Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 18 Meeting the Little Hamster Again

Chapter 18 Meeting the Little Hamster Again

Follow the hamster to the place where Xiaobai was found before, and found traces of fighting everywhere!
A few people in front were attacking around the ancient tree. There were people with fire, wind, thunder, ice defense, and healing abilities inside. It seemed that today would be difficult for fire, Ji Zhixi thought.

The ancient tree can actually control the surrounding trees to attack, but the people in front are all very strong, especially the leader of the Lightning Department, who seems to be at least S rank, the ancient tree looks very badly injured, the branches are all burned Almost, the trunk is cracked.

Thunder and lightning combined with fire, even mutated plants can't stand it.Ji Zhixi still sprinkled the drug, the omnipotent drug, it was useless, it could save energy in fighting, why not.

The people in front felt something was wrong and held their breath quickly. The wind system blew away the drug, and the five people turned their heads to look at Ji Zhixi and the others.I didn't expect to meet so soon, thought Gabir Marshall.

This is a group of interstellar pirates. They usually hide in the ancient earth when they don’t go out to rob. After seeing the live broadcast, they decided to venture into the forest to get some treasures to exchange for money.

Sure enough, dangers lurk everywhere in the hopeless zone. Watching Ji Zhixi's live broadcast is so easy, but I feel cheated after coming here. Along the way, I was chased by mutated plants, attacked by mutated beasts, and there were all kinds of poisonous bees and insects.

After finally escaping here, I found a ginseng and wanted to take it back, but I didn't expect that this ginseng was actually protected by a fourth-level mutant hamster and this ancient tree.

They were about to run out of energy, and they felt that the old tree was dying. They didn't expect to meet Ji Zhixi. They looked at the mutated mouse beside her. It seemed that the mutated mouse didn't run away, but went to rescue soldiers. Damn it. Yes, it shouldn't have been let go just now.

"Boss, what should we do? Our mental strength is about to fail, and Ah Qiang's healing ability is not available for the time being." said the fire-type power user.

Those mutant beasts and mutant plants were injured just now, and the healing power user has already expended their mental energy to help them heal their injuries. Now if they get injured again, they will be finished.

"Take out the potion." Gabir said to Ah Qiang, and Ah Qiang quickly took out the potion. This is an advanced potion that can quickly restore mental power.

But there is a certain timeliness. When the mental power is exhausted again, the side effects will be very serious, which will make people feel weak and unable to move for a moment. They will not do this unless it is a last resort.

"Miss Ji also came here to look for treasures? We just found a ginseng plant, which looks very valuable, but it was our brother who exhausted his mental strength to find it, and it was almost in the pocket. Miss Ji is so bright and aboveboard. People shouldn’t want to come and snatch it, right?” Gabir said.

Gabir thought that Ji Zhixi would save face and not argue with him. After all, those so-called upright gentlemen are people with a good face. Unfortunately, his wishful thinking was wrong.

"Who told you that I'm aboveboard? Didn't you see that I just got drugged? Who gave you this illusion? And do you know me? It's as if you know me very well!" Ji Zhixi tilted her head and said.

Gabir was so stunned that he was almost speechless, "Then where is Miss Ji now?"

"Since you know me, you should know that I am the owner of the ancient earth. Everything on this ancient earth belongs to me. Without my consent, your current behavior is considered stealing." Ji Zhixi said
They were pirates in the first place, and Gabir almost blurted out this sentence with violent veins. Looking at the ginseng he was about to get, he still didn't give up. Seeing that Ji Zhixi and the others were not many, he evaluated whether it was possible to defeat them.

Gabir thought about it, if they could control Ji Zhixi, they would be in trouble, and they might as well fight to the death, anyway, they lived a life of licking blood every day.

Eyeing the others, everyone drank the potion, and Gabir rushed towards Ji Zhixi, capturing the thief first.

But the members of the Jagged Legion were not vegetarians, so they immediately protected Ji Zhixi and fought with the others.But after they drank the potion, their mental strength increased several times, and Gabir was still an S-level supernatural being, so Liu Jianwei was suddenly struck by lightning.

Seeing that Gabir was about to rush in front of Ji Zhixi, Xiaobai immediately stood in front of him, Xiaohei also appeared immediately, and countless vines began to attack them.

Ji Zhixi looked at them without panic at all. The forest was her home field. She absorbed the power of wood and passed it to Xiao Hei while absorbing it. To hurt it, the S-level lightning can only make a small cut.

God damn it, he really underestimated Ji Zhixi's ability, so it seemed that the situation was not good for them, so they could only retreat temporarily.

"Let's go!" Bigal said to the other companions.He used all his strength to send out the Thunder Pillar, broke through a hole, and let the others go first.

However, as soon as the others walked out of the encirclement, they were surrounded by other mutated plants, and it was impossible to get out of the hopeless zone. Only at this time did they see Ji Zhixi's power, and they regretted the recklessness of entering the hopeless zone.

When their mental strength is exhausted, there is no need to control them, they have already fallen to the ground and cannot move.To be on the safe side, Liu Jianwei still tied them up.

Liu Jianwei and the others looked at Ji Zhixi with admiration. Miss Zhixi was like the lord of the forest. Looking at her ability to control all plants, it was amazing!They can't help at all, Miss Zhixi can handle it by herself.

Ji Zhixi knelt down and nodded Xiaobai's head, "Standing in front of me again, don't you know that you are an ordinary beast now? How can you protect me?"

After hearing this, Artis' eyes darkened. Of course he knew that he couldn't protect her now, but he couldn't control himself, and he didn't want her to get hurt anyway.

Ji Zhixi looked at Xiaobai's gloomy eyes, "Okay, okay, I didn't scold you on purpose, I was just afraid that you would get hurt! I will feel more distressed when you get hurt, and I can protect myself. You don't have to be sad, either. I will soon help you become as powerful as other beasts, or even stronger than them, shall we take our time?" Ji Zhixi looked at him gently and seriously.

It was as if a warm current flowed through Artis's heart, flowing into his extraordinary meridians until reaching his heart. Is this the feeling of a heartbeat?For the first time, Artis felt the feeling of his heart beating for someone else, and after understanding his own feelings, Artis rubbed Ji Zhixi's hand.

Ji Zhixi was very happy to see that Xiaobai understood what she meant, and she didn't know that she had unknowingly teased a straight man of steel.

He patted Xiaobai's head, walked towards the old tree, looked at the scarred old tree and the hamster, and the little ginseng was well protected and not hurt at all.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help sighing that even mutated plants had feelings, even more pure and sincere than humans. Liu Jianwei and the others found it inconceivable when they saw it. This was too different from the mutated plants and beasts they knew.

The little ginseng looked at them and shed tears like tears, Ji Zhixi hurried up to catch them, "The whole body of ginseng is precious, and tears should not be wasted."

Everyone was dumbfounded by Ji Zhixi's action, the ginseng baby seemed to be stunned and did not shed tears, the hamster just rolled his eyes, and Artis felt that Ji Zhixi was extremely cute, this is the so-called appearance in the eye of the beholder. Shih Tzu!

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Come on, let's heal your wounds first." Ji Zhixi said.The hamster asked Ji Zhixi to heal the ancient tree first.

Ji Zhixi raised her eyebrows and thought, how amazing it is to respect the old and love the young!So he walked in front of the old tree and urged the power of the wood to be transmitted to the old tree little by little. The old tree began to recover a little bit, and the branches and leaves began to flourish.

Through the transmission of energy, Ji Zhixi could feel the huge energy contained in the heart of the tree. No wonder she could control the tree. It seemed that this ancient tree was not simple.

Ji Zhixi was about to leave after treating the hamster's wounds, but Gu Shu stopped her, and the hamster came to her with a small ginseng, as if he wanted to follow her.

"Who are you?" Ji Zhixi looked at them puzzled.The ancient tree stretched out a branch and tapped Ji Zhixi's forehead, a wave of consciousness flowed into her mind, the ancient tree wanted to recognize the Lord.

Ji Zhixi looked at the ancient tree, why is it so similar to Porcelain?But think about it, this ancient tree is so powerful, and it's a good tree, there's no harm in harvesting it, so she recognized the owner with a drop of blood, and Ji Zhixi could only let the plant recognize the owner.

Only after collecting the old tree did he realize that the hamster wanted to take ginseng to seek refuge with Ji Zhixi. Since Ji Zhixi came to the forest, more and more strange atmosphere appeared in the forest.

There will only be more and more supernatural beings like today. It is afraid that it and Grandpa Gushu will not be able to protect the little ginseng, and seeing Ji Zhixi help them like this, it feels safer to be with her.

The little ginseng tore off a few of her own whiskers again, hoping that Ji Zhixi would take them in, and the hamster squeaked distressedly beside her.

Ji Zhixi helplessly supported her forehead and said: "You can follow me if you want, but after going out with me, you can't attack people casually, you have to help! I don't keep useless people around me, plants? Strange beasts?"

The hamster patted his chest, as if he was fine. Not to mention ginseng, his whole body was full of treasures, and he would be robbed of his head wherever he went.

"However, if you want to follow me, you will be separated from Grandpa Gu Shu. Grandpa Gu Shu is only suitable to stay in the forest and not go out." Ji Zhixi said.

The hamster and the little ginseng looked at the old tree reluctantly. The old tree shook its branches and leaves, as if communicating with them, and it took a long time to convince them. They still agreed to leave with Ji Zhixi, but they all looked like they were parting for life.

"Hey, you guys are enough, and it's not like I won't see you again. I will come to the forest often in the future, and you can see Grandpa Gushu anytime." Hearing what Ji Zhixi said, the younger two became happy, and the little ginseng also fell in love with Ji Zhixi. Blood recognizes the Lord.

"Miss Zhixi, how do we deal with these people?" Liu Jianwei looked at Gabir and the others.

"Take it back and let Leng Ran deal with it! Since they are people from the ancient earth, Leng Ran should be familiar with it, and we just happen to be short of labor right now." Ji Zhixi looked at them with a calculating expression.

Gabir and the others could only roll their eyes after hearing her words, who made them only move their eyes now.After a hard trip, I paid for myself, but ended up making wedding dresses for others, and they almost vomited blood.

So everyone packed up and went back to the base happily.

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(End of this chapter)

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