Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 202 The King of the Forest

Chapter 202 The King of the Forest
"Don't you have to go to work? Stay with me all the time, don't you have to deal with military affairs?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"I have explained everything to Jiang Yuxuan, and my father is here to help, and now I just want to be with you. Life is too short, and now I just want to cherish every minute and every second I spend with you," Artis said.

Ji Zhixi looked at him moved. She understood that it was what happened before that made him feel insecure. That's why he was like this. She just wanted to be by his side now. She had been thinking about Lan Xing before, so she should think about it now. this man.

"You said what would happen if the two of us sneaked away?" Ji Zhixi said with a sly smile.

"Hee Hee, don't tease me." Artis looked at her dangerously.

"Ah! Then what, let's go quickly! We have to work hard, don't think about what we have." Ji Zhixi pushed him onto the aircraft.

Artis picked him up and got into the aircraft, and they flew towards the pasture.

Ji Zhixi looked at the pasture below. The pasture is very large and divided into many areas. In order to prevent the animals from fighting, different environments have been built for different animals to allow them to adapt as soon as possible.

The ranch was specially built on the plain area. In the beginning, in order to build the ranch, there were countless fights with the mutant beasts on the plain. In order to grab the territory, the mutant beasts succumbed to high-tech weapons and hid in the forest one after another.

But recently they discovered a problem. The number of animals in the pasture seemed to decrease from time to time, so they checked the surveillance and found that at night, those lions, tigers, and wolves actually went to the pasture to hunt.

They were also very smart and didn't dare to make too much noise, so the person in charge hurriedly reinforced the defense cover of the pasture, so these mutant beasts couldn't get in at night, and they actually aimed at the grazing time.

I usually let these animals out for a walk during the day, because it’s not easy to be bored in the shed all day long, I didn’t expect these mutant beasts to stare at them, probably because they were robbed of their territory, so they wanted to retaliate and make trouble .

Because there are not many people, and most of the staff are ordinary people, it is too late to face the mutated beasts, not to mention predation, but in order to avoid more losses, the person in charge can only lock the animals in the shed. Unexpectedly, after being bored for a few days, the animals couldn't bear it and kept clamoring to get out.

After Ji Zhixi and the others arrived, the person in charge complained to them, hoping they could find a solution.

"Actually, the main root cause is the group of mutant beasts! To solve this problem, we must prevent them from coming again. It seems that I, the king of the forest, have to make an appearance." Ji Zhixi rolled up her sleeves and said.

Artis grabbed her hand and put down his sleeve, "Hee Hee, don't show your skin casually."

Ji Zhixi rolled her eyes, it's just her arms, she used to wear suspenders!This man is too domineering!

"Let's go! Let's go to the forest and meet these big shots." Ji Zhixi pulled Artis out with her backhand.

The person in charge hurriedly sent someone to follow, "No need, just the two of us go, you stay here, take you and protect you, trouble." Ji Zhixi waved her hand and said.

The person in charge had no choice but to send off with tears in his eyes. He was disgusted. No way. From today on, the employees of their ranch must strengthen their training and learn fighting and martial arts!
Ji Zhixi didn't know that because of her own words, the employees of the ranch fell into dire straits in the days to come.

Ji Zhixi changed her gorgeous long skirt into casual clothes, which made it easier to move around, and Artis also changed back to the military uniform, secretly thinking that putting more clothes in the nanospace would match Xixi's clothes.

They came to the forest, and as they walked, Ji Zhixi was pleasantly surprised to find that there were actually many flowers here.

"Artis, look, there are actually roses here, they are still pink, and there are other colors, so beautiful!" Ji Zhixi said in surprise.

"Since you released the source of life, all the plants have been reborn, and the blue star has begun to grow flowers, and there is a piece of hyacinth next to the tree of life." Artis said.

"Wow! That's great. Now I want to bring every kind of flower I encounter, and then go back and build a garden. I will plant flowers in every corner of the base, so that I can see flowers every day." Ji Zhixi said happily.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." As Artis said, he helped Ji Zhixi dig the flowers out of the ground, being very careful not to hurt the roots, and then wrapped them up one by one and put them into the nanospace.

Ji Zhixi secretly plucked a red rose and pinned it to Artis' ear. The handsome face paired with the gorgeous roses gave off a sense of charm. Sure enough, this face has no dead ends, and it looks handsome no matter how you look at it. she thought.

Artis let her fiddle with it, and also picked a pink rose and pinned it to her ear. Seeing her smiling like a flower, he couldn't help picking up the bracelet to take a picture of this scene.

When Ji Zhixi saw him taking pictures of herself, she realized that she and Artis didn't seem to be taking pictures together, so she pulled him to take various selfies, and she wanted to record everything with him from today on.

Artis, who seldom took photos except for necessary occasions, was dragged to take many photos. Seeing a strange self in the photos, he sighed that people do change, and they can do anything for the one they love.

While they were fighting, there were a few pairs of eyes staring at them in the jungle, and they also felt something strange and looked at each other.

Then countless plants attacked the jungle, and there was a roar immediately, and after a while, several figures jumped out, including several lions, tigers and leopards.

"Yo, does this mean forming an alliance? Shouldn't they fight?" Ji Zhixi asked curiously.

The leading lion had several scars on its face and sharp eyes. It should be a level 4 mutant beast, and the others were estimated to be level 3. They were besieged by a group of high-level alien beasts, and they didn't panic at all.

Artis asked Ji Zhixi to stay aside, took out juice and snacks and stuffed them into her hands, "Hey, wait for me, it will be ready soon."

Ji Zhixi also took out a small bench, ready to eat melons and watch a show, but their attitude angered these strange beasts, and they opened their mouths and rushed towards them.

Yadis immediately used the lightning whip, hitting these mutant beasts one after another, and immediately smelled the smell of burnt meat.

Ji Zhixi was very surprised, his strength seemed to have improved again, her man is too good, if he continues to improve, maybe he can catch up with the people on the higher plane.

A few leopards next to him wanted to attack Ji Zhixi, but they were directly blocked by a thunder wall from Artis, unable to break through, so they turned around and concentrated on attacking Artis.

Artis swiftly dodged the sharp claws and fangs, and punched a lion into the air. The flying lion crashed into a nearby tree, and the tree broke directly. The lion spat blood and couldn't get up again. up.

Seeing how strong the opponent was, the other cats immediately became timid, and when they wanted to back off, they found that there was lightning all around them, and they were surrounded. Just when they were about to fight to the death, Ji Zhixi stood up.

"Okay! Pause, everyone, listen to me." Ji Zhixi walked to the middle, not afraid of them at all.

The leading lion stared at her firmly. At this time, Ji Zhixi released the power of wood, and the wounds on these strange beasts healed immediately. They immediately knew who the person in front of them was, and they all knelt down and bowed their heads to show their submission.

(End of this chapter)

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