Chapter 204 Grassland BBQ
Ji Zhixi was very satisfied with looking at this lush green grassland, it looked really good, and it is estimated that there will be more and more animals soon, and when the time comes, people will dig a river to come over, so there is no need to worry about the water problem.

Soon, many animals ran out and had fun on the grassland, even the animals in the forest ran out.

At this time, many animals and insects flew over from the sky. Even the falcon that had been hunting just now felt very strange. Did he fly to the wrong place?The land was still dry just now, but suddenly it was covered with grass?

It stayed on the tree to observe the surrounding environment, because it had just eaten enough and had no intention of hunting anymore, so other animals also temporarily relaxed.

Seeing that Ji Zhixi stopped and the cave was full of water, Artis sent a message to ask Liu Jianwei and the others to stop.

On the Scar Lion's side, taking advantage of the animals running out, he directly caught a sheep and a deer, and put the prey in front of Ji Zhixi.

Ji Zhixi looked at the prey in front of her, turned her head and said, "Artis, I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time, why don't we roast a whole lamb today?"

Artis frowned and said, "You just woke up, you can't eat something so greasy."

Ji Zhixi patted her chest and said, "No problem, my body is healthier than before! I can eat anything."

Artis couldn't hold back her, so he had to prepare something for barbecue.

Ji Zhixi turned on the live broadcast and saw that everyone was still discussing about Blue Star products enthusiastically. After seeing Ji Zhixi's live broadcast, they all rushed in.

"Hello! Hello everyone! I'm Ji Zhixi. We're on the grassland right now, preparing to roast a whole lamb." Ji Zhixi said.

[Ice Cream: Ah!Young lady!How can you go out to play behind our backs! 】

[Meow: Goddess, your boss is really headstrong, everyone is working hard, but you come out to eat roasted whole lamb? 】

[Human poisoning: The goddess is not doing her job properly, I really want to eat it too! 】

[Qingqing Grassland: Ah!The grassland looks very big and beautiful!When is Blue Star open? 】

[Shadow Master: When will Blue Star start selling meat products?Looking at those vegetables and fruits makes me sad! 】

[Carnivore: Yes, yes, yes!Those of us who don't like meat can't bear to watch you gorge on meat. 】

[What did you say: Ever since I opened the door to eating meat, I can't stop. I also buy meat-flavored nutrient solution, but I almost vomited. 】

[Day and night reversed: Haha!right!Before, there were chicken flavors and spicy rabbit flavors, oh my god!I went straight to gastric lavage. 】

[Beibei Pumpkin: Haha!Those nutrient solution companies must be crazy!As soon as Blue Star products are sold, they will go bankrupt. 】

[Business opportunities are unlimited: If Bluestar products continue to expand, they will definitely go bankrupt, because the price of Bluestar products is not very expensive, and ordinary families can afford them. It is very conscientious, but the quantity is not enough, so everyone still needs to drink nutrient solution. 】

[What's the eldest brother's surname: I heard that many nutrient solution companies have laid off employees, and my friend is worried about finding a job! 】

When Artis slaughtered the sheep and put them on the grill, Liu Jianwei and others also came back.


Ji Zhixi looked at everyone's words, thinking about the possibility of acquiring these nutrient solution companies and renovating them, and then discuss with Uncle and Wen Yan and the others.

"Marshal, let me come! During this period of time, I also learned to cook at the base, and I am good at barbecue." Liu Jianwei said.

"No, Xixi wants to eat my roast." Artis said, Liu Jianwei touched his nose, and turned to see if there was anything else that could help, but he didn't expect this dog food to be everywhere.

[Lady Piao Piao Fist: Ah!My God, eat melons online! 】

[Run up: It should be eating dog food!I didn't expect Marshal Ruthless to have such a side! 】

[Say hello when we meet: Head Liu feels at this moment that I shouldn't be here, so I leave. 】

[Don't make noise in the early morning: ah!Big lion!very scary!Goddess, run! 】

[Where is Second Brother Lan: Is it the first time upstairs to watch the live broadcast?Our goddess is not afraid at all, okay?It should be that the lion is afraid of her. 】

[Doudou: Haha!Upstairs is the truth! 】

The lion caught some wild donkeys, red-footed chickens, serows, etc., and gave one of each to Ji Zhixi, and Ji Zhixi only accepted the red-footed chicken.The rest was given to them, and the lioness and cub immediately devoured it. It had been a long time since they had seen so much food. When they had a full meal, they still couldn't help drooling when they smelled the aroma of roasted whole lamb.

I'm used to eating raw meat, but I didn't expect cooked ones to be delicious. The most important thing is that it's too fragrant. This fragrance makes other carnivores on the grassland eager to move, but they dare not approach it.

On the one hand, there are lions guarding her. Of course, those humans are also very strong. The most important thing is that with that person, they will not hurt her.

While Yatis was roasting the lamb, Ji Zhixi was preparing other ingredients, such as scallion, garlic, noodle sauce, lotus leaf cake, coriander, pepper, fennel, spicy noodles, etc.

Then clean up the haggis, throw it into the pot with the radish to make soup, and then ask Liu Jianwei to kill the red-footed chicken, and prepare to make a large plate of chicken.

Drain the chicken pieces, heat oil in a hot pan, add chopped onion, pepper, dried chili, star anise, and cinnamon to fry until fragrant.

Put chicken nuggets, ginger, and cooking wine and stir-fry until the chicken changes color, then add a spoonful of sugar and stir-fry, so that the chicken is evenly coated with sugar.Then add light soy sauce and dark soy pepper and stir-fry, heat the water to cover the chicken nuggets, simmer over high heat and cook until soft, then add carrots and potato nuggets.

Stir-fry evenly, spread onion cubes and green pepper cubes, cover the pot and simmer until the potatoes are soft, and finally sprinkle with sesame seeds and coriander, and the big plate chicken is ready.Boil a pot of white rice and serve it with roast lamb for perfection.

Artis tore off the best parts, and then gave Ji Zhixi pieces one by one, chopped the lamb chops and put them in front of Ji Zhixi, and let Liu Jianwei and others share the rest.

Ji Zhixi used lotus leaf cakes, sandwiched mutton, put green onions and coriander, spread the sauce on it, and brought it to Artis's mouth.

Artis opened his mouth and bit it. The lamb was roasted just right, tender and juicy. It was served with scallion sauce to remove the smell of the lamb. It was very delicious, "It's delicious, eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold. "

Ji Zhixi took a bite at the place where Artis had just bitten, "Well, it's delicious, this mutton is roasted really well."

Artis was very happy to see Ji Zhixi's contentment, and went to pack a bowl of soup and rice for her and himself, and the others also did their own thing, packed the rice and sat down to eat.

"Oh! It's delicious! It's been a long time since I've eaten such a delicious barbecue, and I feel that every time I eat with Miss Zhixi, it's very good-looking." Liu Jianwei said, and the others nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, do you mean that I look like a special meal?" Ji Zhixi laughed.

Artis looked over, and Liu Jianwei almost choked to death, "Cough, no, what we mean is that the food made by Miss Zhixi is very delicious, Xiao Li and the others haven't learned it yet, so they should continue to learn from Miss Zhixi. "Liu Jianwei said.

"Actually, my cooking skills are mediocre! Everyone's food is better than mine. Maybe it's because you eat food with an empty stomach every time, so it tastes delicious, and it feels different when you eat in the wild." Ji Zhixi said.

Liu Jianwei and others nodded, it is also possible.

Ji Zhixi took a sip of the soup, "Well, Artis, please try it quickly, this soup is not fishy or spicy at all, it's very sweet."

Artis also took a big sip, it was really delicious, and it felt warm and comfortable in his stomach after drinking it.

(End of this chapter)

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