Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 206 The Cat-Eared Girl

Chapter 206 The Cat-Eared Girl

"Miss Xinxin, don't worry, Grandpa Chris will teach you how to dance and make sure you will shine at the ball." Chris said.

"Don't be nervous, you just have to have fun when the time comes, no one dares to say anything." Tang Haotian said.

Tang Xin patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, Xinxin is so smart, dancing will definitely not trouble me."

"When the time comes, we'll just keep the dance party a little simpler. After all, it's mainly about announcing Xixi's identity and Artis's marriage." Xia Jinxuan said.

"That's right, don't put pressure on the child, then we don't need to invite other people, just live broadcast directly." Lisa said, and the others nodded in agreement.

Then he dragged Ji Zhixi upstairs, and after returning to the room, Ji Zhixi couldn't help laughing, "Haha, why is your face so ugly?"

Artis hugged her into her arms and buried her head in the crook of her neck, "Xixi, I can't sleep without holding you."

Although Ji Zhixi is also used to his embrace, there is no way, "Why can't we just sleep together now! You have to be patient."

Artis looked up at her, a gleam flashed in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something, his eyes became more and more fiery, "Oh! What are you thinking? Don't be like this, eh!"

Before Ji Zhixi finished speaking, her mouth was gagged. A kiss that almost melted her made her hands and feet go weak. Fortunately, he hugged her tightly so she didn't slip to the ground.

"Hee Hee, you reminded me, I know what to do, go to bed early! My baby." After finishing speaking, Artis left a soft kiss on her forehead, then turned and went out.

Ji Zhixi was left with a puzzled expression, "What does he want to do?" She always felt that Artis was going to do something big, but no matter what, it shouldn't be a bad thing for her anyway, so she turned and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After everyone dispersed, Artis talked to Lisa for a long time until he was kicked out of the room by Tang Haotian. No matter how big the matter was, he could not affect his wife's rest.

Seeing his father happily hugging his wife back to the room to sleep, and directly shutting the door to Artis, he sighed, he also wanted to hug his wife to sleep.

Came to Ji Zhixi's door, gently stroked the door, Xixi, wait for me, soon we will be able to sleep together legally.

Ji Zhixi thought it would be difficult to fall asleep without the company of Artis, but she didn't expect to lie on the familiar bed, and soon she felt exhausted, and fell asleep slowly, but her hands were still holding the white tiger doll subconsciously.

Artis waited until Ji Zhixi's room became quiet and she heard the sound of deep sleep before leaving.He has to hurry up and prepare, and give Xixi a surprise when the time comes.

The next day Ji Zhixi was woken up by Fluffy's tickle, and when she opened her eyes, it turned out that Tang Xin was secretly scratching her face with her tail.

Ji Zhixi looked at the beautiful girl with cat ears and cat tail in front of her, and couldn't help it, so she threw herself down and rubbed her cat ears.

Tang Xin avoided her clutches, "Ah! Sister-in-law, let me go, my hair is messed up."

"It's messed up and I'll comb it for you later. It turns out that you can still maintain this form. It's too foul! I don't know what Artis's form looks like." Ji Zhixi couldn't help thinking about it.

"Sister-in-law, you are enough! Touch my ear and miss my brother!" Tang Xin said angrily, pulling off her hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't be angry, I'll make you breakfast later, by the way, why did you come to my room so early?" Ji Zhixi pinched her small face and said.

"Hmm! Breakfast is already ready, and it exploded on Starnet when I woke up in the morning, so I want to show you." Tang Xin said.

Ji Zhixi took a closer look, and it turned out that Blue Star's product was on the hot search again. Those who received the product all gave five-star praise after tasting it, and some even got cured after eating it.

Anyway, all kinds of boasting made a wave of advertisements for Bluestar products, which were still free, so more people went to the Bluestar official website to ask for more products.

At this time, she also saw the information on the bracelet. Because of this wave of effects, the communication on Wen Yan's side was blown up, so she wanted to discuss it with her.

She replied a message to Wen Yan, then got up to wash up, "Go wash up first, then have breakfast, and get ready for work."

When Ji Zhixi and Tang Xin came to the dining room, they found that there were all kinds of rich breakfasts on the table.

"Xixi, Xinxin, hurry up and have breakfast. Mom doesn't know what you like to eat, so I've prepared everything. Next time, tell mom what you want to eat." Xia Jinxuan said.

"As long as it is prepared by my mother, I like to eat it." Ji Zhixi said.

Xia Jinxuan patted her head, ouch, what a caring baby, "Then let's have a bowl of porridge first! You ate such greasy food yesterday, and yesterday you said you just woke up and wanted to eat some liquid food, so turn your head to Artis Just taking you to eat barbecue is really not reassuring, do you feel sick to your stomach today?"

"Auntie, it's my fault." Artis suddenly appeared and said.

"It's okay, mom, I want to eat it myself. I am a person with healing power, even if I feel uncomfortable, I will be fine in no time. Don't worry, I am in great health now." Ji Zhixi said.

Ji Chenghan looked at his daughter whose elbow was turned outward and sighed, "Sit down and have breakfast!"

Then Artis obediently sat next to Ji Zhixi, sometimes wiped her mouth, sometimes fed her, it made Ji Chenghan, an old couple, feel nauseous, but Tang Xin was used to it.

"Brother, Blue Star products are all the rage now. Everyone is discussing them on StarNet. Some people even pay a high price to buy from those who snatched them!" Tang Xin said.

"This is expected." Artis said as he ate his breakfast gracefully.

"I'm going to talk to Uncle and Wen Yan about finding a franchisee." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, I'll accompany you later," Artis said.

"Brother, you, the Marshal, push everything to brother Yuxuan all day long, is that really okay?" Tang Xin complained.

"If possible, I'd like to let him take the position of Marshal." Artis said, wiping his mouth.

In this way, he can accompany his Xixi everywhere and do what she wants to do. In fact, after she woke up, he always had the idea of ​​retiring. Just thinking about it, he knew that the royal family could not approve it.

"Okay, young people still have to work hard, I've finished eating, let's go! Father and mother, eat slowly." Ji Zhixi said.

Although he understands what Artis thinks, she also understands what this uniform means to Artis. She hopes to support his choice and let him do what he loves.

"I'm done eating too, uncles and aunts, eat slowly, let's go!" Tang Xin also wiped her mouth and said.

Then the three of them went to the base together, and everyone gathered in the meeting room. Ji Xueqing reported the sales situation, pre-sales situation and after-sales response of Bluestar products yesterday.

"According to the current sales situation, our products are very popular, but the supply is insufficient. However, I think that the sales of the most popular products will still drop after the popularity passes, so we can actually continue to maintain this limited sales. , so that everyone will keep snapping up our products." Ji Xueqing said.

"It seems that my cousin still doesn't understand the original intention of our Blue Star products!" Ji Zhixi said.

(End of this chapter)

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