Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 208: Learning to Dance

Chapter 208: Learning to Dance
"Will this be a waste? If we cultivated it ourselves, we would definitely do better in terms of efficiency and harvest. If we rent it out to these people, we might not be able to grow much in a year." Ji Xueqing said.

"Actually, I didn't plan to make a lot of money. What I hope is to develop Blue Star and let more people return to Blue Star. I know that there are still many poor people in the Federal Empire who work in the dirtiest and most exhausting jobs." Even if you live, you may not be able to fill your stomach, and life is very difficult."

"It's not necessarily that they are incapable, it's just that they have no place to play, and maybe they can find a suitable job here."

"If they want, they can come to Blue Star. Working here can also improve their lives. As for whether they can make a fortune or not, it depends on their personal ability. If they are given the opportunity, maybe they will surprise us."

"And with our guidance, the things grown will definitely not be bad, so don't worry about this, most of them can be done by machines." Ji Zhixi said.

"With so many people coming to Blue Star all at once, I'm afraid it's easy to cause trouble? I think it's better for us to consolidate our strength." Ji Xueqing said.

"My cousin is right. We have just gone through the battle, and we have lost a lot of people. It is estimated that the troops have not been replenished yet. How about the franchisee's business slow down?" Ji Zhixi looked at Artis and asked.

"You can introduce some excellent companies as the first batch of franchisees. Personally, you can see the situation after joining." Artis said.

"Yes, there must be more problems with personal words. Zhixi's starting point is good, but we try our best to implement it when all conditions are mature."

"For enterprises, they are relatively mature in terms of capital, experience and management, and it is relatively easy to cooperate. You can try it first." Ji Chengxuan said.

"Okay, then I'll leave the selection of these companies to you." Ji Zhixi nodded and said.

"Understood, you just sit comfortably and wait for the results." Ji Chengxuan said dotingly.

Ji Zhixi smiled happily, that's right, she has been a hands-off shopkeeper from beginning to end, she likes this the most, she is so happy to lie win.

Everyone laughed when they saw Ji Zhixi's complacent look, Ji Xueqing was speechless, why did everyone spoil her like this, don't have to do anything, but enjoy the best of everything, even the honor of Blue Star belongs to her, why?
"Okay, Xixi, the matter has been explained, let's learn to dance with me!" Artis said.

"Learning to dance? Zhixi can't dance?" Ji Chengxuan asked.

"Yes, Mom and the others said that they will hold a dance party, but I don't know how to dance, so I just need to hold my feet and learn!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Then go! In fact, dancing is not difficult. Zhixi is so smart, she must learn it quickly." Wen Yan said.

"That's not necessarily true. What if I'm out of coordination?" Ji Zhixi stuck out her tongue and said.

"Haha, don't worry, isn't Artis here? Let him lead you to dance, or just step on him to dance." Ji Chengxuan said, and the others burst out laughing.

Ji Xueqing sneered in her heart. After all, she grew up at the bottom, and she can't even dance. If she made a fool of herself in front of everyone on the day of the dance, everyone would realize that she was not worthy of Artis at all.

Artis brought Ji Zhixi back. This is a dance room, very spacious, with mirrors on the walls, so you can clearly see every movement of yourself.

When she first built these rooms, she thought it was a bit unbelievable, but she didn't expect it to come in handy.

"Hee Hee, come on, let me tell you about the precautions for the dance." Artis pulled her to sit directly on the ground, and carefully gave her a cushion.

"On the day of the dance, your identity will be announced first, and then the protagonist will be asked to dance the opening dance. After the dance, you will be invited to dance non-stop. You just have to refuse." Artis said.

Ji Zhixi nodded, then looked at him, and found that he didn't mean to continue, "Huh? That's it? What are the precautions?"

"There are no other things to pay attention to. You just need to know that I am the only one for your dance partner. Don't worry about the rest, just leave it to me." Artis said confidently.

Ji Zhixi covered her forehead, God, this man's possessiveness is too strong, she seems to have no room to refute.Forget it, I will ask my mother about the precautions for the dance later.

"Okay! Let's learn to dance first! Are you going to teach me yourself?" Ji Zhixi tilted her head and said.

"Of course, your dance partner can only be me." Artis said, "But we can watch the video first to understand."

Artis turned on the audio-visual player, and the two of them looked at the introduction of ballroom dancing in it. In fact, these ballroom dancing were similar to those before the end of the world.

Ji Zhixi watched with gusto, those people danced so beautifully, their movements were very graceful, could she also dance like this?She began to doubt herself.

After watching the teaching video, Artis got up and made a standard invitation, "My beautiful lady, can you dance with me?"

Ji Zhixi put her hand on his, "My honor."

Artis pulled her up and put his arms around her slender waist, "Ballroom dancing can be divided into waltz, tango, foxtrot, quick step and other dances. Let's learn the waltz first."

"Women hold their shoulders, men hold their waists, like this." Artis demonstrated, and Ji Zhixi listened carefully.

"The melody of the waltz dance is smooth and gorgeous, the rhythm is relaxed and lively, and the rhythm is 3/4, 56-60 bars per minute, and each bar is three beats. The first beat is a retake, and the fourth beat is a sub-retake."

"The basic movement is to quickly rotate left and right to complete the skills of turning, tilting, swinging, and lifting."

"Generally, men start from the left and women start from the right, going to the left and back to the right is called a square step forward, and going back to the left and going to the right is called a square step back.

"Turning steps are generally 4 90 degrees to form 360 degrees. The moving feet of the first step must be kept upright, and the lateral movement of the second step must be in line with the direction of movement of the first step."

"Let's have some music first, and practice our steps." Artis said and played the music, which was a kind of slow dance music.

Ji Zhixi was concentrating on staring at her feet, afraid that she would step on his feet later, but she was picked up and stepped on his feet directly.

Ji Zhixi put her arms around Artis' neck, "Don't make trouble, he is studying hard!"

"Uncle is right, it's faster to learn this way, don't stare at your feet, follow the beat of the music, and feel my movement." Artis said, and then jumped up to the music.

One, two, three to the left, one, two, three to the right, one, two, three to the left, one, two, three feet together, back to the left, forward to the right, horizontal right, feet together, and turn around. Let Ji Zhixi feel it.

Just like this, dancing with someone in her arms over and over again, Ji Zhixi discovered for the first time that a man can also dance so gracefully, despite his usual cold appearance, he never thought that when he danced, he was actually a bit sexy.

Just when she was staring at him in a daze, she was awakened by a hot kiss, and after being let go, she looked at Artis with a flushed face, "What are you doing!"

"Someone is not serious about studying, so I have to give some punishment. If you lose your mind later, you will continue to be punished." Artis said with a smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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