Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 201 Purification Seed

Chapter 201 Purification Seed

The two of them were speechless immediately, and Ji Zhixi continued: "As the person in charge of Blue Star, Artis and I have the right to directly recruit personnel, and we don't have to go through the external recruitment process, just like my uncle is our direct recruiter." came in."

"It's just that since my sister is so understanding, I still have to sign the registration, the contract that I should sign, and the benefits that I should have. This is fair to my sister, and I can't let my sister do it for nothing and become a sales director in name only."

Ji Xueqing's face turned ugly immediately, and Ji Zhixi continued: "I will let Wen Yan sign a contract with my sister and become a real sales director, so that no one can say anything in the future, and my sister will be guaranteed."

Ji Xueqing said with a stiff smile: "What my sister said is true, but my sister is more thoughtful."

"That's right, Miss Zhixi is right." The person in charge of the processing factory echoed.

"Okay, let's hurry up and get busy! I heard that the second batch of pre-sales will start soon, so we still need to continue preparing the products." Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes, I'll prepare right away." The person in charge of the processing factory nodded, and then hurried away to get busy.

Ji Xueqing also said: "I'll help first too." Then she turned and left.

Only then did Ji Zhixi turn and look at Artis, "Do you have anything to say?"

Artis couldn't grasp Ji Zhixi's attitude, so he applied a universal formula, "Xixi, I was wrong."

Ji Zhixi almost laughed, but asked with a straight face: "Why are you wrong?"

Tang Xin was also watching the show, she deserved it, she said before that her sister-in-law would be jealous!Get angry now!

Artis took her hand and said, "Brother Chengxuan called her. I only invited her to be the sales director after she made corresponding achievements. It was entirely out of work considerations and I didn't have any other ideas."

Ji Zhixi pretended to break free from his hand, but was held tightly, "Then why did you even call her name? I've never seen such intimacy with other people."

Artis panicked and said, "After all, she is your sister, and now she is a partner. I can't refuse in person, but I still call her Miss Ji. There is no intimacy. Hee Hee, I won't say much except you." Take a look at the other women."

"I promise you, I will keep a distance from other women in the future. Don't be angry. If there are work matters in the future, I will let brother Chengxuan take care of it."

Artis didn't know that this move of his would save a lot of trouble in the future, but it was pity for Ji Xueqing, and all her efforts were in vain.

"Pfft! Well, I'm just kidding you. I'm not angry. By the way, I call you Uncle, but you still call me Brother. Isn't this generation messed up?" Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

Artis pulled her into his arms, kissed her directly, and bit her lips punitively, "Don't scare me like this next time, or I will punish you."

Ji Zhixi covered her face shyly, and thumped his chest, "In public, whatever you do, just talk and don't touch your hands. Obviously you did something wrong, why am I being punished."

Artis looked at her coquettish and shy look, and couldn't help laughing. Ji Zhixi looked at his dazzling smile, he rarely smiled like this, but when he smiled, he was really handsome, and people couldn't help being fascinated.

Artis looked at Ji Zhixi's eyes as if they were shining, and she couldn't help but feel a little deer in her heart. At this moment, she found that everyone was secretly looking at them, so she hurriedly dragged Artis out.

Tang Xin also wanted to go out with her, but was grabbed by Li Huai, "Do you want to be a light bulb?"

Tang Xin pouted, "I just want to play with my sister-in-law! Hmph, I won't go if I don't." Then she shook off Li Huai's hand and walked to the computer.

Li Huai looked at her helplessly, and then prepared to coax her with a glass of juice. Although this little girl tends to lose her temper, she is also easy to coax.

Artis asked amusedly, "Xixi, where are you going? Didn't you say you're here to help?"

Only then did Ji Zhixi realize it, yes!She came to help, but she had already come out, and it was hard to go back, so she had to stare at Artis.

My wife should be pampered no matter what, and Artis said, "Why don't you go to the Purifier Guild! Now that Blue Star doesn't have mutated viruses, you don't need to purify. President Xiang is giving you a headache."

Ji Zhixi nodded, "Well, let's go and have a look! It just so happens that I have something I want to talk to Grandpa about."

Then the two came to the Purification Masters Guild and found that there was no one there, only Xiang Nange was there, "Grandpa Xiang, we are here, why are you the only one left?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Girl, you've come. If you don't come, our Purifiers Guild can be disbanded. Because there is nothing to purify, everyone has been seconded." Xiang Nange said worriedly.

"Then what are your plans for grandpa?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"I think, although it doesn't need to be purified, it still has the ability to promote birth, so it's okay to develop it there." Xiang Nange said.

"Actually, Grandpa Xiang, what do you mean by purification? Is it simply purifying mutant viruses?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Our purifiers are mainly to purify the impurities and bad things in the substances, so that these substances can be used normally." Xiang Nange said.

"Yes, have you ever thought about how to improve it by one level in addition to reaching the usable level? For example, purify the water source and purify the purity to the highest level, thereby increasing its energy value. In the same way, the seeds we plant can also be used. Further purification, so as to further increase their production or energy value?" Ji Zhixi said.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that? But this further improvement requires a very high ability, right? Because the energy value of Blue Star's plants is already very high." Xiang Nange said while stroking his beard.

"How do you know if you don't try it? Find out the direction, and then find a way to improve it. There are many ways to purify, and they don't necessarily need advanced abilities. We can combine medicine, birth, etc. to purify." Ji Zhixi Said.

Ji Zhixi picked up a seed that was on the table. She put it in the detector and tested it. The energy value was 100. After purification, it was put into the machine, and the energy value became 200.

Pick up another seed with an energy value of 100, put it in purified water and soak it for a while, accelerate the growth, and test again, the energy value becomes 300.

Xiang Nange was very happy to see it, "Wonderful! Wonderful! I thought that the energy value of Lanxing's things was already very high, and it couldn't be higher. I didn't expect that there is still a lot of room for improvement. I have to call our people back quickly." , when we research it, the output and energy value of Blue Star products will be greatly improved!"

"Thank you! Girl, we really can't do without you, I'll go to work first." Xiang Nange ran out after finishing speaking.

Artis held her hand, "My Xixi is really powerful, where do you want to go next?"

Ji Zhixi tilted her head and thought for a while, "Let's go and see how everyone's planting is going! And the pasture, what kind of animals are you raising now?"

Artis led her out, "To see the planting situation, you need to fly an aircraft over there, because the area is too large, and there are basically all the mutant beasts we have encountered on the pasture."

"I didn't expect Ji Yuan to be a beast trainer. Those mutated beasts listened to her very much. I heard that she is now the boss of the ranch."

Ji Zhixi was very surprised, "Really? Does Xiaoyuan have hidden abilities?"

"This may need to be further investigated, so let's go to the pasture to have a look now!" Artis said and released the aircraft.

(End of this chapter)

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