Chapter 203 Grassland
Ji Zhixi looked at them and said, "Get up, all of you! First of all, I'm sorry for taking your territory, but what! There's nothing I can do about it, because now the entire Blue Star belongs to me."

"If you are willing to obey and cooperate obediently, then I will choose a place for you, and I promise not to disturb you in the future. What do you think?" Ji Zhixi said.

The scarred lion nodded, and the other mutant beasts had no objections. Ji Zhixi stepped forward and stretched out her hand. The lion was stunned for a moment, then raised its paw and put it on.

Ji Zhixi shook her big paw, "Very good, happy cooperation, I will take you there when I find a good place, and you can tell me if you like it."

The Scar Lion's eyes lit up immediately, and he stretched out his paw and pointed in one direction.

"Find a new site so quickly? Alright, let's take a look with you." Ji Zhixi rubbed the big lion's head and said, it's fluffy and really nice.

Yatis pulled her hand away jealously, and took out a handkerchief to wipe her hands, "Dirty, don't touch it casually, if you want to touch it, I'll go back and touch it for you."

"Ahem! Don't make trouble!" Ji Zhixi coughed a few times.

The lion gave her a hug, beckoning her to sit on its back, Artis quit, and turned into a beast, a tall and beautiful white tiger appeared, and Ji Zhixi's eyes turned into stars.

It's been a long time since I've seen Artis's animal form, and it seems to be bigger and stronger than before.

The other mutated beasts were taken aback, and immediately took an attacking posture. Ji Zhixi hurriedly stopped her and said, "It's okay, it's okay, he won't hurt you, let's go!"

The mutant beast looked at Artis, who had no intention of attacking at all, then turned around and ran out quickly.

Artis said to her: "Xixi, come up, hurry up."

Ji Zhixi sat on it, and specially spawned vines to tie herself and Artis together as a safety belt.

Then, Artis rushed out quickly, so fast that she couldn't open her eyes. Fortunately, she was wearing a seat belt, otherwise she would really fly out.

Artis quickly caught up with the Scarred Lion. If it wasn't for the other party leading the way, he would probably overtake it directly. The lion started to speed up unwillingly when he saw it, and several figures quickly shuttled through the forest.

Ji Zhixi slowly got used to the speed, opened her eyes, felt the wind on her face, and felt very excited, "Haha, go!"

Hearing Ji Zhixi's happy laughter, Artis speeded up again, and the Scarred Lion began to struggle a little, this person?This white tiger?Too strong, it seems that their status will be lost.

Soon, everyone walked through the forest, over the mountains, and finally saw a boundless grassland, but the grassland did not look like it, because it was very dry here, only some sparse bushes, bare grassland, and some Gobi Stipa, Artemisia genus Artemisia spp., as well as algae and algae, can be said to be desert grasslands.

It is more suitable for sheep, horses, etc. to graze, but now I see many lions, tigers, wolves, deer, sheep, rhinos and other animals here, under the scorching sun, and many small animals waiting to be fed.

Ji Zhixi felt a little guilty when she saw it, "You came here because we drove you away? Why didn't you go into the forest?"

A few mutated beasts next to them began to talk about it, now there are defensive shields everywhere in the forest, their movements are often restricted, and the forest has long been divided by people, managed by level 5 orangutans, they have no way to grab it .

So I can only go to this desert grassland, at least the place is big enough, and occasionally I can catch some deer and sheep!These are used to fill their stomachs, but recently there is less and less food. They ran back to the original land and found many weak animals, so they set their sights on the pasture.

"Level 5 orangutan, I heard you say that it is very smart and wants to cooperate with us, right? Is it very strong?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"It's very strong, and it can command mutant beasts," Artis said.

"In this case, let's discuss cooperation with it later! But such a large piece of land here is really good, but it's a bit desolate, so let's renovate it." Ji Zhixi said, and then untied the vines, from Artis Get down.

"Artis, go and call the water-type superpowers at the base! I want to turn this place into a lush green grassland, and we can ride horses and hunt here in the future," Ji Zhixi said.

Artis changed back to his original form, then sent a message to Jiang Yuxuan, and sent the location.

They followed the lions to their dens. The lionesses immediately became vigilant when they saw strangers, and calmed down after being comforted by the scarred lion. Ji Zhixi looked closely at the cubs. They were so cute and wanted to touch them. .

The scarred lion seemed to be thinking about something, and directly took a cub and put it in her arms. The cub was not afraid of strangers, and rolled around in her arms to be cute, and even licked her hand.

Artis frowned and directly picked up the cub and threw it back to the lioness. Ji Zhixi looked at this man helplessly, it seemed that she would have to hide in the future and be fluffy.

At this time, a falcon flew over, with a huge figure, several times bigger than Yinyin, staring at those little beasts.

All the adult beasts are ready for battle, and the female beast hides all the young beasts behind her.This kind of falcon is very fast, and its claws and wings are very sharp. I saw that falcon swooped in front of a gazelle in an instant, and cut the throat of the gazelle with a slip of its wings, and then grabbed the whole gazelle directly. The antelope flew up.

This speed and strength are astonishing. It seems that the fighting power on the grassland is really strong!The other animals were relieved to see the Saker fly away.In the world where the jungle preys on the jungle, Ji Zhixi cannot intervene. The only thing that can be changed is probably the environment!

After a while, Liu Jianwei rushed over with a team of water-type supernatural beings. Looking at the desert, they probably knew what Ji Zhixi wanted to do.

"Artis, do you see if there are any rivers or lakes around?" Ji Zhixi said.

Artis opened the topographic map and saw a lake 20 kilometers away, "Xixi, look, there is a lake here, and the water in it flows down from the mountain."

Ji Zhixi looked at the surrounding terrain, "It seems a bit far away, can you bring the water here?"

"Yes, but if you want to supply water for a long time, it is better to repair pipelines and drainage." Liu Jianwei said.

"It doesn't matter, let's bring some water here first. After I green the place, the water and soil will be changed soon, so there is no need to worry about the water source in the future." Ji Zhixi said.

Artis nodded, so Liu Jianwei and others immediately went to the lake to divert water, and Artis found a suitable place and directly opened a big hole, which shocked the animals.

After a while, a large piece of water floated from the sky. That's right, the water came from the sky. These animals were dumbfounded. Do these humans know magic?The sky was about to change, and many animals were scared and hid, raising a cloud of dust.

Artis was immediately blocked by Ji Zhixi, opened the defensive cover, and then led the water into the hole just smashed.

Ji Zhixi injected the power of wood into the water, and then began to spawn. Grass slowly grew from the edge of the hole, and then continued to spread around. All the animals were stunned.

The water flowed into the hole continuously, and then slowly disappeared. The little animals couldn't help but ran out, running with the spreading grass, and some of them rolled and played directly on it.

At this time, the marmots hiding in the ground were startled by the movement, and jumped out of the hole. Looking at the green grass in front of them, they couldn't believe it. They couldn't help but pull out a few and stuffed them into their mouths to chew. It was really grass!

After a long time, the endless grassland was covered with short grasses. The original bushes and native plants were affected and grew very lush. Ji Zhixi also planted many trees and flowers beside the entrance of the cave.

This desert grassland suddenly turned into a meadow grassland. This great change shocked all the animals, and they ran to Ji Zhixi's side one after another, and they all prostrated themselves on the ground, just like when they released the source of life.

They felt the vitality again, and instantly understood who the person in front of them was. When Artis looked at the powerful Ji Zhixi in front of him, he felt both strange and familiar, but he was still a little uneasy. He had to work hard to catch up with her.

He was very afraid that one day she would leave again suddenly. He had to become stronger so that he could always be with her and protect her no matter where he went.

(End of this chapter)

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