Chapter 207
Ji Xueqing froze for a moment, original intention?Isn't it just to make money? "What my sister said is that I just came here, and I don't have enough contact and understanding. I hope my sister can clarify my doubts."

"I decided to sell Blue Star products, of course, the first is to make money, the second is to promote and build Blue Star, and the third is to hope that all interstellar people can eat and use Blue Star products."

"That's why our pricing is at civilian prices, and we don't worry about sales popularity, because we will continue to develop and research better products, so what we have to do now is to expand production and integrate Bluestar products into Every corner."

"But judging from the manpower and material resources we spent in the early stage, it is still too slow to expand production in this way, so I want to find a franchisee." Ji Zhixi said.

"Franchisee? Zhixi, you mean to let outsiders join in and let them do it?" Ji Chengxuan asked.

"That's right. Actually, there are many mature teams out there. They don't lack manpower, material resources, funds and channels. They just lack our land and raw materials. So I decided to rent out Blue Star's land and let these franchisees do their own development. .” Ji Zhixi said.

"But didn't we select talents so strictly because we were afraid of Blue Star being destroyed and leaking secrets?" Wen Yan said.

"That's because we were just developing before, and we had to be cautious in the early stage. Now we have mature technology, personnel and other external and internal conditions, so we can do it freely now." Ji Zhixi said.

"I understand. Now our defense system is perfect, our army is very strong now, countries also want to establish diplomatic relations with us, the royal family also supports us, and the interstellar people also hope that we can produce energy. There are no problems in all aspects. , It is indeed possible to attract business, and now even if outsiders come in, we are not afraid."

"It would actually be better for us to hand over the planting side and concentrate on improving abilities, making mechas and potions, so that we are indeed more efficient and beneficial." Wen Yan said.

"Haha! Xiaoyan is right! You recruited so many people just to make mechas! With mechas, our strength will greatly increase, and our soldiers will be guaranteed." Dr. Mu The voice came from the door.

When everyone saw Dr. Mu with thick hair, they didn't realize it for a while. It seems that this hair growth medicine is really effective!

"Dr. Mu, hello, thank you for making the crescent moon for me, I really like it." Ji Zhixi stepped forward and said.

"Haha, little girl, okay, you have good eyesight. I heard that you don't know how to drive a mecha yet? You must study hard! If you don't understand, just ask me." Da Mu said habitually, stroking his head.

"Okay, thank you Dr. Mu, actually I have one more thing to discuss with you." Ji Zhixi said.

"What's the matter?" Da Mu asked.

"I know that current mechas require mental power to drive. I would like to ask, can we develop mechas that ordinary people can pilot?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Girl, you have to know that apart from its high production cost, the reason why a mecha is so precious is its particularity. Only with higher spiritual power can it play its role and reflect its strength. If it is everywhere Mecha, this is worthless." Da Mu said.

"Then if we think about it from another aspect? Think of the mech as a toy that everyone can own. These mechs can have different performances, such as strength, agility, intelligence, etc. Wait, it is not necessary to make advanced mechas, ordinary mechas are also very attractive."

"This will attract more people to continue to exercise hard to drive mechas and develop their potential. Maybe many people can't become supernatural beings, but they can improve their physical and mental strength and develop their potential."

"Moreover, some ordinary mechas can be manufactured and provided to students and ordinary people for training, and it can also increase everyone's interest in participating in mechas."

"If everyone can drive mechas on the battlefield, it will be safer than fighting outside with weapons, right?"

"Now we have sufficient materials, and Star Brad is willing to establish diplomatic relations with us. We have more opportunities to learn technology. We just need to continue to discover more outstanding talents. A technologically strong country and a strong mecha army are just around the corner." Ji Zhixi said.

"Xixi is right. Although we rely on the agricultural economy now, in the final analysis we must rely on strength to stand firm. A strong country and army must be strong through technology," Artis said.

"Hey, your goal is a bit big. I can't take such an important burden on me." Da Mu said while clutching his chest.

"Dr. Mu, don't worry! We will recruit a lot of helpers for you, and the development of mecha talents will be the top priority in the future, and you will be responsible for bringing them out." Wen Yan said.

"You think it's so easy to lead people! Those newcomers haven't pissed me off these few days, one or two are stupid to death." Da Mu said angrily.

"Doctor, you praised Wang Zhi and Feifei yesterday that they are very talented." Dr. Mu's assistant suddenly raised his head from the door.

"Go, go, why are you sneaking around here if you don't work?" Da Mu waved his hand in disgust.

"Sorry to bother everyone, doctor, the third-level mecha core has been made, please take a look." The assistant said.

"What? So fast, it seems that I have some skills. I'll go and have a look, and I'll teach you the rest. Find more smart people and materials for me! You have to manage enough!" After Dr. Mu finished speaking, he followed the assistant and left.

"It would be great if everyone could have a mecha in the future. Even if it's an ordinary mecha, I would like to have one." Wen Yan said with a gleam in his eyes.

Leng Ran looked at Wen Yan's happy face, frowned and thought about whether Dr. Mu could build him a mecha too. It's a bit difficult for advanced ones, but ordinary people should be able to go through the back door.

"Have you ever thought about it, if everyone has a mecha, what if someone uses the mecha to cause trouble? Even if it is an ordinary mecha, its combat effectiveness is still very strong." Ji Xueqing said.

"Cousin is really thoughtful, indeed, what do you think, Artis?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"If you really want to popularize mechas, you will naturally have mecha management methods. At that time, let Minister Li develop a special mecha use program, and only those who have the corresponding mecha operation qualification certificate can own mechas, so that they There's no way to mess around." Artis said, and Ji Zhixi nodded.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Ji Xueqing couldn't say anything more, "Then how do we screen the franchisees? Who can become franchisees? After renting out the land, will only the rent be collected? What about the products grown?"

"Franchisees must first have a good reputation. Anyone with bad records is not allowed. Secondly, anyone within this range can rent. Blue Star is very large, and there are still many things that have not been cultivated. There are also good and bad land. .”

"Those who are willing to endure hardships and stand hard work, but have no assets can rent relatively poor land. We provide seeds. As for the planting situation, it all depends on them."

"We can buy the things we grow, and they can also sell them, but the price can't exceed our price." Ji Zhixi said.

(End of this chapter)

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