system, even if you change your account, it’s useless, so it’s useless for those sunspots to cry!Once you are blacklisted, it will be even worse!

Artis was very satisfied with the system notification. He asked Jiang Yuxuan to arrange someone to manage Ji Zhixi's live broadcast early in the morning. He would not let anyone who slandered her. Don't think that hiding behind the star network can do whatever you want and say whatever you want. .

Ji Zhixi was stunned when she saw the notification, she probably understood what was going on, and ignored it, "Okay, the lottery draw is about to start! Everyone get ready! 1, 2, 3, stop!" Following Ji Zhixi's order, the list of winners came out !

"Congratulations to all the netizens who won the lottery! Leave your delivery address and contact information, and the food will be sent out tonight, remember to check it!" Ji Zhixi said.

[Ice Cream: Ah!what!what!I hit the lottery! 】

[Chef Xiaonaibao: I also won the lottery! 】

[The hard-pressed office worker: Ahhh!If you don't win, ask for a transfer at a high price! 】

[Marshal's fanboy: Upstairs thinks so beautifully, it can't be bought with money! 】

[Bao Mama: Oh my god!It actually won, baby, you are really great! 】


Some people are really happy and some are sad!Ji Zhixi ignored everyone and continued walking towards the forest.Guided by Xiao Hei, he came to a forest area with towering trees.

Ji Zhixi found that there were rubber trees everywhere. It was great that latex mattresses and pillows could be made with rubber trees, so she asked everyone to help collect the rubber tree sap.

After collecting and walking forward, I found the sound of fighting coming from the front, "Bang! Shoo!" Fireballs hit my face one after another, and the surrounding trees were ignited by the fireballs.

Liu Jianwei and the others immediately opened the defensive cover and surrounded Ji Zhixi, but the flames shattered the defensive cover immediately.

They quickly retreated to protect Ji Zhixi, and Liu Jianwei launched a water wall to resist the flames.

Ji Zhixi discovered that Xiao Hei was fighting with something in front of him, and it turned out to be a level 4 mutant phoenix fire bird.

This kind of bird is of the fire attribute, and the fire it spouts is several times stronger than ordinary flames, and it is also a level 4 mutant beast, which is bigger than a spear pig, so it is particularly troublesome.

Before Xiao Hei heard that Ji Zhixi wanted the feather of Fenghuo Niao, so when he met Fenghuo Niao, he did not hesitate to do it, and wanted to give it to Ji Zhixi, but he did not expect to encounter a hard stubble, and the vines were almost burnt bald. Yes, it was miserable.

Ji Zhixi distributed the antidote to everyone in advance, and then sprinkled the drug in the air. This enhanced version of the drug can fascinate even a level 4 mutant beast!
Sure enough, not long after, the Phoenix Fire Beast felt something was wrong, its attack power began to drop, and its physical strength also began to run out. It wanted to escape, but was entangled by Xiao Hei with vines, and the Phoenix Fire Beast spewed flames angrily.

After all, Liu Jianwei is a soldier with rich combat experience, so he reacted quickly and activated the water ability to resist the flames of the phoenix fire bird.

Without the flame, Xiao Hei was not afraid, and immediately used vines to entangle Feng Huo Niao and pull it down, smashing it to the ground, making a big hole!
Feng Huo Niao resisted desperately, his whole body was ignited with flames, and wanted to die together. At this time, countless water jets shot at Feng Huo Niao, and the soil ability directly wrapped the soil around Feng Huo Niao's body, and Feng Huo Niao could not move immediately.

Ji Zhixi stepped forward to finish it off, and took out the crystal nucleus. "It's good to have teammates! From now on, you just need to lie down and win, right, Xiaobai?" Ji Zhixi said happily to Xiaobai.Artis didn't say anything, but just gave her a doting look.

"Oh! Fortunately, the feathers were not burned, otherwise they wouldn't be able to make quilts and pillows." Ji Zhixi touched the feathers of the phoenix fire bird and said.

Liu Jianwei and the others breathed a sigh of relief, Miss Zhixi was so calm, she didn't change her face when she encountered such danger.After he extinguished the surrounding fire, his mental power was also exhausted.

He found that since coming here, especially after eating the meal made by Miss Zhixi, the energy in his body has become more abundant, and his mental power has been feeling very relieved, so he was able to resist Feng Huo Niao today.

Xiao Hei came forward to rub against Ji Zhixi pitifully, revealing the scorched vines, pitifully.

Ji Zhixi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and activated the ability, Xiao Hei's vines recovered quickly, and the vines felt more alive and powerful than before.

Xiao Hei circled around happily, seeing a huge monster circling around there, everyone was a little speechless at such a strange scene.

[Ice Cream: Hahaha!Blackie is so cute! 】

[Lady Fen: On the deceptive behavior of bloodthirsty vines! 】

[Marshal fans: Iron-Blooded Legion is really strong! 】

[Iron Blood Legion is the best! :so amazing!Hold tight to the thighs of the Jagged Legion, and lead you to lie down and win! 】


"Okay, okay, it's almost time, let's go back!" Ji Zhixi told Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei happily handed over the low-level crystal nucleus collected before to Ji Zhixi, and then turned it into a rattan and returned it to Ji Zhixi's wrist.

"Everyone, this is the end of the live broadcast, see you next time!" After speaking, Ji Zhixi turned off the live broadcast.

Everyone has become accustomed to Ji Zhixi's casual actions, and they automatically say goodbye and continue to watch the next live broadcast, hoping that there will be a lottery next time to increase the chance of winning, and keep sending rainbow farts.

Ji Zhixi gave the low-level crystal nucleus to Liu Jianwei and the others to absorb the recovery ability. They were all surprised, "Miss Zhixi, this is too expensive, we can't take it, we can go back to the base and restore it."

"Take it, it's not something valuable, it can be seen everywhere in the forest, and if you don't recover now, what will you do if you encounter a stronger mutant beast later? This is a hopeless zone, and there is danger at any time!" Ji Zhixi said. Throw it into their hands, ignore them and continue putting the wood into the nanospace.

Xiaobai let out a low growl at Liu Jianwei, which startled Liu Jianwei.He always thought it was just an ordinary cub, but at this moment, it seemed to exude a kind of coercion, his eyes were very sharp, and he suddenly had the feeling of facing a marshal.

Liu Jianwei shook his head, how could he have such an illusion.But being able to stay by Miss Zhixi's side must be extraordinary. No wonder the lieutenant general said before that he must protect the little white tiger. He didn't take it seriously before. Now it seems that he should pay attention to it. Be nervous about this little white tiger.

Liu Jianwei and the others looked at each other, and sat down to absorb the low-level crystal nucleus. After absorbing it, he found that his mental power had really recovered, and he felt that his abilities were more abundant. The injuries he had suffered before were all healed. It took two or three days to fully heal, but now it recovered!

No wonder the lieutenant general asked them to move to the ancient earth. They couldn't understand it before, thinking that it was because the marshal was gone, so the lieutenant general gave up fighting and was sent to the frontier.Even if you don't want to, it's the nature of soldiers to obey orders.

Only now did they understand that this place was simply their place of salvation!Miss Zhixi is their savior!Here their Jagged Legion will only be stronger!

After they rested, they returned to the base. On the way, they caught some Gugu Chicken and Sawtooth Rabbit to cook for the winning netizens.When they were about to walk out of the forest, they heard a cry suddenly.

"Squeak! Squeak!" With this familiar voice, Ji Zhixi raised her head and saw that it wasn't the golden hamster she met before. How could it be here?

Listening to its voice seems to be very anxious!And it has a lot of wounds on it, it feels like burns, and the fur has been torn in a few pieces.

"Xiao Jin, what's wrong with you?" Ji Zhixi asked, Xiao Bai was speechless at her ability to name Fei.Now was not the time to be entangled in the name, the hamster signaled them to go with it, Ji Zhixi looked at the crowd, and decided to go with the hamster.

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(End of this chapter)

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